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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

Page 22

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “I do not care.” Storm-shadow interrupted. “Tomorrow you will apologize or I must request you sit elsewhere. As an old friend I understand why you did that, but his wounds go deeper than his body. Remember this, Floa, you illegally Translocated my companion without permission. Do it again and I’ll be forced to report you.”

  “Yes, Prince Storm-shadow.” Floa looked down in embarrassment before saying “I need to resolve the situation…”


  “Relax, I’m going to speak with Kanade. She needs to know how bad he is doing without her and what he just said needs correcting. And you cannot stop me!” The Pixie clapped her hands and vanished from sight.

  “Uh, I think I’ll also retire, Prince.” Kira said quietly and picked up the cackling ancestor trapped in a book.

  Ethan threw himself into his new life and immersed into the changes that came with it. The next morning Floa respectfully apologized for her actions and was forgiven and he too apologized for the threat and snapping at her. Kira was a bit more respectful now that she learned why he is so hesitant and kept her innuendoes to one per meal. From time to time other races shared a meal, wanting to learn about the Elemental, some even gave pointers for training.

  Then four days later Ethan felt from time to time as if someone followed him at a distance, but didn’t reveal themselves. It was disconcerting. Storm-shadow and Blake listened to him speak of it in private, but they attributed it to hyperawareness due to pain. He didn’t believe it, but he kept quiet from then on.

  Before Ethan knew it, over three weeks had passed.

  Daily training progressed and intensified more and more each day. Now Ethan’s morning run comprised of two circuits around the castle barefoot. Blisters grew and popped, but the first signs of calluses were starting to reveal themselves, especially on his hands. But it wasn’t till a full month had passed since his second life that the tougher skin was strong enough to stop bleeding on the tiniest rocks. Tired and aching muscles began adapting to the new routine and grew stronger. The best healthy food combined with rigorous exercise quickly transformed Ethan. Time spent learning from Celestia and using his hands to create weapons and armor had turned his arms into sinuous knots. Running speed steadily increased and Ethan could start to see his calves start to bulge rather than be smooth curves and quadriceps over his thighs had near doubled in size.

  Best of all his spare tire had found a flat. Ethan didn’t have a six-pack by any means, but he was solid. His overweight appearance melted off into healthy lean muscle. Even the slight fat beneath his chin had vanished completely.

  Blake’s lessons were brutal, but after a month of experience Ethan learned how to use a staff properly as well as how to release his anger in a healthy way without taunts. The Naga periodically would try to set him off, but the explosive rage found a way to be released when matched with his calm nature and became Ethan’s new trademark was a cold rage. Meditation played a huge part in finding that tenuous balance. After graduating from the staff, he learned how to use a wooden sword. The sword hurt much more and was much more difficult. Blake commented by just how quickly Ethan adapted even though he always ended up beat and bloody. Ethan didn’t know if it was true or not, but he did notice the exchanges getting faster now that he could take the pain better than before. Ethan also learned Blake’s tail was a powerful weapon too as not only could it be whipped to score a nasty slap, but was also sneaky and could wrap around an ankle to grasp and make him trip. Experience grew like the bruises and welts. And several days ago Kiroq congratulated Blake’s idea and knew Ethan wasn’t a ticking time bomb any longer and no longer required to staff more of his troops to watch over the Elemental.

  And as promised came the much anticipated seventh day, three times so far, in which Ethan was free from Blake’s wrath and harsh training regimen. Unfortunately those days weren’t as relaxing as he had wished and could lay in bed all day. Storm-shadow took up most of that time leading him around the grounds, getting to know more of each other and he got to meet other Pegesai. Ethan learned Storm-shadow was the firstborn son, of twins mind you, of Pegasus and his wife Pirrina, a truly pure white mare. Storm-shadow has over two hundred siblings and four older sisters. But in his sire’s stead, Storm-shadow leads and governs the herds. Mares run the herds in all but combat situations. And during those three free days Ethan learned how to properly ride during combat on his partner’s back. Storm-shadow’s ruby has two different saddles, the one Ethan is used to and a battle saddle which has extra straps that can be tied on his legs and hips which will keep him in the saddle, even should his mount flip upside down. It was dangerously disconcerting, but the leather held him secure. It was an amazing experience nonetheless.

  Confidence began to fill Ethan as he became more accustomed, but he retained a polite and humble manner, even on really bad days.

  Time spent with Celestia though was by far the most fruitful. She was a strict and precise teacher, but Ethan learned he had a knack for working metal which even surprised the Forgemaster. He could handle the tools longer and hit harder and with more precision than ever before. Working metal complimented his ability over fire and each use of it became effortless. He took many mental note for she would not allow him to write anything down. Celestia didn’t want her knowledge being written should someone with foul intentions learn her art and use it against Order. Even she couldn’t deny that his help did progress production.

  He learned how to mix molten metals with his bare hands after precisely weighing only a metal with the highest purity before pouring it in a cauldron protected from all but the greatest of all temperatures. Celestia had dozens of different metals all for her craft. If Ethan were a greedy man he would have been tempted because the Phoenix had close to a half of a ton alone in pure gold ingots. Just one armful would set him up for life, but their need against Kelpies was of more worth, especially to the Pegesai and Centaur herds who were natural enemies. Storm-shadow’s hooves in particular has a higher percentage of gold for he was a Kelpie hunter before being bound. But every shard of metal had a purpose and use against Chaos.

  In one month together they produced four swords including the Gladius Ethan finished, once lance, two maces, a targe shield and a full set of plate armor for an Ogre appropriate owner. Those were easy to tell for the helmets had holes in the forehead where an Ogre’s horn could fit and no human or Naga had shoulders or a chest plate so wide. If it were her alone, maybe half would be created.

  Ethan was told by Celestia one day that an Enchantress now lived in the castle about three weeks ago and each finished item was his duty to safely deliver to her in the castle. The Enchantress, he learned, wasn’t a Witch at all, but a Spirit Guide that had a physical body. It seemed only Spirit Guides on the physical world could establish the more powerful runes on objects that no Witch or Wizard could ever implant. Ethan did as told, but each time he brought over a priceless object he could hear someone always go quiet behind a thick door that was never unlocked. He was curious as to who this new and valuable person was and meet them, but a sign saying ‘Leave it in the box.’ made him follow orders and carefully place the objects into a large wooden box. He had knocked and asked to meet the Enchantress, but no answer was returned. By the time he heard a hum, the box disappeared by some magic and seconds later it reappeared in its original place empty.

  But each time as he left the hall the Enchantress’s door secretly cracked open and a golden eye watched him leave before closing as silently as it opened.

  “Well done!” Blake congratulated at the end of another day’s sparring session. “This makes three days your face has come out uninjured. You’re almost pretty again. That bruise on your neck will be gone tomorrow with the ointment. Do you require a third jar?”

  Ethan gasped as he thrust the end of the shaft in the dirt and breathed slow and deep as he had been taught. “No, still have a half jar left.” He still felt as if he were still being watched, but had give up caring since no one see
med to believe him. “So when can I finally take off the weights…?”

  “I was just about to say they are no longer required.” Blake smiled while flexing his three large fingers and rolling a thumb. “You survived three whole days against what would be a skilled human. The weights were meant to slow you down, but this past month you’ve grown faster, fast enough the weights aren’t hindering you.”

  “Finally!” Ethan hollered and began loudly pulling on the Velcro with a ‘Skrrt, skrrt’ sound and dropping them. “Much better!” He rolled his shoulder to say “I feel so light now. Blake, can we have one more exchange so I can see how much of a difference they made?”

  The Naga considered it for a few seconds. “Sure, twenty strikes between us on alternating exchanges.”

  The Elemental lifted the wooden sword in a stance he had learned though watching and copying. The Naga also took a battle ready pose before lunging. The sword in Ethan’s hand flipped up as if it were a feather and deflected. He stepped forth from the deflection and swiped the round edge for Blake’s throat, but was in turn dodged. He recovered before leaving his side vulnerable to a counterattack. Blake tried using his tail, but without weighted ankles the grasp was negated by a sudden lift without compromising balance.

  Blow after blow for forty independent moves lasted eleven seconds. Ethan knew Blake held way back, but for once he didn’t get hit or gain a new injury. Blake, unsurprisingly, still hadn’t been touched in combat except that one time when his student lost control and laid his hands on him.

  “Oh sweet!” Ethan crowed. “Actual results!”

  Those watching laughed. “Quite so, Ethan, quite so.” Blake sat a proud hand on the human’s shoulder. “Go return the weights for others to use now before showering…” Blake suddenly looked up when Storm-shadow jumped to his hooves. The distress in his old friend put him on alert. “Storm, what is it?”

  He didn’t need to ask as a Nymph in the distance shouted in distress “MY SEEDLING! SOMEONE HELP! AN ELF STOLE MY DAUGHTER!!!”

  Silence blanketed the whole area before a horn was raised and blown. The distressed Nymph pointed to a small form in the distance fleeing. Two Pegesai were already in hot pursuit with four Gargoyles closing in. Even from so far away Ethan saw the speed of the Elf. It was faster than expected considering its size. The whole area around the lake roared in anger and took chase, but Ethan saw that the winged steeds and hearty Gargoyles didn’t attack straight away even though they had the advantage of flight.

  Instantly Ethan realized the actual problem and dropped everything to run for his friend. “Storm-shadow, fly me over quick! The Elf needs to be stopped before it reaches the wall and teleports.”

  Without asking any questions the stallion created the saddle which was quickly mounted and took off as fast as possible. The alarm stirred the grounds to action and many were charging. Down below the Nagai flew across the ground like lightning. Arms and legs used in unison. Behind them were the Centaurs. Ground forces wouldn’t make it in time.

  Up ahead of the Elf suddenly appeared Odin on the back of Pegasus himself with Gungnir aimed and glowing with a brilliant blue aura. The lance held position, but the Elf veered over some, running as fast as any Naga. The Elf stood just over three feet tall with a sickly yellow skin beneath a dirty fur coat in desperate need of repair. Pegasus’ massive body charged to block off the creature holding a baby Nymph to his chest before reaching the five story wall. The little girl bawled, but wasn’t strong enough to get away or even know what was happening. Fear and anger gave the Elf what he needed, another burst of speed.

  “He’s going to make it to the wall, but we can’t stop it without endangering the child!” Storm-shadow shouted in impotent rage as he shot through the air and outran the two earlier aerial steeds.

  Suddenly an image popped into Ethan’s head unexpectedly, information he did not know or consider to be possible. It hadn’t happened since he first found out his power was real. The image in his mind’s eye was that of his hand grasping a ball of flame. He thought internally while growling in anger as he could see the baby’s porcelain skin and green hair. Fine, I’ll give it a try, but kill only the Elf. Do not harm the baby or anyone else!

  Ethan gasped and the tingling in his hand became painful and the skin nearly looked like blood before an awesome ignition exploded above his open palm. A orb of fire the size of a softball came to life, but it looked like a compressed ball as the fire didn’t lick upwards. It was as if it was held in a sphere like Celestia’s feathers were in glass. The image in his mind prompted him on what to do.

  Fingers curled around the fireball as he cocked his arm back and roared as he threw it at the despicable demon.

  The ball shot past Storm-shadow before a trail of fire propelled it forward like a missile and flew faster and faster till it whistled like a mortar shell full of explosives were about to land.

  The Elf stopped when it heard the high pitched whistle despite its own terror and looked up to see an incoming weapon. Gnarled black teeth hissed before short legs blurred and took off running for the wall when the blazing projectile was expected to hit where he had left. Two feet from the ground the ball of fire changed direction and flew with a fifteen foot long jet stream of fire bent on annihilating the enemy. “What?!” it cried in surprise as the conjured fire continued pursuit. The child-snatching demon turned, but kept running. The fireball only grew more determined and rocketed for its target. The Elf ran back and forth and the fire followed its every move, getting faster and faster. Nothing alive could outrun a fireball that moved faster than a bullet and nothing would get in its way.

  Before the creature got to the wall, the ball of fire connected and entered it through the back as if it weren’t there.

  “Ethan?” Storm-shadow asked as the Elf stopped and looked confused.

  “It’s already over.” The Elemental said with growling confidence.

  The demon suddenly released a scream the likes of which were never heard before. The agony made it drop the swaddling Nymph as it clawed at its smoking chest before a bright orange flash blinded everyone and as it ended there was nothing but a gray form of the desiccated Elf being blown away by the wind.

  First to arrive were Odin and Pegasus. The All Father jumped skillfully down as Gungnir’s glow faded back into the dull glow it always had after a sweep through the body made the form of ash scatter. He scooped up the naked baby Nymph with curly green hair to hear her bawling as Storm-shadow and Ethan landed. “Is she alright?!” the Elemental called as he jumped down and ran over.

  Odin sat his lone eye on the human flame thrower to ask “What was that, Lad? I’ve never seen fire do that. You were further than us, but we couldn’t risk killing it without hurting the child.” Pegasus snorted, but remained a silent giant.

  “Not sure what that was. I did though know my fire could deal with it without putting the baby in any greater danger, but my flames can’t reach beyond fifty feet in a stream. I’ve tried. All I do know is an image popped into my head and it immolated the Elf from the inside out. To me it looked like a missile.”

  Odin shook his head. “More like a Drone the military uses. It’ll be called a Drone from now on…” his eye turned as a horde descended upon them. “Prepare yourself, Lad.”

  Gargoyles arrived with Pegesai before Nagai reared back and snaked in on two legs with drawn sword. Odin roared “The child is safe! Search the grounds! I want to know how an Elf got on the grounds and where it’s been! In broad daylight at that. There may be more. Hunt the bastards down! Capture first, kill if you can’t. Go!”

  All the Nagai scattered with the Gargoyles. Pegasus ordered all young into the castle and the herds flew away, except Storm-shadow.

  Riding on the back of a large Centaur woman was the baby’s mother who jumped as soon as she could and dropped to her knees to cry in relief while holding the maybe year old girl to her breast. “Vina, my seedling!”

  “Odin, a word?” Ethan asked and the ancient Vi
king held up a finger before telling the advancing Centaur warriors to aid the others and then came over to the Elemental.

  “What is it, Lad?”

  “Why didn’t the Elf simply kill the baby and eat its soul? What was the point? It should have known it would die. I know you were about to throw your spear and hope for the best, likely killing the girl before it got away. It was slowed down with her in its arms. Was it some kind of hostage situation, the baby being used to leave when it was found?”

  “Don’t know, Lad. Possible, but more likely is it wanted to steal her, raise her to maturity and breed her dry before eventually killing her. She got lucky. If it had gotten past the barrier and Translocated, she would have been lost. And yes, I was about to hurl Gungnir. Her death now would have been seen as merciful… When I get better facts it is all assumption at the moment. Regardless, you stopped and killed it. I’ll see to it eight hundred points enter your account before supper.”

  Suddenly Ethan was tackled by the overwhelmed Nymph mother to the ground and she planted grateful kisses all over his face while saying ‘Thank you!’ over and over while crying openly. The baby was now in the hands of her worried Ogre father. The Ogre’s club laid by his hip.

  “Let the lad breathe, Woman.” Odin said with mirth before laughing at Ethan’s startled expression. “Take your family to the castle for safety.” The Nymph got up, gave Ethan another kiss on the cheek and hurried to her child and mate before running together for shelter.

  “Odin!” A Pixie suddenly appeared several feet in front of the head of the house. “Crait and his Nagai have found a hidden den where the Elf holed up since last night’s skirmish. He says he found it was trying to burrow, but the mother and child startled its work when they got too close. Crait says the Elf was alone and can’t smell another in the area.”

  “Take the four of us there immediately.” Odin ordered.


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