The World Was Going Our Way
Page 89
KANI (Japanese KGB agent)
KANT (Takuji Yamane)
Kapitsa, Mikhail Stepanovich
KAPRAL (Ghanaian KGB agent)
Kapustyan, G. P.
KARI (Japanese KGB agent)
KARIB (Syrian confidential contact)
KARL or KARLOV (Japanese KGB agent)
Karmal, Babrak
Karpov, Anatoli
KARSKY (KGB illegal in Israel)
KARYAN (Syrian KGB agent)
KASIK (José Figueres Ferrer)
KASKAD (operation to influence Indian elections)
KASKAD special forces
KASTONO (KGB/Cuban agent in SWAPO)
Katsumata, Seiichi (GAVR)
Kaul, T. N.
Brezhnev as Party First Secretary
and XUAR
Kazakov, Viktor
Kazakov, Vladimir
Kazimirov, Vladimir Nikolayevich
Keïta, Modibo
Kennedy, John F.
and Cuba
Vienna summit with Khrushchev
and Vietnam War
KENT (Kenyan KGB agent)
Kenyatta, Jomo
Kerekou, Mathieu Ahmed KERIL (Muhammad Said Abdalla)
KERIM (Syrian KGB agent)
KERK (Japanese KGB agent)
KERL (Somali KGB contact)
Kesht, Ikhtiar (pseud. of Talybov)
KGB (Soviet security and intelligence service)
assessment of record
codenames and dissent
Dnepropetrovsk oblast
collaboration between foreign and domestic arms
and Foreign Ministry ; relative influence in Latin America
foreign policy degraded by misleading assessments
Jews excluded from
officers: Mitrokhin’s identification ; worknames
organizational diagrams
Third World forward policy
First (Foreign Intelligence) see separate entry, FCD
Second (Internal Security and Counter-intelligence)
Eighth (Communications and Cryptography)
Fifth (Ideology and Dissidents)
Ninth (Protective Security)
Seventh (Surveillance)
Sixteenth (SIGINT)
OTU (Operational Technical)
Line F (‘special actions’)
Line K (Kitay, China)
Line KR (counter-intelligence)
Line N
Line PR (political intelligence) ; in China; in India ; in Iran; in Japan:
KGB - cont.
Line SK
Line (scientific and technical intelligence) .
see also individual officers, and aspects throughout index
KGB Sbornik (in-house journal)
Khachaturian, A. I.
KHAD (Afghan intelligence and security service)
Khaddam, ‘Abd al-Halim
KHAIMOV (Bulgarian agent in Israel)
KHALEF (Shamil Abdullazyanovich Khamsin)
Khalid, Laila
KHALIL (Egyptian ambassador, KGB agent)
Khalistan independence movement
Khalkhali, Hojjat al-Islam
Khamis, M.
KHAMSIN, operation
Khamsin, Shamil Abdullazyanovich (KHALEF)
KHARIS (Ethiopian agent)
KHASAN (employee of Soviet Cultural Centre, Cairo)
KHATAB see Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khayri, Zaki (SEDOY)
Khlystov, A. F.
Khmer Rouge
Khokhlov, I. F.
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah
Afghan supporters persecuted
KGB and West underestimate
supporters’ protests (-)
Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich
and Africa
analysis of intelligence
and Castro
and China
and Coca-Cola
and Cuban missile crisis
global grand strategy
and Hungarian uprising
in India
and Iran
founds Patrice Lumumba Friendship University
and Nasser
and Nicaragua
‘Secret Speech’ denouncing Stalin
and Third World
at UN
US tour
Vienna summit meeting with Kennedy
KHUDOZHNIK (Korobov, Rostov dissident)
al-Khuly, Muhammad
KHUN (Japanese KGB agent)
KI (Committee of Information)
Kianuri, Nureddin
Kikot, V. I.
KIM (KGB illegal in Israel)
Kim Sung
KING (Japanese KGB agent)
King, Martin Luther
Kirkpatrick, Jeane
Kirov Ballet
Kirpichenko, Vadim Alekseyevich
and Afghanistan
on African studies in Russia
and Algeria
in Angola
on Asad
on break-up of Soviet bloc intelligence network
in Cuba
and Egypt
in Ethiopia
and ideologically motivated defectors
on PDRY intelligence service
on Putin
on sanitizing of intelligence
Kishi, Nobusuke
KISI (Japanese KGB agent)
Kissinger, Henry
and Arab-Israeli peace process
and China
KLEN (KGB intercept station, Brasilia)
Klingberg, Avraham Marcus
KLOD (Vladimir Vasilyevich Grinchenko)
Kocheskov, Anatoli Nikolayevich (CHIZHOV)
KOCHI (KGB agent in Japan)
Koestler, Arthur
KOLCHIN (KGB resident in Beirut)
Kolle Cueto, Jorge
KOMBINAT (Bangladeshi Directorate of National Security)
Komsomol (Communist Youth League)
Konavalov, V.
KONKORD (Somali coup)
Konoye, Prince
Konstantinov, Sergei Sergeyevich (pseud. of Vladimir Tolstikov)
KONTORA (SIN, Peruvian intelligence service)
KONUS (Japanese KGB agent)
KOOPERATIVA (codename for JSP)
Korchnoi, Viktor
Korda, Professor Hani
Korea, North
Korean War
Korneyev, A. V.
Korobov (KHUDOZHNIK, Rostov dissident)
Korotkov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich ‘Sasha’
Kosov, N. A.
Kostikov, V.V.
Kosygin, Aleksei Nikolayevich
Kotane, Moses
Kotlyar, Georgi Ivanovich (BERTRAND)
Kovtunovich, O. V.
KRAB (SIGINT station in Beijing residency)
Krasovsky, Vladimir Grigoryevich
KRAVCHENKO (Yuri Fyodorovich Linov)
Krishna, N. K.
KROT (Indian KGB agent)
Kryuchkov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich
and Afghanistan
and agent AREF
Castro meets
on China
and conspiracy theories
and Cubans in Angola
and Egypt
FCD Work Plan ()
forward policy in Third World
and hard-line coup ()
and India
and Iraqi invasion of Kuwait
on Non-Aligned Movement
br /> and Pakistan
on Zionism
Ku Shun-chang
Kudryavtsev, Sergei
Kulik, Aleksandr Sergeyevich
Kulikov, Marshal Viktor
Kumaramangalam, Mohan
Kunayev, Dinmukhamed
Kunta Haji, Sheikh
Kurds and Kurdistan
KURI (Pakistani KGB agent)
Kurile islands
KURYER (codename of Indian newspaper)
KUTV (Communist University of the Toilers of the East)
Kuwait, Iraqi invasion of
Kuzichkin, Vladimir
on Afghanistan
on Iran
and SIS
Kuznetsov, Nikolai Afanasyevich
Kuznetsov, S. P.
Kuznetsov, Svyatoslav Fyodorovich (LEONID)
and Allende
and ambassador Basov
Kuznetsov, Vasili
la Mar, Louis de
La Paz, Bolivia
La Prensa (Peruvian newspaper)
Latin America
see also individual countries
al-Lawzi, Salim
Lazarenko, A. I.
Lazarev, G. V.
LEADER see Allende Gossens, Salvador
Service A campaign in Pakistan
League Against Imperialism
active measures
Beirut residency
Civil War
Communist Party
Israeli invasion
Maronite Christians
and PLO
and Syria
Lebedev, Sergei Nikolayevich
LEDAL (Japanese KGB agent, S & T)
Le Duan
Left, Western
Leitäo de Abreu, Joäo
Le Monde
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich
Lenin Peace Prize
LEON (KGB illegal in Israel)
LEONID see Kuznetsov, Svyatoslav Fyodorovich
Leonov, Nikolai Sergeyevich
on aid as drain on economy
assessment of KGB’s record
and Brazil
and Chile
on China
conspiracy theories
conversion to Russian Orthodox Church
and Cuba
on Dahomey
and El Salvador
FCD posts
on Middle East
and Nicaragua