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Haunted General ePub

Page 7

by Shirleen Davies

  “You need to leave.”

  Ghost stilled, the words not quite resonating. “What?”

  She gripped his hands, tugging them from around her before sitting up. “Leave. Go to your own cabin.”

  Scrubbing a hand down his face, he leveraged up on an elbow. “Is that what you want?” Her instant hesitation gave him the real answer. Biting her lower lip, she rolled off the bed, crossing her arms over her naked breasts.


  A moment of absolute clarity passed over him.

  Dani wasn’t going to allow him to hurt her again. This time, she would be the one to take her pleasure before casting him out.

  Smart girl.

  Standing, he stalked to the bathroom, removing the evidence of their short time of passion. Grabbing his pants, he stabbed his legs inside before slipping into his boots and snagging his t-shirt off the floor. Sliding it on, he turned to face her.

  “Are you sure about this?” He didn’t miss the flash of hesitation before she gave a slow nod.

  “Yes.” Lifting her chin, Dani squared her shoulders, unconcerned about her state of undress. “I’m up for a couple more rounds before you leave for Liberty Lake on Friday. If you are, let me know.”

  Walking to her closet, she grabbed a short, cotton robe. Tying the belt, she forced a smile before turning back toward him.

  Studying the taut lines around her eyes and mouth, he fought the urge to pull her into his arms. “Whatever you want, sweetheart. This time, it’s all up to you.”

  Her eyes flashed a moment as his words sank in. Did he believe this time meant more than the last? Did he want it to mean more? Dani had to remember this was Tucker “Ghost” Robertson, a man who protected his impenetrable heart without thought to others.

  Shaking away the fantasy this could turn into something more serious, she brushed past him toward the front door. Wrapping a damp hand over the knob, she yanked it open. “I’ll let you know.”

  Staring at her, he reminded himself he’d offered her less when kicking her out of his place. Leaning down, he brushed a kiss across her lips. “You do that, darlin’.” Stepping outside, he took several paces away before hearing the soft click of her door, followed by the deadbolt slipping into place.

  Walking the path to his cabin, he noticed the light still burning. He didn’t relish trying to explain where he’d been to Rock and Raider. They’d get a good laugh knowing Dani had kicked him out. One thing they would all agree on—he didn’t deserve anything she offered. Not her time, training, or access to her spectacular body.

  Sucking it up, he reached for the knob. His fingers hadn’t wrapped around it before the cement step vibrated and an explosion several buildings away rocked him sideways. Catching himself, he whirled around at the same instant another explosion destroyed a second wall of the same building.


  Pivoting, he reached for his gun, only to remember he’d left it by his bed. The door to his cabin flew open, Rock and Raider storming outside.

  “You may need this.” Rock handed Ghost his Beretta M9 9mm pistol as a third explosion ripped through the cloudless night. “Fuck. We need to move.”

  “I have to find Dani.” Retracing his steps, he tore around a corner, dropping to a knee and aiming his pistol at the sound of boots on the pavement. “Halt!” The terse command came seconds before Dani stopped feet away. No weapon except her lethal knowledge of Krav Maga, which wouldn’t help if the assailant held a gun.

  “What happened?”

  Grabbing her around the waist, he wheeled her next to him in the direction of the carnage. “Three explosions in the same building.”

  “It’s the main administration facility.” She squirmed to get away.

  “Weapons?” He refused to loosen his hold around her waist.

  “Maybe a few. I need to go.”

  “No. You need to stay here while the rest of us handle recon. Rock and Raider are already there, along with Sully, Kell, and the other students. Did you call 911?”

  “Yes. Now let me go.”

  He pulled her around to face him. “What would Sully order you to do?”

  “Dammit, Ghost. You aren’t my father.”

  “What would he tell you, Dani?”

  “Dani?” Sully’s anxious voice cut through the charged tension. He rushed toward them, his gun lowered to his side. “Thank God you’re all right.” He didn’t seem to notice Ghost’s arm around her. “I don’t want you getting any closer.” Sully locked a hard stare on Ghost, something almost sinister flickering in his eyes. “You keep Dani safe until we know what’s happening.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Tugging out of Ghost’s grasp, she got to within inches of her father. “I can take care of myself.”

  His glare softened only a little. “Maybe. But I know Robertson won’t let anyone get close.” Again, he shifted toward Ghost. “Am I right?”

  Grabbing Dani’s arm, he dragged her next to him. “Damn straight, sir.”

  Sully turned away, adjusting his comm unit. “Roger that. I’m on my way over.” He looked at Ghost. “That was Kell. He’s got the building clear and men securing the perimeter. We detected no entry or exit. Whoever breached our security system must be damn good.”

  Sirens screaming had them turning, seeing three vehicles winding up the drive. “You two talk to them. I’ll be working with the recon team.” Sully brushed a hand over Dani’s hair. “Stay with him, sweetheart. Do it for me.”

  “That’s playing dirty.”

  Walking away, he chuckled over his shoulder. “I don’t care.”

  “Come on. Let’s go talk nice to the first responders.”

  Keeping her close, Ghost rushed to where firefighters were already unloading gear and racing to the sight of the explosions. Before they reached the truck, another explosion ripped through the night. Seeing her swivel toward the ear-shattering boom, he grabbed her arm.

  “Don’t leave my side, Dani. I mean it. I’ll tie you to a post if you try to take off.”

  “Sully and Kell are—”

  Yanking her to him, he leaned to within a couple inches of her face. “I know damn well who’s there.” He shot a look at the location of the newest blast, thinking of Rock and Raider. “We have to trust in their training. They’ve all been through much worse.”

  Seeing tears well before calm determination steeled her resolve, Ghost gentled his hold but didn’t let go. “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you get closer. Never again will I lose a woman I care—” Seeming to realize what he’d been about to admit, he cursed, looking away. “Right now, they’re drawing back, getting to where they consider safe zones. We don’t have comm units, so we’re without ears.”

  “You need to get back, sir.” One of the firefighters ran past, yelling, motioning toward an isolated area away from the buildings. “Now!”

  Grabbing her hand, Ghost took off, hating the fact he wasn’t with the rest of the men. He didn’t consider it babysitting, not with someone as accomplished as Dani, but it was damn close.

  From their vantage point, it appeared none of the firefighters had been caught in the latest blast. Body vibrating, he did his best to control the burning need to learn the fate of his brothers. He wasn’t supposed to be on the sidelines. His job had always been to lead the charge, set the pace, and ram a path for the good guys to follow.

  “This is bullshit. I have to find out what’s happening.” Threading his fingers through hers, he scanned the area, formulating a plan. “Stay with me and keep low.”

  Following a path behind the compound’s buildings and away from the first responders, he came up to the side of his cabin. Inching forward, he crouched down, gun aimed ahead. Glancing one way, then another, he motioned her to follow him inside.

  “I don’t know what we’re facing, but we need weapons.” Opening a closet, he pulled out two sheathed ka-bars. “Secure it around your calf.” He secured his, watching as she did the same. Next, he grabbed an HK MP5 9mm for himsel
f, handing Dani an UMP45. “Do you know how to use this?”

  Studying it, she met his gaze. “Yes.”

  “Good.” Reaching into a bag, he handed her boxes of ammo for each weapon. “I’m hoping we won’t need any of this. One more thing.” Ghost jogged to the dresser. Grabbing a burner phone, he punched in a preprogrammed number. “Wrath. The center’s been compromised. At least four explosions.”

  “Rock and Raider?” Wrath’s calm, yet urgent voice rang through the phone.

  “Nothing to report. I’m with Dani Sullivan. Rock and Raider are with Sully and his men. They were doing recon when the third blast occurred.”

  “Dammit, Ghost. What the hell’s going on?”

  He shot a quick look at Dani. “What do you mean?”

  “The clubhouse was hit an hour ago. No injuries, but a helluva lot of damage.”

  “No sign of a security breach?”

  “No!” Wrath shouted. “Nothing indicating entry or exit.”

  Scrubbing a hand down his face, Ghost’s jaw tightened. “Anything from Grayson?”

  “Nothing he’d been made aware of. This is our problem. Ours and Sully’s. Get back to me with word on Rock and Raider and status.”

  “You got it.” Sliding the phone into a pocket, he motioned to the door.

  Following him, she clutched his arm. “What happened?”

  “The clubhouse has been hit.”

  Brows furrowing, she rubbed a hand over her forehead. “Can they be related? We’re a hundred miles from Liberty Lake.”

  “Who the fuck knows. Eternal Brethren there and here. For now, we treat them as a coordinated attack.”

  Opening the door a crack, they slid outside, snaking their way along the side of the building. No blasts for over twenty minutes. Longer than the break between the other explosions.

  Winding their way between cabins and cinderblock buildings, Ghost held up a hand. “Looks like all blasts are centered on one spot.”

  “Our offices and storage facility. Few, if any, weapons, and all our confidential information is encrypted and held on secure servers. Backups every twenty minutes with passwords changing almost as often.” Dani moved next to him, surveying the damage. “Whoever did this must’ve known it would be almost impossible to completely destroy cement block structures. Why wouldn’t they go after the armory?”

  Lifting a brow, he gazed over at her. “Didn’t Kell say most of the weapons and ammunition are secured underground?”

  “Yes. Below the armory.”

  “Like a large hidey-hole?” he guessed.

  “A very large, protected one. Look.” Dani pointed to the side of the office facility where the furniture inside still burned. “Isn’t that Rock? And he’s dragging someone.”

  Ghost caught her arm an instant before she attempted to bolt away. “Stay here and cover me.” Seeing the rebellious glint in her eyes, he tugged her closer, voice unyielding. “Cover me, Dani.” Waiting for her terse nod, he crashed his mouth over hers in a bruising kiss. Lifting his head, he offered a cocky grin. “Remember, sweetheart. You want me alive.”

  Sputtering, she had no time for a retort before he took off. Raising the UMP45, she scanned the area, moving back and forth. Light and easily maneuverable, she’d always wanted an excuse to fire it at enemy combatants. She certainly had the urge tonight. It was as if someone had thrown a party, then failed to attend.

  “Dammit, you cowardly sonsofbitches. Show yourselves.”

  Focusing her attention back on Ghost’s swift path toward Rock, her chest squeezed when he dropped to the ground. Even from this distance, anguish contorted his features. Then he moved into action.

  Checking for a pulse, he began tearing off charred clothing, shouting orders. Moisture pooling in her eyes, she lowered the UMP. Hurrying toward them, a rush of relief claimed her at seeing her father and Kell rounding the building. Their appearance confirmed the injured man had to be Raider.

  From behind her, Dani heard the sound of boots, loud voices, and the rustle of equipment. Taking a second to glance over her shoulder, she stepped aside to allow the paramedics unobstructed access to Raider.

  Seconds turned into minutes as the responders plied their trade. Placing him onto a stretcher, connecting IVs, covering his nose and mouth with an oxygen mask. Setting the UMP aside, Dani wrapped both arms around her waist, praying as she hadn’t since her mother died.

  “He’s stabilized, Dani.” Jolting, she hadn’t noticed Ghost approach. Placing an arm over her shoulders, he drew her close. “Rock and I are going to follow them to the hospital.”

  “I’m going.”

  Hesitating a moment, he nodded. “If you’re sure. We don’t know if he’ll pull through or…” His words caught on the last.

  “I’m sure.” Edging away, she grabbed his hand. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter Nine

  Dani sat on a thin-cushioned, upholstered chair in the emergency waiting room, ignoring the chaos of the night. A teenager nursing a broken arm from a dive out of a tree into the nearby lake, a woman holding a cold pack against what appeared to be a broken nose, a grandmother rocking a whimpering child on her lap. More crowded inside with each passing minute.

  Rock stood across the room, staring at the choices on the one dollar coffee dispenser. He’d been in the same position for several minutes, breathing in and out, not committing on a choice.

  Ghost paced back and forth on the opposite side of the room, his burner phone pressed to his ear. He’d been on and off it since they arrived almost thirty minutes earlier.

  “He’s talking to Wrath. They’re trying to work out who might be behind the two attacks.” Holding his coffee in a hand much too large for the small cup, Rock sat down next to her. “We were almost out the door, Raider a few feet behind me, when the fourth blast went off. The momentum shoved me outside. The same force thrust Raider against a wall, the flames trapping him.” Setting down the cup, he scrubbed both hands down his face. “Not a damn whimper.”

  Dani’s gaze swept to his. “What?”

  “Raider. The flames started torching his pants and shirt. He swatted at them, sweat pouring down his face. I snatched the only remaining fire extinguisher, put out the flames, then dragged him outside. He didn’t make a sound the entire time. Not a fucking word.” Unable to stay still, Rock shot up, stalking across the room toward Ghost.

  Dani swallowed the bile in her throat, recalling her few glimpses of Raider before Ghost and Rock blocked her view. She’d never witnessed the effects of fire on a human being. Even if the damage to Raider wasn’t too extensive, he’d face long hours of surgery and therapy. Both physical and emotional.

  No humor showed on her face when she thought of badass Raider pouring out his soul to a quiet, introverted therapist. Those were the only kind Dani knew. Not one of those she’d met was gregarious with an alluring personality. All were introspective to the point of appearing cloistered inside their own private world.

  “Any family here for Jace DeWitt?” A slim, auburn-haired woman of average height and wearing scrubs stood in the doorway to the emergency cubicles. The noticeable bags under her striking green eyes spoke of long hours and little sleep, yet took little away from her beauty.

  Before Dani could stand, Ghost and Rock strode toward the doctor. “We’re Jace’s family.”

  Eyebrow cocked in doubt, she studied them. “Brothers?”

  “Right,” Rock answered. “Longtime brothers.”

  Blowing out a weary breath, she motioned behind her. “I’m Doctor Aniston. Mr. DeWitt is stable and doing well, considering my understanding of the fire.” She glanced up. “The paramedic is my son.”

  Ghost’s jaw worked before he lowered his voice. “It wasn’t pretty. Might take days to complete the investigation.”

  “Well, anything involving Sully doesn’t experience too many delays. He does a lot for those living around Pine Glen.”

  They shot quick glances at each other. It wasn’t anything they hadn’t expecte

  “Mr. DeWitt will be moved to the critical care unit as soon as a bed is available. The doctor will go over what he finds. He’ll remain there until the doctor releases him or has him moved to a semi-private room.”

  “A private room.” The hard line and grating tone of Ghost’s voice brooked no argument.

  “All right, but you’ll need to work through payments with the finance department. One of you can go back with me, but anyone else will have to wait until he’s situated in critical care. One of our best nurses, Alvena Kasey, has asked to be assigned to him.”

  Ghost’s eyes sparked. “Ali?”

  “The same. It’s not generally our practice to assign nurses to patients who are friends, but she assures me they are just acquaintances. I believe Ali volunteered because of her friendship with Dani Sullivan.”

  “The two are tight.” Ghost glanced over his shoulder to see Dani a few feet away, motioning her over.

  “Hello, Doctor Aniston.”

  “Dani. You won’t be allowed back to see Mr. DeWitt, but his brothers can take turns. Only five minutes at a time. The antibiotics and pain meds will keep him drowsy a good deal of the time.”

  “He’s not going to like being sedated,” Rock muttered.

  “The antibiotics are critical to keep away infection. When he’s coherent, Mr. DeWitt can make his own decision on the amount of pain he can endure.”

  “A lot,” Ghost and Rock answered in unison.

  “That may be, but when he briefly woke, his hands clenched, indicating he’s hurting more than he wants anyone to believe. I’m sorry to say your brother isn’t going to escape what lies ahead for a burn victim. Surprisingly, the injuries to his hands are minimal. I would’ve expected much more damage.”

  “Rock got to him with a fire extinguisher.”

  Aniston nodded in approval. “His recovery will go faster if he doesn’t force himself to deal with pain. You might consider this when you speak with him. Who would like to go back now?”

  “You go, Rock.” Ghost reached out, gripping Dani’s hand.

  “A short five minutes.” The doctor glanced at their joined hands. “Good to see you, Dani.”


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