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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

Page 41

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

Ogres were much like humans, only twice as strong and you would never want to head butt them for obvious reasons. Ethan jumped back, feeling the wind from the club on his cheek and delivered two quick jabs to Magnus’s jaw and felt like hitting concrete. The club began to glow as the Ogre spoke a series of commands which activated hidden runes and fed off his Spirit Energy. It had a blue glow and began to shoot sparks. Ethan had been with Kanade long enough to realize the tiny sparks made the club into an effective stunning weapon and would act much like a taser and one touch would render him incapacitated. She could make the runes, but couldn’t use them herself, but right now Magnus was.

  Blue sparks of Spirit Energy sizzled past Ethan’s head before his burning fists punched the Ogre thrice in the swinging shoulder. Magnus cried out as the localized jabs increased damage and the heavy club’s weight became too much and fell. Ethan kicked out, landing the heel of his boot in the Ogre’s chest to send him flying back.

  Two down. Ethan spun around to find Nell aiming an arrow at his leg. She shouted “Stop the arrow!” and loosed.

  Fear of pain made it happen again. ‘Boom!’ there exploded a sound that lit the area for a flash and the arrow was incinerated automatically, Without Ethan needing to think. Not only did the arrow get vaporized, Nell was thrown back by the immense force that came from the Fire Elemental and her trusty longbow disintegrated as well.

  Ellen stared, slack jawed at the power he released, but could not stand. Magnus yelled “Nell!” when he saw her knocked through the air and into the darkness. He tried to stand, but was unable to even manage rolling over.

  “I’m fine.” She groaned sorely as she didn’t return alone.

  Blake carried the Nymph in his arms saying. “Ethan, you had ten seconds remaining. You bested my three best pupils I ever trained.” He then looked down. “Nell, can you stand?”

  “I believe so.” She patted the Naga’s clothed chest as he sat her lightly down on her bare feet and she checked herself over to sigh when she wasn’t on fire or even singed.

  Ethan collapsed to his knees and gasped as Nell tended her soul mate, helping him sit up.

  “How did he do?” Blake wondered. “I came when Nell was thrown through the air and caught her before she made contact with the ground. That burst of light helped me see her being thrown.”

  “He is surprisingly fierce for a human.” Ellen said as she forced herself to stand. “Blake, I wondered why you gave him so short a time, but now I understand.” She then moved over to collect her swords, checked them and slid them into the sheaths that are strapped lengthwise to her lower half.

  “What am I missing?” Ethan said as he increased the brightness of the fire in his right hand and killed the one in his left.

  Nell said as Magnus stood and used her for support “Blake forces his students to fight for their final lesson. He taught all three of us, but you had the shortest time limitation I ever heard of…”

  “No, Jason of the Argonauts had the shortest time. I gave him three minutes to face two of my sons and he succeeded… barely.” Blake corrected her and looked at Ethan. “But in the four months you have been my student Ethan, you have inhuman focus and a knack at learning, so long as you don’t assume. You need to learn patience, but that will come with experience. I gave you a time limit” Ellen, Nell and Magnus moved to stand behind their former Naga master to look at him as well. “because you excel under pressure. Nell is one of the best archers, Magnus’ skill with his club and activating different magics in the heat of combat exceeds mine and Ellen’s swordsmanship, speed and archery talents are in the top fifty in all Centaur herds in the universe. You defeated three veteran warriors in under five minutes which means you are now a warrior in full and can hold your own against demons, even without your powers. You have passed.”

  “I need a new bow, Blake.” Nell pouted.

  “It will be replaced y me, but now Ethan, I must mark you as a student of mine who is graduated from my tutelage and is a trained warrior.” The Naga gestured him forward with a claw.

  “Uh…” He hesitated.

  “Come closer. Magnus, please bring the kit.” Blake said and the Ogre grabbed his club, spoke under his breath and turned it into a bright blue-white light that pushed the darkness further than Ethan’s hand and walked down the trail. By the time he returned Ethan was standing before the three anxiously. Magnus handed over an old leather bag that looked like a letter carrier’s satchel. Blake lifted the flap and removed a jar of thick black ink inscribed with runes in a ceramic jar along with cloth, Tournikka ointment and a strange, stamp-like object with a long handle. “Ethan, would you mind sterilizing this for me.”

  The Elemental took the object and covered it in the fire of his hand, seeing that there were hundreds upon hundreds of needles less than a quarter inch long in the pattern of a Naga’s clawed hand surrounded by a slit eye with a pair of crossed swords in the background, with the pommel’s facing from the bottom up. Immediately Ethan realized what he held and said “A Tattoo. You want to stamp a tattoo on me?”

  “Well you’re immune to heat so branding is out of the question.” Blake said sarcastically. “Yes, this is my standard all my students wear. The needles are so fine you will feel almost nothing but a bit of pressure. It will be quicker and more identical than any tattoo artist could ever replicate” Ethan switched hands so the metal stamp could cool. “Show him.” Magnus, Nell and Ellen pulled their long hair aside, Magnus’ being silvery, Nell’s being bright evergreen and Ellen’s dirty blonde. At the nape off all three of their necks was Blake’s black mark. It wasn’t more than two inches long, and was easily able to hide.

  The object cooled and was returned to the Naga who opened the rune marked, ink jar and sat the needles end into the thick black ink and thoroughly moved it around so every microscopic needle was coated. Blake stood and had Ethan turn around. Warm, scaly fingers lifted the thick hairs on the back of Ethan’s head and before he could say ‘Wait!’ there was a firm pressure on the back of his neck. Blake began whispering to it and Ethan could feel movement, like ants, but there was no pain. Blake was whispering to the creation so the needles would fill every piece of skin that wasn’t pierced.

  It was all over in a minute tops and the pressure on his neck was lifted. Ethan was told to hold still and soon felt a wet cloth wiping away excess ink and a few tiny drops of blood before drying and applying a generous amount of ointment. “Done. Here, see for yourself.” Ethan tuned and took the pair of small hand mirrors. He maneuvered them so he could see just the bottom of the tattoo because his hair wasn’t long enough to cover it all. The area was already beginning to redden, but there was no pain. Blake then lifted his hair to show the mark in its entirety. “What do you think?”

  “Not bad for my first ink.” Ethan returned the mirrors. “So are you not my master anymore now or something?”

  The three behind Blake smirked, but he said “I’ll always be your master, but now it isn’t mandatory you learn every day. Just keep to daily exercises as is required and if you wish to learn, you may contact me at any time.” The Naga replaced the supplies, threw the strap over his shoulder and gave Ethan a serious stare. “Now that I acknowledge you, Ethan, I must ask you a question.”

  “Go right ahead.” He succeeded in not sounding suspicious.

  “Three months have passed since you were offered a role as a squad leader. Have you decided one way or another about it?”

  “Not really. Why?”

  Blake smiled marginally and Ethan now found it less disconcerting since he’d been around it enough to tell the difference between a smile and barred teeth. “I would suggest you take it and request the four of us be permanent members of your team. I know Storm is gnawing away to fight again and as your companion, will make us a six man team.” Ellen stomped her foot indignantly. “Sorry, six person team.” He corrected. “The four of us would be a great addition and we need a proper leader.”

  “Why me? Why can’t you be a squad leader y
ourselves?” Ethan stalled.

  Magnus brushed grass from his pants while saying “You Americans have a saying, ‘Those who can’t do teach’ well we are teachers in this respect. Blake is four millennia, Nell is six hundred, Ellen is four hundred and seventy two and I am two ninety four. Age holds nothing for competency. We are not leaders, nor shall we ever fulfill the roll properly. You should also know we failed because we followed our tests to the letter and botched our real mission long ago. Unlike you, I let my captive die in his mission for a heinous crime… as did the rest of us. We are soldiers who didn’t think for ourselves and so set in our ways that we paid the price. Yes we all follow orders from our leaders, but deciding which one is justified while another is wrong and we still follow through… well that is why we weren’t fit to lead. You have the opportunity to lead.” Magnus shrugged with a sigh. “Personally I would like to repay you for saving our daughter from the Elf.”

  “Well spoken, Husband… You need a great archer, Young Man.” Nell added before Ethan could respond. “I never miss my target. And I too want to fight alongside a fire-thrower so long as you do not light me on fire.” The Nymph smiled beautifully, un-aged by time and retained a youthful body. “My husband and I would like to be your companions, even if you hadn’t saved our darling daughter. Many wish to fight at your side. It is almost guaranteed that they will come home from every mission and battle under your command.”

  “And I” Ellen crossed her arms beneath he ample bosom. “was chosen by my leaders Callu and Mia to be a liaison for the herd and companion. It was a coincidence Blake was also my master long ago and our skills complement each other. What’s more, my colts are all grown and I had a birth control chip put in my arm to not have any more foals… so my mate and I do not need to fear leaving a foal parentless any time soon. I am fully dedicated to my role as a warrior for the remainder of my life. So you do not need to worry me leaving your side at all and be in danger because I was here tending my young. If you are willing to be a hunt-master, I will follow.”

  “May I take a few minutes?” Ethan asked, got nods and stepped away.

  Ten minute later he found them sitting together, idly chatting. He said “I thought about it and sure, I’ll give it a try. Just so you know beforehand I’ll need some serious help learning the ropes. I’ve only did the Incubus hunt.”

  “You will learn. Our experiences and wisdom over the centuries are at your disposal. Do not hesitate to access it. The survival of a team is paramount on such trust.” Blake proudly pat Ethan on the shoulder and offered a bright lizard-man smile. “And we will support you till you grow confident in this role. I will inform Lord Odin of your answer. I will schedule our first hunt soon.” He told them as a group. “We all are nearing the six month deadline anyway. You three spend time with Ethan. I should return by breakfast with our first orders. We will hold a practice before lunch so you can learn each other’s skills so as a unit, we will be more effective.” Blake immediately walked away.

  “We have a good two hours before breakfast. Would you like to go to my place to clean up and meet Kanade.”

  Nell hesitated. “Celestia’s home? I wouldn’t mind a bath, but you do know my kind might look like a fair skin human, but are actually as flammable as wood. Right?” Her brown eyes were filled with natural fear as she clung to Magnus’ thick arm.

  “Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten. Celestia never goes in my room and now I have a new entrance that leads strait to it. And even should she be near I have become adept at manipulating fire. Nell, touch my hand.”

  “No, fire is bad.” The Nymph shook her head quickly.

  “If you’re wanting me to lead this new group you need to trust me.” He saw she wasn’t going to. He held his burning hand up to the mare. “Ellen, touch my hand then.”

  The Centaur woman was also hesitant, but she locked her delicate jaw and squeezed her eyes shut before reaching out and taking it. After a few seconds she peeked when all she felt was a gentle warmth tickling between her fingers. “What an odd sensation… Nell, I’m not feeling things as fire ought.”

  Nell shook her head.

  “Magnus?” Ethan held his hand out and the Ogre took it.

  “Love, it is harmless. I wondered why I didn’t feel his fire when he punched me in the face and shoulder.”

  Tentatively Nell was guided closer and against every natural instinct, she took his hand with a gasp. Her grip was powerful, fueled by fear, and she held rigidly still for over a minute before opening her eyes and gasping to scream as she was entirely engulfed in fire from head to toe. Then she realized she wasn’t alone when her husband held her in his powerful arms while all four of them were in an inferno that was hot, but not sufficiently so. Ethan grinned “I can choose what and what not to burn. Right now the three of you, your clothes, the grass and ground are in no danger. It takes but a thought for me to change those conditions. Fire I can perfectly control and it obeys me.” The immense blaze surrounding them was drawn effortlessly into the palm of his hand. “Nell, it is just like your use with a bow. Whether it kills or not is all up to the intention you give it. You never need to fear fire when I’m nearby.”

  The three were greatly impressed, but Nell only became more comfortable when the fire in his hand took a step back. “Come on, let’s go to my place.”

  Guided by firelight they moved slowly down the path, feeling their skirmish taking its toll. Ethan’s back and knees were sore, but noticed all the traps he had disarmed were now gone and Blake’s footprints told he had collected it all. Nell was rubbing Magnus’ shoulder while Ellen massaged her lower chest. Ellen was the first to speak though. “Ethan, after you failed to take out my forelegs, why did you embrace me an aim for my breast?”

  He gave her a considering look. “Well I can’t jump high enough to get you in a choke hold to kick you in the head. You would have reared back and flattened me. Your horse-half’s ribs are too thick to kick and would just piss you off, but Blake showed me a place on Storm-shadow where on the front of his chest is a thick layer of muscle, but a small nerve where if you hit it enough times and use a lot of force you can knock the wind out of them. If you had worn Centaur battle armor, your lower breastplate would have protected you.”

  “I must say” Ellen tossed her long, sandy blonde hair behind her strong yet elegant shoulder. “it certainly was a sharp knee thrust from that position. Have you not wondered why none of us wore armor? Why yours and Magnus’ chests are bare?” He shrugged. “The reason is simple. To have an honorable match as you are and your opponent sees there is no trick or falsehood. Any other conflict I would have donned my armor. In truth, Ethan, you are the first human to ever ground me through unarmed might.”

  Ethan grinned. “Yeah, but you were momentarily surprised with my face between your breasts. If not for the suddenness you could have knocked me out with the pommel of your swords before I could have brought my knees in.”

  “True.” Ellen admitted with a small smile. “Nevertheless, you managed to take advantage of the moment. Just do not do it again. Only my stallion may fondle me.”

  “Not to worry, I know how dangerous my actions would have resulted if your mate had seen. Only one of us would have walked away. Centaur honor is more stubborn than Amazon.” Nell laughed as Ellen smirked and swished her long and beautiful white horse tail.

  “I for one am surprised by how heavy you punch. Few even of my kind pack such a wallop.” Magnus said as he let his club rest over his good shoulder. “I’ve been hit in the face by a few humans, but yours takes the cake.”

  “Yeah, not only has Blake run me ragged for four whole months Celestia’s job is demanding. Working the metal is more than heating and swinging a hammer. I’m finally able to keep up with her pace. You would be surprised just how much strength and precision working metal is and don’t even get me started on the details. Your club for instance, I’ve spent a week working with her on one. Trust me when I say that if you don’t get strong fast, nothing
will get done. By the way Magnus, when did you get a club from her… and you Ellen, your shoes?”

  The Ogre said “I’ve had this for seven years, but I had to wait a hundred and eleven years to receive it and nothing compares to Celestia’s creation.”

  “I’ve had my shoes for sixty or so years and waited for just over a century to get them as well.” Her hooves were silently walking over the sand. “You have little idea just how hard it was to wait.”

  “Actually I do.” Ethan said grimly. “I’ve seen Celestia’s client list. Yes, with my extra set of hands, more is being made, but we’ll never be caught up for another seventy to ninety years. And the worst part is that sometimes the customer dies before she gets to work on the very weapon or armor that could have saved their life. And to further make it more difficult is the runes Kanade and other Enchanters imbue into my master’s creations can only respond to one owner. Should they die the weapon is useless and even if it’s recovered and not buried with the body, My Angel, will theoretically spend days stripping runes so I or Celestia can modify it for a relative to use. For instance,” Ethan held out his hand. “Magnus, may I?” The Ogre passed his thirty pound club over. “If you died, Kanade would need to extract every activation and protection rune, give it to me to heat and reshape the grip to your kids, which would take two or three days to get right, give it back to Kanade where she will meet with the person who will inherit it and bind their unique spirit energy to the club. Her clients come to our apartment all the time. Nell would be unable to use it for her energy is different from yours. Only your children or siblings would be compatible and even then it won’t be close to being as powerful as it is in your hands. This metal is imbued with your Spirit Energy and is best in your hands. Yes the metal still really harms demons who are weakened by different alloys, but the spells effectiveness’s will be greatly reduced. For this reason, recycling might be less costly, but is less effective.

  “It is why Celestia has such a long client list for new orders, because she gives only the best. She doesn’t repurpose and gets offended by the notion. Other Order smiths will alter for a new owner. Celestia does not. I tell you this because she won’t allow me to give inferior weapons to anyone either, and I agree. You certainly wouldn’t want a weapon that is repurposed because in a match between two of Celestia’s perfect creations, the one who’s original owner wielding it against a second recipient will win every time. Just because the list is long doesn’t mean it’s not worth it.” He returned the club. “Compared to you three immortals, a century is just a blink of the eye anyways right?”


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