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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

Page 38

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  The elevator rang again and they stepped out together onto the top floor where the Ogre woman from before sat this time in a string pink bikini and looked to have just come from a recent swim for she was still dripping and her pale hair was soaked. She let them pass and they made way to the tribunal room from before.

  Inside the room was a bit more packed and the long benches had dozens of individuals and small families, but no children oddly enough. At one end sat Kira and her parents, but Minna wasn’t there. Many, neither Ethan or Kanade recognized. Seated around the curved tribunal table was the Magistrate Ogre Morom, his soul mate Edda and Nymph priestess sitting on his lap. Chille the Pixie was filing her perfect nails in a larger form while Tattoo typed at a blinding speed on his computer. Merlin looked barely contained as his eyes darted mischievously while his wife’s calm and placid demeanor watched him like a hawk. Kiroq the tanned Gargoyle general seemed asleep while the Centaur husband and wife Collu and Mia were deep in hushed conversation while Crait the powerful and deadly Naga twirled a perfectly balanced dagger between his three wicked claws.

  Ethan chuckled as the leaders of the House entertained themselves. Kanade merely smiled and her heels clicked on the marble floor, but was muffled by the small crowd’s chatter. They moved over to Kira and Ethan blurted as he met tired green eyes. “Yikes, Kira, did you get any sleep? You look like shit.”

  Kanade swatted him with a wing and it pulled small smiles from the family.

  “Not really.” The Witch admitted and hunched her shoulders. “Do I really look that bad?”

  “Not as dolled up as usual, but not like you’re slumming it.”

  “Ethan, stop that.” Kanade chastised.

  “No. It’s fine.” Kira said. “I usually tell him the same every morning. He gets so little sleep as it is and was a weak running joke I teased him with.” Kanade went “Oh.” as Kira continued. “I tried sleeping, but those Incubi really rattled me. The loss of control… the helplessness… I couldn’t get over it and every time I close my eyes I see their cruel beauty and remember those dark promises. I now understand why hunting them is so dangerous for women.”

  Just then the door opened and Odin and Pegasus walked in side by side, causing the room to hush. The greatest steed in Greek mythology’s brilliant blue eyes scanned the room and said “Queen Gra is tending to her wounds and that of my offspring’s mate. We shall begin immediately. Tattoo, what is the first order of business?”

  Tattoo grabbed the topmost folder that was stacked by his computer while Odin and Pegasus took a seat. “Kira Penbrooke, stand before us.”

  “We’re right here, Love.” Her father said as she stood and squeezed his hand.

  Kira wore a long, simple black dress that wasn’t as revealing as what she usually puts on, but she still wore heels that lightly echoed in the room and stopped before the assembled leaders, locked her shaking hands together in front and held her breath. Her green eyes watched as the folder passed from Tattoo to Odin who opened it and his lone, deep blue eye locked her in place. “Kira, your hunt footage was reviewed by Chillie, Edda and Morom. Their unanimous decision is this. First, your locating traps during the Incubi hunt were well done and disarmed adequately. Your short preparation time was well spent and use of your spelled sunglasses in conjunction with scent removal potion was a great plan. Unfortunately it was in vain for you were hypnotized and lost in their influence, not killing even one and almost ended up as a breeder.” Kira’s heart dropped into her stomach and she paled even further. “It was your supervisor who saved you from such fate.” Odin sat the folder down. “But the three leaders agree that you did your best and showed heartfelt remorse and have decided, as do I, that your punishment for your crimes is complete and fulfilled.” Kira sighed and then gasped as Odin turned his eye to ask “Ethan, do you and Kanade agree with the tribunal’s decision?”

  Kanade answered for them both. “We do.”

  “Then, Kira Penbrooke, the matter is settled. Dress will still observe you for the next five years, but if you do not shape up during this probation timeframe, worse punishments will await. This will be your only warning. Should you ever do something like this again, exile will be all you can hope for.”

  The promise hung in the air as she said “It will never happen again.”

  “Then you are dismissed. Tattoo, what’s next, Lad?”

  Kira’s parents along with Ethan and Kanade got up to leave.

  They stopped when hearing “Ethan, you cannot leave yet.”

  Kanade and he tensed, but turned as all eyes turned to them at the doors. “What for? What did I do wrong now?”

  Tattoo said “For clarification. Stand before us.”

  Slowly he moved forward, Kanade stood rooted in place, like Kira and her parents by the door. The heavily inked paraplegic said “It was brought to my attention that you openly told Kira during the hunt you would disobey a direct order, even without something unexpected which you would be allowed to intervene on. Is this correct?” All eyes were glued to him.

  “I did.” Ethan straightened and people could see he was beginning to sweat.

  “And don’t you find that to be insubordination or do you think yourself above us like Celestia? Yes, all know you indeed are powerful, but does that give you a superiority complex?”

  None expected him to chuckle. None saw it, but behind Odin’s thick blonde beard, he too smiled. “Hardly.” Ethan shook his head and turned to the Nymph sitting on the Ogre’s lap. “Magistrate Morom,” The powerfully muscled and highly intelligent blue skinned man’s dark yellow eyes were neutral. “I know you brought this up and I don’t blame you. In fact that rule is outdated and wrong. I know I’m a toddler next to all of you, but I can’t just stand by or follow a rule of noninterference as a comrade is in danger. Why do you think I already died once? Yes I’m awkward and geeky, but if it was Edda who did what Kira had, wouldn’t you want me to save her or let her be slave and raped by an Incubus?” The brightly green haired Nymph blanched and looked over her shoulder at her husband. “I would and will always disobey that order. If it’s wrong I won’t do it, nor will I stand by and bite my tongue. Ask yourself this, Magistrate, if you were taken advantage of, would you be able to look in the priestess’s eyes knowing the one who wronged you was killed or worse, turned into an Incubus breeding machine? Priestess’s, as his wife, even if you were mad, would you wish such a fate on Kira if she did that to your soul mate?”

  Odin secretly mumbled. “The lad has finally grown a pair.”

  Pegasus nodded. “For certain.”

  Edda and Morom locked eyes before she raised an alabaster hand. “Your point has been made, Fire-thrower.” The Nymph said. “In fact, you misunderstand. Actually my husband was testing your morals while the other leaders merely went with it. Your companion, Prince Storm-shadow, also knew this was false, but was forbidden from mentioning it. You would have been tested of your morals by Blake, your master, when he believed you were ready for joining hunts. Morom merely took advantage of your willingness to be a supervisor. Punishing hunts are normally more for severe crimes that greatly injure or kill and are rather a rare occurrence. What Kira Penbrooke did was abhorrent of such treatment, we were all surprised by what happened.”

  “A test?” Ethan stood dumbfounded.

  “Aye, Lad.” Odin said. “Fate has his tests, so do we. You surprised us yesterday, volunteering. It was time anyway to see how you’d function. I haven’t seen Kira’s hunt yet, but from what I’ve been told, you did well, Lad. You will keep your mouth sealed of what we speak of now, for the squad leaders you see in this room know the truth.” Now Ethan truly looked at everyone, realizing they were all warriors. “This is the true reason I had Dress inform you to be here today. Each individual you see here is an elite squad leader of B, A and S class. It isn’t often tasked for hunts befitting punishment, but each one of them know that sometimes some rules are wrong and are made to be broken. Few outside this room truly know about a superviso
r’s sacred duty… To bring back home as many as possible no matter the cost. We all have to live with impossible decisions, Lad. By disregarding Morom’s order you proved you can be trusted for supervisors do what must be done to keep everyone alive. If you had stood by and let Kira be killed, the matter would be settled and this conversation would never have happened. You’d be on your way to follow, not lead a squad. Even if this unknown Elf master hadn’t shown up this council and these supervisors know you would have followed through. Your reputation precedes you, Lad.” Silence filled the room as the immortal Viking took a breath. “Until Blake says you are ready for combat I will not allow you to leave again, but when he does I would like to offer you a place as an S Class squad leader. You will be given a team of your choosing mostly, but should Tattoo or I send you a request to lead another you will comply. What do you say, Lad?”

  “For starters I’m not leadership material.” Ethan spoke instantly.

  Princess Chillie no longer fussed with her fingernails as she said aloud “What I witnessed of the hunt shows otherwise.” Her green skin almost shimmered like Edda’s hair. “Ethan, you killed seven Incubi without blinking and supposedly vanquished a demon master with a Drone before you turned off the device. You asked your subordinate questions how she would do things, showed patience by observing the prey, refused to kill babies, even demonic ones who will likely grow to one day become a threat. Even if you did not have immense potential, your mindset is worthy of leadership. Guide without force is the role of a worthy leader. To follow willingly rather than slave is the true virtue of a person in charge.” Dark purple irises shone as they turned towards the door. “Miss Penbrooke, before your capture, tell the assembled if you would ever deny following Mr. Volorum into battle if asked.”

  Kira could only nod.

  “Enchantress Kanade, deny to him and us if he is not marked a leader.”

  “You know I cannot lie.” Kanade said clearly. “My beloved is as you say. It is why I’m so proud to have him.”

  Eyes returned to an embarrassed Ethan. He swallowed to ask “May I at least think about it?”

  Odin looked at all the members before saying “You may, Lad. Blake is aware of this meeting. You may tell him when you come to an answer, or Dress.”

  “Is that all?” Ethan hoped.

  “One moment.” Collu, the ten foot tall Centaur man knotted with muscle said. The Centaur, like most other males had a sleek brown coat while females were beautiful white. “I would like to ask how you knew you killed this Elf master. Edda told me it vanished before you sent this Drone to track it down.”

  “As would I.” Kiroq the Gargoyle general grunted as he scratched his muzzle.

  “I knew this would happen.” Ethan whispered to himself. “We can do a test, but I’ll need your help, Princess.”

  The Pixie blinked before asking “My help?”

  “Yes, you can teleport things around like an Elf. All I need is something that will act as a target. Just know it’ll be destroyed.” Ethan said.

  Odin stood and went to Pegasus’ saddle and dug through a pocket before saying “Catch, Lad.”

  Working so long under Blake’s many assaults improved Ethan’s reflexes as he snatched an empty silver flask out of the air. Ethan studied it before Chillie saw him nod and clapped. Both she and the flask in his grasp vanished. He said “Give her a moment since I don’t know where she went… ok.” Tingling turned painful as his hand went crimson before a contained fireball appeared and he threw it straight up. Instead it shot at an angle through the floor. He said “I’ll tell you when I feel it. Yesterday it took a few minutes. My drone will only get faster the longer its after the target. Odin, hope the flask wasn’t important?”

  The Viking waved it off. “We will wait in silence. If this is true and all you need is an image, Lad, you can shoot Drones at many powerful demons who must be put down without going anywhere.”

  Ethan returned to Kanade’s side and she put her hands on his broad shoulders. Minutes later Ethan felt the momentary sting in the back of his neck. “It hit.”

  Three seconds later Chillie appeared behind her seat. “It is done. The flask is a puddle of metal now.”

  Mia, Collu’s mate stood. “And where did you go?”

  “Gibson Desert in the heart of Australia. None were around for hundreds of kilometers.” Callie turned her eyes fully on the Elemental in awe. “One moment it was there and then a flash and then molten silver too hot to collect at the moment.”

  “So fast?” Even Odin was in awe of such a feat. “That means the Drone shot through the planet to destroy it. Chillie, he felt it moments before you returned. This is indeed impressive… Tattoo…”

  “Already on it!” the man typed away rapidly and suddenly spun the keyboard around. “Ethan, come here and send your Drone after this man.”

  He and Kanade approached while Kira’s parents ushered their daughter out. Ethan listened to all the chatter of excitement fill the room. It silenced immediately as Odin slammed the butt of Gungnir on the ground. Attention returned to the Elemental. Tattoo said “This is Michael Zing a terrible necromancer who was once an Order Wizard, turned dark.”

  “I know the Chap!” Merlin proudly said with a maddening grin. “Turned me into a woman for a day once, but I robbed him of his manhood forever. He’s got to squat like a woman now.”

  “And he’s made it his mission to use our dead as mindless zombies. Ethan, this necromancer has killed six hundred and eleven reported after defecting to Chaos a half century ago and commands a thousand Goblins, a score of Elves and even two dragons. Worse yet, our spies say he’d been consuming demon blood to turn himself into one and increase his power further. You have no idea how dangerous a Wizard turned necromancer who wants to become a demon is… especially with the minions he’s got under command.” Tattoo pointed to a heavily scarred image of a gaunt man. The computer listed all his information, but this man’s deranged look made Merlin seem the picture of sanity in comparison.

  With the necromancer’s image in mind, Ethan held up his hand and focused for a Drone. “Huh?” he said and looked at his hand that didn’t change even slightly. Ethan growled and Kiroq’s ears perked. He tried forcing it so much his face turned red. To the others he panted “It’s not working.”

  “Perhaps” Morgane Le Fay calmly ended the silence. “the image is not specific enough for his ability to activate. Likely we have skipped a condition. It will be easy enough to learn. Dress, Dear?”

  Dressor looked curiously at her from the wall by the door that led to holding cells. “What ya need, Babe?” he smiled.

  “Please shoot one of my slips into our bedroom. Tattoo, access the webcam to my room.” Moments later the computer screen showed a gigantic room, easily five times as large as Ethan’s and filled with books and everything imaginable in a Witch and Wizard’s room. The image was stationary, but it showed a white slip a woman wears under a dress in the middle of the floor. “Go ahead Ethan, try again.”

  He did and released pent up breath in one heave. “No good.” Chillie though clapped her hands and brought the fabric out. This time a Drone easily appeared.

  Morgane looked to Odin. “It seems I’m correct. Ethan must truly see to use this new weapon physically. Images won’t fulfill his desire, unless he targets the actual item. I believe we just discovered the one limitation to the Drone.” The fireball vanished.

  Odin sighed. “Too bad. Can’t be helped then. Worth a try.” The singular blue eye turned. “Lad, keep progressing. We really need you out there.”

  “I can only promise to do my best, Odin.”

  “That is all I can expect of anyone.”

  Ethan and Kanade stepped out while the room continued a meeting. Ethan slid down the wall with a groan.”What is the matter, Ethan?” Kanade fussed.

  “Like I don’t have enough roles?” His grey eyes met her gold. “For about six hours I’m run ragged by Blake, for another six I’m working with Celestia. I get maybe f
ive hours sleep a night and it’s so hard to sleep when I’m so sore and now they want me to lead hunts as a damn S Class… which can take an hour or weeks depending on the mission. I know what crisis’s they deal with.”

  Her tender hand cupped his cheek. “Never again will you have trouble sleepin’ alone again. You forget who your wife is now. I will ease your burden. I will not allow you to fail now when you’ve come so very far in so short a time.”

  Straight white teeth barely showed in his smile. “Wife? Yeah, I guess I do forget. In your culture we’re already married. At least I married up.”

  “As did I.” She couldn’t lie. “Blake will be waitin’. Exercise seems to let you forget the stresses of each day.”

  “Alright.” He stood and she claimed his hand and walked away. “But sex was better than I dreamed.” She swatted him before giggling.

  Waiting beneath the shade of a tree lounged Blake with his long, articulating tail caressing the grass over someone’s underground home. The ancient lizard-man seemed completely at ease and harmless for once, but Ethan knew Blake was anything but harmless. Even without being a Blademaster, any Naga could disembowel anyone with their deadly claws. Not for the first time Ethan wondered just how many demons have fallen before this deadly reptile.

  Hearing footsteps, Blake scratched white scales at his chest and even without opening his eyes said “So how did the meeting go, Pupil?”

  “How did you know it was me, Blake?”

  Speckled brownish golden slit eyes like a crocodile opened and turned in their direction. “Because I’ve honed my senses to recognize many who come by me. Everyone has a unique sound in how they move, Ethan. After our first week I learned your movements by sound. And your mate gave you away too.” Blake smiled with his short, pointed teeth.


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