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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

Page 45

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  The Naga wasn’t a moment slow as he leapt into the room unarmed and dodged fifteen demon enhanced humans. They were fast, but not Nagai fast. The fire Ethan shot ended. In just an instant reptilian claws located the Mallatiatherium Sword and snatched it. “Halt!” the surrounding demons stopped instantly as Blake became the sword’s new master. And as he was the only one of Order who could handle its power, he was the heart of the mission.

  All along the ground were dozens of people in total agony. The Naga didn’t waste time making them suffer and flipped the blade around. He twisted the pommel off and inside the grip was a foul smelling yellow liquid that looked more like infected puss, quite like those turned. Blake and Ethan gagged on the odor. It had a tiny notch and he knelt beside one young boy and offered a single drop when Ethan came over and forcibly held him down. The moment the liquid was swallowed the child stopped thrashing and a deep stomach wound knitted instantly together as the sword’s power was washed away. “Thank goodness.” Blake sighed as the child slept in his own sweat.

  “Blake, order all those fully bound to the sword to come outside and give the treatment to them first, especially those who are blackened. They need it first. Worst first.”

  Blake agreed completely though thoughts to end the screams seemed more ideal. The Naga had full command over them and ordered all return and gather outside. The slaves instantly and mindlessly obeyed.

  Ethan looked at the Mallatiatherium Sword closely. It was more like a long dagger really, but made of obsidian, strong volcanic glass. It was just fourteen inches long from a simple wooden guard, but it’s creation made it razor sharp. It was two inches wide, but not too straight as metal would be. It seemed to suck light from it as it didn’t have any sheen. The hollow grip was made of wood as well with the removed pommel.

  Magnus though entered and made sure the Siren wouldn’t rise again with a lone blow from his club that splattered the charred skull like a watermelon.

  Gore splattered everywhere.

  In two minutes all the victims stood outside where there was more room. Over seventy stood like statues, awaiting an order. It was a grotesque sight and a sad one. “Open your mouths.” Blake said as he was flanked just in the event of an attack. They silently obeyed and Blake first went to the darkest one first. One drop later he stepped back. The victim didn’t blink or show any change. After a minute of nothing sorrowful reptilian eyes met grey. “The legend of the sword is true. It is too late for this one. The change is complete. It takes a full day for this to happen. If you want I will…”

  “No,” Ethan said quietly. “I’ll take responsibility and end its torment mercifully. They will feel nothing. Do what you can though and keep trying to heal them.” Blake nodded, feeling pride grow even further for his former pupil. The Naga went to the next one, used a drop, but this one instantly collapsed without sound. It went deathly still, but the features were already returning to natural. Three fingers separated slowly into five, muscles shrunk and the thing returned into a young woman in roughly one minute.

  Ethan targeted the brain of those who were too far gone and heated the mind beyond recovery. It collapsed without pain or sound. Did you have a family? He asked sadly when it was clear a soul wouldn’t rise from the corpses. It was a demon and demons didn’t have a soul. This fate wasn’t right, but it’s over now.

  Floa patted Ethan’s cheek. “It never gets easier no matter how old you get. It does help to think they aren’t in pain anymore.”

  “I know, but it makes me mad their soul was destroyed.” He replied and killed two more that were beyond hope. None said anything to that.

  Storm-shadow landed as Nell and Kira came in with pensive expressions at what they saw with their own eyes up close. Ethan had to kill sixteen grotesquely transformed people who were beyond all hope of recovery, but Blake saved all others. They gathered together after he capped the deadly sword and looked to the squad leader. “Floa, please send Blake home so the sword can be secured and returned safely to Spirit World where it can never be used again. And Blake, make sure this place is secured and the survivors sent home when you tell the Cleaners what they’ll be in for. The rest of us will try and locate the mirror meanwhile. We won’t do anything without you.”

  The Naga smiled as he held the wrapped sword close. “I now see why you were granted a position as a squad leader. You take well to lead others.”

  “Only because I can trust all of you.” He admitted bashfully. “Four months ago I wouldn’t have been good at much of anything.”

  “I will return as soon as I can. Floa?” The Pixie obliged and clapped, sending him back to the castle to return the dangerous sword.

  “Kira, it’s up to you now… Wait, what happened?” Ethan stopped cold as he noticed her expression go stunned. He scanned for threats, as did the others who instantly spun while drawling weapons.

  “The Kitsune…” Kira said slowly as she was too focused on what she felt to notice the others. “It has made many more illusions… I now feel more than two hundred areas it could be… and it’s made another just now, but none seem to be moving. Another Crescent Mirror just seemed to pop up.” Her inner reflection made way to outer as weapons were put away. “While we were so focused it made more. Our problems just doubled. I doubt it’s done making our task harder.”

  “We need to hurry!” Ellen stomped her front left hoof on the concrete. “If the Kitsune can create new places without moving then we need to narrow down its likely hideouts before every place in Venice makes it’s impossible to locate. Two hundred is already difficult to search thoroughly and we have until tomorrow night to locate the mirror before it’s fully active to grant a perfect wish at full power.”

  “I’ll stay and watch over these people till the Cleaners arrive to sort everything out.” Magnus said as he removed his black helmet. “Kira, it’s up to you to mark every location and disregard any new points.”

  “But what if the Kitsune is working with an Elf? If it just pops up it would seem like it was another trick. It would be like it didn’t move when in fact it did.” Nell spoke up while fingering one of the knives hanging from her hip. “Without more knowledge on the Kitsune’s plan we cannot disregard any new additions, but we must be swift. Love, take care here and when Blake returns you can catch up.” He nodded quickly.

  “Can any of you hotwire a private plane?” Ethan suddenly asked.

  “I can and I am an experienced pilot.” Magnus said. Then it dawned on him what Ethan was getting to. “Great idea! But we won’t need to steal one. Everyone stay here, but Floa I need your assistance for a few minutes.” Plans changed.

  The Pixie launched herself off Ethan’s shoulder and said “What do you need?”

  Magnus placed the helmet back over his head to say “We need to return to the First House. I’ll tell you more when we arrive.”

  A quick clap from her tiny hands and they vanished.

  Ethan swung himself back into the saddle to say “We’ll recon the area and make sure there are no more surprises.” Storm-shadow agreed and galloped away till he found an area where he could fully extend his wings and take off.

  Two minutes later Magnus and Floa reappeared on a nearby empty street, the same one where the borrowed truck was parked, and brought along a small, two person ultralight plane. A large kite of white cloth acted as wings was securely held above a lone propeller operated by a stick and petals and powered by a hydrogen fuel-cell. He sat in the operator’s seat while the propeller slowly spun and idled loudly. Over the team’s communication link he said “Kira, come out and join me. We’ll fly the city and mark positions.”

  “Coming!” The Witch said as she jogged down the alley, found the armored Ogre in the plane and didn’t hesitate to jump in and buckle up. “Good timing, Magnus. Three more have popped up. This is a great idea. We can target every place much faster this way.”

  Magnus hit the accelerator till the propellers became less than a blur and hummed the entire plane. It moved ste
adily faster till it picked up enough speed for lift. Wind grew stronger in their face till Kira cast a spell to block most of the cooler winds. They took off and soon flew over treetops and spotted Storm-shadow and Ethan circling the area. When the Pegasai came over Floa crossed the gap and took her place back on Ethan’s shoulder. “Good luck!” the squad leader told them as they swept the city.

  Another pair of minutes passed till Blake reappeared with Order’s Cleaners, a group who’s duty is returning people safely to their families, erasing memories, planting false ones, cleaning all traces of demonic involvement and burying those who died or have them seem to have been killed in a plausible way. Blake moved over to Nell and Ellen to give the Cleaners room to do their task while saying for the whole team’s benefit “I’ve returned. An Enforcer was standing by at the First House and has taken the Mallatiatherium Sword into his possession and is returning to Spirit World as we speak and all we can hope is it never sees the light of day again. What have I missed?” He was quickly informed. “What now?”

  “Rest.” Ethan said. “Kira is marking every location with Magnus from an aerial point. You guys have more experience with Kitsune so it’ll be up to you for where it could be likely hiding and where we should start looking first. This is going to be more difficult than expected.”

  Kira pointed over the railing towards another large building and targeted it with her headset, adding another reference point where she sensed the powerful mystical object. Two buildings down was another point, then a hospital. A mile south was a school, cathedral and vehicle repair shop.

  Ellen crossed her arms to say “I cannot see any patterns of where to even begin. We’ll need more aid to hit each place simultaneously. This is too much for a squad of eight to handle.” She watched further from her eyepiece as Magnus began crossing a river and followed Kira’s direction. “This Kitsune is too tricky and likely has laid deadly traps to give itself enough time to use the mirror.”

  “You may be right.” Blake agreed. “A nine tailed Kitsune is too dangerous to blindly search for. Even the highest classes of demons pause against a Kitsune. Worse yet is we’ve not seen any altered plants that would protect it. It is hiding within the city too well. If only we knew what it wanted.”

  “Blake, what would a Kitsune wish for?” Ethan asked as Storm-shadow followed Kira and Magnus from higher in the sky, keeping a close watch on them.

  “I don’t understand.” The Naga was being truthful.

  “Well…” Ethan scratched his bearded chin. “I’m confused. If this Kitsune is as deadly as I have no doubt you’d underestimate, why would it want a wish from the mirror? With its power it can have whatever it desires or could steal it. It obviously isn’t after souls as it would be easy for something so powerful. So I asked myself, what would a Kitsune want that could be wished for? As a demon, its immortal, it could make all the money in the world or steal it. That’s why I’m so confused as to why it would break into Spirit World, steal the Crescent Mirror specifically, create hundreds of distractions and do all this.”

  “Point taken.” Blake leaned against a wall and rubbed his jaw’s smooth scales. “I now see your conundrum. Quite the puzzle you proposed. It has plenty of power to cause mass destruction and doesn’t need money or fame… it must want something money cannot buy and beyond the power it doesn’t have or even others. Something only the mirror’s wish can do…” The Naga shook his head. “I see your confusion, Ethan. It was overlooked by everyone… With your permission I’ll begin to make a list of the buildings which will least likely house the fox and look for areas that not even a demon can use.”

  “Go right ahead.” Came the authorization in the earpiece.

  “Nell, Ellen, I’ll need your help on this.” Blake said.

  “Then let us leave the area for privacy.” Nell said and grimaced as two female Ogres wrapped one of the seventeen dead humans in a burial white cloth. “We can’t be distracted or distract the Cleaners.”

  “We can use the trailer to isolate ourselves and focus.” Ellen said and led the way back to the parked semi.

  Kira and Magnus spent the remainder of the day and half the night flying all over Venice, cataloging every place the mirror was felt to be and it totaled three hundred and seventeen before no more sprang up. Ethan had to call it a day and gathered everyone back to where Ellen, Blake and Nell stayed. Once together Floa sent everyone home. Ethan dismounted and said “We’re all tired and in need of sleep. I’ll go speak to Odin about the situation and what we’ve come up with. We’re not ready to fight in our current condition.” At that, half of them yawned. “See if Cook will whip something up for you guys too. We’ll meet up for breakfast.”

  “Good night.” Floa yawned again. Then she clapped and disappeared to go get Blossom.

  Ethan moved quickly through the castle and only Princess Chillie sat at the main dining table the leaders sat at. She waved at Ethan who returned the gesture with a smile before taking the elevators to the top floor where the Ogre secretary still sat, typing on her computer, but by the sounds the speakers made, told she was playing a game. The ever bikini clad Ogress smiled pleasantly and asked “What may I do for you?”

  “I need to speak directly to Odin or if he isn’t available, Tattoo.”

  “Is this a serious matter?”

  “Most definitely.” She could hear the truth in Ethan’s words, even if he hadn’t said anything, his expression told it all.

  “Tattoo is out currently on a hunt for harpy, but Odin is in the tribunal room with Queen Gra. I will send a message to them. Just wait here in the lounge till I get a reply. You look in need of refreshments. There is a snack bar through the door behind me.”

  “Thanks.” Ethan walked around and through the door. A large kitchenette, fridge, microwave and oven was in the room. He found a large turkey sandwich, a single serving bag of nacho chips and a large glass of ice water and began chowing down as he returned to the lounge beside the Ogress.

  He finished the sandwich and was about to open the bag when the secretary’s computer beeped and she said “Lord Odin will see you now.”

  Ethan was soon opening the tribunal door and spotted the one eyed warrior smiling over a small stack of papers while the Amazon queen lounged in her chair with her boots crossed atop the table. “Welcome, Lad!” Odin called out. “Good work on retrieving the Mallatiatherium Sword. How goes it with the mirror?”

  “Not good I’m afraid.” Ethan came straight up to the desk. “Mind if I borrow your computer?”

  Odin simply spun the computer in front of him around. Ethan took off his headset with a sigh, feeling relief on his ear and said “Download layout targets of Venice, subject title: Mirror locations via list created by Blake.” And the headset began download to the nearest computer wirelessly, Odin’s. In a second it transferred the data and Ethan spun the computer back around to say “Odin, I don’t know what team has priority, but…”

  “Lad,” A firm blue eye fixed on Ethan. “this theft from Spirit World is of the highest priority. By these numbers I’m assuming you’re requesting this case bumped to legion mobilization?” Ethan nodded. “The demon sword has been returned, but if you need aid, I’ll make sure you get it. Just tell me what you require.”

  “Well, I need lots of help. And with so many targets, this is all S Class material. This Kitsune has made three hundred and seventeen possible places a target. Blake, Nell and Ellen worked hard to stockpile this list from the most likely places to the least. We’ll need to hit all of them simultaneously. Just so you know, Blake and I tried to see the least likely target of where Kira pointed us and we were bound in vines that cocooned us instantly. If not for my fire burning us out, we would still be wrapped. We checked the home thoroughly and was set with traps at each entrance, even windows. It can be assumed every building on this list will be likewise rigged, if not more so. What Blake and I did learn was the vines weren’t lethal. This Kitsune could have rigged it with more deadly plants.”

>   Gra stood and looked at the computer screen. “This mirror must be collected before it’s used. If we need to coordinate a simultaneous attack on three hundred and sixteen places, not including the one you tested, we will need to ask other Houses for aid, especially the Druids who can also manipulate plant life. A nine tailed Kitsune will require our best warriors. This information will go a long ways.” Gra’s hazel eyes turned to Ethan. “How would you propose it be done?”

  “My team believes it should happen around noon-ish. The Kitsune is obviously in hiding and won’t show itself till the full moon rises. If we act too early it’ll just disappear and next time it’ll do something else.”

  “Smart plan.” Odin nodded thoughtfully. “I’ll contact the other House heads for A and S Class warrior reinforcement and inform them of this. The mirror must be reclaimed in all haste. For you to be here means it wasn’t used tonight correct?” Ethan nodded. “Alright, Lad, after breakfast I want you and your team to visit the table I and the other leaders occupy. We’ll let you know the outcome. Be sure to download the entire mission when you get home and get plenty of rest. My bones are telling me it will be a difficult day and the Kitsune won’t be happy.”

  “I had to bring this to your attention. Well now I’m going to get some rest. Till tomorrow.”

  “Rest well, Lad.” Odin said.

  Outside the large double doors awaited a most welcome surprise. Kanade leaned against the wall with a warm smile that washed his weariness away. Her magnificent wings shook slightly as she pushed herself off the wall and walked over with a ‘click click’ from her high heels on marble. A smile spread as he heard her delicate twang “Welcome home. I’m glad to see you safe. Floa just picked up Blossom. How did the hunt go?” His expression dropped at recent memories and she didn’t miss it. The doors shut behind him and she lifted his chin. “What happened, Darlin’?”


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