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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

Page 32

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “Dress, I’m unfamiliar with the tribunal protocol. Can you give me a few likely ideas what will happen today and what Kira is in for?”

  “Thought you’d never ask.” Dress gave a quick rundown.

  Soon Kanade finished her shower and used a towel to dry. She put on the clothes and stepped out. Ethan already carried a set of folded clothes and she stopped him with a smile. “After your bath, don’t put your shirt on just yet. I’ll apply more ointment.”

  “Can’t keep your hands off me huh?” he joked.

  “Never shall I get enough.” She bent down and gave him a kiss and watched as he went into the bathroom and shut the door.

  Another quick shower had him exiting shirtless. Her touch was as soothing as the expensive ointment and then he slipped into the shirt. He tied his boot laces and stood. “See you in a bit, Dress.”

  Kanade claimed Ethan’s hand outside the bedroom and as they walked the short hall and for the stairs she said “I think it would be better, Ethan, that we should stay here together.”

  “Do tell.”

  “Actually it makes perfect sense.” She squeezed her hand. “We will be disturbed far less because of Celestia being a natural deterrent. You spend every night working your fingers to the bone. I can enchant her creations right here and not make you more tired than necessary, just to bring me the items. She is my largest profile client after all. You can come straight to bed and since all apartments at this House are mostly similar, there is more room for us than we could ever adequately need. You won’t need to be as tired as you usually are. And should I require to be workin’ late, we can sleep together up in my apartment, if there is a rush order on one of her creations. I can keep my room like an office to enchant things approved by the council. And it would be a simple matter to send my things. I can also modify the wall around the TV to hold all my movies along with all your videogames and modify the wall where the window is to create a landin. area to your room, just like mine… I’m startin’ to worry you aren’t I? You think I’m rushin’ don’t you?”

  Ethan laughed as they reached the iron door that led into the workshop. He opened it with his free left hand saying “Not at all. You’ve just thought through this more than me. Actually I like your enthusiasm. I’m still thinking I’m the luckiest guy alive who will get to wake up each morning to find you aren’t a figment of my imagination. I don’t frighten that easily so no, I don’t think your rushing. In fact, now that I hear all the benefits I can’t tell you how excited I’m also getting. Very rational and efficient. Your idea will be great!”

  Kanade stopped to look around the room at the forge and all the weapons, supplies and tools filling it. Over on a wall beside her, her eyes drew to a strange contraption. “What is this?”

  “A foot powered lathe.” He explained. He walked her up to it and pressed his foot down on the foot petal, one end held still while across an empty space a gripping clamp began spinning so fast it blurred. “It’s the only machine Celestia uses. Everything else is crafted by hand. Normally when I pour molten metal into a cylinder bar, I spread the ends and clamp the bar to the locks. This lever here changes not only rotation speed, but the weights you can’t see inside the box beneath. It twists the metal before we start folding it by hand. It can exert four tons of rotating pressure. I also use it to design the hilts out of heat resistant materials or spelled objects that won’t ignite for a short time in her presence. Since she cannot stop her body from burning, it’s been my task to make the hilts. For more than half the time, if it was her doing it, she must discard the wood, bone, rock or softer metal more than half the time. I just put a block of whatever material the customer ordered and I constantly rock the foot-lever back and forth to spin it and use these knives to shave it down to size. Celestia’s powers are too great to handle this work without rushing, and she never rushes her work.”

  “I would like to see this one day.” Kanade said.

  “Well Celestia doesn’t allow anyone in the shop other than me during the night. And I didn’t hear you say your necklace protected you from her.”

  “Because I didn’t.” Kanade stated while looking at him. “My choker is made for you alone. The runes necessary to resist fire to a livin’ being and other elements can only be made for soul mates. Real fire will burn me, unless you order it not to. If you were not my true angel I would have been badly burned last night. None can stand beside Celestia safely other than you, her husband or fire type demons. There are spells that resist offensive wild energy for a short time, but they cannot resist direct attacks. I could probably use spells to stand near for a minute or two near her, but then I’d be burned. Phoenix Spirit Energy is very potent.”

  “So she’s married? Never knew.” He said as he led Kanade outside.

  “Yes, but all Phoenix are highly territorial. They are naturally solitary beings with high aggression. Only every five hundred years, when they feel the call to mate, will a pair bond. They mate for life and usually have a clutch of ten or so babies. It is the only time her kind can be near one another without fightin’ for dominance, sometime killin’ the weaker one.” She explained.

  “No wonder why she is so easy to set off. Too bad, although I’ve only met her, Celestia is a beautiful bird. Someone so pretty should be happy more than once every five centuries.”

  “Such is their way. And as for her beauty, I’ve seen several other of her kind and Celestia is by far the fairest.” Kanade admitted.

  Standing just off the path to the building was Storm-shadow. His gaze fell upon his partner and the Enchantress. Noticing their joined hands lifted his spirit and gave reassurance. “I take it all misunderstandings are corrected?”

  Kanade tucked her hair behind and ear. “Yes, Prince Storm-shadow. Ethan and I will recover from all this. Why are you here, if I may ask?”

  The Pegasai snorted and barely contained his own anger. “To see my partner and you, Enchantress Kanade. After reuniting Minna with her parents I went searching for you, but you had already locked yourself in your room and I couldn’t locate Ethan at all. I and the Pixies looked everywhere, but my bond with him told me he was alive. I didn’t know what to do and searched for aid, discretely mind you.” He tussled his ebony mane. “Kira has lost my trust and friendship because of this. As to my presence, I too have been summoned to today’s tribunal.”

  “What for?” Ethan asked.

  “She illegally put a spell on me as well as your mare. That is another serious crime. The deceit of her actions will be enforced and I will not stand by for any leniency for the friendship she killed. Come, let us fly. My sire wishes to meet with you both before breakfast as well.” He added.

  “I will fly…”

  Storm-shadow cut Kanade off. “He rides with me. I understand the connection of a Soul Mate better than you. Star-bolt is mine. Believe me, if others saw you carrying your mate like a foal, it will hurt his reputation, make him seem weak. Upon my back he keeps his dignity.”

  Kanade looked hurt, but she couldn’t deny the truth of it. Reluctantly her fingers unthreaded from his and asked “Where does King Pegasus wish to meet?”

  Ethan mounted as she got her answer and they took to the air. Kanade gracefully glided beside Storm-shadow. The morning chill had a bite to it and he asked “Storm, how bad do the winters get up here in Scotland?”

  “Fiercer than Florida’s subtropical climate for sure. Fall will be coming soon. The worst one who hates winter is Jormungandr. His river freezes and was serious about your aid to keep him warm. Usually Celestia offers a few feathers he’ll eat to survive the biting cold. What is difficult are winter battles for some of the most dangerous attacks happen then and he can barely move.” Storm-shadow kept up the idle conversation until finding the Pegesai herd and gliding down to it. Proudly standing above all others, Pegasus waited.

  The king of all winged steeds greeted them, offered an apology that would again come from the tribunal, but the reason for Pegasus’s request was to person
ally inform Ethan and Kanade on what was to be expected. Ethan silently was glad all Dress said was being reinforced. The herd did their own thing meanwhile. Eating grass or frolicking around. The foals in particular played or greedily drank from their mother’s milk.

  Breakfast ended and by the looks people in the hall offered it was clear there was no secret as to what had happened yesterday. To get out of everyone sight for the next few free hours he, Kanade, Storm-shadow and Floa stayed in her bedroom. Floa and Kanade chatted and worked together on just how to transfer her belongings to his room. Floa stayed small, but gloated every time she glanced at Dress and rubbed her belly meaningfully.

  The boys decided to stay out of their way. It was the only safe option. Ethan didn’t waver as he watched his angel working with the Pixie. She was without a doubt everything he had dreamed and then more. He wanted her so badly it hurt. Living with her wasn’t a decision. It was a requirement to his life.

  He watched as Kanade’s eyes glowed blue as she drew lines in the air and saw the whole wall of collected movies on shelves suddenly dislodge and hover off the ground. She slapped a hand to the stone and what looked like an upside down F rune glowed.

  Then Floa clapped her hand and in the room there opened a figurative window and showed it was Ethan’s room. Dress quite literally looked at himself from Kanade’s room to Ethan’s in her apartment.

  Kanade stepped out of her apartment and through the portal Floa created, stepping first from her room directly to his. Ethan followed and watched as she ripped a foot and a half deep of stone from the wall around the TV, slapped the same rune and traveled into his bathroom. She then ripped out his bathtub and shower out with more magic. Being guided by her, she pulled the wall that was once around the TV through the portal while she drug the levitating shower.

  In an hour, all her movies had transferred to his room along with her expensive shower to send his to her room. The stone fit seamlessly together, like the two rooms weren’t tampered with. Dress said “You two sure know how to remodel without making a mess. Tell me, how did you manage to create a portal in the two rooms? All are protected from such entry.”

  Floa landed on Kanade’s shoulder. The Pixie said “When you are like my girl here,” she patted Kanade’s cheek. “You can remove the magic so long as the inhabitant allows it. These kids really want each other so there was no problem. This was the fastest I’ve ever fixed up a room.”

  “And just in time too. It’s nine forty.” Dress added.

  Ethan saw a change overcome Kanade. He knew, but didn’t say, that the reason she worked on dragging her things to his room and not use his aid was to keep her mind off on what was to come. Now though, she had to look upon the woman who cut her more deeply than any knife. To lessen the pain, Ethan took her hands in his to say “Pegasus said the tribunal will be quick. It won’t drag on like other human trials. We can get through this. I’ll be by your side the whole time. Afterwards it’ll just be you and me for the rest of the day.”

  “Thank you.” Kanade said in a heartfelt way and gave him a kiss.

  “I can’t go, Girlfriend, but I’m there in spirit.” Floa kissed Kanade’s cheek.

  Storm-shadow, Ethan and Kanade moved to the elevators to finish this.

  Chapter 10

  A loud, crisp ‘Ding!’ momentarily preceded the elevator doors opening. Kanade’s hand tightened, but relaxed as Ethan’s thumb rubbed it. Storm-shadow’s golden shoes clicked the polished marble ground as he exited first.

  The open doors led to a circular corridor. The pillars lining it would offer great cover should the area be breached. They went left after seeing an Ogre receptionist in a leopard print bikini point the way. The female had a smaller horn, but a bright smile that showed off her lower canine tusks and knew what they were here for without asking.

  Kanade pointed to large doors on their way around the circular corridor which wrapped around the whole tower. “This first room belongs to Chief Magistrate Morom and his soul mate and wife Priestess Edda. This one here belongs to High Champion Crait.” That one was actually a door made from many fused swords from defeated opponents, Ethan knew from stories. “Princess Chillie stays here.” This door was made of vines and painted bright pink. “Collu and Mia reside there.” That door was made of simple redwood and spoke of simplicity. “And last belongs to High Wizard and Witch Merlin and Morgane.” Ethan already knew Kiroq lived underground like most Gargoyles. “Odin lives here.” She pointed to a door of solid gold with delicate script.

  “Do you know what all the writing means?” Ethan asked.

  “They are all the names of my children and grandchildren, Lad.” Odin said as he opened the door and stepped out as he always had, minus the wolf pelt and was exchanged for an open front black leather jacket. The sword still hung at his side and Gungnir, the simple and wicked looking spear, clutched in a large left hand. “My door has all the names and magic on it prevents any direct descendants from my loins from entering.”

  “So many…” Ethan said breathlessly. “but why does it… oh, got it. Just in case you don’t know, and they don’t, you won’t sleep with them.”

  “Got it right, Lad. I’ve lost count of all my offspring. If not for my door keeping record, I’d get in a heap more trouble.”

  “But what about the lines…”

  A twitch jumped in Odin’s eye and the patch of white skin where the other eye had once been, wrinkled some. “Dead, Lad. Some from old age, but most fell in combat or were slaughtered. Come, let’s reach the tribunal room.” The All Father ended further discussion and led the way. Ethan felt horrible for not realizing something so simple and keeping his mouth shut yet it was too late to apologize.

  It took less than a minute to come upon an unimpressive set of wooden doors, but inside was rather spacious. In the center of the room sat a crescent table all the leaders of Order could convene around and be able to seat over two hundred leaders comfortably. Off to the side were three long benches and the other side led to a heavily fortified door where Ethan and Kanade both knew Kira was inside, in a small jail cell awaiting punishment. Sunlight filled the room from open windows and a glass skylight. The room smelled clean and fresh like a pine forest after a rain.

  Around the curved table where one would stand before the leaders sat Tattoo, his impressive Amazonian wife, Morom the powerful Ogre, Chillie the Pixie princess sitting on a thick book as if it were a cliff and Morgane Le Fay. Over on one of the three long benches sat three individuals. Kanade had to tell him that the child was Minna and her very tense parents. He couldn’t remember the kid after the memory wipe. Kira’s mother looked around thirty, no more and her father was maybe thirty five. If Ethan didn’t know Witches and Wizards used spells to make themselves younger he would have sworn Kira’s mother was a twin sister. Brown hair, green eyes and a bountiful figure. Kira’s mother though was more conservatively beautiful.

  “All parties involved are here. Let us begin.” Odin’s deep voice boomed. Kira’s family were startled and turned to the door. The parents were clearly terrified, but as soon as they saw Ethan and Kanade they glowered daggers, blaming them for all this. They stopped when noticing Odin’s commanding stare aimed at them. “Morgane, summon the accused.”

  Ethan and the others moved to the end bench, staying well away from the family while the High Witch created what looked like a ball of light and snapped her fingers. It zipped soundlessly through the closed door.

  Odin took his seat in the center throne, beside his second, Tattoo.

  The door to the tribunal’s holding cells opened. The first two to step out were clearly Amazons of great stature. Their handsome female features were impassive. Behind followed Kira. She had obviously been allowed to change and clean up. She wore a long dress of light green, but a classy design. Non revealing. Her long brown hair hung loose, framing her heart shaped, delicate face. Even her makeup wasn’t so impacting as usual. Around her neck was a collar made of pure silver with magic suppressing run
es. Her downturned eyes wouldn’t meet anyone’s. She followed the warrior women’s feet and stopped between them as soon as they did. Kira knew one wrong move and either powerful woman would end her very existence and not blink. Amazons were known for action, not hesitation. It was in their blood.

  Ken was surrounded in a blue energy which effectively shut him up.

  It began without any waste of time or ceremony. “Kira Penbrooke, you are accused of rape, illegal casting on fellow family, forbidden creation of illegal potions and hiding memories without specific orders from me or your leader.” Odin’s dead tone spoke volumes and the ancient Viking surely wasn’t happy. “We will hear from your leader High Witch Morgane first. Morgane, what do you have to offer the tribunal?”

  The strawberry redheaded woman picked up a vial and sat it on the table. “Last night, approximately twelve hours ago I was summoned to verify a grievous breach from of one of my kind. I purged this very potion from Ethan’s body so it didn’t compromise him any further. In it are rare herbs mixed in a specific ratio that would require blood magic to invoke properly. Kira would have had to use her own blood and that of Ethan’s to create a tether between them. It would then need to be drank and Ethan, as the magic’s target, would therefore see Kira as the person he loved and desired most. Ethan was therefore helpless against Kira who, to him, would look as his heart’s greatest desire, sound like this person, smell like them and even feel identical… For a time of up to six hours or so and be aroused for said time like an aphrodisiac.” Morgane Le Fay held up a finger that glowed at the tip and all saw at Kira’s collar that a rune that looked like combination of a T, F and S as one symbol glowed. “Kira, you are now forced to speak the truth. Since it is too dangerous to repair Ethan’s memory without damaging his mind, you will tell this room who he thought you were when you took full advantage of him.”


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