Suite Revenge (Cruise Ship Christian Cozy Mysteries Series Book 8)

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Suite Revenge (Cruise Ship Christian Cozy Mysteries Series Book 8) Page 12

by Hope Callaghan

  “Why don’t you invite Captain Armati on a date? You haven’t spent much time with him since you got back on board,” Danielle suggested.

  “I hadn’t thought of that. I’ve always let him be the one to invite me. Maybe I should.”

  It didn’t take much for Danielle to convince Millie to invite the captain and before she could change her mind, she picked up the phone handset and dialed his private line. She was surprised when he answered and Danielle slipped into the bathroom to give them some privacy.

  “Hello Millie,” Captain Armati’s deep voice echoed through the phone. “I’ve been trying to reach you on your radio.”

  “You have?” Millie reached for her radio to check the volume. “I’ve had it on all night but now that you mention it, it’s been very quiet.”

  “Perhaps the batteries have died,” the captain said. “I know you planned to spend the day with your family in St. Croix but now that they’re gone, I have some free time tomorrow and thought you might like to spend part of your day with me instead.”

  “I would love to.” She reached up to touch the necklace the captain had given her before she left on leave.

  “Great. I’ve already taken the liberty of planning a surprise in the hopes you would say yes.”

  “What kind of surprise?”

  “You’ll have to wait and see. No need to bring anything with you except your sunglasses and a camera.”

  They agreed on a meeting time near the gangway.

  Danielle emerged from the bathroom, noted the glow in Millie’s eyes and smiled. “Ah, I see you have a date tomorrow.”

  “Yeah. I think the batteries in my radio are dead. Captain Armati has been trying to reach me. He’s taking me somewhere tomorrow and says it’s a surprise.”

  “Oh.” Danielle clapped her hands. “I love surprises.”

  “Me too. Sometimes. He said all I need to bring with me are my sunglasses and my phone to take pictures.”

  “I wish I had someone to hang out with,” Danielle said.

  “What about what’s-his-name Lorenzo, the guy who transferred from Marquise of the Seas?”

  “He’s a womanizer,” Danielle climbed the ladder to the top bunk. “And a jerk.”

  Millie waited until Danielle had settled in under the covers before turning off the light. “There are plenty of other fish in the sea.”

  It was quiet for a long moment before Danielle’s soft voice filled the cabin. “Thanks Millie.”

  “For what?”

  “For being like a mom and worrying about me. I don’t have anyone anymore, not since Casey died.”

  “You’re like a daughter to me, Danielle,” Millie whispered and then offered a silent prayer for her young friend.

  Danielle had been very tight-lipped about her brother, Casey. The only thing Millie knew was Casey had been Danielle’s younger brother and Danielle blamed herself for his death.

  Millie wasn’t even sure if Danielle had family back home, wherever “home” was. Judging by the comment about Millie being like a mother, she had a sneaky suspicion her young cabin mate had no immediate family, at least none she was close to.

  “Whenever you’re ready to talk Danielle, I’m here.”

  “I know,” Danielle whispered back. “Goodnight Millie.”

  Millie knew the conversation was over and as Millie closed her eyes, she prayed for Danielle again, for the deep hurt she knew was just below the surface she tried so hard to hide from everyone. She also prayed for Delilah’s family, for Roger and that Delilah’s death would be put to rest.

  Millie wasn’t sure how long she tossed and turned before finally drifting off to sleep. She didn’t wake until she felt the gentle vibration of the ship as it docked on the island.

  She could hear Danielle stirring as the vibration increased and Millie slipped out of her bunkbed. The captain, Nic, had told her to meet him near the gangway around eleven, which would work out perfectly since Millie was assisting Andy near the gangway to see the first wave of passengers disembarking for a day of fun and sun on the small island.

  She made it there right after the crew slid the exit ramp into place and passengers began disembarking.

  Andy waited for a lull in the crowd before turning to Millie. “Are you getting off today?” He knew Millie had planned to spend the day with her family.

  “Yes,” Millie nodded.

  “Are you heading to town or the beach with Annette and Cat?”

  “No.” Millie shook her head and Andy raised a brow. “Ah. I see. The captain was trying to reach you yesterday.”

  Millie interrupted. “Which reminds me, I think the batteries in my radio are dead. I’ll replace them before I leave the ship.”

  “So where is the captain taking you?” The island was small. Most of the activities involved outdoor excursions…snorkeling, scuba diving. There was also a botanical garden and small fort.

  “It’s a surprise.” A group of passengers approached to ask if it was safe to drink the water or eat the food on the island. Andy answered their questions and then waited until they were out of earshot.

  “I hope you have a wonderful day off, Millie,” Andy said. “You deserve it after all that’s gone on.” He changed the subject. “How did the Mix and Mingle singles party go?”

  “It was fun. I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. If you don’t mind, Danielle and I would like to swap for the time being. I can host one of the Mix and Mingle parties and she’ll host Killer Karaoke.”

  Andy nodded thoughtfully. “Okay. Agreed. It’s good to switch things up and learn each other’s jobs.” He glanced at his watch. “What time are you meeting the captain?”


  “You better get a move on. I can manage on my own.”

  Millie thanked Andy before making her way downstairs. She stopped by the maintenance office to grab some new batteries for her radio before heading to the cabin to get ready for her date.

  It had been a long time since Nic and she had spent any time alone together, and Millie primped in the bathroom as long as she dared. She slipped a swimsuit on under a pair of shorts and sleeveless blouse, stuck her feet in a new pair of sandals she’d bought back home and then hurried to the gangway.

  She hovered off to the side to wait. A short time later Nic emerged from the elevator wearing swim trunks, a t-shirt with the ship’s logo on the front and a ball cap. He was also wearing a backpack, carrying a large bag in one hand and Scout’s dog carrier in his other.

  Millie hurried over to take the carrier. Scout was so excited to see Millie that he began to paw at the metal bars. She stuck her fingers inside the cage and rubbed Scout’s head. “Aw. You get to come with us, too?”

  Millie lifted the cage so it was close to her face. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”


  “That’s what I thought. You’ve been sworn to secrecy,” Millie joked.

  Nic smiled. “Scout…a man’s most loyal companion and keeper of all secrets.” He shifted the large bag to his other hand. “Are you ready to go?”

  Millie nodded. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Chapter 17

  Nic and Millie stepped down the gangway. Several of the crew who had worked on board Siren of the Seas for many moons, recognized the captain and gave him a small salute. One of them winked at Millie and she grinned. Despite his best attempt to remain incognito, the beloved captain carried an air of authority that was hard to miss.

  Nic reached for Millie’s free hand. “This way my dear.” He led her to the nearby marina and a small boat, the Sea Vixen, tied up at the dock.

  “Captain Armati?” A tall thin man aboard the boat stepped forward.

  “Meeko?” the captain asked as he handed the man the bag he’d refused to let Millie touch and then climbed on the boat.

  “Yes sir.” The man took Scout’s carrier from Millie and handed him off to Nic, who gently eased the carrier onto the floor near the back.

  Nic returned to the front of the boat to help Millie. After they were both safely on board, they settled onto the bench seat in the back and sat close together.

  Millie slid her sunglasses on as the boat slipped away from the dock and turned toward open water.

  Siren of the Seas was the only ship in port and Millie studied the massive cruise ship. She loved to see the ship from a different perspective. It seemed so much bigger on the outside.

  Nic squeezed Millie’s hand. “You miss her already?”

  “No.” Millie smiled. “I’m appreciating the sheer size of her. She’s a beaut.”

  The conversation shifted to the island. Captain Armati shared a story of the time he’d snorkeled on the island some years back. A pod of dolphins had shown up and they surrounded the snorkelers as they played in the water nearby.

  Millie had seen a few dolphins some time back, but never up close. “That would be awesome.” The boat slowed.

  “We are here,” Meeko announced. He cut the engine and the boat drifted to shore. “This is as close as I can get.”

  “Perfect.” The captain stood and made his way to the bow of the boat before he slid off the front and into the crystal-clear water. He reached for the secret bag. “I’ll be right back.”

  Nic waded to shore, placed the large bag on top of a nearby rock and then waded back out to the boat.

  Millie carried Scout’s carrier as she eased her way to the front. She handed Scout to the captain before she removed her sandals and held them in one hand. She followed Nic’s lead as she slid off the front and grasped the hand he held out.

  “I will be back at 2:30,” Meeko said before starting the boat’s motor.

  “Perfect.” Nic handed Millie Scout’s carrier and then used his free hand to push the front of the boat out into deeper water. They watched as Meeko turned the small vessel around and began the short trip back to the mainland.

  Millie glanced down into the water and gasped as colorful tropical fish swarmed around her legs.

  “Stay here. I’ll be right back.” Nic waded to shore and set Scout’s carrier near the large bag before he returned to where Millie was waiting. He turned around and pointed to the backpack he was still wearing. “There’s a box of cornflakes in the front pocket.”

  Millie unzipped the front pocket and pulled out the small box of cereal before handing it to Nic. “What is this for?”

  “We’re going to feed the fish.” Nic opened the top of the box and peeled back the plastic liner. “Hold out your hand.”

  Millie held out her hand and he dumped a small mound into her palm. “Now we feed the fish.”

  Millie bent forward and gazed into the turquoise water. She sprinkled the corn flakes on top of the water and moments later, a school of fish appeared. Some were a vivid blue with black splotches, others a turquoise and yellow color while still others were brown and white striped. Spikes stuck out along the top of the brown and white fish. There were also spikes surrounding the fins.

  She dipped the tips of her fingers in the warm water, certain that if she reached down a few more inches, she could touch them.

  They finished emptying the box of cereal and waded to shore where Nic picked up the mysterious bag while Millie opened the door to Scout’s carrier.

  The pint size pup darted out of the carrier and onto the sand. He pranced in circles and Millie could almost see the smile on his face as he savored his freedom and began running along the shoreline. “He loves it.”

  Scout sprinted ahead and Nic had to chase after him. He reached inside Scout’s carrier and pulled out his leash. “He loves it a little too much.”

  Nic clipped the leash to Scout’s collar and then shut the door to the empty carrier. “We can leave this here. I’m sure no one will bother it.”

  “We don’t have far to go.” Nic reached for Millie’s hand and the three of them meandered along the shoreline. Millie drank in the tranquility of the small island. There wasn’t another soul in sight.

  A gentle breeze tossed Millie’s hair and the bright Caribbean sun warmed her face. She breathed deeply and could feel the tension leave her body. She wished she could capture the moment and bottle it for all of the times when life’s stresses overwhelmed her.

  “We’re here.” Nic stopped abruptly. He pointed at a secluded cove surrounded by large rocks. It formed a horseshoe shape. He set the bag on top of a nearby boulder, reached inside and pulled out a checkered flannel blanket.

  He handed her one end of the blanket and they spread it out on the sandy beach while Scout attempted to hop on the blanket they were trying to unfold.

  “You’re such a stinker.” Millie scooped him up in her arms and held him close before setting him on the sand so they could finish smoothing out the blanket.

  Nic reached inside the secret bag and pulled out a soft side cooler, set it on the blanket and then pulled out a second cooler.

  “We’re having a…”

  “Picnic,” Nic finished her sentence.

  “This is perfect,” Millie gushed. She watched as he pulled out a small plastic bin. Inside one bin was an array of fresh fruit…grapes, pineapple wedges, chunks of juicy watermelon along with strawberries and blueberries.

  Inside another container were chicken salad wraps. There was also a zip-lock bag with packets of ranch dressing, mayonnaise and mustard. Nic pulled out two more containers and set them next to the wraps. “We also have some potato salad and coleslaw.”

  There was one last container, full of small chunks of chicken and beef. “Scout’s lunch,” Nic explained. He set the pup’s food off to one side.

  After the spread of delicious food was arranged on the blanket, the two of them settled in to enjoy their feast while Scout ran over the top of their legs, turning them into a mini obstacle course.

  Millie reached out and patted his head. “You don’t know what to do with yourself, do you?”

  Scout licked Millie’s hand and finally settled onto her lap.

  “Let’s pray.” Nic took Millie’s hand and they bowed their heads. “Dear Lord. Thank you for this food. Thank you for this wonderful woman I love with all my heart. Thank you for bringing her into my life. May you bless our lives from this day forward.”

  Nic’s prayer brought sudden tears to Millie’s eyes and she blinked them back as she lifted her head. “That was beautiful. Thank you.” She wiped away a tear that trickled down her cheek.

  It had been a long few days, a long few months even. She had missed him while she was in Michigan, and although they had talked on the phone whenever he was in port, it wasn’t the same.

  “Before we start eating.” Nic stuck his hand inside his pants pocket as he shifted to his knees. “I’d like to ask you something.”

  Chapter 18

  Millie’s heart leapt into her throat as it dawned on her what was happening. She clamped her hand across her mouth and her eyes widened as she stared at the box Nic held out.

  “Millie, will you marry me? Will you be my wife?”

  “I...” Her eyes darted from Nic’s face to the ring and back again. She began to feel lightheaded as she tried to grasp what he was saying.

  “I hope that’s a yes.”

  “Yes,” Millie whispered.

  Nic tugged the round diamond solitaire from the center of the small box. “May I?” He motioned to Millie’s hand.

  Millie’s hand trembled as she held it out and Nic slipped the ring on her finger. She burst into tears as she stared at the ring.

  “I hope those are happy tears.”

  Scout let out a small yelp as Millie flung herself into the arms of the man she had grown to love, who had stood by her during the last year, who had been her rock, her constant in a world of chaos.

  “Yes, yes, yes!” Millie chanted as Nic held her in his arms.

  They stayed locked in an embrace until Nic slowly pulled back, his eyes gazing deeply into hers. He leaned forward and Millie tilted her head.

  The kiss started out slow
but quickly deepened as Millie threw caution to the wind and promised Nic in that moment a lifetime of love, giving her heart freely to him.

  Millie wanted the moment, the kiss to last forever as time stood still.

  Scout interrupted their intimate moment as he latched onto the bottom of Millie’s blouse and began tugging.

  Millie smiled in the kiss and reluctantly pulled back. “Someone is jealous.”

  Nic grinned and rubbed one of his pup’s ears. “You weren’t supposed to do that.” He leaned back. “I suppose it’s best. We don’t want to get carried away.”

  “Or do we,” Millie flirted. She reached for Scout’s container of food. “We better feed Scout first.”

  Nic handed Millie a paper napkin. She unfolded the napkin and placed it near the edge of the blanket before dumping Scout’s lunch in the center.

  The diamond caught Millie’s eye as the sun reflected off the large stone. She lifted her hand to admire the ring. “When…how?”

  Nic opened the container of fruit and reached for a strawberry. “I ordered the ring right after you left the ship to head home for your break. I’ve had it in my dresser drawer for some time now. I couldn’t wait for you to come back to propose.”

  He went on. “I planned to bring you here to Buck Island. I had it all planned; the perfect romantic beach proposal. When I found out your daughter and family were coming and you booked a beach day with them, my plan was to postpone it until next week, after I met them. It would have been the perfect opportunity to let your daughter know of my plans but fate had a different idea.”

  “Delilah,” Millie said.

  “Yes,” Nic said. “After discovering your ex-husband and his fiancée were on board and pressed me to marry them, I decided perhaps it was best to wait until they were off the ship and the dust settled.”

  “You didn’t want their marriage to mar our engagement,” Millie guessed.

  Nic nodded. “After Delilah’s death and the recent events, I decided to chat with Beth and her husband to get their thoughts. They gave me their blessing and at Beth’s prompting, I decided to go ahead and propose.”


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