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The Daughter Trilogy Bundle

Page 3

by C. M. Owens

  "I think this is good enough," I murmur as uninvited chills consume me.

  Wow, he's gorgeous. His soft hair dances carelessly on his brow, and his eyes dare me to come closer. He takes my hand, and I feel no strength enabling me to pull away. I go willingly with the sexy as hell stranger into the diner.

  We sit down and a waitress almost trips when she sees the beautiful creature opposite me.

  "Can I… um… take your body… I mean your order?" she stammers out.

  I roll my eyes and look up to see his dark blue eyes staring at me. They look different than they did earlier. Now they look like the deep ocean on a windy day. I could have sworn they were a completely different color of blue, but the lighting at the club wasn't too helpful. I could be wrong.

  He speaks to her while never leaving our gaze.

  "We'll take two of your specials and two cups of coffee," he says assertively.

  She lingers around as if she's waiting for him to pay her an ounce of attention. Finally, she scurries off to put in our orders when he doesn't offer her another breath.

  "So you're the kind of guy who just orders for a girl without first asking what she likes?" I ask, trying to sound agitated, but lacking true conviction.

  "I'm the kind of guy who knows what a girl likes without having to ask," he says with such a tempting, seductive tone.

  Mmm. Crap. I'm so far out of my league.

  This guy is an Olympic swimmer, and I'm still splashing around in the kiddy pool.

  "So you're a playboy?" I muse in an effort to douse the flames between us.

  He bursts out laughing and releases me from his smoldering hold. Whew. Now I can breathe again.

  "No. Not at all. I'm an excellent observer. You requested coffee at the club, and they didn't serve it. The waitress told me. Your friend requested pancakes, and you were ready for them. So I gathered you like them as well."

  "Where were you?" I ask curiously, all else suddenly forgotten.

  "There's a private corner I requested after Bob left. I had a clear view of you, but you were unable to find me, despite your best attempts to do so," he murmurs with the seduction returning to his tone as his eyes daringly hold mine captive again.

  “Oh. You saw me? That's a little embarrassing," I grumble while slumping down in the booth.

  "It shouldn't be. I wanted you to look for me so I'd know whether or not I was pursuing a lost cause. I was enjoying your relentless eyes."

  Oh he is so… No. I can't do this. I'm falling for this perfect piece of man, and I have to go home tomorrow. I start to tell him the truth, including my name, but the waitress returns with our food.

  I'm hungrier than I realize when I taste the first bite. The sweet syrup does well to glue my mouth shut, and it prevents me from revealing anything.

  We eat in a comfortable silence. His eyes find mine on occasion and my stupid grin slips free too many times.

  As soon as we finish, he takes my hand and pays at the counter without releasing me from his grip. It feels like we're on a date, and I am completely dumbfounded by his perfection.

  We walk outside to see the animated nightlife of New York once more, and he holds the door to his car open for me. I can't spend another minute with him because I'm dangerously close to launching myself at him.

  "Thanks, but I can catch a cab from here. There's one just over there, and it's late. I'm sure you've got more important things to do than escort me back to my hotel."

  He closes the door and props against it, disappointment suddenly weighting his posture.

  "I've got nowhere to be," he mutters almost sadly. "So I was right. You're not from the city. Where do you live?"

  "Frankford, Connecticut," I blurt out without hesitance, and then I wince for the slip up.

  Oh crap. I just told him a truth!

  "That's not too far," he says as though he's mapping out the distance in his head, possibly weighing a larger potential for a relationship.

  "It's pretty far," I say quickly in an attempt to squash any hypothetical plots rattling around in his head. "I have to leave at noon tomorrow."

  His eyes look saddened by my revelation. His hand pulls mine to him, and suddenly my body is pressed against his. I should pull back, but I can't. He's too close to me, and I'm burning up. His firm physique makes me question my sanity as my fantasies begin running wild. Visions of his expensive suit being ripped off his body cloud my better judgment.

  I've never felt so… drawn to someone. I've never felt so helplessly lost in someone's eyes.

  His hands burn against my back, and suddenly there are velvety lips massaging mine. His incredible scent overwhelms my nose and my hands slide up his arms to the back of his neck as I succumb to the delicious kiss.

  He grips me tighter, and my lower half tightens against his. The kiss deepens with every passing second, and he finally releases me.

  "Stay with me tonight," he says softly.

  "I don't even know you," I mumble in forced protest, my whole body still trembling under his delicious breath.

  "There's only one way to remedy that," he says, but he doesn't give me a chance to object again.

  He pulls my face back to his, and the kiss takes hold of me in the most surreal, unprecedented manner. I've never felt such energy, and now I know how a power line feels from the inside.

  He opens the door and backs me into the car while reluctantly withdrawing from the kiss.

  What am I doing? You're having a one night stand, you slut.

  He climbs in quickly, and pulls into traffic without even looking.

  Mmm. He's definitely into me right now.

  We bypass my hotel as he heads further uptown. He finally slows down when we reach a huge, sky-scraping work of art. The curved metal entrance offers absolute intimidation.

  A valet runs up, but Devin dismisses him from my door and hands him the keys. Devin then opens my door and takes my hand in his. Our fingers intertwine, and I'm almost sick as we walk to the door - my nerves suddenly wadding up in a tight knot.

  A doorman quickly takes the opportunity to suck up.

  "Hello, Mr. Cole. Did you have a pleasant evening?"

  "I did. Thank you," Devin says with a smirk, and his eyes deliberately catch mine.

  He pulls me through the doors, and the elevator dings for us to step in. He smiles as he enters his code, and the box holding us begins its ascent. I can feel it almost take my already queasy stomach as it rushes us to his apartment.

  Crap, crap, crap. I can't do this. Can I?

  His lips storm mine and I'm quickly scouring his perfect body with my hands, my thoughts scattered into oblivion. My back hits the wall as his hips pin me. His breath tastes of syrup and perfection.... and the sea... oddly enough. It's divine.

  I'm swept up in his exaggeratedly delicious scent, and I'm trembling under his soft, luscious lips. They scale down my neck as his hands grip my sides, and I moan slightly from the incredible sensations awakening from their year long slumber.

  The elevator dings, and he scoops me up. Our kiss continues with a desperate desire driving us both.

  This is crazy. This is worse than crazy. Oh, I'm such a slut.

  Something shatters as we crash from one surface to the next. I've never felt so out of control before.

  I'm usually a little more conservative in the bedroom, but considering we haven't even made it to the bedroom yet… oh hell… I'm officially a slutty fool.

  He grips me tighter as we cross the threshold to a new room, and I feel a bed beneath me almost instantly. He unzips the dress and swiftly slides it over my head.

  I can feel my lacy underwear sliding down my legs as he slows his pace and extends the teasing sensation. My bra offers him no difficulty - proving he's an expert.

  I slide his jacket off his shoulders and hear it clap against the sleek floors. I almost rip his shirt off, and it joins the jacket quickly.

  His belt kicks my ass though. I'm all thumbs as I scramble to figure out the complicat
ed, unique design. He laughs a little through our kiss and rips it free for me. His pants offer less of a struggle, and I kick them off of him with my feet while feeling his incredible self between my legs.

  His strong, toned body slides against mine, awakening every bit of the sex-deprived beast within. His lips play across my chest, and I moan a little more as I clinch the soft, satin sheets beneath me. His lips cover mine once more, and I can feel my desire pouncing.

  He jerks my head back and kisses the front of my neck with silky finesse. I wiggle beneath him as the sensations become even more drenched in desire. His immaculate body offers nothing but more temptation, sending me spiraling through a tunnel of need.

  He stares into my eyes as though he's known me forever, and for a minute, I forget he's a complete stranger. I feel connected, engaged, and entangled in his wonderful web. His eyes carry danger and protection at once. They bear a mystery, but reveal honesty as well. I can't help but give in to him.

  His breath is steady, even, and not the least bit rattled. Mine is raspy, exaggerated, and damn near gasping for the next bit of air. I've never felt so incredibly entranced in all my life, and at the same time, I've never felt my body so languid, weak, and immobile.

  I look at the clock and see why I'm so exhausted. We've been at it for over two hours. He doesn't look tired at all, and I'm a frigging wreck.

  He pulls me tighter into his embrace, and his soft lips find mine in a sweeter, less devouring kiss. I'm uncertain of how to proceed. I absolutely cannot go for round... oh hell, I lost count. I've never had a one-night stand before. Am I supposed to leave now?

  I hope not. I can't move. My body is completely done for the night. He pulls me tighter into his arms, and that's all the reassurance I need. My eyes close before I can fight the sleepiness taking me down.

  Chapter 2

  Bringing Your Prey to You

  I wake up in the strange, white, glorious room I never even glanced around last night. I cringe as I feel the warm arms of the incredibly gorgeous stranger still draped around me. I stare at his peaceful, sleeping face, and I instantly find it nearly impossible to leave.

  Drat. This is a mess.

  Very cautiously, I use skilled strategic maneuvers to wiggle free without waking him up. I tiptoe across the vast room and retrieve my dress, underwear, bra, and shoes. I glance at the enormous bathroom just to the right, and pray there's another one in this huge penthouse. I really don't want to risk waking him.

  I continue my tiptoeing steps to the bathroom I find down the hall.

  Very quickly, I throw my clothes on and finger comb my wild hair. I go through the motions of making myself presentable to the outside world, praying it lessens the scrutiny I'll receive on my way out.

  My heels that gave me grief the night before are clutched in my hand as I make my way to the front of the apartment. There's a large vase shattered in the floor with flowers loosely tossed around from their fallen perch.

  Oh no. I hope that wasn't expensive.

  I carefully cross over the scattered remnants, and press the elevator button.

  Come on. Come on, I silently beckon.

  "I can send someone out to get you something else to wear," Devin's calm voice says from behind me.


  My heart leaps into my throat, and my whole face heats up with embarrassment for my botched getaway attempt.

  I slowly turn to face him, and the shivering invades me. He's propped against the wall, and he's wearing such low pants that reveal the body I couldn't fully appreciate in the dark.

  Holy hot guy. He's magnificent.

  Each exquisite line of his abdomen is defined with a lean definition. Those salaciously sculpted lines on his hips almost make my mouth water, and I actually forget to breathe. I finally snap out of the foolish trance, and my eyes pop back up to find his.

  "That's okay. I'll change at the hotel," I say with a touch of humiliation for my scandalous affair.

  "I don't mind. There's a wonderful concierge service I pay top dollar for and rarely use. Please let me have someone bring you something to wear."

  "Really, I'm fine. I just need to go," I huff out.

  The elevator dings, and I almost jump into it, grateful for the salvation it brings. He's suddenly there - his hands holding the doors open. How did he get here so quick? He was all the way across the room.

  My breath hitches when I see his smoldering stare daring me to go another round with him. I don't think I'm physically able, even though I desperately want to try.

  "Please stay for a little while longer. I'll send for breakfast. I'd like to know a little more about you," he softly pleads.

  I sigh a little, and he joins me in the elevator when the alarm begins to sound from the doors being held open too long. Someone below apparently sends for it, because it starts its descent. His lips find mine, and my shoes drop to the ground so my hands can fully feel this incredible creature's body. The kiss intensifies, and I'm thankful I rinsed my mouth with his guest bathroom's mouthwash.

  "Stay with me," he whispers.

  The door dings, telling me I've reached the ground - and reality - and we're joined by a curious older couple.

  "I can't. I have to go. You're too damn… I have to go," I say with such obvious reluctance.

  "I want to see you again," he yells from the elevator.

  "I'll call you," I mumble just as he disappears behind the closing doors.

  Holy shit. That was a disaster. I need to take stealth lessons. I suck at being a one-night stand.

  I pull on my shoes and ignore all the judgmental eyes casting their glaring disapproval like daggers at me as I walk through the lobby. I keep my head down and let my hair shield me from the brutal whispers.

  I start walking, and realize I never got my purse out of the limo. Great. Now I have to walk in six inch heels all the way to the hotel. I don't even know which direction to go. I remember passing it, but I don't remember which way we went.

  Everyone is staring at my obvious walk of shame. This dress was meant for the nightlife of New York. In the daytime, I just look like a cheap prostitute.

  A black sedan pulls up in front of me and the driver's window rolls down.

  "Ms. Smith?"

  I huff lightly while grumbling in more embarrassment. "Yes. That’s me."

  He quickly hops out of the car and opens the back door for me. I climb in appreciatively, and I realize Devin is even more incredible than I gave him credit for being.

  "Mr. Cole requested I take you to your hotel."

  "Thanks. I'm at the Waldorf that's right around here somewhere," I rattle out a little shamefully.

  "Yes ma'am."

  I stare out the darkly tinted window, thankful no one can see in. He was thoughtful enough to get a car around to me. He did it very quickly too. Why am I leaving like this?

  Because he's the kind of guy you'll fall in love with and have your heart smashed to pieces all over again.

  I keep my shameful eyes buried in the floor mats of the elegant car until he pulls in front of my hotel.

  "I'm sorry, if you'll wait just a minute I'll go grab my purse," I say with embarrassment for a lack of tip.

  "That won't be necessary," he says while climbing out and opening my door. "Mr. Cole told me if I took any money from you it would be at the cost of my job. He'll reward me handsomely. No need to fret."

  Oh crap. He threatened a guy's job?

  "Sorry," I mumble.

  "No need for that either ma'am," he says with a smirk.

  I climb out of the car and quickly walk into the lobby. I see the man I’ve grown very acquainted with during our short visit. He's the desk clerk, and he has got a huge crush.

  "Hello Ms. Titan. How can I help you?" he says with a boyish, giddy tone.

  "I kind of lost my key."

  "No problem. I'll get you one right away."

  I smile as he hands it to me and, I quickly hop in the elevator before it closes. I press the button for m
y floor and wait impatiently aboard the elevator full of scolding eyes. One woman actually snorts out her distaste, and I can feel her eyes burning against my short red dress.

  She starts off the elevator and I wave very exaggeratedly, goading her.

  "Have a great day," I snark.

  She snorts her disgust once more and strides away in her business dress suit. I laugh a little until I realize everyone else is still assessing my unladylike daytime attire.

  Oh good grief. Yes, I had sex with some random, hot as hell, mouthwateringly delicious stranger. Get the fuck over it.

  I'm relieved as one by one they all filter out. I'm even more relieved when it's my turn. I take off the dreadful shoes, and carry them the rest of the way to my door. I creep inside and hope no one is up, but that hope is quickly obliterated as Clara rounds the corner, rubbing her aching head.

  "Please tell me we haven't drunk all the coffee. I need it," she pleads with her scratchy throat.

  I quietly ditch my shoes and walk to the kitchen while murmuring, "I'll check for you."

  I almost think I've gotten away with it, when Clara finally realizes what's going on.

  "You did it. You're still in your dress. Oh thank God," she exclaims dramatically, giggling directly after. "Give me details. Rich? Hot in bed? Bad in bed? What's the scoop?"

  She sits eagerly at the counter, her headache forgotten, and her eyes begging.

  I sigh out in defeat, "Rich, yes. Hot in bed, very. That's about it."

  "No. That can't be it. This was your first one-night stand, unless you're planning on seeing him again."

  I'm not sure if she's asking a question or making an observation.

  "I'm not seeing him again. I just want a shower right now," I grumble as I finish putting the coffee on.

  "That's because you've been doing something dirty," she teases.

  I roll my eyes at the juvenile joke.

  "Yes I have. I've also learned that I'm not one-night stand material. I didn't know they followed you out the door."

  "Whoa, what?" she says while jumping from the barstool and following me.


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