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Haunted General ePub

Page 18

by Shirleen Davies

  At the reference to one of several cells hidden off the dungeon where Raider and Wrangler plied their trade, Ghost growled. “You better let me the fuck up, Wrath.”

  “I understand your rage, Ghost. I felt the same when Poison took Cara.” He referred to the time the Night Devils president ordered the abduction of Wrath’s woman. “If it hadn’t been for you and Rock, I would’ve lost it. We’re just repaying the favor you did me. Are you with us, or do we leave you behind for this run?”

  Closing his eyes, sucking in deep breaths to calm the fury, Ghost nodded. “I won’t be left behind.”

  “I’ll have your word.”

  Following a string of curses, Ghost’s resistance stopped. “You’ve got my word.”

  A quick nod from Wrath had the other men releasing their hold. Reaching out a hand, Rock helped Ghost up.

  “You punch me again, and I swear to God, I’m going to lay you out cold.” Rock rubbed his jaw. “Hell. That’s going to leave a mark.”

  Ghost showed not a thread of remorse. “Damn straight it will.”

  “All right. Everyone listen up.” Wrath moved back to the head of the table. “This is how we’re going to play this.”

  Dani’s eyes opened to slits on a low moan. Mind fogged, head pounding, she tried to remember what transpired after Rex’s explanation of his hatred for Sully. Reaching up a hand to press against her temple, joy shot through her realizing her wrists were no longer restrained.

  The joy didn’t last long. Sitting up from where she lay on a much too thin and dirty mattress placed on the floor, she groaned. A thick band of metal wrapped around one ankle, a chain attached to the manacle at one end. The other end of the chain was shackled to a metal ring sunk into the cement block wall.

  “Dammit,” she blew out before taking the time to look around, shoulders sagging in relief at not seeing Rex or Chad. She never allowed herself to hate another person. Damn if she didn’t hate the two men who’d taken her.

  Dani had made a tactical mistake at allowing them to take her. She had crazy skills and didn’t use them. It was the one major disadvantage of never using her hand-to-hand expertise against real threats.

  Even with them aiming guns at her, she should’ve taken advantage of their cocky attitudes and used the brief element of surprise. Too late, she’d realized they had no intention of killing her. The point of their whole sordid game was to force Sully to exchange WETC for her. A trade which couldn’t take place with her dead.

  Shifting, she leaned her back against the cold cement wall. “Stupid, stupid, stupid…” she breathed out, berating herself again for leaving the safety of Gunner’s house. It had been a rash decision, spurred on by Ghost’s rejection, her father’s controlling nature, and her own immature reaction to both. Refusing to wallow in self-recriminations, Dani ignored the continual throbbing in her head to assess her surroundings.

  A narrow window high up on one wall indicated they held her in a basement. The stream of light coming through it signaled she’d slept through the night. More accurately, Dani believed she’d been drugged. No mystery as to why. If she’d found the slightest opportunity, she would’ve run again.

  Other than the thin mattress, the room was empty. And cold. Drawing her legs up, she wrapped her arms around her knees to contain body heat. Still, she shivered. The hoodie did little to stop the dampness from seeping through to her skin.

  Resting her forehead against her knees, Dani tried to clear her head. Nothing within her reach could help her escape being shackled to the wall, which left her with one choice. Wait until Rex or Chad came to check on her. She needed food and a break, either of which might provide an opportunity to get away.

  If either of those failed, Dani had no choice but to wait and hope Sully or the Eternal Brethren located and rescued her. She thought of her father. By now he’d have learned about her running away. Unless Rex had already contacted him, he wouldn’t know of her abduction or imprisonment by a man she believed to be insane. Nothing else made sense.

  No sane man would wait close to twenty years to exact revenge for a perceived wrong. Dani had so many questions. Only one man could provide answers, and she meant to stay alive long enough to get them.

  Ghost sat in the front seat of the SUV, wishing Rock would drive faster, knowing he couldn’t. Dressed in tactical gear, getting pulled over was way down on the list of acceptable actions.

  Wrath followed in the van, refusing to stay behind for the unsanctioned mission. Going after Dani risked all their careers, but not a single member of the Posse wanted to be left behind. Even Raider argued to go along. Instead, he’d been tasked with handling communications, allowing Wrangler to crowd into the back of the van.

  Wrath had considered including a few of the newer members of the team, but a last-minute mission from Grayson sent them in another direction. Which was for the best. No sense targeting them for the admiral’s fury when he discovered what they’d done. And he would find out.

  “Five clicks and we’ll be at the turnoff, Rock.” Tracker monitored the screen. “Four clicks. Wrath took the back road. He’ll be in place by the time we arrive at our base.”

  Ghost glanced at the others. “Everyone has their orders. One last comm check.” Within seconds of the men checking in, Tracker announced one click remaining.

  Rock pulled to a stop about a mile from the cabin. They’d hike in from there while Wrath’s group approached from the opposite direction. They planned to hit hard and fast, before Rex and Chad could stage an adequate defense. And before Dani could be used for cover.

  In the event they were able to grab her, Rock, Gunner, and Moses had standing orders to take the men out. There’d be no negotiating. Clean hits with two dead. Ghost would grab Dani and both teams would be gone long before law enforcement arrived.

  The team made no sound as they emerged from the SUV, each member taking their assigned position. Ghost took lead, not allowing himself to think about the specific target. Mind solely on the mission, he adjusted his comm unit.

  “Team A is ready.”

  Wrath’s voice came through a moment later. “Team B ready. We’re a go.”

  Motioning his men forward, Ghost silently followed a worn path toward the cabin. Rock and Gunner were on one side while Tracker and Fargo were on the other. Wrath, Wrangler, Fuse, and Moses would approach at a similar pace. Between the two teams, they’d create a perimeter wall with little more than several feet separating them.

  The majority of their rescue missions took place at night. This one couldn’t be delayed that long.

  “Team A twenty yards from target.”

  “Roger,” Wrath replied. “Team B ten yards from target. On my go. Three, two—”

  Raider’s voice broke in. “Hold. Repeat. Hold. Rex has made contact with Sully. He’s holding a gun to Dani’s head.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Ghost held himself in check by a thin, jagged thread. Raider’s warning came seconds before what could’ve ended in a bloodbath, with Dani the central figure.

  Wrath had read Sully into the mission before they’d left Liberty Lake, confirming with the former SEAL it was an unsanctioned action. With no viable alternatives, he’d gone along, the implication being if anything happened to Dani, Sully’s justice would come down hard.

  Communication had been established between the clubhouse, WETC, and the two teams. What they hadn’t counted on was Rex making his demands to Sully so soon. Tension increased before the orders rang through the earpieces.

  “Abort. Repeat. Abort and rendezvous at Team A base.” Wrath’s words sent a chill through the men.

  They’d planned a quick snatch and grab. Now the teams found themselves retreating.

  “Request permission to stay inside the perimeter.”

  “Negative, Ghost. You’re to head to base like everyone else.”

  “Someone needs to stay behind with eyes on the target, Wrath.”

  “You’re pushing it.”

ah? And what would you do?”

  Both teams stilled at the tense exchange between their prez and VP. All knew Ghost referred to what Wrath would do if Cara was the one being held. He glanced at Rock, knowing with certainty how he’d handle the situation if Tessa was taken.

  “Dammit, Ghost.”

  “Leave Tracker with me. Rock can lead the team and work with you to regroup while we watch the cabin.”

  “All right, but you give me your word, Ghost, you won’t proceed except on my order,” Wrath ground out.

  “We go on your order, Wrath.”

  “Rock, you have Team A. Tracker and Wrangler, stay with Ghost. And you damn well better keep your word.”

  “On my mother’s grave, Wrath.”

  “Your mother isn’t dead, Ghost.”

  “Yeah. There is that.”


  “Just tell me what you want and let’s get this over with, Rex.” Sully chewed up the ground outside the temporary administration building, cursing his ex-partner as he held the phone next to his ear.

  He’d been waiting for the second call since the first one prompted Wrath to abort the rescue. If Rex was holding a gun to her head, any breach of the cabin could set off a chain reaction resulting in Dani being the first casualty.

  After Rex ended the first call, minutes had turned to hours until the sun dropped behind the mountains.

  “It’s simple. I want it all. Every damn thing that’s important to you.” Rex’s vile chuckle cut straight through Sully.

  “Dani is all I care about.”

  “Money and power are all you’ve ever cared about. Allegra and Dani were along for the ride.”

  Sully stared at the phone, his features glacial. “That’s a lie we’ll discuss later.”

  “Perhaps. For now, you sign the buildings, business, and lease over to me and you’ll get Dani back.”

  Sully glanced at the two people next to him. Neither Kell nor Jerold Kasey, the tribal police chief, had the stomach to negotiate with Rex. Jerold took a step closer, lowering his voice.

  “The tribal council won’t approve a transfer of the lease. The buildings will do him no good without the right to use the land.”

  Holding up a hand, Sully nodded before responding to Rex. “What you’re asking requires the approval of the tribe. Without that, it’s a no-go.”

  “Let me make this real clear. Without the approval, you won’t see Dani again.” The icy cold tone in Rex’s voice left no room for misunderstanding.

  “If you hurt my daughter in any way, I’ll come after you. There won’t be a place on this earth you’ll be safe.”

  “You always were a cocky sonofabitch, Sully.”

  “This isn’t a bluff. Dani comes back to me without a mark on her, or I will kill you.”

  Rex’s bitter laugh caused the hairs on the back of Sully’s neck to stand on end. “Don’t worry. You’ll get her back alive. You’ve got twenty-four hours to meet my demands.”

  “Not possible.”

  “Make it possible. I know you and the tribal police chief are tight. He’s on the council. Get him to push it through.”

  Sully shot a look at Jerold, who shook his head, holding up three fingers. “It will take three days at minimum to get approval. Then the paperwork has to be drawn up.”

  “Forty-eight hours, Sully. No longer. My courier will be at your front gate to pick up the documents. I’ll review and have them back to you within another twenty-four. Once I have proof they’re recorded, I’ll release Dani. Not before. Don’t consider following my man. If I even suspect you’re tailing him, Dani and I will disappear to a place no single white woman wants to go.”

  Sully didn’t waste his breath asking what Rex meant. He’d suspected his ex-partner of dealing in human trafficking in the past. If so, he’d ship Dani to Thailand or Indonesia. Either would almost assure he’d never see his daughter again.

  Before he could ask to speak with Dani, the line went dead.


  “Sorry, Sully. Rex used an untraceable burner phone.”

  “Wrath, you’re certain Rex is in the cabin you identified?” Sully asked.

  “Roger that, Sully,” Ghost answered. “Wrangler, Tracker, and I have eyes on the place. Tracker got close enough to ID Rex and Chad in the front. He didn’t see Dani, but there are two bedrooms in the back, both with lights out and curtains shut.”

  “No basement?” Sully asked.

  “No, sir. Unless Rex has men hiding in the attic, it’s the three of them.”

  “What’s the timing, Wrath?”

  “We’re a go at 2400 hours, Sully. Tracker’s the best breacher out there. He and some others will go in the front. Ghost, Rock, and Wrangler will enter through the back. The rest of us will supply cover.”

  “When will you notify Chief Kasey?”

  “The moment we leave the scene, Sully.”

  “All right, Wrath. You let me know the instant you have Dani.”

  “I’ll do that, sir,” Ghost answered.

  “Make sure you do.” The finality in Sully’s voice signaled the end of the conversation.

  Pulling the comm unit from his ear, Wrath scrubbed a hand down his face. “The circle keeps widening.”

  Rock’s gaze caught his. “Meaning?”

  “Sully and Kell knew about the Eternal Brethren almost from the start. I doubt Raider’s said anything to Ali, but she must have a good idea about what we do. The same with her father, Chief Kasey. The more the circle expands, the higher our risk of being discovered.”

  “It wouldn’t be the end of the world. If it happens, Grayson will shut us down and transfer our asses back to Coronado.”

  Wrath stared down at his boots before rubbing the back of his neck. “Cara’s law practice is here, as is Tessa’s clinic.”

  “I hear you, but there’s not much we can do. Tess and I have talked about it, and if we are ever disbanded, I’ll rent a place in Coronado and commute until I retire in Liberty Lake.”

  “And do what?”

  Rock sent him a self-deprecating grin. “I’ve been thinking some of us could work with Sully to expand the security part of his business.”

  Lifting a brow, a small smile curved Wrath’s lips. “White Eagle Security, huh?”

  “Hell yeah. On weekends we take the wives and kids to Freedom Meadow.”

  The thought reminded Wrath of how much help his parents would need in the future. By then, maybe Ethan would be ready to retire as sheriff. All three boys back on the ranch.

  “Mom and Dad would love it.” Securing his comm unit, Wrath allowed himself a moment to consider Rock’s idea before Raider broke in.

  “Thirty minutes to go, Wrath.”

  Checking the time, he glanced up at Rock. “Let the men know we’re set for 2400 hours on my go.”

  “Will do.”

  “Ghost, are you ready?”

  “More than, Prez.”

  “Fuse, Fargo, you’re with Tracker and me at the front of the cabin. Rock, you’ll be with Ghost and Wrangler.”

  Nodding, they disappeared into the darkness.

  A moment later, he directed Gunner and Moses to proceed forward with him, moving into their predetermined positions as cover for the others.

  As they made their way toward the cabin, Wrath couldn’t stop himself from wondering about a life without Eternal Brethren. What had started as an undercover group of highly skilled SEALs tasked with infiltrating outlaw motorcycle gangs and terrorist cells had become much more. Already strong, their bond had tightened.

  Though they missed the ocean, exchanging the rough seas for underwater training in nearby lakes, they discovered other opportunities to serve their country. Riding Harleys wasn’t bad, either.

  Shoving aside thoughts of the future, Wrath checked the time again. “Four minutes to go. Is your team set, Ghost?”


  “Three minutes,” Wrath announced, preparing himself for the rescue.

we may have a problem.”

  “I am not a damn problem, Raider.”

  Wrath could almost sense the tension rolling off his men at the sound of Admiral Grayson’s voice. They’d been discovered three minutes before launching the snatch and grab to save Dani.

  “Admiral. What can I do for you, sir?”

  “It’s what I can do for you, Commander. Pull your men back and into cover. You have tangos approaching from the north.”

  “How many?”

  “Three. It’s hard to tell from their formation if they’ve spotted your men.”

  “Ghost, do you copy that?” Wrath asked.

  “Roger. Do you have coordinates, Admiral?”

  Grayson called them out. “We believe they may only know about your men outside the cabin.”


  “I know you and your men much better than you think, Commander. We’ve been tracking your progress since you left Liberty Lake. But that’s a discussion for a later time. The goal now is to rescue Dani Sullivan and return to your clubhouse with no casualties. Raider is looped in, and my team here in Coronado will continue to monitor and report. There is no change in the chain of command, Commander.”

  A relieved breath escaped his lips. “Yes, sir. Ghost, any luck locating the three tangos?”

  “They’re approaching from the back of the cabin. Wrangler, Rock, and I are about ten yards from the rear exit. Three-on-three. A piece of cake, Wrath.”

  “You’ll need to take them out without alerting those in the cabin of your presence. Signal us once your marks are neutralized. It will be an immediate go on the main target.”

  “Roger. Quiet as a mouse.”

  Using hand signals, Ghost directed them before lowering his M4 and unsheathing the SOG SEAL knife strapped to his hip.

  Moving with caution, the three came up behind their respective tangos. Unless listening for it, no one would’ve been able to hear the muffled groans or bodies crumpling to the ground.

  “Targets neutralized,” Ghost announced.

  “Go, go, go!” Wrath’s command had everyone moving.


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