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Love Me (Coopers Creek #1)

Page 8

by Bronwen Evans

  Chase said, “If I were you, if she does feel the same way, I’d take the second chance you’ve been given. Beg her forgiveness and give it another go. I’ve never seen you so happy and content as you were with Emily. She’s a wonderful woman and you’d be a goddamn idiot not to give it another chance. But one word of warning. Don’t start something if you’re not sure. Ric will never forgive you if you hurt his sister. That’s my advice to you. What you do with it is up to you.”

  “Thanks, Chase.”

  “No sweat, good buddy. Well, I’m off to rest up,” Chase said, yawning. “Might be a long night.”

  Tyler chuckled at his roguish grin. “Have a good time.”

  “Always. Later, bro.”


  Tyler hung up, turned the TV back on, finding Sports Center, and laid down on the couch. He spent the rest of the evening thinking about the situation with Emily and catching up on some scores. Eventually, he fell asleep there and once again dreamt of Emily.

  Chapter Nine

  “Where are we on those figures for the Davenport Group?” Tyler asked Paul Novak the next day at their daily meeting.

  “Just finished them up this morning,” Paul said. “They should be in your email.”

  Tyler pulled up his email on his tablet and scrolled through his inbox. “Nope.”

  “Damn it,” Paul said. “Let me send them again.”

  Tyler asked, “Thanks, I need them ASAP.”

  His irritation with Paul had been growing for the past week. Paul was sixty-four and was just trying to coast along until his retirement in a couple of months. Just like Tyler’s father, Paul wanted the money for doing nothing.

  Paul’s craggy face took on an offended expression. “I do have them. I just resent them.”

  Tyler checked and saw the email now. “Let’s go over Trevor Johnson’s concerns about the cash flow projection. The advertisement Chase’s team created doesn’t match. We can bring Chase in on Skype. Doreen, do you mind connecting with him while I look at Paul’s report?”

  Doreen, an attractive blonde woman in her forties smiled. “I never mind connecting with Chase. He’s just so damn adorable.”

  The people gathered laughed at her statement. Soon Chase appeared on the big screen on the other side of the board room.

  “Get Ric on there, too, if he’s available, please,” Tyler said as he scanned Paul’s report.

  “Goodness, oh my. Chase, what a pretty picture!” Doreen said.

  Chase laughed. “Why, thank you, darlin’.”

  Glancing up, Tyler groaned at seeing Chase’s chiseled chest. “I thought yesterday was Creative Day? Why don’t you have clothes on?”

  “I’m wearing khaki shorts and flip-flops, for your information,” Chase said. “It’s too nice a day to sit in a stuffy board room in a suit. Look at this.”

  Their view changed as Chase got up and walked closer to the edge of the roof. He turned his laptop around and soon a gorgeous vista of waving palm trees and blue ocean came into sight.

  “Now, I ask you, if you could look at that and smell the salty sea air, would y’all waste time indoors if y’all didn’t have to?”

  Several collective sighs and comments about being jealous rippled through the conference room as Ric appeared on the split screen next to Chase. Chase had turned his laptop back around so that he could be seen.

  “Hi, everyone,” Ric said, waving. “I see that Chase is wearing his usual snazzy attire.”

  Laughter and smart ass comments were thrown about.

  Whenever his partners were involved in meetings, things had a way of getting out of control. It was like the way kids acted up whenever a teacher left the classroom. Tyler got their attention again.

  “Okay, okay. Can we focus here? Chase, stop showing us your ass and sit on it!” Tyler said. “We just need to refocus the prospectus graphics to match the new cash flow.”

  Just as things were quieting down, Tyler’s assistant, Drew, came into the room. Tyler wondered at his pale face and tense demeanor.

  “Mr. Jeffries, may I speak with you, please? It’s of the utmost importance,” he said in his British accent.

  Seeing that Drew was serious, Tyler asked Ric to take over the meeting for him and followed Drew out into the hall.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  Drew said, “You need to call Emily right away. There’s been an emergency with Hayley at school.”

  Alarm shot through Tyler and his heart slammed against his chest wall. “What kind of an emergency?”

  “She didn’t elaborate, sir,” Drew said, his dark eyes full of sympathy.

  “Shit! Why didn’t she call me directly?” He patted his pockets, but didn’t come up with his phone. “Damn it. I forgot my phone in my office. Okay. Let everyone know that I have to make a call. I’ll tell Ric and Chase what’s going on when I’ve spoken to Emily,” he said, maintaining a calm façade while fear ate at him inside. “I’ll let you know what’s happening as soon as I have some information.”

  “Please do, sir,” Drew said.

  Tyler nodded and went to his office, shutting and locking the door behind him. He snatched his phone off his desk, hit Emily’s icon on his phone, and waited for her to pick up.


  Emily sat in the waiting room in the Emergency Department of the Cooper’s Creek Medical Center. She wrapped her arms around her middle, trying to quell the trembling inside. The doctors wouldn’t let her back with Hayley yet, which didn’t help her anxiety.

  As soon as she’d gotten the call from the Principal Mr. Travers, Emily had rushed to the ER. However, she didn’t have much information outside of the fact that Hayley had fallen off the monkey bars and hit her head.

  Her phone rang, making her jump. Her hand shook as she answered Tyler’s incoming call. “Tyler, you have to come right away. They won’t tell me anything because I’m not Hayley’s legal guardian.”

  Tyler said, “I’m on my way right now. What happened?”

  “She hit her head when she fell off the monkey bars. All I know is that they’re running tests.”

  “Shit. Okay. I’ll call the ER and call you right back.”

  “All right.”

  Emily hung up and took a big breath as she swiped at a tear. She had to stay calm. Hearing Tyler’s voice had helped, but only a little. Her legs bounced rapidly up and down and she couldn’t sit still. Just as she started pacing, Brooke came into the waiting room.

  “I came as soon as you texted,” she said. “It’s not my department, so they won’t tell me anything. Dr. Zimmerman is a stickler about HIPPA.”

  Emily shook her head. “It’s okay. Thanks for trying. She has to be all right, Brooke. I love her so much. I can’t lose her as well….”

  Brooke hugged her. “She will be, sweetie. It’ll be all right.”

  “You’re right,” Emily said, pulling away. “The waiting is the hardest thing. Tyler’s on the phone with the doctors right now. He’s going to call me.”

  “I’m glad you were able to get through to him,” Brooke said.

  Emily nodded. She quickly answered her phone when it rang. “What did they say?”

  Brooke reached over and tapped the speaker button since there was no one else in the waiting room at the moment.

  Tyler cleared his throat. “When she fell, she hit her head on one of bars as she went down.”

  Emily closed her eyes and put a hand to her forehead as that horrible image rose in her mind. Brooke put an arm around her shoulders.

  “All of her imaging came back normal, but the doctor said that she has a concussion. They’re going to admit her for a couple of days for observation. I also told them that in my absence you’re Haley’s guardian, and that they must let you see Hayley or tell you what is going on.” Tyler said.

  Emily knew how formidable Tyler could be and she felt a little sorry for whomever he’d talked to. “I’m so relieved that it wasn’t worse.”

  “Yeah, me, too.
Those kinds of injuries can be tricky with anyone, but especially with kids. They’ll let you back to see her shortly. I’ll be there in about forty-five minutes.”

  “Okay. Tyler, be careful driving while you’re upset. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me. Take care of our girl until I get there. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Okay. Bye.”

  As she hung up, Brooke gave her a quizzical look. “Our girl? What’s going on with you two?”

  Emily blushed. “Nothing, really. Let’s go see Hayley.”

  Brooke didn’t respond, but the look she gave Emily said that she wasn’t going to let her off the hook.

  Emily sighed. “I still love him, Brooke. I never stopped. I know I should’ve, but haven’t been able to let go.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know,” Brooke quipped as she sat in a chair. “I don’t understand why you still love him after the way he hurt you.”

  Brooke was the only one in Emily’s life who knew the truth about why she and Tyler had broken up.

  Emily sat beside her and shook her head. “I think it’s because I know that that’s not who he really is. I knew Tyler before his world imploded. When his father lost everything they owned, the ranch, the house they grew up in, Tyler tried to shoulder everything to protect Lizzie and his mother. Tyler felt such shame. His father was a criminal and was sent to jail. He’s always been driven and tough in school and business, so scared of being left with nothing once again. He blames himself for Lizzie’s death because he thinks he failed her. He is hardest of all on himself.”

  Brooke pursed her lips. “If you say so. I didn’t really know him back then, so all I’ve seen is what a bastard he can be.

  “The card’s life has dealt him makes him appear tough on the outside. He’s had a lot to deal with in his life and Lizzie was like the straw that broke the camel’s back.” Emily smiled. “When we were together as a couple, and even before that, he was warm and playful. He can be very sweet and thoughtful.”

  Brooke gave her a skeptical glance.

  “He really can be,” Emily insisted. “He’s so funny with Hayley. Before Maggie died, he was never around her full-time. He’s had a crash course in parenting. I have to say that I’m impressed with how quickly he’s learning. He’s nothing like his father. His father was the life and soul of the party but it was all show. Jack Jeffries cared about no one but himself. Tyler worries and cares about everyone. That’s why he’s so serious all of the time. He’s so worried about letting everyone down. He tries to be everything his father wasn’t—reliable, secure, successful.” She sighed and her eyes filled with tears. “He has lost so much and if he lost Hayley….the little girl has him wrapped around her little fingers.”

  Brooke grinned. “That little girl has a lot of people wrapped around her little finger.”

  Emily sighed. “I know. She just has to be okay.”

  “She will be, honey,” Brooke said. “She’s a tough little girl.”

  “Yes, she is. She’s had to be,” Emily said. “With so much loss it’s a wonder she’s so well-adjusted.”

  “That’s because she has you and Tyler. Maybe I don’t like him very much, but Hayley does, so there must be some good in him somewhere,” Brooke commented.

  “There’s a lot of good in Tyler. This past month, I’ve seen glimpses of the man I fell in love with all those years ago. He’s still in there, Brooke. And he’s even more gorgeous than he was then. More mature, I guess. I’m more attracted to him than ever,” Emily said.

  “I’ll give him that. Tyler’s a pretty tasty morsel,” Brooke said.

  Emily laughed. “Yes, he is. Prepare yourself for a shock.”

  Brooke pretended to brace herself. “I’m ready.”

  Emily lowered her voice. “He’s still really attracted to me, too. We almost had sex yesterday morning.”

  Brooke gasped and gave her a wide-eyed glance. “Oh, God. What stopped you?”


  “Is that why you looked so funny when I came over?”


  Brooke laughed for a few moments. “Oh, shit. No wonder he was cranky. Are you mad or glad that I interrupted you?”

  “I wasn’t happy at the time, but I’m glad now because we have a lot to sort out before I want to get intimate with him again. I can’t just be a convenience for the next twelve months. I want more,” Emily said.

  Brooke giggled. “You deserve more.”

  “So does he.” Emily sent her a cheeky smile. “Perhaps we’ve both grown up.”

  “Let’s focus on Hayley for now.”

  Emily said, “Yes, we have to concentrate on Hayley right now.”

  Brooke nodded. “That’s probably smart.”


  A nurse entered the waiting room. “Are you Miss Stanford?”

  Emily got to her feet. “Yes.”

  The nurse smiled. “Let’s get you back to see Hayley, okay?”

  Emily eagerly followed her, impatient to see the little girl who was such a part of her now.

  Chapter Ten

  “She’s been sleepy off and on, but that’s not uncommon,” Dr. Zimmerman said as she stood with Emily and Brooke outside of Hayley’s ER room. The doctor looked to be around sixty. Her wavy brown hair contained strands of silver and crows’ feet crinkled around her blue eyes as she gave Emily a small smile.

  “She’s also on oxygen and pain meds. We stitched up a laceration on the right side of her head, so she has a bandage. We had to shave away her hair from the area, of course.”

  “I understand,” Emily said. “Did she lose consciousness?”

  “Only for about a minute. It’s best for her to be monitored since she’s having some dizziness. There’s nothing wrong with her speech and she remembered being on the monkey bars at school. As far as I can tell, there’s no trouble with her cognitive abilities. We’ll get her moved upstairs shortly. You can sit with her until then.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Zimmerman,” Emily said before going into Hayley’s room.

  Hayley lay in a bed with her head somewhat elevated. Emily put a hand to her mouth as she saw the child whom she was coming to regard as a daughter lying there. She had a couple of scrapes on her right cheek and she was a little pale. She looked so small and fragile and Emily’s heart squeezed at the sight.

  Going over to the bed, Emily bent over Hayley. Cautiously, she picked up Hayley’s little hand and kissed it. “Hey, sweet girl. How are you feeling?”

  “My head hurts,” Hayley said. “I was scared of that camera thing.”

  Emily sat down on the bed with her. “There’s nothing to be scared of. They just needed to take a picture of your head. Everything is going to be fine. You’re going to stay here for a couple of days just so they can keep an eye on you. I’ll be here with you and Uncle Tyler is on his way, too.”

  “Okay. Can I have some ice cream?” Hayley asked.

  Emily and Brooke laughed.

  “I’d say she’s not feeling too bad if she wants ice cream,” Brooke commented.

  Dr. Zimmerman said, “They’ll get her a meal just as soon as they get her settled upstairs.”

  “Thank you, Doctor,” Emily said.

  “You’re welcome.” Dr. Zimmerman left to examine another patient.

  It wasn’t long before an orderly came to take Hayley to her room. As Emily followed behind them, she texted Hayley’s room number to Tyler. Even though she was worried about Hayley, her heart was filled with anticipation to see Tyler again.

  Having admitted to Brooke that she still loved him, she felt a sense of freedom about it. But what would he say? Did he feel the same way or would he reject her again? Emily hoped that she wouldn’t have to wait long to find out.


  Tyler kept to the speed limit in the areas where he knew the cops laid in wait for speeders, but otherwise he pushed the Beast up to seventy-five. He wanted to go faster, but he kne
w that would be too reckless. He couldn’t be there for Hayley if he got in an accident.

  Arriving at the hospital in Cooper’s Creek, he hurriedly parked and jogged to the main entrance. He took the elevator to the second floor and strode quickly to room 228. The door was partially shut, so he slowly pushed it open and spied Hayley in the bed.

  Such strong love and protectiveness rose up in Tyler that it brought tears to his eyes as he thought how small she looked in the big bed. She had a bandage on the right side of her head and a few scrapes on her cheek. Once again he thought that she was too little to go out into the big, bad world all by herself.

  Her eyes were closed and her mouth was a little slack as she slept. Tyler stepped quietly into the room, his gaze finding Emily, who sat up near the head of the bed on the other side. Chase’s words came back to him as he looked into her hazel eyes. Did she still love him? Would she give him a second chance? It was a huge surprise to him that he wanted that so badly.

  Emily rose and motioned for them to step out of the room. Tyler thought that Emily looked hotter in jeans and a deep purple cable-knit sweater than any lingerie model.

  They went out into the hallway and pulled the door almost shut.

  “How’s she doing?” he asked.

  “She’s been resting comfortably. She’s had some dizziness, but she seems oriented to place and time. Her head hurts, of course, but other than that, she seems all right. She had ice cream with her turkey sandwich and carrot sticks, so at least she has an appetite,” Emily replied.

  Tyler’s shoulders sagged in relief. “Thank God.” Without thinking, he put his arms around Emily and pulled her closer. “I was scared to death. I can’t lose anyone else… This is the part about being a parent that sucks.”

  Emily didn’t resist his embrace, instead nestling closer and putting her arms around his waist. “I know, but the rest of it is pretty wonderful.”

  Tyler stroked her soft hair. It was fragrant with some sort of tropical flower scent that tantalized his senses. “You’re right. Once I moved to New York, I didn’t picture myself having kids—at least not for a while, anyhow. But being with Hayley? I can’t imagine my life without her now.”


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