Suite Revenge (Cruise Ship Christian Cozy Mysteries Series Book 8)

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Suite Revenge (Cruise Ship Christian Cozy Mysteries Series Book 8) Page 13

by Hope Callaghan

  Millie’s eyes widened. “My daughter knows?”

  “Yes, she does and I promised her as soon as we returned to St. Croix this afternoon, I would have you call her.” Nic reached for Millie’s hand. “You have a lovely family and I can’t wait to be a bigger part of your life.”

  “That stinker,” Millie said. “I had no idea. I’m sure she’s bursting at the seams.”

  Scout finished nibbling on his lunch and decided to explore the picnic area as he dragged his leash across the blanket and onto the sand.

  Millie grabbed the leash and looped the end around Nic’s backpack. The leash was long enough for Scout to dip the tips of his paws in the water and he wandered back and forth, sniffing the air.

  “The sand and waves must feel strange to him,” Millie observed.

  “I feel guilty for leaving him on the ship so much of the time and decided to take him ashore with me, with us, as much as possible.”

  A tingle ran through Millie at the word “us.” It would take some getting used to. She’d finally grown comfortable with living alone, if you could call sharing a small cabin with Danielle “alone.”

  “We should eat,” Nic urged as he handed Millie a plate.

  Millie placed one of the chicken wraps on the side of her plate, added a spoonful of potato salad and coleslaw and then scooped a heaping mound of fresh fruit on the edge.

  It dawned on her she’d skipped breakfast. The fresh air and sunshine had made her hungry. She inhaled the first half of her wrap and all of her potato salad before noticing Nic was eating much slower. “Oh my. I didn’t realize I was so hungry.”

  “I’m savoring the wonderful company of my bride-to-be.” Nic took a bite of his wrap and set the uneaten piece on his plate. “We have a lot of decisions to make.”

  They discussed a wedding date and decided the sooner the better but they both wanted to give their children enough time to adjust to the idea their parents were getting remarried and to make travel arrangements.

  They considered an island wedding and although Millie thought it would be romantic and beautiful, they quickly agreed a neutral spot where Nic’s daughter, Fiona, and her family as well as Beth and family, Millie’s son, Blake, along with his girlfriend, could easily reach.

  Miami would be the perfect spot for all and they decided to pick the date as soon as they shared the good news with their children, although Beth already knew.

  After they finished their light lunch, they packed up the leftovers, put them in the cooler and into the large bag. They had enough time to explore part of the island before Meeko returned to pick them up.

  Millie had remembered to bring her cell phone and snapped several selfies of Nic and her and of Scout. She was able to snap some spectacular shots of the turquoise water and the cruise ship, off in the distance.

  Scout darted ahead but they easily caught up with him when he stopped to sniff the tips of a nearby bush. “He’s going to be all tuckered out by the time we get back.”

  They stepped off the path to check out a small cove when Scout, who had once again trotted ahead of them, leapt into the air and let out a small yelp.

  Millie darted down the trail to see what was wrong and caught a glimpse of a dark green reptile. She stopped in her track. “Agh!”

  Nic laughed when he caught up with Scout and Millie. “Ah…it’s an iguana. They won’t hurt you.”

  The iguana was almost the same size as the small dog. Scout dashed back to the couple and hopped on top of Millie’s sandal. She picked him up and held him to her. “That’s what you get for being so curious.”

  He didn’t seem keen on wandering too far ahead after that and all too soon it was time for them to head back to the beach to gather their belongings and wait for the shuttle boat.

  Millie nudged Scout into his carrier and closed the door before picking him up.

  The small boat appeared on the horizon. It drew closer and they waited near the water’s edge as the boat drifted to shore.

  Nic handed Scout and his carrier to Meeko followed by the bag of leftover food while Millie waited on the beach. Nic returned a second time for his soon-to-be-wife and reached for her hand as they slowly waded out to the boat.

  She cast several wistful glances back at the secluded slice of paradise that had been theirs for a few short hours and then scooted across the bow of the boat.

  Nic pushed the boat deeper into the water before he jumped onto the bow and made his way to the bench seat.

  Meeko, a St. Croix native, grinned at them as he turned the small boat around, his bright white smile filling his face. “I trust you had a nice visit to our wonderful island.”

  Nic winked at Meeko. “Yes, we did Meeko. Mission accomplished…she said ‘yes.’”

  “Tis good to be married.” Meeko nodded at Nic and then focused his attention on navigating the vessel but not before he turned the boat’s radio on and a soft romantic song began to play.

  Millie snuggled close to Nic and closed her eyes as she leaned her head against him. Nothing could ruin the wonderful, magical day. She would cherish it for the rest of her life.

  When the boat docked a short time later, Meeko helped Nic unload their belongings before helping Millie climb onto the dock.

  “Congratulations,” Meeko said.

  Nic and Millie thanked him for helping make their day special and they slowly wandered back to the ship. “I fear I must get back to work to prepare for departure.”

  Millie glanced at her watch. Their time together had flown by. “I’m going to hang around out here and call Beth. I’ll see you later.”

  Nic kissed Millie, a sweet gentle kiss that held so much promise. As he made his way up the gangway, the crew saluted him, welcoming him back. Millie’s heart swelled with pride. He was her love…her man.

  She stepped off to the side, plucked her phone from her back pocket, switched it on and dialed her daughter’s cell phone number.

  “Hi Mom.” Beth picked up right away.

  “Hi Beth.” Millie slyly smiled. “Are you finally home?”

  “Yeah. We finally made it back. What a mess. Did you get the pictures I sent to you?”

  “Yes. Thank you. They were great pictures. The group photo was a nice one. At least you were able to enjoy part of one day of your cruise. You’ll have to come back and try again,” Millie said. “How is your father?”

  “Dad is doing okay. We’re working on funeral arrangements right now. He hasn’t mentioned suing the cruise line today but then I only talked to him briefly,” Beth said. “I’m glad to be home.”

  “I’m sure you are. That’s nice of you to help your father with the arrangements.”

  “I had no choice. Linda and her husband, Mike, got into a huge fight at the hotel right before we left for the airport. The front desk had to call hotel security. We’re lucky they didn’t call the cops and have both of them arrested.”

  “The husband should cut Linda some slack. After all, her mother just passed away,” Millie said.

  “That’s what I thought too, but I think there’s more to the story. From what I could gather when you could understand what they were shouting at each other, Linda found out Mike had taken some photos of one of the women who worked on board the cruise ship and he admitted he was attracted to her.”

  Millie loosened her grip on the phone and it started to slip from her grasp. “Oh no! Did you happen to get a name or description?”

  “No. I mean it was an all-out brawl. She was hitting him and he was trying to get away from her.” Beth paused. “When the hotel security arrived, Mike refused to press charges.”

  Millie’s mind was racing in a million different directions. “What…what does Mike look like?”

  He’s short, roundish and balding on top,” Beth said.

  “Dark hair?”


  Beth changed the subject. “Did you take the day off?”

  Despite the chaotic thoughts rumbling round her head, Millie grinned
. Her daughter was fishing, trying to find out if Nic had proposed.

  “Yeah,” she answered vaguely. “I already had the time scheduled and it’s such a beautiful day.”

  “What did you do?” Beth asked.

  “I was going to ask Captain Armati if he had time off but I found out he’d already asked one of the female dancers to join him for lunch,” Millie said. “What a jerk.”

  Beth gasped on the other end. There was a moment of silence and Millie had to clamp her hand tight across her mouth to stop herself from busting out laughing.

  “You’re kidding.”

  “I am.”

  “You are what?”

  “I’m kidding,” Millie said. “I’m also engaged to the wonderful man.”

  “Mom,” Beth squealed. “That was not nice.”

  “I know,” Millie agreed. “But it was fun. I had no idea you met him.” Nic had invited Beth and her family to dine with him at the captain’s table where he hoped to get to know Millie’s family, but after Delilah’s demise and they got off the ship in San Juan, he hadn’t had a chance.

  Millie had no idea they’d met. “He admitted he secretly invited you, David and the kids to not only tour the bridge but also visit his apartment which is when he told you what he planned.”

  “He did,” Beth said. “It was so hard to keep it a secret. He’s such a nice man and ooh-la-la, that sexy Italian accent and smoldering brown eyes.”

  Millie turned a shade of pink at her daughter’s description of her future husband. “He’s wonderful,” she simply said. She told her daughter their plan to announce the engagement and then pick a date that would work best for all of the children. “We decided to wed in Miami. It will be easier for Nic’s family to come from Italy and an easy direct flight for you from Michigan.”

  They chatted for a while longer, until Millie realized she needed to get back to work. “Thanks for everything, Beth.” What she really meant was thank you to her daughter for supporting her, for supporting her career and approving of Nic.

  Millie told her daughter she loved her and to hug her grandchildren for her before she told her good-bye.

  She turned off her cell phone and as she headed back to the ship, it dawned on her she had a good idea what had happened to Delilah Osborne and by whom.

  Chapter 19

  Millie caught up with Andy near the gangway.

  “Right on time. I trust you had a nice day.”

  “I did. I had a wonderful day, one of the best days of my life,” she said.

  “Oh?” Andy lifted a brow. “Buck Island is beautiful, a wonderful island to escape the crowds but the best day of your life?”

  “Yep.” Millie nodded.

  “Why…” Andy didn’t have time to finish his question as a group of sunburned guests approached, asking if the ship sold aloe for sunburns.

  “They do,” Millie said. “The gift shop, Ocean Treasures, doesn’t open until the ship departs St. Croix around five-thirty.” She lifted her hand and pointed to the ship’s signage near the bank of elevators. “The store is up on deck seven.”

  The group walked away and Andy grabbed Millie’s ring finger. He stared at the diamond engagement ring and his mouth dropped open. “You…”

  A slow smile spread across his face and, in a rare display of affection, Andy wrapped his arms around Millie and hugged her tight. “Congratulations Millie. I’m so happy.”

  Millie blinked back the tears. “Thanks Andy,” she choked. “So am I.”


  Andy released Millie from the bear hug and she spun around to face Captain Vitale. “I hear congratulations are in order.” Captain Vitale embraced Millie. “I’ve been wondering when this would happen.”

  Within moments, both crew and passengers surrounded Millie and showered her with heartfelt congratulations.

  “This calls for an engagement party.” Annette, who had heard through the grapevine from Amit, who had been delivering a late lunch to Captain Vitale in the bridge and overheard the captain telling the staff captain he had just proposed.

  Captain Armati and Millie’s engagement spread through the ship like wildfire. Millie was a mini celebrity for the rest of the afternoon as the crew, staff and passengers alike stopped to congratulate her. Millie only wished Nic could be there to share in the celebration.

  Finally, the last passenger and crewmember boarded the ship. Suharto gave the all clear to pull the gangway and the ship set sail.

  “Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. This is Captain Armati speaking to you from the bridge.” A thrill ran up Millie’s spine as she listened to his voice. “I trust you had a wonderful afternoon on the spectacular island of St. Croix. I would like to personally thank each of you for the sincere congratulations on my engagement to Millie Sanders, Assistant Cruise Director aboard Siren of the Seas.”

  Millie’s face turned three shades of red and Andy patted her shoulder.

  The captain finished the announcement by telling them that the following day they would visit the island of St. Thomas and the ship was scheduled to dock around six a.m. with passengers allowed to disembark by seven. After he signed off, well-wishers once again surrounded Millie.

  Danielle was one of the last to arrive. She shook her head at Millie. “I figured you would get tired of being my roomie eventually, but do you have to run off and marry the captain just to get away?”

  Millie rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry. I’m going to personally pick my replacement,” she said.

  “I don’t know if that’s a threat or a promise.” Danielle gave Millie a quick hug and took a step back. “Let me see the ring.”

  Millie held out her hand. “Your ring is gorgeous. Captain Armati is a lucky man.”

  Danielle glanced at the clock near the elevators. “I better get going. We have a sail away singles Mix and Mingle. If I’m lucky creep-o won’t be there.”

  Danielle’s words reminded Millie of her conversation with Beth. “Wait!”

  Millie pulled her cell phone from her back pocket, switched it on and pulled up the recent text from her daughter. She flipped through the pictures her daughter had sent until she got to the one of the entire party…Delilah, Roger, Delilah’s family as well as Beth and her family.

  She tapped the screen to enlarge the photo and turned the phone so Danielle could see. “The guy on the right, does he look familiar?”

  Danielle squinted her eyes and studied the photo. Her eyes widened. “That’s the guy. How did…” Her voice trailed off. “Oh my gosh! That man was part of your ex’s group.”

  “And I also believe he’s Delilah’s killer.” She told Danielle how Beth had said Linda and her husband had gotten into a huge fight before leaving for the airport. “I need to call Beth.”

  Millie hurried to the open deck. Danielle was right behind her.

  They were not far from the island and Millie’s cell phone still had service. She quickly dialed her daughter’s number. “Hi Mom. I thought you’d be out to sea by now.”

  “We’re on our way and I only have a minute to talk. I need to ask you, does Delilah have any other children?”

  “Let me think.” There was a moment of silence. “No. She had a son. From what Dad told me he died in a car accident when he was a teen. There’s only Linda.”

  “Thanks. That’s all I wanted to know. I think I know what happened to Delilah but I’ll have to wait to confirm my suspicions.” She thanked her daughter again before disconnecting the line.

  “Delilah wanted to buy my house. She told me Roger and she needed a bigger place because she thought her daughter might be moving in with them. She only has one daughter.” Millie began to pace. “Perhaps Delilah was trying to break up Linda’s marriage, Mike got angry or scared and he killed Delilah.”

  “Or Delilah found out about his cheating and confronted him. He panicked and killed her,” Danielle theorized.

  “Motive and opportunity. Motive was Delilah attempting to convince her daughter to leave her
husband. “You called him ‘Mark’ but he must’ve lied. His name is Mike. Mike knew about Delilah’s allergies, snuck into her cabin and tainted her food.”

  Danielle wrinkled her nose. “It’s a stretch. Sure, he’s a creep but it doesn’t make him a killer.”

  There was something else nagging in the back of Millie’s mind. Something else tied Mike to Delilah’s death. If only she could talk to the Boskos. Perhaps Delilah had confided in them that she feared her son-in-law and asked them to come along for moral support.

  The only way she could find out was to ask them, and although she was tempted, she was in no hurry to expose herself to the norovirus. She had just enough time to track down Dave Patterson and share her suspicions.

  Millie headed to her cabin to freshen up and change into her work uniform before making a beeline for Patterson’s office. For once, he was in his office. He listened quietly as Millie told him all she knew, how a male passenger had subjected Danielle to unwanted advances and they discovered the man was Delilah’s son-in-law. She told him about the argument between Linda and Mike at the hotel and how Delilah had told her that her daughter might be moving in with them.

  She also told him the Boskos might have more information because the couple had not wanted to come on the cruise in the first place. “They might not know who Delilah feared but may have other helpful information.”

  “I’ll get right on it.” Patterson congratulated Millie on her engagement and teased her about catching a big fish before walking her to the door. “I ran into Annette upstairs and she’s already working on an engagement party and an extravagant dinner menu. Andy is excited too. He’s meeting with the orchestra to put together some special music. It sounds like they plan to turn your engagement party into a real blowout.”

  “It sounds like a lot of fun.” Millie reached for the door handle and then froze. “Food. That’s it.” Millie spun around. “Sushi.”

  “You like sushi?” Patterson asked. “I do too.”

  “No.” Millie shook her head. “I hate sushi. Delilah and the others had been hanging out, listening to live music prior to heading to the dining room for dinner the night she died. Someone in their party had picked up some pre-dinner appetizers at the Appeteasers Snack Bar and one of them had peanut butter.”


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