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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

Page 19

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  Blake’s honed body told him it was time and his meditative state melted. Speckled brown and golden eyes opened to an invigorating sunrise before sensing a calm pair of presences. “Ah, you are already here Ethan. Good morning, Storm.” The glossy scaled Naga stood to his natural six and a half feet in a smooth movement. “Waiting long?”

  “Hello, Old Friend.” The Pegesai said. “Hour and a half at most.”

  The Naga’s opaque claw scratched a scale at the other elbow. “On my way to my nest I saw Celestia in the middle of the night. She rarely leaves her dwelling and it’s said Ethan here is her apprentice?”

  “That is correct.”

  “I smell blood.” Blake’s nose-less nostrils inhaled the air and a flat, pink, forked tongue shot out for a moment.

  “Probably me.” Ethan showed his hand. “Did that last night with Celestia.”

  “Very well.” The Naga sighed deeply as his tail lay flat on the ground. “Ethan, we will begin your training immediately with a five mile run around the castle. Take this for now.” Blake handed over his broadsword. “Slide the baldric over your head and tighten the strap till it feels comfortable. The weight will add another element to the run. It will build strength while the run enhances endurance… Take off your shoes as well. Your feet must harden too.”

  “But what if I cut my foot on a stone or debris? I won’t be worth anything.”

  “You will heal in time.” Blake said uncaringly. “Get to it!”

  Ethan kicked off his shoes and socks before struggling to fit the sword’s strap over his chest. When it was clear he didn’t have a clue, Blake stepped forward and used his scaly hands to properly strap it on.

  “I will wait here and watch over your belongings.”

  “We will return soon, Storm.” Blake said before telling his new student to start running down a dirt path that stayed just outside Jormungandr’s river-moat. Blake matched Ethan’s fast pace while sliding a katana into position on either hip. The Naga could see the Elemental had potential and a drive to get stronger though he rarely ran anywhere frequently. After just two minutes sweat started forming. “Pace yourself or you’ll collapse.” Blake lectured calmly while his hard reptilian feet gouged the path many use. “Learn to breath in through your nose and out your mouth. It will help your from sucking air and collapsing… That’s it.”

  After traveling a mile, Ethan stopped and bent over his knees, trying not to vomit while gasping. Blake silently watched the struggle, but saw the food remain down before his student started a jog which was more reasonable. Each step became more labored than the last and the heavy sword strapped to his back grew heavier. It was awkward, it bouncing around, but it made it that much harder. Ethan didn’t want to be seen as lazy anymore, but as he rounded the third corner his soft feet found a rock that inevitably brought his earlier prophecy to light and he stumbled from the shot of pain, landing face first in Scottish soil. Blake still remained a silent observer and the unsettling feeling of being watched forced Ethan to suck up the pain and continue on.

  Ethan collapsed as soon as they arrived back at the front of the castle where Storm-shadow loyally waited. “Return my sword while you recover.” The Naga said. “Jormun’s water is clean. Go wash the dirt from your foot.”

  “May I ask you accompany me down there?”

  “Why?” Blake asked with skepticism.

  Ethan looked embarrassed. “Actually, it’s embarrassing, but I’m afraid of deep water… drowning actually.”

  The Naga nodded as if it made since. “A Fire Elemental afraid of water? Very well, I can understand a weakness like that.”

  The sheathe was all too eager to get off the completely soaked shirt and returned. Ethan though walked down the bank that led to the clear water where the World Snake’s body undulated beneath its surface. Ethan saw Jormun’s head and realized the colossal snake was a good half mile in length. Those eerie eyes followed Ethan and Blake down to the water and watched as he very cautiously sat his throbbing foot in to clean it. The grass was lush and mildly wet from lingering dew and Blake stayed close to keep a close eye on his frightened student, but didn’t know the real reason Ethan was terrified of water and he would keep it secret. Carefully, after the dirt came from the shallow wound and blood ran clean did Ethan remove his drenched shirt and soak it in the water to remove the sweat and as he put it back on it cooled him off fast. “Thank you for letting me use your water, Jormun!”

  Jormungandr released a grunt before his head sunk below the clear water.

  Back up safely on the road Ethan was allowed to put his shoes back on and followed Blake down the road which worked out growing leg cramps. The teacher then took another path that led towards one of the lakes. The closer they got the clearer a distinct sound became.

  Metal struck metal or wood cracked wood while battle cries roared. Soon Ethan found himself gawking at a training area he hadn’t seen yesterday. All around the lake were warriors either sparring or working out in the open as if it were a gym. It was just a dozen fighters currently, but they sure made some noise and exchanged blows honed through years of rigorous training. The Naga walked soon on level concrete ground that led to an overhang pavilion that protected the training equipment and gave Ethan a pair of ankle and wrist weights set at five pounds and then handed over a long oak staff with runes etched into the grain.

  “The fastest method to learn how to fight is by experience.” Blake said and grabbed an almost identical staff after laying down his three deadly weapons. “For ten minutes you will defend against my attacks and we’ll exchange roles. The hardest terrain to fight in is water, but since it is your weakness it’ll have to be sand. Come.” A minute later they stood in a circular arena of twenty feet of sugar sand, sand Ethan was familiar with from Florida.

  Without warning or hesitation Blake attacked with an overhead strike. Somehow Ethan managed to grasp the staff in both hands before receiving a splitting concussion. It was a successful block, but the blow was so heavy he yelped and dropped it. “Your grip was too loose.” The master chastised while flicking the dropped staff back into the air with a flick of his own. Ethan grabbed it and as soon as he did a slap to his thigh made him yelp and curse. “Just because you are an Elemental doesn’t mean your power will always save you. Never drop your weapon no matter how much pain you are in. A demon would instantly take advantage of such weakness and consume your soul.” The next strike was slow and parried and Ethan didn’t see the hit from where his thigh throbbed. Blake was going easy, allowing him to see the attacks and could go much faster. “Without your power you are dead. A weapon is your life. Treasure it above all things or death will find you again. This time permanently.” Ethan was knocked back by a quick blow to the sternum. “Defend! Your life is the ultimate treasure. If it is squandered you die. Do not count on another chance. None in Order’s history has ever been revived like you. Our service in death remains just that.” Blake came again with a powerful overhead strike. “Good, you didn’t drop it this time.”

  “But it stings like hell! Why am I wearing weights?” Ethan huffed, barely maintaining balance.

  “To slow you down so you have to force a reaction, not do it easily. Your body will adapt swiftly. Once a week I will let you rest and recover, but I will not give permission to remove those weights except to bathe. From this day, every day, you will wear them. Understand?”

  Ethan missed the hit and felt it at his shin, right above the ankle-weights. “Fun fun!” he said sarcastically after cursing under his breath.

  A minute later his arms ached and his legs felt like rubber. Numbness in his hands barely held the staff. After a second drop he was walloped twice, one in the knee and the other across the cheek. Ethan so wanted to quit immediately, but compared to the others fulfilling their one hour mandatory daily exercise he was glad Blake was his teacher for there were brutal, often bloody lessons learned.

  At the ten minute mark Ethan couldn’t even lift his arms. Blake called for a break
and left Ethan sitting in the sand to go retrieve two bottles of water refilled from the lake. He handed it down and Ethan chugged the cool liquid down before asking “Where’s the bathroom?”

  Blake pointed to the trees while he wiped water from brownish lips. “The trees. Relieve yourself on their roots. Follow the path and find one of the sinks to wash your hands afterwards. If you must defecate, find a hole the Nymphs made so the trees feed well. If full, find another.”

  “Thanks for the tip. You forgot to tell me to avoid the triple leaves of poison ivy.” Blake chuckled at that.

  Ten minutes later Ethan returned refreshed, sore and stiff at the same time. Blake rose from the sand and tossed the staff over. “This time you attack.”

  Just as it was done to him, Ethan struck with an overhead strike. Blake deflected it with a single hand as if swatting away a fly. Ethan spun towards the opening, bringing the other end into a thrust which was again deflected. “Impressive.” Came mild praise. “I thought you lacked combat training.” Unable to retort, more strikes flew, all either missed or were turned aside. “Breathe how I told you, Ethan. In through the nose. Out the mouth.” The knowledge helped, but not long as pain and exhaustion made him fall on his knees. “Three minutes you say, Storm?” The stallion watching nodded. “I estimated two twenty. Forty more is good. Means you might have a knack that’s been laying dormant.” Those slit eyes focused on the kneeling student. “Up now, I could have taken your head six hundred and thirty four times already. For an overweight novice human that is good.”

  A grow rumbled in Ethan’s chest and his anger brought on by pain filled him with strength. “Rhaaa!” the roar left his voice and without the staff he lunged at the Naga, grabbed his shoulder and with the burst of adrenaline picked up the reptile master over his head and threw him.

  Blake, caught by surprise was launched and showing catlike reflexes, spun midair, landed on his feet and lunged at the enraged Ethan with the explosive speed only a Naga possesses. There was not time to see let alone duck the staff blow to the back of Ethan’s skull which dropped him heavily onto the sand and was unconscious before falling.

  The Naga coldly held his staff ready in a crouched position while his long tail whipped dangerously around. In a remarkably calm voice that didn’t look away from Ethan limp form he asked “Storm, what in all of Spirit World was that? Ethan just picked me up and threw me fifteen feet at least. I weigh close to four hundred pounds. I doubted even refreshed he could have done that.”

  Storm-shadow was already on his hooves. “I don’t know what just happened. Did you hear that growl? Humans cannot growl. Blake, your shoulder, it’s burned and your left pants leg is smoldering!”

  Sure enough his shoulder was blackened by a human handprint and his calf muscle smoked, but wouldn’t catch aflame.

  “Calm yourselves.” Came a voice which turned out to be Kiroq. The Gargoyle spread his wings and glided down off the roof above the training equipment and into the arena and put one clawed finger to Ethan’s neck. “He lives and the beat of his heart has slowed.” The dark eyed general turned back around to see the Naga and stallion standing together rigidly. “I’m here to oversee Ethan’s training. Yesterday he growled at me too and he explained it was a childhood habit he thought he shed long ago. It worried me and my sons. He may seem calm, but this human has a suppressed rage likely equal to my kind. That last attack only proved it. He seems to hate his current attributes and getting reminded over and over of his faults. I wondered why he was a Fire Elemental for they are known to be the embodiment of human rage. Ethan hides it well, but his rage is great when released. It seems I must send my kind to watch over him. He is an untrained Berserker. If he loses control, many might die. This is troubling.”

  “Maybe not, General. And I do not believe he is a true Berserker. That was… something else.” Blake said thoughtfully as he approached and rolled Ethan on his back.

  “What are you thinking?” The five foot tall Gargoyle said.

  The Naga sat on his heels, staring at the human. “His moment of rage revealed that although he was already tired he could actually pick me over his head and throw me. If he continues to suppress that rage it will only slow his progress and get himself killed if he cannot find it when needed. I want to bring it out. My own kind also has such natural aggression, like all creatures with the will to survive. If he learns to focus that raw anger like my kind, he will grow exceptionally more dangerous. Berserkers do not show the level of focus he does.”

  “You wish to make him realize his anger? You were charred just from his touch and still you want to release someone so dangerous?” Kiroq wondered.

  “Yes. The wound will heal by tomorrow. I would rather he learn control here with us that look out for his well being rather than in the heat of battle he goes berserk. An uncontrolled fire-thrower would be too devastating, but may I ask for assistance from your kind? If my idea should fail, none other than the Gargoyles can get near enough to knock him out.”

  “That will be my condition to this plan. I will not permit sparring without one of my strongest warriors present. Physical training should be allowed.”

  “We are agreed then. I would like to get started as soon as he wakes.”

  Kiroq responded by throwing his head back and opening his short muzzle to howl for off duty Gargoyles. Three answered the summons and flew straight for their group. The general explained the situation and the three agreed with the plan.

  A bucket of water upended over Ethan’s face and he sat up, choking. His eyes blinked and found Blake smiling with a mouthful of short, sharp teeth. Pain returned in full and the worst was a lump on the back of his head. “What happened? Where… Blake what happened? Your shoulder is… Wait, I did that didn’t I?” The Naga nodded seriously. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

  “No apologies. It was enlightening. While you were unconscious we came up with a plan.”

  Ethan listened calmly to everyone, especially Kiroq, but after it ended he asked “So you want to make me angry?... So I’m like the Hulk. Great.”

  “Precisely. Yes I’ve seen all the movies.” Blake smirked. “You must learn to use this anger instantly, not hide it behind a mental wall. Rise, we start now.”

  “Not much for small talk are you? Fiiine.” He grunted and stood on wobbly legs. The four gargoyles spread around the sand ring.

  Blake’s reptilian features hardened. “Come at me. You cannot even hit a fly you’re so lazy. No wonder you are so clumsy. That gut would trip anyone. No wonder you died so pitifully and you couldn’t even do that right.”

  Though Ethan knew Blake was taunting for a reason it didn’t make it any easier. His chest began rumbling into a throaty growl before the rage took over and this time Blake was prepared. Blake could feel the power of each strike double over their first session. Despite the power of each blow, the expert Naga deflected everything and stayed always out of reach from large hands.

  With the increase of the rage came the side effect of tiring far faster. When it disappeared he collapsed to his knees again.

  Kiroq gave Blake the nod of approval that the idea had merit.

  The Naga wasn’t done and taunted more and more which worked every time. Somehow Ethan found new deposits of strength which rose to renew the lesson.

  There came a loud ringing sound and only Ethan collapsed. “Lunch time?”

  “Correct.” Storm-shadow answered. “Ethan you need to wash up. You’re bleeding, sweaty and swollen. I will show you to the showers.

  “After lunch, meet me immediately where we did this morning.” Blake ordered.

  “Yes, Sir.” Ethan replied tiredly while dragging his aching body away.

  Outside stalls appeared ten minutes away and were mostly occupied. Creatures occupied most and washed off quickly. Ethan found an empty one and entered, glad the wooden walls were boarded. He stood under cool water and could see blood, his own, washing down the drain with dirt. He took his clothes off and the water
stung his throbbing face yet helped.

  Ethan felt eyes on him and looked left to find no one, but then he yelped as a beautiful Nymph had her arms over the privacy stall while her eyes openly roamed. Thankfully the rest of her naked body was hidden. She had a private smile humorously twitching on full red lips in contrast to her alabaster skin. Her forest green hair was wet and was full of curls and made her slightly pointed ears poke out more prominently. “For an Elemental you sure don’t fail to impress.” Her provocative eyes hinted below the waist. “I like hairy chested males… Care for a good romp after lunch? It’ll feel much better than getting throttled by Blake. Mind doing it in the shower with me? It’s all the fire protection I’ll need.”

  Ethan was too embarrassed to answer so he quickly pulled on his boxers, pants, shirt and shoes while wet and exited in haste. His cheeks were red, especially since she watched him go away quickly. In his hands he put the weights back on. The Nymph laughed as said “Maybe next time then?!”

  “What was that about?” Storm-shadow asked.

  “Don’t want to discuss it.” Thankfully the stallion let the matter drop.

  They walked back to the castle, especially since Ethan was too tired and sore to climb up.


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