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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

Page 34

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

Kanade took Ethan’s hand and wrapped her arms and wings around him. “Oh Ethan,” she whispered. “I wish I could go, but can’t. I really don’t want you goin’ with her, but I’m glad you aren’t as petty as me. Let’s go home.”

  “Ethan,” Storm-shadow stopped them. “nor may I go. I do have advice though.” Ethan looked over as Kanade’s wings spread. “Do not reveal your presence, but stay near your charge. Defend yourself if attacked and burn them to ash.”

  Fire exploded from Ethan’s fist. “No problem there. I’ve finally got somewhere I belong to return to.”

  Kanade grabbed the fiery hand. “And if all is well, there will be a surprise.”

  “What kind?” Ethan perked up.

  “It wouldn’t be much of a surprise if I told you now would it?”

  “Guess not.” He chuckled. “Storm, do Spirit Guides have surprises like human’s?”

  “I’m not so familiar with biped customs. What is this surprise you speak of?” Kanade giggled at the bold faced lie. Storm-shadow snickered. “Never mind. I’m not part of your filly’s plans… or am I?”

  “Certainly not.” Kanade winked at the stallion.

  “Then I must watch over the herds again. My sire has tended to my duty long enough. We will meet for lunch. If rules were different I would accompany you to battle, but this is the one instance I cannot.” Storm-shadow galloped straight through the nearest window.

  “Come, let us go home. I will make you as protected as I can before you go.” He went for the door, but she pulled him into her soft bosom and leapt outside like other fliers. She asked when she leveled off “Comfortable?”

  “Between these fluffy pillows? Definitely!” He kissed her neck. “I just wish I could fly beside you. It would at least make me feel less dependent in our relationship.”

  In a soothing tone she pulled him up so they were face to face, soaring over the ground. “Don’t say that. I’m the one who is now dependent. I’ve never enjoyed flyin’ half as much since I’ve had you. Right now I would not have you any other way. And if you could fly, you wouldn’t be able to enjoy my pillows as much as I love usin’ them on you.”

  He reddened and she kissed him quickly, but then laughed as she was poked in the eye by the device over his eye and attached at the ear. “That was interestin’.”

  For the next hour Ethan sat in his room, learning about the headset on his bed with the tablet running the eye-piece’s programs. Kanade sat behind him with him between her legs. In her hand she clutched a simple piece of rock she spelled to protect him in event of an emergency that would shield him for five minutes from any demon or physical attack. Enchanting objects took time and effort. Even one hour wasn’t enough for her, but she did her best while he taught the device to listen to his commands and how to use it to the best of his abilities.

  Then they had lunch and both were so nervous they skipped it. Ethan for this being the first time he’d left the grounds for a mission and Kanade for seeing her soul mate about to depart for danger.

  “There they are.” Ethan pointed on the road outside the main entrance.

  Beside the two Amazons from before stood Kira, her family and a Pixie flitting around impatiently. Kira had changed into something more appropriate. Skintight black leather pants and top that closed at the neck. Around her waist was a belt containing several potions as well as a thin, sheathed dagger. Sunglasses hung on top of her head while her hair was tightly braided in a long rope. She even wore boots made of soft leather. Kira’s image was striking, more than usual for she actually looked quite like a deadly Witch. The only distraction was Ken hanging from her shoulder. When Ethan, Kanade and Storm-shadow were seen, Kira’s parents and sister gave one last hug.

  “Are you ready, Kira?” Ethan asked. Kira saw Ethan wore his boots, but changed into a dark brown pair of jeans and a green shirt with sleeves that hid his reflective silvery bracelets. Over one eye was an active headset that she noticed calculating several things from the eye-screen. She noticed he was as nervous as Kanade, but knew he was not only powerful, but looked it now.

  “I… I am, Boyo.” The Witch swallowed.

  “Aren’t you going to ask me?” Ken demanded.

  “Couldn’t care less.” Ethan’s nerves settled. “In fact, why don’t I do Minna a favor and destroy your container so you don’t corrupt anyone else? I’m in no mood for your bullshit. If you don’t straighten up, Ken, or get Kira killed, you won’t need to worry about your ownership going to her.”

  “Oh go to Hell. I’m done listening to you prattle like a bent over whore. I’ll do as I damn well please and have fun doing it. If I want to ruin this hunt you will damn sure believe I’ll do it! So go Fuc…”

  Ethan grabbed the tome and pulled it from Kira who was instantly afraid. He glared and growled. “I’ll make certain your terror of influence ends right now. I can’t trust you to not mess things up.” He looked up and whistled as a passing Spirit Guide flew overhead. The ethereal giant of a man with ruby red wings and hair looked down. “Hey! Big Red, C’mere!” The Spirit Guide landed nearby and was highly curious if his smirk said anything. Ethan looked to Kira’s mother and asked “Do I have your permission to get rid of him?”

  The mother stared openly before seeing the seriousness burn in his eyes. She answered after looking at her children. “It cannot be done. The enchantments are too powerful. If you could, I would say yes. I hate that vile man. Got my sister killed after he left my possession. Our line has tried to rid that bloody fool… our mistake for centuries. He taunted me to no end and you can’t shut him up forever. If I could spare Minna…”

  Ethan turned to the ten foot tall Guide. “Get ready to play catch. One soul with an express ticket to Torment long overdue is about to be released.”

  Before anyone could stop him, Ethan engulfed Ken in a white hot bonfire. The soul bound to leather cried “NO!!!” as the brown skin began blackening inch by inch every second. Everyone jumped back, except Kanade and the amused Spirit Guide who was nodding while looking at a sheet of silver paper that wasn’t there a moment ago. “Stop!” Ken screamed in true agony.

  Kira’s mother looked horrified as she screamed “THE PAGES!”

  Then it all ended as the leather was consumed and tuned to ash. Without the bindings of powerful magic, Ken’s soul was released in a slightly burning white orb. The souls screams ended as Ken no longer was bound. “What? Oh no…”

  The red winged Spirit Guide stepped forward and opened his mouth. With a quick intake of air the soul of Ken was safely stored. “My thanks, Fire-thrower.” The Guide said in a deep bass voice. “Kennith Gowdie is as you say, long overdue. He will be taken soon to Spirit World and sentenced for twenty thousand years as ordered by Fate.” And then he flew off.

  Ethan walked up to the family with a handful of unburned aged papers and a smile. “The cretin is gone. You forget I perfectly control fire. All the contents are unharmed, but I’m afraid the enchantments burnt away with the leather. Since this is your family’s, you’ll need to protect it. Now you’ll have to suffer through silence and figure out how to find spells by turning the page.”

  The heavy pages dropped into stunned hands. “But how? When? He’s gone? Ken is really gone?” she dropped to her knees. “The family curse is lifted?”

  “And now Kira’s chances are better without him giving away she’s a Witch.” He corrected. “Now we’re ready to go.”

  The Pixie went to clap and stopped as Kanade stepped forward saying “One moment.” Then the Enchantress’s hardening gaze locked on green. “Kira, what you did was unforgivable. And I can say I despise you and you know I mean it, but” She paused as Kira looked down in shame. “I do not wish you to die. Ethan is a good man and I know that is what drew you to him. He will protect you. And I’m warnin’ you, do not touch him again. He is my angel, my mate. Just because I cannot harm you doesn’t mean I’m not furious. You better come back and prove you are a better woman because of this hunt. If you don’t change I’ll u
se my influence as Enchantress to ban you from this House. We fight for Order, but you actions were in line with Chaos.”

  “I completely understand, Kanade.” Kira said in a small voice. “After this hunt, you can be assured I learned my lesson.”

  “Now can I send them?” The Pixie asked impatiently.

  “Yes.” Kanade gave Ethan a quick kiss. “Be safe.”

  “With Ken gone, it’ll be safer for sure.” He replied. There was a clap and they vanished. Kanade moved to the nearest tree, broke down and wept. Storm-shadow laid down in front of her, blocking others from seeing her in such a vulnerable state. Especially how her mate went off with a woman who already violated him.

  Shade cast from a thick woodland canopy was the first thing they noticed as the Pixie had transferred them into the heart of a dense forest. It was so thick nothing could be determined as anything beyond four yards was heavily obscured. Ethan immediately spoke a sequence of commands and the lens instantly recalculated from the instant travel from Gairlochy, Scotland to somewhere just outside Amsterdam. The Heads Up Display or HUD finished its processing in a lone second, he turned his head till a green dot centered and pulsed in the center of the screen lens while the compass in the upper right read NNE and he said “We’re five miles from the target building, Kira. You ready?”

  “Do I have a choice?” She asked rhetorically and he turned to see her shiver in the leather outfit.

  “Look, I won’t send you in till your nerves settle. It’s five miles through thick brush so we have time to chat. Besides, you’ll get through this.”

  “How come you sound so confident?” She had to ask.

  “Adrenaline is helping. Tell you the truth, I’m scared witless too. But in the month I’ve spent at the House, I got a lot done. And compared to Blake beating me senseless and running me ragged, a group of molesters will be easy to smoke out. Besides, my power can end this in a second if things go sideways… Speaking of power, what’s your plan.”

  “Not to die.” She replied darkly. “Which way is it? Why couldn’t the demons pick a city where we don’t have to hoof it through woods?”

  “This way.” He pointed. “And these rapists stole women who are likely terrified if not drugged. A populated city would draw too much attention I’d wager. One scream and if someone heard… well the police wouldn’t be able to handle one Incubus, let alone however many are there.”

  She sighed and led the way. Kira was quieter not only because she was smaller, but because she had been on hunts before. As the most powerful Witch at the First House it was almost a prerequisite to support other hunters as a warrior too. Behind, Ethan was a bit more clumsy, but he kept up and thankfully didn’t trip.

  Branches snapped, leaves crunched under foot, telling it had been quite awhile since it rained last. They skirted trees and hopped dry streambeds. After a mile they came upon an old game trail which Ethan said “Kira, you’ve been awfully quiet. This trail seems to be going in the general direction we’re headed and is likely their usual path.”

  The Witch turned her green eyes to him and he saw she was in pure misery. “I just don’t understand, Boyo. Why?”

  “Context here would be helpful.”

  “Men.” She threw up her arms and wiped her wet cheeks. “Why are you doing this for me after what I did? I feel horrible enough and now you’re my supervisor. For the past hour I’d hope you would burn me alive just to make it quick and painless. I know you enough that you aren’t taking pleasure in this and I know you are angry, as you should be. I just wanted a few hours with you and no one was supposed to know, not even you. Now I have to face my worst nightmare and the enemy of all women. What are you getting out of all this?”

  “Kira,” Ethan sighed. “look, you’ve been a great friend this past month.. if a little too straightforward. Even if you hadn’t given me that roofie and did this to another, as your friend, I would still be here right now. I’m going to do everything in my power to keep you alive and just because I’m justifiably mad doesn’t mean I’ll stand by and watch you die. And I know I’m being recorded, but I’m going to disobey orders to see you survive no matter what Odin or the council decides. You also heard Kanade, she doesn’t want you to die either. So get it through that thick skull of yours that you will see your family again. You are just twenty three, Kira, you have a lot more to see and I hope you never forget this lesson. This isn’t a suicide mission, but a rescue one. You’ll do as much work as you can, but if it gets too risky I’m going in.”

  Tears stemmed their flow. “What happened to the shy nerd who likes talking about the latest issue of X-men or the Incredible Spider-man? You sounded quite mature just then.” She tried to joke and got him to actually smile.

  “It’s the Amazing Spider-man I’ll have you know. Incredible belongs to the Hulk. Kira, I’ll always be a nerd at heart, just as you will remain a powerful Witch. Now that you’ve got that out of your system, what is your plan? I won’t step in if I don’t need to, just to keep Morom from chewing my head off about my last comment. You chose this over exile and it’s your show. I don’t want to mess up anything.”

  Kira grabbed the collar of her tight leather and flapped it to cool herself some. “Alright… well my plan is to hope these don’t fail me.” She took off her sunglasses and twirled one of the stems around her hand. “My spells of protection aren’t near that of Kanade’s or are permanent, but I can place a few spells that will let me keep my senses if I spot an Incubus and not try to mount it… so long as it won’t look at me.”

  “And if it does?”

  “Then its sexual powers will overwhelm the spells on my glasses and I’ll be helpless to his whims… much like you were.” She looked down.

  Ethan growled and she shrunk back, remembering the primal sound from last night and the slight burns still on her wrist from when he found out and dragged her from the bedroom. “Enough Kira. You can beat yourself up later. It’s done, over with. Right now focus. Get your act together and put back that cocky, self sure attitude that makes you who you are.”

  “Kind of hard to do without my ancestor making me mad… Thank you by the way. It’s good to have silence again. And thanks for saving Minna from his vile mouth and personality.”

  “Ken would have gotten you killed.” He stated the truth.

  “You aren’t going to find an argument from me. He’s almost got me killed four times on group hunts. He hated what my ancestors did to him and has been a curse no one could undo till today.” That cocky, sultry smile began its return. “The look on Mother’s face was priceless. The family is in your debt and if I do die, I know my sister won’t need to worry about him… Actually I have a request.” He tilted his head openly. “If it happens… I want my soul bound to the new spell book. I’ll protect my family secrets and be much kinder…”

  “Got it.” He stepped forward and knocked on her head pretty hard. “EARTH TO KIRA! Stop worrying.”

  “Ow!” she stepped back and rubbed her head. “Don’t mess up my hair!”

  Ethan grinned. “What else is in your plan? You can’t be relying on just a pair of sunglasses.”

  She shook her head as she put the sunglasses on and licked her lips. “No,” she touched her stocked waist-belt. “these potions have different properties. When we get within two miles I’ll wipe myself down so they won’t smell me. Incubi have a nose for Witches and women in their sexual prime. You’re safe. They don’t react to men. It will allow me to get close. And until I can see where the lads are nesting, these others might come in handy. My hope is they will be together so I can alter their perception like I did yesterday to Kanade, Storm and Minna. Then I can move around and get any girls out before I cast spells which will collapse the building and send a blast of Spirit Energy in a spike of grass blades to kill them.”

  “Grass?” he was skeptical.

  Kira made a swift motion with her finger and a single blade of dry grass plucked from the ground, snapped straight like a knife blade as
a light blue energy surrounded it and with a simple motion, shot it completely through a thick tree and buried it half in a rock. “Impressive no?”

  “Alright then.” He swallowed and felt new respect was earned for the Caster community. “But why must you get close?”

  “Distance. The closer the stronger my spells will be. Levitating is easy, but perception altering isn’t feasible over long distance. Casted too far, the spells won’t make time seem slow enough. And as for killing, adding Spirit Energy to sharpen grass lasts only a second or two. If I shoot from afar, nothing will happen. I can’t do any of my more powerful spells or risk hurting the humans.” She explained.

  “Much better.” He nodded, glad to hear her plan. “Now you can hear mine.” Ethan pulled a smooth stone from his pocket covered almost entirely by dozens of tiny runes and showed her. “Kanade made this after we got to our room. Some are word activated, but she left a single space for you to activate a single spell to protect yourself.” He knelt on the path and drew a symbol with his finger. “She said you would know this rune.”

  Kira’s eyes blinked quickly, not realizing the depths of how good these two truly are. “Yes, it means ‘to split.’ But without another sequence it will have no direction.”

  “That is what she told me too.” He put the rock back in his pocket. “If something happens and you can get to me, it will split light and effectively make us disappear for five minutes at most. By then you will have time to recover and counter… unless I need to step in.”

  “I’ve got a lot to make up for.” She swallowed.

  “Sure do.” He reinforced seriously.

  With calmer minds and purpose to survive, they quickly followed the path.

  Every step brought them closer. Kira’s greater experience during hunts saved Ethan from stepping on a tripwire made from fishing line. He didn’t see it till she held an arm out because not only was it unexpected and hair thin, it proved the Incubus nest was set up to kill unwelcome visitors. Kira disabled the trap and found a second not four yards later. If the first was avoided, the second waited for the foolish who expected nothing else. Wooden spikes would kill instantly.


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