The World Was Going Our Way
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AAPSO (Afro-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity Organization)
ABAD (Indian KGB agent)
‘Abd al-Baqi, Murtada Sa’d
Abdalla, Muhammad Said (KERIL)
Abdul Qadir, Major-General (OSMAN)
Able Archer(NATO command-post exercise)
Abrahantes, José
Abu Ahmad (Ahmad Yunis, TARSHIKH)
Abu Nidal (Sabri al-Banna)
Acheampong, General Ignatius Kutu (GLEN)
active measures
in Africa ;
implicating USA
on Aids
Andropov’s, undermining Brezhnev
‘baby parts’ allegations
in Bangladesh
on biological warfare
in Chile
detailed nature of instructions
in Egypt
in El Salvador
Guevara myth used in
in Mexico
in North Caucasus
in Peru
Sakharov denigrated by
Torres used in
USA as main target ; in Latin
America; over Vietnam War
in YAR
see also forgery and under
Afghanistan; China; CIA;
India; Iran; Islam; Israel;
Japan; Middle East; Pakistan;
Syria; United Nations
advisers, Soviet
in Africa
in Cuba
in Syria
and Yemeni economy
see also under Afghanistan; Egypt
active measures over
Afghan army
Amin’s rule
Andropov and ; and decision to invade
civil war after Soviet withdrawal
Communist coup ()
Communist Party (PDPA)
distortion of intelligence on
Herat rebellion ()