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Worlds Apart

Page 9

by Stein Willard

  She watched as her friend nodded and continued with his breakfast. Knowing him, the conversation was far from over.

  “There’s talk on the street about young girls disappearing. Have you heard anything?”

  Tia carefully placed her cup in the saucer. “This is the first time I’ve heard about this. Tell me more?”

  Burton sat back in his chair. “Janine visited with a few friends yesterday and she heard it from them. Apparently, the missing girls all responded to an advertisement in the newspaper offering employment.”

  She frowned. This was too easy. “But can’t the police follow up on who is placing these advertisements?”

  “Well, yes. If they were really interested in following up. However, it would seem that Scotland Yard and its investigators are not bothered by a few girls going missing.” Burton dabbed at his lips. “Maybe you could call a meeting with Mister Maverick and discuss the case. Please, excuse me.”

  Tia watched him as he left the dining room. Maybe Burton was right.


  Sylvie shook her head as she looked up at Oasis. The round face was ruddy with anger. “Are you mad?”

  “Don’t you like her?”

  “I don’t know her, Oasis. What if she decides to hand you over to the police? She’s very close with the queen, you know. This could all be a ploy to get to you and then lock you up.”

  Oasis walked over to the fireplace and stood staring into the flames for a long moment. She had been thinking about Lady Tia’s offer that they meet and talk. Oasis had never been tempted by anyone before to reveal her true identity. What was it about this woman? Why was she considering revealing herself to a woman who was obviously way above herself in rank? If only there wasn’t a numbing sensation around her heart when said lady was in her immediate vicinity. She sighed and turned to face Sylvie.

  “There is something about her.” She held up her hand when Sylvie’s mouth opened. “Don’t ask me what.” She pushed her fingers through her hair. “It’s there. I feel it.”

  Sylvie came closer, her eyes serious as she studied Oasis’ face. “Please tell me it is not what I think it is, Oasis?” she pleaded. “She’s a duchess and the closest thing to a sister the queen has in this country.”

  Oasis looked away. It’s not as if she didn’t tell herself that all the time. “I know.”

  “Then please stop this foolishness and remember why we are here.” She placed her palm over Oasis’ chest. “You are Benedict Harold Pope, the Marquess of Trenton. You have everything you need. Status. Money. Good looks. I’m sure there is a woman out there for you. We’ll cross the bridge about an heir when we get there.”

  Oasis looked into the eyes of her mother’s friend and nodded. Sylvie was right. Maybe it was time for her to pay her mother a visit. Caleb can run things in her absence. She cupped Sylvie’s face and kissed her cheek. “You’re right. Let’s forget about this.”

  Sylvie looked unconvinced. “Because I love you, I’ll trust that you’ll keep your word.” She searched through her pockets. “Here. This was delivered just now.” She handed the note to Oasis and left. Oasis felt her heart rate pick up a little as she recognised the ultra-feminine handwriting. She broke the seal and skimmed over the few lines before she threw the note into the flames.

  So, she wants to meet and discuss the new case. Oasis grinned. How could she not love the woman? She blinked in surprise. Love? Could it be? She didn’t get the chance to mull over the thought any longer when Sylvie peered into the room.

  “We need you out here.”


  Tia was nervous.

  She rarely allowed herself to show any form of anxiety. But today she was struggling to keep her composure. If she had her way, she would be meeting The Maverick for the second time outside the confines of her bedroom. She was excited and scared at the same time. Excited, because she loved finding herself in the presence of the dangerous man, and scared, because she didn’t know why she was excited about being in his presence.

  “Your Grace,” a timid voice said behind her. She spun around startling the young servant. The girl held out a small tray and Tia pounced on it. There were three notes. She tore through the seal of the first one, quickly discarding it. It was an invitation she could reply to later. The second note went the same way. The third one, she turned around and looked at the handwriting. It was not from The Maverick. She looked at the girl and smiled. “Thank you, Victoria.”

  He wasn’t going to meet her. She looked around the room, trying to identify something she could throw. Since she was in the library, beside the reading lamps, books were only other potential missiles. No, she loved books too much. So, instead, she turned away ready to march out of the room and to the garden where she could scream in frustration. But it was not to be. Lord Benedict Pope stood in the doorway of the library. She gaped at him. How did he get here? What was it with strange men suddenly showing up in her house? She looked around and back at him. Someone should’ve announced his presence.


  He bowed deeply. “Your Grace.” He watched her with his fathomless dark eyes. She had never seen anyone with eyes that black. “You looked distraught, so I asked your servant not to disturb you. Are you unwell?” He sounded genuinely concerned.

  Tia looked away. He was not the man she wanted to see now. “Yes, I thought I would lie down for a little while.”

  When she looked back at him, he was watching her with that unblinking stare of his. He nodded and bowed again. She watched him leave and felt a strange feeling settle over her. She had always felt different around the man, but never had this sense of oddness. It was almost as if he knew what she was thinking.


  Victoria was back again with the tray. A solitary note lay on the silvery surface. She slowly reached out and broke the seal.

  The soup kitchen at 18:30. Dress to blend in. M

  She sighed deeply. At last.


  Oasis entered her townhouse and nodded curtly at the servant girl who reached out to take her coat.

  “Thank you, Lilly.”

  In the library, she poured herself a brandy and gulped it down. She immediately poured another and was about to down it when Lilly stepped into view.

  “You have a visitor in the stables, milord.”

  Oasis nodded as she grabbed the decanter and left the house through the back door. She briskly strode through the garden to the stables. She greeted her groom who was brushing down a gelding. The horse neighed a greeting as she approached them and Oasis stopped to pat the horse lovingly. She looked up when she noticed a figure standing at a stall further down the row. She rubbed the gelding’s nose before she moved over to join her guest. Caleb was rolling a cigarette, his countenance sombre.

  “Shall I assume that you are still unsettled by my pending meeting with the beautiful duchess?” She held out the decanter and waited for Caleb to take a swig. The grey eyes lightened somewhat after a taste of the expensive brandy. “Will it help if I tell you that you have nothing to worry about?”

  Caleb lit his cigarette and took a long drag. He squinted at her through a cloud of smoke. “I doubt I’ll ever stop worrying about you.” He took another swig from the decanter. “But in this case, I’m scared for the duchess.”

  Oasis blinked at him, rocked. “Tia? Why?” Surprise gave way to anger. “Do you think I would hurt her?”

  “No, not physically, that is.” He held out the decanter to Oasis. His dark brow crawled up in a slow warning. “Don’t you dare smash that decanter and waste some really good liquor.”

  She took a deep breath and reached for the decanter with a shaky hand. Caleb knew her very well. Instead, she poured herself a liberal amount and returned the decanter to Caleb, who eagerly accepted it. Oasis took a sip.

  “What are you trying to tell me, Caleb?”

  “She is not for you, Oasis.”

  The glass shattered impressively against the wall, startling the hor
ses in the nearby stalls.


  Tia ignored Burton’s looks as the rented carriage carried them through the wet streets of the East Side slum. The area was mostly populated by Irish immigrants who had lost their jobs with the start of the Industrial Revolution. With machines taking over the work, more people were cast out on the street. The outcome was an area so riddled with crime that the prisons were regularly emptied into large prison ships bound for Australia. The carriage came to a stop and Tia reached for her rapier. As an afterthought, Tia slipped a small pistol into her worn boots. All the while, she was aware of Burton’s stare.

  “Give me two hours before you become anxious.”

  Burton growled in response. Just as she was about to disembark the carriage, she was caught in a bruising embrace. “If you get hurt, I’ll break your outlaw partner in two.”

  A wide smile broke over Tia’s face and she kissed Burton’s cheek. “I’ll make sure he knows that.” She gave Burton another squeeze and scrambled out of the carriage before she changed her mind and asked Burton to accompany her. Looking around, she was aware of the shady characters lurking in the dark doorways and corners. She took a deep breath and threw one last look at the carriage before she made her way through the drizzle to a dark alley. She felt the hair on her nape stir as she walked down the alley. Someone was following her. A set of stairs to her right made her slow down. She took the stairs and sighed. A motley group of youngsters waited at the bottom where a large door led to a well-lit tunnel. The boys looked up, their intent clear on their faces. Dressed up as a young male, didn’t seem to deter them. Was it possible that they could somehow sense that she wasn’t really one of them?

  There was no escape.

  The youngsters straightened from their languid stances and she reached inside her coat for her rapier. She would hate to hurt them, but it would hurt more to be their victim.

  A dark figure pushed passed her and ploughed into the group. It took but a few moments until the altercation was over. Tia found herself still clutching the hilt of the rapier under her coat. Her rescuer turned to her, his face hidden by a handkerchief. He bowed his head respectfully.

  “He’s waiting for you inside, milady.” The man said softly as he waked passed her again and disappeared into the darkness. The Maverick had her followed. She was wasn’t sure how she felt about it. She glanced at the boys scattered before her. At least he didn’t kill them, but he had dealt them a sound thrashing. She stepped over the boys and into the tunnel. The smell of a cabbage and meat stew was strong inside. She followed a narrow corridor before the tunnel opened into a large cavernous room. Tia blinked in surprise. The room was clean and warm, friendly.

  There were rows of tables and benches filled with families, dining on the hearty stew. Her eyes swept over the tired-looking diners and playful children. A small girl smiled at her and she grinned back. Up front, a large kitchen with an open hearth spread its heat through the room. A few feet away a line was forming where a group of ladies and men were serving the diners. She blinked when she saw a dark-clad figure stepping away from the serving table and approached her. He was tall, with a wide-brimmed hat and two revolvers strapped to his hips. Why haven’t she noticed the guns before? Or an American accent? The Maverick came to stand before her and smiled. He was wearing a mask of a skull.

  “I hope you’re hungry. The stew is absolutely delicious.” Tia only then noticed the two plates in the gloved hands. “Please follow me.”

  Tia had not choice, but to follow. She found herself studying the man closely. She especially found herself appreciating his wide shoulders and narrow waist. Even his derriere was well-proportioned. She almost crashed into him when he stopped suddenly.

  “We should sit here. It’s less noisy.” Once they were seated opposite each other, he pushed one of the plates over to her. “It’s really good, believe me.”

  Tia picked up the wooden spoon scooping up a bit of the stew, she gingerly took her first bite. After a while, she stopped mid-chew. It was delicious! She quickly swallowed the mouthful and looked up into the masked face of her dining companion.

  “You were right. It’s delicious.” He chuckled and began to eat too. “Would it not be more comfortable to remove the mask?”

  His lips pulled into a small smile through the slit left open for his mouth. “Nice try, milady, but we’re both not ready for the big reveal.” He scooped another spoonful of stew into his mouth. “So, tell me about the case.”

  Tia stared into the shadowy eyes of The Maverick. The night was still young and there would be time to ask all the questions she needed answers to.


  Oasis was struggling to not to stare at Tia. Not that it looked like Tia with the disguise, except for the intense blue eyes staring at her from under the woollen cap. The worn clothes couldn’t hide the tall, shapely figure. She closed her legs and shuddered when her phallus pressed against her clit. She didn’t even realize that she was aroused. Maybe it was because she was always aroused in the woman’s presence. She cleared her voice softly and felt a thrill chase down her spine as the piercing blue eyes met hers. The duchess blushed as she pushed the empty plate away. It would seem that the noble woman had been thoroughly enjoying the stew.

  “I believe you’re right.” She pulled her shoulders back. “We need to share the tasks, when possible.”

  Tia’s eyes narrowed slightly. “When possible?”

  “Some cases might be too much for you to…process.” If it was even possible the blue eyes grew sharper.

  “Like the last case?” Tia’s voice was cold.

  Oasis nodded. “Yes, like the last case.” She leaned back in the chair. Her other persona was making no strides with the gorgeous duchess. The Maverick seemed to fare much better; maybe because there was a greater honesty in the secret liaison. So, honesty is key. She nodded. “The previous case was quite distressing, even for me. I have to admit that I allowed my anger to govern my actions. I personally drove Caroline Trichardt to the brothel.” She inhaled deeply. “I had been informed of the repeated rapes of the girls at the Gentlemen’s Club that night and I wanted to…”

  The anger that surfaced almost made her blind with its intensity. She looked away. That night she had drunk herself into a stupor and took three women to bed. The sex was wild and voracious, but it couldn’t clear her mind of the lingering feeling of failure. She turned to look at Tia and found the blue eyes had darkened with a strange emotion.

  “Some things can’t be unseen, Your Grace. They find the darkest corners in your psyche and wait for when you are at your most vulnerable before they surface again. I don’t want that for you.” She leaned closer and studied the blue eyes. “The demons of the night can claim only one of us. And we both know who it’s going to be.”

  A girl came by and placed two steaming cups before them. Oasis used the moment to change the topic. “We need to find someone to pose as a potential applicant for the position. Will you be able to handle that?”

  Tia took a sip from her tea and quickly it down when she found it to be too hot. She looked longingly at the mug. “Yes.”

  “Good. I’ll be in contact again tomorrow.” She reached out for Tia’s mug and poured the contents of Tia’s mug into hers. She heard an indignant gasp and smiled as she began to toss the contents between the two cups. After a few rounds, she split the contents and handed Tia her mug. When she met the blue eyes, she grinned at the shock in them. Tia was staring at her mug. “My mother used to cool my tea like that. Come on, try it.”

  Tia took a careful sip and blinked up at Oasis. “It cooler, but not cold.”

  Oasis shrugged as she smiled at Tia over the rim of her mug.


  Tia patted her bonnet and coyly looked up at the leering man. He pulled at his moustache and licked his fleshy lips.

  “And you are sure that you have never lain with a man before?”

  “Yes, milord. My mother raised me to be a god-fearing woman.” S
he kept her gaze lowered and willed a blush to colour her cheeks. It was actually easy. The memory of The Maverick lodged between her legs on their first meeting was enough to make her blush furiously. “I made her a promise on her deathbed that I would go to my marital bed a virgin.”

  The man nodded, his eyes eager as they studied her. She had read the newspaper ad this morning and immediately, to Burton’s consternation, had approached his wife to help her with her disguise. Burton had begged and fumed and begged again, but she had set her mind on doing this. He had followed her to the address and she was sure he was waiting for her outside.

  “You are perfect. Is there anybody you need to bid farewell before we set off on our journey?”

  No one, milord. I’m alone.”

  His eyes gleamed with pleasure. “Good, very good. If you are ready, we can leave in the hour.” He smiled. “In the meantime, my servant will get you a proper meal.”

  Tia smiled, but her insides trembled. She had hoped only to make contact, not to be abducted so quickly. She prayed that Burton was still waiting outside.


  “There is someone here for you,” Sylvie said as she peered around the door. “I’ll send him in after two minutes.”

  Oasis quickly drained her glass and reached for her mask and hat. She quickly donned them. She turned to the door just as it was pushed open. She frowned when she recognized Tia’s man servant, Burton. The man’s bulk filled the room as he entered. He never went anywhere without Tia. Unless… He took a deep shuddering breath.

  “Burton, why are you here? Where is Lady Tia?”

  Burton’s dark face was tense with concern. “She decided to answer the ad in the newspaper herself.”

  She blinked at him. “What?”

  For a moment there she thought he said something about Tia having answered the ad herself. The ad that had led to the disappearance of an unknown number of young women.


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