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A Symphony of Sirens (Spellsinger Book 2)

Page 22

by Amy Sumida

  We came through the Veil into Torin's bedroom; a fact which annoyed my Onyx king to no end. But then Banning stepped forward to make his goodbye, and Torin relaxed.

  “You're leaving already?” I asked him, causing Torin's scowl to return.

  “I must see to my gura.” Banning gave me a heavy look.

  “Sorin,” I whispered.

  “Sorin,” Banning agreed. “I don't believe for one second that this is over just because we escaped.”

  “If you need assistance, come back here and fetch me,” I said to him.

  “Thank you,” Banning said before shooting Cerberus a look, “but I think we'll be fine.”

  “You're leaving too?” I asked Cer.

  “Someone needs to clean up your mess.” Cerberus smirked and pushed my shoulder affectionately. “Don't worry about us, El. You know I'll call you with the handy-dandy contact charm you gave me, even if Banning doesn't think we need you.”

  “Good.” I nodded and looked to Banning. “You wouldn't have even gone to Romania if it wasn't for me. I'm partially responsible for your troubles, and I won't leave you to face them alone.”

  “He's a blooder prince,” Torin said, “I'm sure he can handle it, Elaria.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Onyx King,” Banning huffed.

  “Thank you for your help with saving my family,” I said sincerely to Banning, interrupting the conversation before it could take a nasty turn. Then I hugged him and whispered into his ear, “And for being so understanding.”

  “I can wait, Ellie. As long as it takes,” Banning whispered back. Then more loudly, “You're most welcome.”

  “Cer.” I held my arms out to my best friend.

  “Ugh, you don't have to thank me.” Cer hugged me. “They're my family too.”

  “Still, you always have my back, hellhound, and I love you for it,” I hugged him tighter.

  “I only wish we could have made that bastard suffer longer.” Cerberus sighed.

  “Yeah, me too,” I agreed.

  Cer took Banning's hand, and they traveled back through the Veil. Just before they disappeared, Banning's eyes flashed green, and something inside my chest trembled. I had the strangest urge to chase after him.

  “I must leave as well,” Declan announced. “But I am honored you included me in this, Elaria.”

  “Honored?” I laughed and hugged him. “Declan, you were a huge help. Thank you.”

  “You're welcome,” Declan sighed into my ear. “Goodbye, Queen Elaria.”

  “Goodbye, King Declan,” Torin interrupted.

  “King Torin.” Declan ended our hug and reached out to shake Torin's hand. “Love her well for those of us who cannot.”

  Torin's fierce expression softened, and he nodded. “I'll do my best.”

  “Until trouble finds you again, spellsinger.” Declan bowed, then left the room. Again, something twitched inside me, and I had to stop myself from running after Declan.

  What in all the worlds?

  “Now, what were you saying about making it up to me?” Torin's arms slid around my waist.

  Quite suddenly, I was aggressively aroused. Desire shot through my body and I turned on Torin like he was the only oasis in my desert world. His eyes widened briefly as I tore the clothes from his body and set my mouth to his skin. I shivered through every sensation, every touch, and lick of his flesh. Moaning, I pushed him toward his bed, threw him back on it, and pounced.

  “Elaria,” Torin groaned as I took him in my mouth.

  He was thrashing as I consumed him, and I couldn't seem to get enough. My hands dug into his thighs, kneading them as I tried to rein in the power of my passion. It was too much, too hot . . . no, too cold. It was as if I were chilled through my bones, and Torin was the only thing that could warm me. I wanted him all around me –inside me. I needed to burn. To melt.

  I climbed on top of him; snarling, snatching at him, and sliding him inside. Torin frowned, starting to look concerned, but then I began to grind ferociously, my thighs clenching around his. I leaned back, breasts thrusting high and hair dangling behind me as I closed my eyes to the sensations –and saw Banning's face. My eyes shot open, my body trembling in horror and arousal.

  “What is it?” Torin asked.

  “Nothing,” I growled and started moving faster against him.

  I leaned down and kissed him, diving into the pleasure that was purely Torin. The taste of him was unlike any other, the feel of his body was– Declan's moonlit face slipped into my mind, and suddenly, the feel of his wet hands replaced Torin's. I screeched and pushed off my lover, scrambling to the foot of the bed.

  “Elaria?” Torin sat up and started to crawl over to me.

  “No!” I held up a hand and scooted off the bed. “Don't touch me!”

  “Elaria, what the fuck is happening?”

  “I don't know,” I panted.

  “Are you in pain?” He got out of bed and cautiously approached me.


  “Tell me what to do to help you,” he pleaded.

  “I don't know,” I moaned and covered my face with my hands.

  Torin gently placed a palm on my shoulder, and desire zinged through me again. I leapt up and pulled him to me violently. He returned my kiss for a moment, then tried to pull away.


  I kissed him again, pushing him down onto the thick rug. I couldn't think straight, need was pooling low in my pelvis, shivering over my skin and clenching my thighs. I crawled over Torin, pushing him down when he tried to get up. We came together again, wild and nearly mindless –except for the flashes of the other men. Banning and Declan, over and over, in between bouts of searing cold need for Torin.

  Tears were pouring down my cheeks as I finally gave in and let the images come, let the memories surface. Along with Torin, I felt Banning touching me, Declan kissing me. Blue eyes shifted deeper, changed to amethyst, then flashed into green. Dark hair paled to blond, then brightened into blood red. My hands slid over a transforming body; slimmer, wider, thicker, more muscles, then less. The angles altered and lengthened as three men made love to me. I was certain I'd finally plunged over that insane edge, into the Abyss.

  Then completion came. I screamed my way into release before I fell across Torin's chest. Both my mind and body were exhausted. I just lay there as we panted our way back into reason together; Torin gently stroking my hair.

  “Are you alright, sweetheart?”

  “Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm fine now,” I whispered into his skin, hoping it was true.

  Then I closed my eyes and one more face appeared to taunt me –Thomas Frost. His final words echoed inside my mind.

  “As you bind, so are you bound. And as you break, so are you broken, spellsinger. Magic cannot die.”

  Chapter Forty-Six

  I left Torin's bedroom in the early hours of the morning when the chill of night and all its mysteries was still in the air. My dreams had been full of vivid interludes with three different men; scenes not just of lovemaking but of love –intentions and emotions made absolutely clear. It was as if I had lived three lives, had three distinctly different romances, all in the course of a few hours. Through it all, faintly in the background of every moment, a rooster crowed. I woke up covered in a sheen of sweat, with a ball of ice forming in my belly, and a heart overflowing with emotion.

  Something was terribly wrong.

  I felt like I was a part of that morning chill. My blood was like mist, barely even there, but what was there, was cold. It was okay, I was starting to like the frigid feeling. I slipped out of the bed, away from Torin's heat, and walked nude to the balcony. I stood there, soaking in the bleak sunlight, and then suddenly fell to my knees. There was a horrible clenching in my body, in my soul. I needed . . . something.

  I scrambled to collect my clothes and yanked them on. I barely glanced at Torin as I passed by the bed, and that alone should have warned me that something wasn't right. But I had this thought that if I co
uld just get outside, into that fresh air, I might be able to clear this anguish from my veins. Somewhere out there, warmth awaited me.

  I moaned and fell against a stone wall. Onyx seemed to sizzle beneath me, reminding me briefly that I'd left my lover asleep in our bed. But then I shivered in need and lost the last traces of reason. I stumbled through the deserted halls of Torin's castle like a ghost; confused as to why I was there but determined to figure it the hell out. I drew my hand along the cool onyx walls, letting them guide me, so I could let my eyes wander, unfocused, on the floor, and lose myself in thought. I felt drunk and exhausted, like I'd spellsung all night. I wanted to feel the wind on my skin, in my hair. I would go for a ride. Yes, that would ease my agony.

  I stumbled all the way downstairs, and then out to the stables. The lads who cared for the horses were still asleep, as were the animals, but one of them quickly roused when I wandered in. I asked him to saddle a horse for me, and he didn't ask any questions, just did his duty. He brought the horse to a mounting block, and I nearly fell in my haste to climb into the saddle. I mumbled my gratitude to the boy as I urged the horse out into the courtyard.

  The guards at the gate were a little warier than the stable boy, stopping me to ask where I was headed. But when I said that I wanted to go on an early morning ride, to breathe in the fresh air, they nodded and opened the gates. I exhaled a deep sigh of relief once I was beyond the walls of Onyx Castle, though I had no idea why. Before me stretched two roads; one leading through the Onyx Kingdom, and one leading away from it, to Alexandrite. I took the road to Alexandrite on pure instinct.

  I rode through the mountain pass like a madwoman. The closer I got to Alexandrite Castle, the more anxious I became. By the time the sparkling walls of the castle came into view, I was racing towards it. It was a good thing the Alexandrite guards recognized me or I might have been attacked. As it was, I was welcomed to the Alexandrite Castle, stable boys coming out to take my horse as a steward hurried down the main steps to greet me.

  “Declan,” I growled, “where is he?”

  “This way, Your Majesty.” The man took me straight into the luminous halls.

  We passed a few courtiers, but most were still abed, and it was mainly the castle staff who witnessed my stumbling shamble through the halls. My vision was going wonky, trying to focus on faces and utterly failing. The only clarity was found directly before me; the path which led to Declan. It was in sharp focus. My body was shivering with cold, but low in my belly, desire began to gather. Dear gods, where was he?

  We finally came to Declan's private floor. The steward stopped me. “I must ask you to wait here, Your Majesty. I will fetch the king for you. He may yet be a bed.”

  “No,” I tried to push past him, but he muscled into my path again.

  “Your Majesty, I really must insist–”

  I reacted on pure instinct, singing out the chorus to Stevie Nick's “Stand Back”. It was as if my magic was already in my mouth, waiting to be flung from my lips. With the very first sound I uttered, it was launched from me. The poor steward went stumbling aside, plastered to the wall with magic, and I rushed forward.

  There were several doors off the hallway, and I had to open a few of them before I found Declan. But finally, I chose correctly. I entered Declan's bedroom and closed the door behind me with a loud click. Declan woke slowly, blinking at me in confusion as I strode over to him. Now that he was in my sights, both my need and the cold had increased. I had to get to him fast, before I froze to death.

  “Elaria.” Declan frowned and sat up. “What's wrong? Why are you–”

  I grabbed him, pulling him tight to my chilled body, and kissed him roughly. He flinched from the cold at first, then melted into the passion with me. My hands held his face to mine as I drank down his heat. Declan basked in it, gloried in it, but then reason returned to him. He grabbed my upper arms and pushed me away firmly.

  “Elaria!” Declan cocked his head and peered at me intently. “What is this about? Did you and Torin have a fight?”

  “I need you now, Declan.” I pushed him backward, onto his bed, and climbed over him. “Are you going to pussy out on me again?”

  “Pussy out?” He blinked in shock. “What are you talking about? What's happening, Elaria? If you're upset with Torin, you should talk to him about it. This isn't the way I want to win you, sweetheart.”

  “Here we go again,” I growled as I tore off my clothing. “Just like the last time. You give up so easily.”

  Declan's eyes widened.

  “You just let Torin have me.”

  “I did not let Torin have you,” Declan snapped. “You told me you loved him, that you wanted to be with Torin. I was trying to be a fucking gentleman!”

  “Yeah?” I asked as I ripped his nightshirt away. “Were you trying to be a fucking gentleman that night in Sgàthan?”

  Declan's jaw clenched. “I'm in love with you Elaria, I'm sorry if I have moments of weakness!”

  “Fuck your weakness!” I yanked down his pants and took him in hand.

  Declan's head fell back in pleasure, his breath catching in his throat. His hips lifted into my caress, and I started working him faster.

  “Elaria,” he moaned. “We shouldn't be doing this. Why are we doing this?”

  He tried to snatch my hand, but I pushed him away and lowered my lips to him. Declan shouted in ecstasy, his eyes closing to the rapture, and all complaints faded away. His hands went to my head, urging me on. I smiled against him in satisfaction as the cold in my blood started to warm. Yes, this was what I needed. Declan. Then a flash of Banning's face shocked me into falling back, leaving Declan lying before me in rigid need.

  “What's happening to me?” I whispered.

  “Ellie?” Declan reached for me, and my body shook.

  I fell over him, and he shifted us so that he was on top. His mouth covered mine, and I growled my way into his kiss. Declan shifted between my legs, pushing my thighs apart with a violent shove, and started kissing his way down my throat. I moaned, pulling him tighter, lifting my hips to meet his.

  When he slid into me, I screamed and something inside me shouted in triumph. My legs fell to the sides, weak with relief, as if something powerful had been driving me, and had finally eased back. Pleasure coursed over my skin in waves, following the path of Declan's fingers and mouth. He drove into me steadily, smoothing out his first violent thrusts into something more sensual. I could feel the desire building, my blood heating, and as I came, the chill evaporated completely.

  “I love you, Elaria,” Declan whispered raggedly . . . just as Torin stormed into the room.

  “What the fuck?” Torin shouted.

  Declan and I froze. Reason came back like I'd been slapped with it. I looked down at Declan, lying between my thighs, and gasped. Declan frowned, realizing that things were about to take another crazy turn.

  “Torin!” I cried as I tried to push Declan away. “I don't know what happened.”

  “You don't know what happened?” Torin shouted, his voice echoing off the walls. “I woke up to find you missing. I searched for you until finally, the gate guards told me that you took a horse and rode off towards Alexandrite. So I hurry after you, not knowing what to think. I arrive to find the steward cringing in the hall, and you shrieking out your pleasure.”

  “I'm not sure what's going on,” Declan held up a hand, “but I think there may be something strange at work here.”

  “Yeah, it's strange to find the woman you love fucking a man you'd thought was your friend,” Torin snarled. “That's really strange.”

  “Torin”–I crawled out of bed and tried to find some clothes, but they were all torn to shreds. There were only strips to hold against my nudity–“I woke feeling cold. I don't know why I rode here. Then I attacked Declan. This wasn't his fault. Something compelled me–”

  “I don't think she was in control, Torin,” Declan was watching me carefully. “A totally different woman walked in here earlier.”r />
  “Sure, okay,” Torin scoffed. “You want me to believe, what; that some kind of enchantment took you over, Elaria? You were forced to fuck Declan?”

  “I think maybe . . .”

  “Go to hell”–Torin's whole body shook as he looked from me to Declan–“both of you. I don't even care which hell; pick one.”

  Torin turned and strode out of the room.

  “Torin!” I shouted and chased after him, holding scraps of clothing to my chest. “Torin, please! I didn't mean to betray you!”

  He continued down the hall, striding furiously past the still-cringing steward. I would have followed, but Declan came up behind me with a robe and grabbed my arm.

  “Elaria, he's too angry right now,” Declan said gently. “Here, put this on. Come back inside, and we'll figure this out. We can talk to Torin when he cools down.”

  Cools down; the words shivered through me.

  “Declan,” I sobbed, “I'm so sorry. I don't know why I came here. I don't know what's happening to me. I'm sorry I made you a part of this.”

  “I know, love,” Declan whispered as he put an arm around me and led me back into his bedroom. “It's okay, I believe you. I saw you change as soon as we . . . finished. It has to be a spell. And if it's a spell, we can break it. There is hope.”

  “But Torin . . .”

  “Torin loves you. Once we discover what's happening, we can explain it to him,” he said reasonably. “He will understand.”

  “I . . .” I frowned and sat on the bed.

  “Just rest for now.” Declan helped me under the covers and then brought them up to my chin. “I'm going to consult some of my best advisers. We'll probably have this all figured out by the time you wake up. You'll see; everything will be okay.”

  “Thank you, Declan,” I whispered as exhaustion started to overwhelm me.

  “You're welcome, sweetheart.” He laid his palm on my cheek briefly, and just before I drifted into sleep, I heard him whisper, “And this time, I'm not giving up so easily.”

  Chapter Forty-Seven


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