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Fae- Beginnings

Page 14

by Eva Blackwing

  “Fuck.” Tristan leaned back in his chair. “So, how many Fae are we looking at fighting?

  Sebastian and Ben shared a glance. Max sat back and let them decide what to say. They were the ones who had the most war-based knowledge. Finally, Ben said, “Probably close to a thousand war-trained Fae, but we assume they’ve been conscripting since there are close to five thousand now surrounding the castle. They’ve brought in shifters and - we think - giants.”

  “We can do a lot, but we’ll need to increase the standing army. Send the word out to all former members of the army. And to any new recruits. Any who come and join in the fight to restore my fated to her rightful place will be handsomely rewarded.”

  Lance stood. “Very well, my lord. I’ll go send the word out now.”

  “Anything else, Council?” Arthur leaned forward, looking at each of them. “No? Good. I’ll be going to get ready for my bonding ceremony.”

  “One moment, my brother,” Max spoke up.


  “Those lords that you just dismissed - they should be watched. I believe one of them was involved with Selina.”

  Arthur leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling. “I don’t want to believe you - but I think you’re right.” He looked at Tristan. “Your uncle, Brandon.”

  “Of course, my lord. I’ll find out if he knows anything.”

  “Thank you. As for the others - set a watch on them. I don’t want them taking a shit without one of us knowing about it.”

  “Very well, my lord.” Tristan bowed in his seat.

  “Can we please dispense with the “my lord” crap? None of you have ever done this shit before.”

  Guinevere laughed. “Well, I think that we can agree not to be formal when it’s just us. But out there? You know what’s expected.”

  “Ugh. Being king is rough.”

  “Yeah. You know. Guaranteed meals, making sure your people are safe, ruling a whole country — you’ve got such problems, brother.” Max smirked at him. “If you ever want to know what shitty is? We’ll have a drink and talk about mine and Mor’s upbringing.”

  “Hmmm, we’ll definitely be having that discussion. But not today.” Arthur stood. “My brothers and I need to ready ourselves for the ceremony. I’ve demanded some modifications to the ceremony to include them.”

  Groaning, Galahad said, “Did you argue with the clergy?”

  “No. I ordered.”

  “Fuuuuck. Arthur. You know the sway they hold over the people.”

  “Once the bonding ceremony is completed and proves that we can mate with other species, the people will follow.”

  “Why would that entice them?” Max asked.

  There was an uncomfortable silence until Guinevere spoke up, finally, “Dragons have always had trouble finding mates. In the last thousand years or so, most have gone without finding their fated one. It’s led to some…unrest.” She nodded toward Arthur, “If - as he believes - Mor is his true mate, then you’ll soon see dragons searching for their mates outside of our realm. The priesthood has been firmly against this, saying that the lack of mates is our own fault.”

  “So they stand to lose power.” Atreyu looked up at the ceiling. “This is a cluster fuck. We have the escaped and insane Selina, the dismissed council, and the priesthood, all on top of the crazy human wizard John and his minions.”

  “Yep.” Arthur rubbed his hands together. “It should be an excellent adventure.”

  “Seriously? Interesting?” Max shook his head. “You are crazy.”

  “No, he’s just bored,” Tristan said, eyeing the king. “We’ve been stagnate for too long. I am grateful you brought Queen Mor to us. She will breathe life into our kingdom once again.”

  Arthur stood. “Thank you, Tristan.” He nodded solemnly. “Brothers, let us prepare ourselves.”

  Max followed Arthur and the others from the room. Once they were back in the suite, Arthur immediately poured them all a finger of whiskey. “Want to tell us about the modifications? My understanding was that you and Mor would share blood.”

  “Well, since we’re all going to be connected through her, I thought we should all participate in the ceremony. So, she’ll share blood with each of you in order of age, finishing with me.”

  “Sooooo…we’re going to participate in a blood bonding ceremony?”

  “Yep. So, Mor will be ceremonially cut on her wrist. It will stay open until the priests seal it at the end of the ceremony. You’ll each be cut as well, then press your wrist to hers and say ‘Bonded by blood and fate’.”

  “And then?” Atreyu took a sip of his whiskey.

  “Once we’ve all completed that step, the priests will magically seal our wounds. If we are true mates, a tattoo will appear over the cut. I’m not sure what that will look like for Mor, though, since she has five mates.”

  “Maybe five tattoos? Or one intricate one?”

  “No way to know until it happens.” Arthur shrugged.

  “Has she been told?” Ben swirled his whiskey in glass.

  “Well, Morgana was supposed to tell her.”

  “So, one thing you should know as a mate - never assume someone else will provide the information she needs. And while she is stunning when angry - none of us enjoy trying to bring her down. She has more power than you know.” Max made sure Arthur was looking at him as he spoke. “I don’t suggest leaving things like that up to others in the future.” Max didn’t say anything else. He needed to get ready for whatever was going to come at them next.

  Chapter 15


  Mor spent most of the day in planning hell. First was the dress. What color, what details, what cut, blah blah blah. She’d finally lost her temper and said blue to match Arthur’s dragon and only lace. The seamstress’s eyes had widened and she had started to argue, but then Mor’s hands started sparking and that ended that conversation..

  Then had come the chefs. Wanting to know her favorite dishes, the favorites of her mates, how large the servings should be, what place settings she wanted, how many courses they should prepare and on and on and on. Just as she was about to lose her temper, Morgana walked back in to the room.

  “Enough! Come with me, chef. I’ll handle the rest and we’ll let Queen Mor have a break.” She ushered everyone from the room and Mor collapsed back on the bed. She hated planning parties. When she lived with her adopted family, her ‘mother’ had forced her into planning party after party after party for her ‘father’s’ friends and clients. She had hated it then and hated it now. Those parties had been a form of slow torture where she was forced to sit and speak with possible marriage pairings.

  She groaned into her pillow. This was supposed to be a big day. But it was really surreal. She was a queen. With four bound mates and about to gain another. Who was a king. King Arthur Pendragon, to be precise. Who could shift into a fucking dragon. “What the fuck is happening to my life?” Her voice was muffled by the pillow.

  “Well, I’d say you’re lying there freaking out.” Morgana’s voice was arch.

  Mor flopped onto her back and sighed. “I am. I don’t think I can do this. I have four Fae mates. Now I’ve met King Arthur and I’m about to be bound to him. Not to mention I’m a queen about to go and fight a war for a kingdom I didn’t even know was mine until a few weeks ago.”

  Sitting down on the bed next to her, Morgana brushed her hair off her face. “That is a lot. I can’t disagree with anything you just said. I’ve been alive thousands of years, and I can tell you this - everything is bound together for a reason. Fate has brought you here to the Fae and to Arthur.”

  “Why do you think that is?” Mor turned her head to look at Morgana.

  “How much do you know about the magical realms?”

  “Not much. I’ve spent most of my time here trying to train my magic and body. Not much time for history, although Cassandra did try to give me some lessons. The guys did say something about things changing in the Fae Realms with the disappearance
of the royals. Fewer mates being found, increased violence, and so on.”

  “I’ve been watching the decline for longer than the three hundred years the Fae royal family has been missing.”

  “What do you mean, decline?”

  “Dragons have had trouble finding mates. I’ve seen more and more going insane from loneliness. There have been fewer births as well.” She laid down next to Mor and continued, “I’ve watched the other shifter races going through the same troubles. And in the last few hundred years, I’ve seen the Fae begin to decline as well.”

  Mor was silent for a moment. “Why do you think that is?”

  “I don’t know. But I do know that this is the first shifter pairing with a Fae in over three thousand years.”

  Mor sat up. “What do you mean first in three thousand years? I thought it had never happened?”

  Morgana sat up next to her. “It’s happened before - and then, as now, the Council forbade it. However, they went even further and the king had the Fae killed.” One tear slipped out of an eye. She didn’t acknowledge the tear, but kept talking, “I believe that the species is declining because we have become so insular. How can one find one’s mate if you are never exposed to them?”

  “What happened?” Mor reached out and gripped her hand.

  “That is a story for another day.” Morgana smiled softly at her. “Now, as to the rest of the planning, your mates let me know how awful that is for you. So, I have taken it over for you. All you have to do today is relax. Go soak in a bath, read a book, play a video game. Something mindless. By tonight, you will be crowned as the queen you are and you will be bound to my brother. I look forward to seeing the changes you help bring - not to mention the happiness you’ve already brought. I haven’t seen him smile like this in a thousand years.” Morgan kissed the top of her head. “I’ll keep everyone out of your rooms. When it’s time to get ready, I will assist you.” She swept from the room, leaving the door open.

  “Fuck.” Morgana had thrown so much at her. What was she supposed to do about the decline of the magic realm? And the king had a Fae killed. Judging by the tear, Mor guessed the Fae had either been Morgana’s mate or someone close to her. Either way, thousands of years of tradition were going to be hard to change. Did she really want to do this?

  They could leave. Mor could summon her mates and they could leave. But then, she’d have to leave Arthur. And as much as she wanted to deny it, Arthur called to her. Just as her other four mates had. But this time, she knew what it really meant even if she had denied it at first. Thoughts of leaving him sent a shooting pain through her. “Okay, not leaving.”

  Practically, it would have been bad for her people as well. They needed the support of the dragons in this war or her people would be slaughtered. There were too many against them. Mor scrubbed a hand over her eyes and wandered into the sitting area. On the coffee table in front the couch there was a book that hadn’t been there before. Plopping down on to the couch, she picked it up. History of Dragons. She picked it up and opened it to the first page.

  “Dragons have been around longer than any of the other magical species. While their origin is not known, it is known that they were the first sentient magical being.” Mor started reading. It didn’t seem too interesting at first, but then it started talking about how the dragons first learned to realm jump. When they learned it leaked to the other species - Fae, Wolves, Bears, and so on. They were the origins of so many legends. The Fae were the basis of Sidhe, Arthur and the Pendragons were obvious. Then there were the gods - Nordic, Greek, Egyptian, and so on. Not to mention werewolves and even vampires.

  Mor had never read a history book like this. It told of how the dragons first helped the other species. She had never read a history book this interesting. It was unapologetic in it’s telling, pointing out the many mistakes of the dragons as well as the other magical species. She was so wrapped up in the book, she didn’t notice when someone came in the room. When she heard a throat clearing, Mor jumped, dropping the book and clutching at her chest. “Holy fuck!”

  Morgana chuckled. “I take it that you enjoyed my book?”

  “You left it here for me?”

  “I wrote it - and yes, I left it here for you. I figured you’d like an unedited history of the magical realms.”

  “Thank you. May I bring it with me when we leave?”

  “Absolutely. It is a gift from me to you.”

  Mor grinned then frowned. “I suppose it’s time to get ready, then?”

  “It is. But no frowning. This is fate.” She tugged on Mor’s hand, pulling her up and into a hug. “I can feel the ripples this is making in magic. But more importantly - I know how happy you’ve made my brother already. Now come, let us dress you as the queen you are.”

  * * *

  “Are you ready to see?” Morgana asked her.

  “I think so?” She’d been told to close her eyes while Morgana dressed her, did her hair, and then did something to her face. She felt Morgana tug her to her feet and then turn her.

  “Open your eyes.”

  Mor gasped when she opened her eyes. She was wearing a lace cobalt blue dress that hugged her curves and flared out just under her hips. The sleeves were split, exposing her arms, with jeweled bracelets holding the sleeves in place on her wrists. Her hair flowed down with just a few simple braids keeping it back from her face. She wore no crown - but that was because her crown was in the castle she couldn’t reach. Sapphires hung from her ears but she didn’t wear any other jewelry. Her eyes had been highlighted and her lips darkened a little bit, but other than that she didn’t have much makeup on.

  “Morgana - this is perfect.”

  “The color matches my brother’s dragon.” She smiled. “I knew you had requested that blue and I thought it would be fitting to have you match his dragon.”

  Wrapping her arms around Morgana, she said, “You are amazing. Thank you.”

  “Do not cry.” Morgana pulled back. “Come, my brother and your mates are waiting for you. We have a feast to attend and bonding ceremony to get to.”

  Taking a deep breath, Mor led the way into the next room. Her mates - all five of them - were standing in dark, tailored suites. Arthur must have commissioned matching suites for them. In addition, they all wore a pendant around their necks. It was gold and had a tree on it. Arthur only stood out because he wore a simple crown on his head. Walking up to her, he took a deep breath and held out a circlet to Mor. It was gold with a sapphire siting in the center, a dragon wrapped around it as the place setting. “I know this isn’t your crown - but you are a queen in your own right. So I had this made for you, just as a placeholder until we take your crown back.”

  At Mor’s nod, he set the circlet on her head. The weight of it seemed to draw her inside herself. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as she felt herself drawn inward. Her eyes were closed, but suddenly she felt like she could see the entirety of the magical realms. There was something dark hanging on the edges of the realms. It had seeped into some of them, making them look sick. She frowned, trying to figure out what was happening.

  “Rose, you’re scarring me.”

  She came back to herself, blinking up at Arthur. He was holding her tight in his arms, his hand cupping her face and turning it toward him. “I’m here. Why am I scarring you?”

  “You blanked out for a moment. What happened?”

  She frowned up at him. “I saw all the magical realms. There was a darkness surrounding all of them and bleeding in to some of them.”

  “Well, if that isn’t a sign that she belongs with you then I don’t know what else could be.” Morgana was grinning.

  “What do you mean?” Mor gave her a questioning look.

  “That is the Seeing Stone. It’s been passed down from queen to queen, but this is the first time it’s responded to someone in, what, five thousand years? Our great-grandmother I believe.” Arthur was staring down at her with reverence.

  “You’re likely to get
visions whenever you wear it. Eventually, you’ll be able to control them.”

  “But how - “

  “No. We do not have time for this. We have a dinner to attend, a bonding ceremony to complete, and then you have some bonding of your own to do. Let’s go.” Morgana ushered them out the door.

  They made their way down the hall to the dining room. The rest of the new Council was waiting next to their seats while the rest of the Court was milling around the room. As soon as they were announced, the room quieted down. Arthur led Mor to the head of the table. There were now two throne like chairs gracing the head of it. As one, Mor and Arthur sat down with her mates following closely behind. Once everyone else had taken their place at the table, servants began to bring the feast in. It was silent until Atreyu struck up a conversation with Tristan. Conversation slowly filled the room until it was a lively dinner.

  As dessert was brought out, Arthur reached over and picked up Mor’s hand. He brought it to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it. “I’m so grateful you came here. I wish it wasn’t because you have to fight for your throne, but I’ll never regret what brought you to me.”

  “There are many things I regret. But meeting my mates? That will never be one of them.” Mor smiled as he leaned over and kissed her softly.

  Although the dessert looked delicious, Mor didn’t really touch most of it. She was anxious to get this over with. She knew the basics, but Morgana had mentioned that Arthur had made some changes adding her mates in. She was a little nervous about that and was having trouble focusing on the conversation around her. She didn’t really know Arthur, but she knew he was good to his bones. When he stood and offered his hand to her, Mor let him pull her to her feet.

  “Ready?” Arthur’s voice was soft.


  “Let’s go do this thing.” Without another word he turned and led her out of the room, her other mates following closely behind them. Mor expected him to lead them to the throne room, but instead he led them out a side door.


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