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Love Me Like No Other

Page 3

by A. C. Arthur

  Leaving her, Linc moved around his desk. He pulled out the top drawer then retrieved a card. He reached into his back pocket and extracted his wallet. He handed her two cards. “This is the key to my penthouse here at the casino and this is a credit card.”

  When she’d regained her senses from that kiss she looked down at what he was giving her. “What’s the credit card for?”

  “There will be a formal party on Saturday, luncheons throughout the week and various other activities. You’ll need a wardrobe.”

  A bit insulted by his words she frowned. “I have clothes.”

  “I’m sure you do. Think of this as your uniform for the job.”

  Oh, he was a smug something, an arrogant and self-assured brut that she would cut down the very next time he thought to touch her. She’d do this job because her sister’s freedom depended on it. But that was all this week was about.

  With a sly smile she took the cards from him. “I love a shopping spree.”

  “Then by all means enjoy yourself. I have meetings the rest of the afternoon. We’ll have dinner in the room and we’ll leave for my parents’ estate in the morning.”

  “Where do they live?” Eight years ago she’d known nothing about him except his name and that he was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. She wasn’t surprised that a part of her still wanted to know more about him.

  “Northeast of the city limits. It’s a horse ranch, one of my father’s new hobbies. Do you ride?”

  She looked at him, and noted the hint of desire still shadowed in his eyes. He wanted her and to a certain extent he’d gotten her. She’d be at his side for an entire week. She’d made it clear that she wouldn’t sleep with him, but she wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to make him suffer the same way she had. “Wouldn’t you like to know,” she said with a half smile before sashaying out of his office.

  The moment the door closed Linc let out a long, slow moan. He’d never been this hard, this excited over a woman before. When he’d kissed her he’d thought of nothing else but ripping her clothes off, getting his mouth on those breasts, those nipples that he’d felt harden beneath him. Did she ride? She had ridden him that night with the experience of a shy virgin. He’d coaxed her until she’d found her rhythm, until she’d driven him so wild he’d had no choice but to end the sweet torture.

  She would ride him again, he thought, his hand resting on his erection. She would definitely ride again.

  But that was for later. For now he had to handle some details. He had never taken a woman home to his parents and his brothers would surely get a kick out of the first time. Lifting the receiver he dialed his youngest brother’s number.

  “Speak to me,” Adam answered in his deep, cheerful voice.

  “It’s Linc. We need a conference.”

  “What’s up?”

  “It’s about this week.”

  “Cool. Hold on. I’ll connect Trent.”

  After a few clicks all three of the Donovan brothers were on the line. The Triple Threat as they’d been dubbed. Each one of them, Lincoln, Trenton and Adam, separated by two years each, possessed bone-deep good looks, quick minds, huge bank accounts and the ability to make any woman whimper with need. They were also confirmed bachelors. A fact that had long since plagued the women of Nevada.

  “What’s going on?” Trent asked first.

  Adam answered, “I don’t know, big brother initiated the conference.”

  “I wanted to give you guys a heads up. I’m bringing someone with me this week.”

  “Home? You’re bringing a guest home with you?” Adam asked.


  “I assume this guest is a woman,” Trent offered.

  “Yes. It’s a woman. Her name is Jade Vincent. She’ll be spending the week with us.”

  “And who is this Jade Vincent?” Trent was an ex-Navy Seal who now owned a company of special investigators that filled high priority government assignments. He trusted no one and suspected everybody.

  “An old college friend I ran into today.”

  “You haven’t seen her since college and you’re bringing her home to meet the folks? That doesn’t sound like you,” Adam surmised.

  “It’s not like that. It’s business,” Linc replied.

  On the other line Trent frowned. “Explain.”

  “She owes me a favor and I’m collecting by using her as a shield between Mom and all the eligible ladies she’ll have lined up for me.”

  Adam chuckled. “Good thinking.”

  “Whew, I sure am glad you’re the oldest.”

  Linc frowned at Trent’s words. “And why is that?”

  “Because you’re the first one she wants to marry off. Which leaves Adam and I more time to prowl the herd.”

  “I am not getting married. This is just a buffer for the week. Next week I’ll be prowling right beside the two of you.”

  So she’d accepted this ridiculous arrangement to keep her sister out of jail. Noelle better be damn grateful to have a sister like her. It had taken years for her to to get over what Lincoln Donovan did to her and now in the span of a half hour she’d been reduced to that brokenhearted college girl all over again.

  Except now she was not only older, she was wiser. She would not be succumbing to his charms or his smile or his scent. She was stronger than that. She’d do this so-called job and she’d walk away from him the same way he’d walked away from her.

  With credit card in hand she sat back against soft leather seats as Mario, Linc’s personal chauffeur, drove down the the Strip. After Mario had indicated he’d been instructed to take her anywhere she wanted to go, she quickly directed him to the Fashion Show Mall where she did her best window shopping. There were things in the window at Neiman Marcus that she’d had her eye on for a while now.

  Lately, all her money went back into the spa or toward Noelle’s college education. Noelle was definitely going to set a record for how long she would draw out a four-year degree program. Jade was no fool—she was sure Noelle was stalling. While she sympathized with Noelle’s fear of responsibility she wasn’t footing the bill beyond this year. Now she felt like a child at Christmas who’d been given the key to Santa’s workshop. Sure, this key came with lots of strings, but she wasn’t going to think about that right now. The car came to a stop and she smiled to herself. Oh, no, she was thoroughly going to enjoy this moment and she’d deal with the rest later.

  Three hours later her feet had begun to feel numb, the muscles in her arms strained from the weight of the bags she carried from one store to the next. She was making her way back to the car for her fifth drop off when she figured she’d better call Noelle before she sent the cavalry out to find her.

  “Hello?” Noelle answered her cell on the first ring.

  “Hey, it’s me.”

  “Where are you? I thought you’d be back hours ago. Did you get the money?”

  Jade rolled her eyes. She should at least be proud that Noelle had asked about her before the money. “I’m at the mall.”

  “That means you got the money!” Noelle said excitedly. “That’s cool. What mall? I’ll meet you there.”

  Noelle liked to shop, too. That’s another reason she couldn’t concentrate on school—because she was too busy keeping up with the latest fashions.

  “No. Don’t bother. I’m just about done. Look, I’m going away for the week. I need you to take over at the spa.” Jade had been grooming Noelle for an assistant manager position and although Noelle was mostly resistant to the idea she’d caught on fast and Jade trusted she could handle the responsibility for a week. Besides, Kent, her full-time assistant, would be there should any problems arise.

  “Where are you going and how come you get to go shopping and I don’t?” Noelle whined.

  “Because I’m the one who sold my soul to the devil to save your ungrateful behind.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Jade sighed. She really didn’t want to give Noelle too many details.
“Nothing. Just take care of the shop for the week and when I come home be prepared to have a plan for your life because I don’t intend to do this for you anymore.”

  “Do what?” Noelle screeched. “What are you doing that you have to be secretive about? Did you rob a bank or something?”

  “Girl, stop playing. I met with the casino owner like I told you I would and now I have to work for him for a week to clear your debt.”

  “Uh-uh, Jade, you are not stripping in some casino.”

  Jade almost laughed at that ludicrous statement. “No. I’m not stripping. I’m going to attend some parties with him.”

  “Like a call girl?”

  “No! Not like a call girl. I’m not having sex with him!” No matter how much his body begs me to. “Parties, dinners, stuff like that for the week and that’s all.”

  “Who came up with that idea? I know it wasn’t you. And is he at least good-looking? I’d hate for you to be stuck with a dog for the week on my account.”

  “He’s not ugly, Noelle.” Quite the contrary. “Anyway the deal’s been made.”

  “Jay, I don’t know. I don’t like how this sounds. I can go to the bank and apply for a loan,” she offered.

  “Noelle, you work ten hours a week at the spa. You don’t make nearly enough to pay back five thousand dollars plus interest. At that rate it would take you a lifetime. It’ll be fine. It’s only seven days.” Seven days with the sexiest man in the state of Nevada.

  “I’m sorry for getting you into this, Jay.”

  Jade softened thinking about her baby sister instead of that man. “I know you are, Noelle. Maybe next time you’ll think more carefully before you do things. I’m not going to be there to bail you out the next time.”

  Jade felt bad that Noelle was now crying but didn’t speak. Noelle had gotten away with those crocodile tears for way too long.

  “I’ll work at the spa all day, every day until you get back,” Noelle offered.

  “Thank you. I’ll call you later tonight when I settle in.”

  “Okay. And Jade, what’s this guy’s name? You know, just in case.”

  Jade knew she didn’t have to consider a just in case. Linc was not that type of man. But she hated telling Noelle this. “It’s Lincoln Donovan. I gotta go. I’ll call you back.” She disconnected before Noelle could respond.

  If anybody else knew the pain and heartache Linc had put her through Noelle did. And thinking of that pain and heartache Jade did something she didn’t often do, but had done once already today. She thought of revenge.

  “Where to next, Ms. Jade?”

  Mario was a huge man. Linc must have employed every ex-wrestler in the Las Vegas area. But after chatting with Mario amiably on their way to the mall Jade found he was quite likable. He was older, maybe nearing his fifties; only the sprinkle of gray at his temples gave that away. He wore gold rings on both his pinkies and a diamond stud in his left ear. He, Jade decided, was like somebody’s father dressed like a gangster, and she liked him instantly.

  With her plan for revenge foremost in her mind she said, “I need some pampering, Mario. I want to visit the best, most lavish spa in Vegas.” Of course, whatever the spa she went to it would only be the next best thing to Happy Hands, she thought.

  “That would be at the Bellagio,” Mario said quickly. “But don’t tell the boss I said that.” He chuckled.

  Jade smiled, too. She really did like Mario. “It will be our little secret.” He was leading the way to the back door of the limo when she stopped and reached into her new Gucci bag, also courtesy of Linc’s VISA.

  “I almost forgot. I bought you something.”

  Mario held the door open and turned to face her. “Me? You’re supposed to be shopping for yourself.”

  She waved his words away. “I know but there’s only so much I can buy myself. Besides, I saw these in Saks and knew they’d look great on you.” Standing on tiptoe she slipped the dark sunglasses onto his face, pushing them up his nose with a slender finger, then stood back to survey him. “Perfect!”

  Grabbing the lapels of his black jacket Mario posed one way, then turned another. “I feel like Dan Aykroyd in The Blues Brothers.”

  Jade laughed. “You look ten times better.”

  With a lavish swing of his arm Mario motioned for her to climb in. She did and sat back against the seat again, this time thinking of the massage she was going to get. She’d been to the Spa at Bellagio once before, a special treat to herself. In addition to the extravagant decor and the pleasant staff, she’d fallen in love with the Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy. As if they could read her mind, her toes, which had been crumpled inside her pumps for the last seven hours, screamed for mercy!

  Ashiatsu (“ashi” meaning foot and “atsu” meaning pressure) was an ancient form of body work using deep compression. A “push, pull, pumping” effect worked the muscles of the spine. Jade swore by its healing tendencies. She’d learned the technique at the Nevada School of Massage Therapy where she’d obtained certification as a massage therapist. Grammy thought rubbing on strange bodies was crazy but Jade loved it. Ashiatsu was a specialty at Happy Hands and her clients loved it.

  Within a half hour she’d removed all her clothes and had donned the thick, soft Bellagio robe. She’d had a mini foot massage and was now lying on a massage table with a thin, stern-faced therapist above her, holding on to bars attached to the ceiling. The moment his feet came down on her back she was in heaven.

  Another hour and a facial later and Jade was as relaxed as they come. She remembered what was next on her agenda. Dinner and then a night at Lincoln’s place. While she wasn’t particularly afraid of the dinner she didn’t want to rush spending the night with him. For seven days she’d be in his presence. She at least wanted tonight to herself. Her brow furrowed as she looked through the tinted windows deciding what she would do.

  With a spurt of defiance she instructed Mario to take her back to her apartment. Lincoln Donovan could eat dinner alone tonight.

  Linc was fuming. He’d arrived in his room expecting to see her, craving the sight of her. He’d thought of her all afternoon. Bewitching eyes, supple lips and those breasts…He’d been distracted in each of his meetings. But it wasn’t just Jade physically. There was something else. He’d noticed it earlier when he’d seen her and he’d thought about it continuously throughout the day. She was different and yet a part of her seemed the same. He found himself wondering what she’d been doing over the years and who she’d been doing it with. He hadn’t taken the time to get to know her when they were in college. Back then the power she had over him was too much for him to deal with. He didn’t want any distractions from his business goals. But now, he wanted to take his time getting to know her, sampling her, experiencing her. Too bad he only had one week.

  One of the things that was particularly worrisome was the fact that she was indebted to the casino for five thousand dollars. He’d watched her betting over the monitor. She was what they called a conservative gambler. She placed one chip on the line at a time. One fifty-dollar chip if he remembered correctly. She would have had to have spent an entire day at the craps table to get anywhere near five thousand dollars. Besides, Jade seemed too smart to loose that type of money in a casino. But that was simple enough to discover. A call to his Pit Boss would give him that answer.

  His day had progressed painfully slowly, most likely because he wanted it to go fast. He took care of mundane tasks then called his manager to give last-minute instructions for his week away. One entire week was the longest he’d ever been away from the Gramercy. It was going to be difficult but he was sure that being with Jade would pass the time quickly.

  Linc remembered the feel of her, soft and accommodating; and the taste of her, sweeter than any dessert his casino offered. He remembered her smile and the way her eyes, her nose, had crinkled when she’d taken her first swig of beer. That night at the frat party she’d bewitched him. He’d wanted her fiercely and had gotten her.

/>   Tonight, he still wanted her.

  So he’d moved quickly to get to his penthouse, to get to her. Only to find that she wasn’t there.

  Okay, so maybe she was late. He decided to take his shower and change. An hour later when he was still in his penthouse alone he knew she wasn’t coming. A call downstairs informed him that Mario had returned to the hotel, without his guest, over two hours ago. In minutes Linc was stepping off the elevator heading out of the casino. Mario stood from his perch against the limo as he approached.

  “Where is she?”

  Mario shrugged. “Told me to take her home.”

  Linc gritted his teeth then yanked the handle to the back door not waiting for Mario’s assistance. Mario followed his boss’s lead and climbed into the driver’s seat. With a glance in the rearview mirror he asked where to.

  Linc answered with a scowl. “Take me to her.”

  Mario did as he was told, weaving through the early evening traffic in the direction from which he’d just come.

  She was a stubborn one, Linc mused from his seat in the back of the vehicle. When they’d first met she’d seemed amiable enough, but then they’d both had a few drinks by that point. He remembered clearly the assessing way she’d looked at him when he proposed a private party in his room. He’d felt that same desperation, that same paralyzing need for her to say yes then, just as he had earlier today.

  What was it about her?

  And why on earth was he chasing her?

  Even with his reputation he had an endless choice of women. But none of them had ever stirred him like Jade did.

  He didn’t have time to search for an answer as the car had stopped in front of an apartment building he assumed was where she resided. Linc stepped out after Mario had opened his door. Surveying his surroundings he noted that this wasn’t one of the best neighborhoods in the city. It wasn’t the worst but for some reason he had a hard time picturing Jade here.

  “I took her bags up to 3C,” Mario volunteered in a stiff voice.

  Linc nodded then took the few steps leading to a rusted wrought-iron gate serving as the entrance.


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