Book Read Free

The OP MC 2

Page 1

by Logan Jacobs

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  Chapter One

  Moans of pleasure filled my ears and echoed around my bedroom as I made sweet love to my beautiful wife, Elissa. Her fiery red hair was damp with sweat, and her chest was also dappled with perspiration. I’d only been married for a short time, but so far, the arrangement definitely had its upsides.

  Like making love for days straight with two amazing and breathtakingly beautiful women.

  “Oh, oh, oh!” Elissa gasped as another orgasm shook her body. “Sebastian!”

  “You’re so sexy when you cum,” I murmured against her inner thigh, and I gave her clit one final lick that caused her to whine and collapse back against her pillows.

  Elissa was the daughter of the village leader of Addington, Elrin, and I’d won her hand in marriage when I’d defeated the goblins who’d occupied the nearby mine. The town had been in desperate need of help when I happened to arrive, and I was proud to say I’d managed to turn the situation around.

  Thanks to my abilities as the God of Time. Or the God of Death. Or the God of Winning.

  Whatever I was now. I didn’t quite know for sure.

  It still boggled my mind to think about my old life. I’d been working in a call center when I’d laid my head down for a power nap during one of my breaks, and suddenly I’d woken up in the middle of a fantasy world.

  It seemed as though I’d been summoned from my world by a sorcerer named Raijin Thornheart so he could kill me and take my power. I hadn’t known what the crazy old man was talking about at the time, but then that Voldemort mother fucker actually did kill me.

  But I didn’t die.

  At first, I’d thought I was dreaming, and I’d expected to wake up back at my desk when I died, but that’s not what happened. Instead, I’d reappeared in the same moment right before the sorcerer plunged a dagger into my heart. I’d played enough video games to recognize the similarities when I respawned, and it made me realize something special had happened.

  I definitely wasn’t in Kansas anymore.

  I was in a magical medieval universe where monsters terrorized the small villages and dukes were paid fealties, but beyond that, I had powers: I could respawn when I died.

  And I learned how to create a save spot so I didn’t have to keep reliving the same things all over again if I didn’t want to.

  I’d never seen the movie Groundhog’s Day, but I knew what it was about, and I figured my current situation definitely had some resemblances to Bill Murray’s most well-known work. My life was now like a Game of Thrones mash up with the repeating day trope.

  Or maybe it was more like Skyrim or Dark Souls since I got to make my own save points and then go back whenever I wanted.

  While some might view being stuck in a time loop as a death sentence, I saw it as an opportunity. I could improve my skills with each attempt, and I could relive the awesome stuff as many times as I wanted.

  Like making Elissa climax.

  Her tunnel still dripped her wetness onto the bed sheets because of her climax, and a pool of liquid was forming there as she laid panting for breath.

  I took a deep breath and savored the honey sweet scent of her womanhood, and I moaned with delight as I pushed my tongue into her pussy again.

  “Hmmm… you taste so good,” I purred. “I love licking your pussy.”

  “Ohhh… Sebastian,” she whined as her eyes fluttered open. “You… you… just keep going. What did I do to deserve a god as my husband?”

  “Well, you are rather amazing,” I chuckled.

  “I’m the luckiest woman in the world,” Elissa purred as she slowly came back to reality.

  “You are about to get luckier.” I rose up onto my knees and positioned my body between her spread thighs. Then I gripped my shaft and rubbed it against her swollen pussy lips. I was rewarded with a squirm of her hips that urged me deeper inside her, but I still wasn’t quite done teasing her.

  I rubbed her clit with the tip of my cock for a moment until she was thrashing against me, and when she was good and desperate for my dick, I leaned forward and thrust my entire length inside her in one swift motion.

  “Fuckkkkk!” my wife gasped as her emerald green eyes shot wide open. Then she stared up at the ceiling above our heads as her body clamped around me.

  “You’re picking up my phrases,” I chuckled as I wiggled my hips to rub my shaft against the clenching walls of her tunnel.

  “I… I don’t know what it means,” Elissa murmured as she dropped her eyes. “You just… say it when you are enjoying me…”

  “You used it perfectly,” I assured her, and then I pulled out so I could slam my cock into her again.

  “Ooooh,” Elissa moaned as her legs spasmed against my sides. Then she dug her nails into the flesh of my shoulders and pulled me closer to her. “You’re amazing, Bash…”

  “Not as amazing as you are,” I murmured as I leaned forward to seize her mouth with my own. Our tongues danced like they were doing a tango, and the sounds of her muffled moans vibrating against my lips drove me wild.

  I couldn’t hold back any longer, so I pushed as deep as I could go into her body and groaned as I sprayed my cum inside her like an open fire hydrant.

  “That’s soooo good,” she gasped, but then I realized she wasn’t climaxing, and as my body slowly relaxed I looked down into Elissa’s emerald eyes. She was smiling at me, which was fine, but I wanted her eyes rolling back into her head and her mouth open and drooling when I finished inside of her.

  I wanted her mind blown every time we fucked, and I guessed this time was probably just an A-.

  That wasn’t good enough for me.

  Do over time.


  Moans of pleasure filled my ears and echoed around my bedroom as I licked Elissa’s perfect tasting pussy. I’d pretty much learned every single nuance of pleasuring her orally, so this part was both easy and rewarding, and I gave her my full attention until she was gasping for air.

  “Oh, oh, oh!” Elissa gasped again as her third orgasm shook her body. “Sebastian!”

  “You’re so sexy when you cum,” I murmured against her inner thigh, and I gave her clit one final lick that caused her to whine and collapse back against her pillows.

  “Mmmhhh…” she moaned.

  “Hmmm… you taste so good,” I said. “I love licking your pussy.”

  “Ohhh… Sebastian,” she whined as her eyes fluttered open. “You… you… just keep going. What did I do to deserve a god as my husband?”

  “Well, you are rather amazing.” I chuckled.

  “I’m the luckiest woman in the world,” Elissa purred as she slowly came back to reality.

  “You are about to get luckier,” I growled as I spread her legs wide and angled the tip of my cock toward her hungry looking pussy lips.

  “Oh, fuckkkkk!” Elissa groaned as I slid my full length inside her once again. For her, this was the first time I’d penetrated her this morning, but for me, it was like attempt number ten to get her to have a mind-numbing six climaxes.

  “I like it when you cuss,” I chuckled as I began to fuck her slowly.

  “I… I don’t know what it means,” Elissa gasped as my cock stretched her tunnel open over and over.

  “You used it perfectly,” I assured her once more, and this time, I made sure to keep a firm grasp on my self-control.

  I fucked my beautiful redhead for another hour, and I changed up positions each ti
me she came. Finally, after her sixth climax, I felt as if I couldn’t take it anymore, and I rode her hard in doggy style before we both orgasmed together one last time. The training with my self-control really paid off, and my final ejaculation sprayed inside of her trembling body like an angry firehouse as she screamed.

  “That will work,” I gasped under my breath as I finished pouring into her, and then I ran my hands and fingers over her smooth back as she collapsed down onto the bed with my cock still buried deep inside of her.

  Then I made another save point, since it was good to be the God of Time, and I’d just given my wife seven mind-numbing orgasms.

  “You’re wonderful, Bash,” Lissy gushed as she caught her breath. “That was amazing! I… I… I didn’t know it could ever feel this good, but you make me light up inside like a wildfire. You seem to know everything my body wants, even before I even know I want it. Ohhh…”

  “You make me feel pretty amazing, too, you know.” I grinned as I slowly slid my cock out of her. I’d really poured a lot of cum into the beautiful woman, and a river of it dibbled from her puffy pink pussy lips and cascaded down her thighs.

  “You filled me up so muchhh…” she purred. “It feels wonderful. I sometimes can’t believe I’m married to a god. I am so lucky.”

  “You are a good wife,” I hummed as I moved to lay on the bed beside her. I could get used to the flattery, especially when it came from one of the most beautiful women I’d ever seen.

  “All I want to do is bring you pleasure for the rest of my life,” she said in an earnest tone as she stared deep into my eyes. “Thank you for marrying me.”

  “I love you, Elissa,” I said as I invited her to lay her head on my chest. She immediately obliged, and we laid with our limbs entangled as our chests heaved up and down from the exertion of our lovemaking.

  “I love you, too, Sebastian.” Her fiery red hair was splayed across my chest, and the floral scent mixed with her sweat and musk was intoxicating.

  I savored the moment, and then I decided to create another save spot by focusing on where I was and telling myself I could come back to this instant whenever I wanted to.

  Mahini’s piercing blue eyes flashed through my mind, and I wondered what my other gorgeous woman was up to. I’d made love to the tanned desert goddess the night before and passed out with both women in my arms, but when Elissa and I’d woken up, my warrior woman was missing from the bed, so I’d just ate Elissa out for breakfast and then enjoyed another session of fucking her.

  Now, here we were. Time tended to flow oddly for me, and sometimes life didn’t seem real, but now was now, and I had lots of cool shit planned for the next few days.

  “Are you hungry for breakfast?” I kissed the top of Elissa’s head and squeezed her against me for a moment. Then I stretched my arms above my head and splayed out my toes.

  “Sure.” Elissa propped herself up onto her elbow, and her flame-colored tendrils framed her beautiful face like a halo of fire. “Mahini murmured something about cooking before she got out of bed. Then… well… It’s been an hour and a half or so. I think… I must admit I lost track of time, but I’m sure she heard us enjoying each other.”

  “Let’s see what she’s up to,” I said.

  Of course, the stoic warrior woman was off doing something in service to me, she was one of the most dedicated people I’d ever known, and her love for me exceeded all bounds. Still, the societal norms of my old life still lingered in the back of my mind, and I wasn’t quite used to the idea of having two women devoted to me.

  My wife and I got out of bed, and Elissa pulled my white shirt on over her naked freckled body. The garment reached her knees like a dress and hung off one shoulder like she was a sexy model on the cover of Vogue. Then the gorgeous redhead ran her fingers through her hair and shook the curls out across her back as she shot me a coy smile.

  “I love it when you look at me like that,” she said as her eyes sparkled like twin emerald stars. “You make me feel like a treasure.”

  “You are my treasure,” I said as I crossed the distance between us, gripped her firmly by her hips, and pulled her against me. “My prize, my reward, my woman.”

  “Forever,” Elissa breathed, and her eyelashes fluttered as she met my earnest expression. Then her lips curled up into a smirk, and she stepped smoothly out of my hands to stride toward the door. “I am hungry, though.”

  I shook my head and chuckled as I pulled on my underwear and followed behind her, and I loved watching her ass swish beneath the edges of my shirt and her dainty little feet tiptoeing down the hallway. We both met Mahini in the kitchen, and her blue eyes lit up like the hottest part of the flame when she saw me.

  She wore a simple white shirt tucked into tight fitting suede breeches and her tall leather boots. Her black hair was smooth and shiny in the sunlight pouring in through the kitchen window, and the love in her soul piercing blue eyes was matched by the curve of her lips.

  I’d first met the woman when she’d suddenly appeared in the midst of my battle against a horde of kobolds, these lizard-like bastards who were intent on attacking Addington, and I’d struggled at first to do a run through of the fight where she ended up unscathed. Mahini had been intent on dying that day, since the rest of her Golden Sword mercenary brethren had already perished, and with them, her purpose in life, but through careful dialogue and a few hundred Chimes, I’d convinced her to bond with me so she had a new purpose.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” I greeted the warrior woman with a grin.

  “Morning!” She returned my smile with surprising enthusiasm, and I loved how I’d managed to crack through her stoic demeanor, at least when we were inside the safety of our home anyway.

  “You look happy,” I purred as I moved to wrap my arms around her narrow waist so I could pull her back into my chest.

  “I made you both breakfast,” Mahini sighed as she melted into me.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” I said, but my stomach growled in contrast to my words.

  “Are you not hungry?” Mahini chuckled as she pulled away from me, and her eyebrow arched as her eyes lowered to my stomach.

  “Oh, I am.” I ran a hand through my hair self-consciously and smirked. “I just meant it’s nice, and I would have been happy to cook for myself, but I’m really glad you did.”

  “Sit, sit,” Elissa urged as she pulled out the chair for me. Then the beautiful redhead moved to help Mahini serve the eggs, toast, bacon, and mixed fruit.

  We ate in silence for a while, since I was busy shoveling my breakfast into my face and didn’t want to talk with my mouth full. Then, when I’d licked the plate clean, I leaned back in my chair and put my hands behind my head with a contented sigh.

  “This is the life,” I sighed as I gave my wives a loving look. “I have a big home to repair and renovate, excellent food, and two beautiful wives. What more could a god ask for?”

  “Not to have a duke send an army to kill you,” Mahini replied with a slight frown. “We still haven’t finalized our plans for dealing with him.”

  “He wouldn’t have expected his son to return for a few days, so we still have some time on our hands.” I shrugged.

  It seemed like a lifetime had passed since I’d killed the duke’s son, Lucian, and annihilated his small army. I’d restarted lovemaking sessions so many times it seemed like I hadn’t left the house in years.

  Ahhh… what an awesome life I had.

  “Let’s talk to my father about it today,” Elissa suggested as she pulled her bare feet up beneath her supple ass and hugged her knees. The position gave me a great view of the area between her creamy thighs, and I had to shake my head to refocus on my wife’s face.

  “That’s a good idea.” I grinned, and then I gave her a pointed look that showed the full extent of how she made me feel. “Fuck, you’re sexy.”

  “Fuck you!” Elissa chirped in a pleased tone as if she was saying thank you.

  I busted out laughing, and
both women looked at me with quizzical expressions on their lovely faces. I wanted to teach them so much, but that really did take some time since they couldn’t just restart lessons like I could.

  That was okay, though. I had plenty of time.

  “What’s so funny?” Mahini asked as she and Elissa shared a look.

  “Nothing, don’t worry about it,” I replied as I wiped joyful tears away from my eyes. “I just love you both so much.”

  If their eyes could have physically changed shape, they would have become hearts in that moment because both women swooned at my words. An image of my wives with snapchat filters over their faces passed through my mind, and I snorted with amusement.

  “But, yeah, we should go talk to your dad soon,” I said as I came back to reality and thought about the day ahead. “I want to make sure we have all the supplies we need for the journey to visit the duke, but I also want to ensure the town will be okay without me for a short while.”

  “Someone will fetch us,” Elissa said with a dismissive wave of a hand. “Just enjoy your morning.”

  “Ehhh… I suppose I could relax for a bit,” I said as I let out another contented sigh.

  “I can give you a massage,” Mahini suggested with a slight smile and a nod.

  “I can do the thing you like with my lips on your neck and ears?” the redheaded beauty added.

  “Both of those sound like great ideas.” I grinned wide and hopped up from my chair. Then I grabbed them both by the hand and took off for the bedroom.

  We took turns giving each other massages. When Mahini began to rub on Elissa’s pale shoulders, my cock throbbed, and both women noticed immediately.

  “You like it when we touch each other?” Mahini asked in a confused voice.

  “But you cannot feel our hands,” Elissa said as she furrowed her eyebrows.

  “Think about how you feel when I look at you naked,” I explained patiently. “Before I even touch you, and my eyes are roaming all over your body.”

  I did exactly that as I spoke, and I noticed the flush creep up Mahini’s neck.

  “See?” I continued. “You can get excited without being touched. It just takes the idea of it, and the image of two beautiful women touching each other for my pleasure sparks my imagination.”


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