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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

Page 56

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

Ethan moved away to give space to the three winged horses. Odin, Thor and Kiroq followed him. After a dozen steps Ethan stumbled to collapse face first into the grass. It was so sudden they didn’t catch him in time. They rushed to his side, Odin flinging the disembodied head from his legendary weapon and said “His pulse is weak.”

  “Father!” Thor pointed to the imbedded missile. “Elf arrow! I can’t get it out and it’s Demon Energy is flowing into him. He should have died instantly from this much Demon…”

  “MEDIC!!!” Kiroq the gargoyle howled.

  Suddenly a pair Translocated not four feet behind the All Father. It was Kanade and Floa. The Enchantress instantly yelled “ETHAN!” as her gaze took in the prone position of her mate’s immobile form surrounded by bloodied individuals. With one hand she grabbed Odin and threw him aside like a weightless leaf. She sent her senses into her one true love out of habit and could feel the foreign energy at war with his own and it wasn’t winning. Before even two heartbeats passed she used her inhuman strength to defy inflicting pain for it was the rare exception so she could heal. A chunk of bone was raggedly ripped out with the arrow while simultaneously drawing a sequence of runes faster than any mortal eye could follow. Her power began fueling the spells needed to purge malicious foreign energy while rapidly closing the wound at his shoulder. Her own fear trumped what she knew would kill him. Still, worry for her mate’s health, she didn’t stop till he began to glow beneath the bright sun. Her feathery wings spread protectively over him as she worked. In the five seconds of her arrival she finished drawling the thirtieth rune, her gold eyes glowed blue with the power she invoked.

  When she felt Ethan’s own unique energy bolstered, they attacked the demonic together.

  It was instantly obliterated.

  Silence again surrounded them aside from Odin’s cursing. Only then did Kanade realize what she had done as the energy in her eyes diminished. She took in his ragged appearance and saw the moisture from tears she didn’t understand. The spells in his jacket were broken to even an untrained eye and it barely hung on him. She fought her tears back as she clutched his head to her breasts and held him there. Kanade knew she had greatly overdone magic as his mind was in a deep slumber, almost comatose.

  “Girlfriend, what have you done?” Floa fluttered over and landed on Ethan’s chest. “That much power… Wait, he should be dead.”

  “The lad is stronger than any truly realize.” Odin said, setting aside his anger from being tossed like a ragdoll by a woman. “Besides, soul mates must be equal deep down. If he were mated to another he’d be dead from that much power that even I can taste. His heart still beats, aye?”

  Kanade answered hollowly “Strongly. If I were ten seconds later he would have been killed. I’m afraid though… his mind…”

  “He’ll be well, Lass.” Odin comforted before grinning “He’ll be well taken care of. If not for his actions we’d still be at war. He took out millions of demons all by himself. I’ve never seen such a display of power and magnitude. Even greater dragons fled at his power and he managed to lift Jormund initially. Now tell me why you are here.”

  Floa instead answered as a crowd began forming. “Dress. Kanade and I were together, listening to the progress of battle. For a minute or so he was speechless and then said it was all over. I Translocated nearest to you now that I know where you are at all times now. Then we arrive and well…” she gestured to who she walked on. “What happened, Odin?”

  “The lad seemed to have lost it and created a tornado of almost purple fire and took on the entire enemy. Never again shall I doubt his power. I’ve fought against an elemental before, but nothing like this. But I’ve never witnessed such a display of power. It made me glad we are on the same side for sure.” Odin stood and looked around at the gathering crowd. “Work needs to be done. Floa, take Ethan and Kanade home to the healers area and see he gets the best care. Be quick since many others were injured before he took care of business.”

  “Clean yourself up while you’re at it!” Floa quipped. “You’re a bloody mess. If I were mated to another I’d be worried.” She then clapped her hands as Odin chuckled.

  On the second floor of the castle was the medical wing. Witches and doctors waited for all incoming wounded. Floa wasn’t the first to arrive, but the staff immediately went into action. Kanade pulled back as two Ogres in blue scrubs knelt on the tiled floor and lifted Ethan’s unconscious body onto a gurney and a witch said “What has happened?” when the Ogres began cutting off his jacket, undershirt and removed the rest of his clothing.

  Kanade said with tears filling eyes “I used too much magic in my haste. His physical body should be fine. That bright pink scar at his shoulder was from an Elvin arrow that I healed. His mind though… I hope it wasn’t damaged…”

  The witch needed nothing further and plucked a vial of a liquid that held a faint yellow luminescence in the bright white room. The middle age looking woman of plump figure grabbed an IV bag, several needles and set up a drip. One went into an easily accessible vein all warriors seemed to have standing out and she used a syringe to take some of the glowing potion and injected it into a saline bag. As it began to drip she said to the Enchantress “That should aid to ease the overdose of magic you used on him. Mr. Volorum and I have never met, but if he wasn’t the type of human who could manipulate an element he would have died. I can still feel the power you used on him seeping out. I’m highly attuned to magical sensations. All we can do now is let him rest.” She sighed. “As for his mind, if he wakes only time will tell. The most I can tell is you didn’t fracture his soul. Whatever you did is beyond me, but you must be aware that even a minor rune could push him over the edge. The potion will aid recovery, nothing else.”

  “Can I take him home?” Kanade almost pleaded while biting her lower lip from worry.

  “Two conditions.” The woman said as more gravely injured began Translocating in beside other Pixies and she knew more were on their way and all available space was diminishing. “Dress must keep a careful eye on him at all times and have a Pixie at his side to bring him here if something bad happens.”

  “I’ll be there unless something happens.” Floa volunteered.

  “And take this.” The woman held out a polished emerald about an inch wide attached to an elastic band, pressed it into Kanade’s hand and said “Put this on his head. It will monitor his health. If it makes an awful sound, he’s in danger of dying. When it glows it will mean he’s about to wake. Send me a report of his mind when you delve into it after he wakes. Refrain from anything else and keep him comfortable. I need to go.” And she hurried away to tend a Nymph who oozed an amber sap from a deep gash on her forehead and thigh.

  Floa fluttered over and said “I’ll be back in a moment, Girlfriend.” She clapped her small hands and both she, Ethan and the IV contraption vanished.

  The Pixie grew tall and helped move the IV off the bed where Ethan laid and took the sheet to cover his modesty. In the next moment she brought Kanade over. The winged beauty dropped to her knees beside their bed and took her mate’s hand and felt it was cooler than she’d ever felt before. She cried silently while Floa walked to Dress and told him what happened and that the doctor said.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll keep a close eye on Handsome.” Dress got a look in his eye. “Hey you two, if you want to see Ethan in action turn on the computer.” Kanade was too out of it so Floa scooped up Ethan tablet, brought it over to the large bed and brought up the recently uploaded war viewing.

  Three minutes into it Floa gasped and at that Kanade was what brought back to reality to say “What?”

  Tears began spilling from the Pixie’s violet eyes. “Storm… he’s…” she choked out. “Watch.” She turned the screen and resumed playing after rewinding twenty seconds to where the brown dragon got close enough to attach physically.

  They watched from one view that kept close to Ethan’s exploits and were crying freely when they saw the soul and jumped on the bed at the
roar that ripped from Ethan’s chest and the explosion of fire that came from him. The fire turned tornado and went on the attack.

  Dumbfounded all the way to the end they looked at the unconscious man beside them and found Panther had appeared out of nowhere and was curled up on Ethan’s wide and heavily muscled chest. “Kanade, I always knew he was powerful, but that? Unreal.”

  With a proud smile she said “The strongest ability of a Fire Elemental. It would have killed a dragon, the generated wind and dark color meant high temps and the rotation alone would have been a greater danger. It is the scale that amazes me. From what I learned, King Solomon didn’t display half that power. How he attacked while fightin’ the arrow’s effects for so long is a greater mystery. It should have been an instant kill from the amount of Demon Energy poured into it. It still would have if I hadn’t done what I did… if only Storm wasn’t the trigger which brought about this part in him.”

  “He’ll be greatly missed. He and I have been friends for over a thousand years. His family will be devastated…”

  There came a loud knock at the front door. Floa hopped over to answer it and in the darkness she found Blake standing in the front with the rest of the team behind him. The ancient Nagai asked “We were told Ethan’s here. How is he?”

  They all came into the spacious room and quietly took him in. Kanade meanwhile slid the headband with the emerald on. Nell came over and spoke softly. “Will he make it?”

  “Time will tell.” Kanade said and listened to their story of events.

  Each of them were devastated at Storm-shadow’s demise and even the hardened men who had lost many friends over the eons found themselves crying. Blake was the only one who excused himself and went to be there for Star-bolt.

  Worry grew among all Ethan’s friends as he didn’t awake or respond for three days. Hundreds came to visit, but nothing changed in his condition. Panther was the most loyal and stayed curled up nearby or lay on him all the time, leaving only to relieve himself, much like Kanade. Celestia even came to visit when the room was cleared for her. Out of everyone, she was the most proud and curious at what he accomplished. Many messages were sent thanking him for doing as he did and wished a speedy recovery.

  Around five thirty in the afternoon Kanade had cracked open a comic and was reading it to him, as she had since yesterday. “never win, Dr. Doom. Johnny! The floor.” She read for his benefit and had a stack of comics at her hip on the bed where she sat with legs crossed. Then something caught her eye an she gasped as the emerald on his forehead began to glow. Panther yowled as the comic dropped on him as he sat curled in her lap. He crawled off as she framed Ethan’s face. “Darlin’, can you hear me?” She desperately hoped it wasn’t a dream.

  Unfocused grey eyes with some more rusty flecks than before stared back. In a dry, cracked voice he said “Wha…”

  She squealed in delight and threw herself on him and allowed her mind to scan his. He was greatly disoriented and weak, but she felt him warm rapidly at the thoughts of her breasts in his face currently occupied. She grinned “You returned to me.” Kanade crooned. “Whole. Your mind is as I’ve so longed to reach for… yes you can kiss them as much as you want, but after you eat… yes I can feel you hunger. I’m also hungry.”

  “Let him breathe, Girlfriend!” Floa said as she rose from the sofa, being the primary Pixie on duty for the past three days.

  Her cinnamon scent and warmth pulled back, but he was too stiff to move properly as she leapt over to the bedside fridge and popped two cans of soda and helped him sit up. She handed him one and it was as he reached he found the needle in his arm and said “What happened, Angel?”

  Kanade and Floa eagerly told him what occurred as he grimaced and pulled the needle out of his arm along with the tape. A few drops of blood pooled, but clotted seconds after. He drank greedily throughout the story, polishing off three more cans of grape soda and two beers while waiting for the microwave to heat several calorie rich meals. Meanwhile his bladder was in need of relief. The personal oven also was cooking two pizzas. Then she said morosely at the end “Yesterday they held the burial ceremonies for all the fallen. I went there for the both of us to honor Storm. Near a thousand fell before you did your firestorm. Michael Zing, the ringleader, died by Odin’s hand and his army was almost completely obliterated. What remained was absorbed by two greater demon masters who got away. From your actions there has been a great lull in demon activity all around the world as news spread of your deeds. From what I’ve been told, no house has even seen a skirmish at their boarders since the battle. It won’t last long, but it has given us a chance to catch our breath.”

  “Thank you.” He said as she stopped talking. Floa dashed over and brought some food which vanished in two minutes he was so hungry. The filling stomach gave him strength and cleared his head. “And thank you Floa” He said afterwards. “for watching over me and always staying near Kanade. You’re a great friend.”

  The Pixie broke into a grin. “I’m just glad Kanade doesn’t have to read you another of those awful comic books. Put me asleep they did. Besides, it gave the two of us time to ready for my upcoming wedding.” She stood up and stretched. “I’ll go let Odin and everyone else know you’re as spry as a spring chicken once again.”

  “I’ll take a bath and head over to the castle. I need to work out my stiff joints.”

  “Same here.” Kanade added. “See you soon, Floa. And again, thanks.” The Pixie winked and sauntered for the door, stepped out and vanished. “Go take a bath while I clean up.”

  “Sure.” He made straight for the bathroom to first relieve himself again, then showered and trimmed his beard short and groomed it the way Kanade liked it. His shoulder still ached slightly, but he grimaced at the look of the scar the arrow left behind. As he stepped out with a towel around his waist and greeted Dress who was gushing with compliments and saying how happy he was that Ethan was better. He was pulling on a shirt and felt it was a bit more snug than before, but said nothing. His pants were likewise tight, but not uncomfortable. But as he was putting his feet in his boots they were cramping. “Odd.” He mumbled.

  “What is?” Kanade said beside him as she put on her sneakers.

  For some nagging reason he said “Stand up.” She did and he put a hand on his head and used a straight movement to measure on her body and his eyebrow raised. He walked to his desk and pulled out a measuring tape and asked “Do me.”

  Understanding, she took it and measured him to exclaim “Six foot eight!”

  He blinked. “So I’m not imagining things. I’m five inches taller than when I went off to war. I was six three… Kanade, how is this?”

  She shrugged. “Don’t know. Maybe all the weight you lost and all the exercise since and that tornado was leaps more than anything you did before. Don’t complain for I’m not. The sex will be better than last months and the one before that. Five inches in height is nothing to be concerned of. Come on, let’s go show you’re alright. Questions can wait for later.” She smiled and scooped up Panther who brushed against her pant leg and draped him around her neck. He purred loudly and she giggled as his whiskers tickled her ear.

  “Well then, Dress, it seems like I’ll need new clothes.”

  “And I know just what will make your sexy eyes really pop. Do I have your permission to withdraw from your account? How many sets?”

  “Yes and three, but keep it simple. Also I’ll need new leather armor since my last was ruined.”

  “Party pooper!” Dress grumbled but was already working on the new clothes.

  Hand in hand Ethan and Kanade walked outside to face whatever awaited next.


  Deep in the heart of Demon World, under the vast domain of one of the greatest demons kings to have ever existed sat the Fire King in his ancient throne room, a vast castle made entirely of pure diamond, the only element capable of resisting his immense power without melting. He sat in his throne alone, surrounded by purple fire so hot
and dark that none could see him and any fool who chose to bother him would be ash as soon as the dark diamond doors opened so much as a crack.

  Between inhumanly large, bony fingers was a picture of a bearded man with auburn hair and grey eyes smiling as he held hands with a blue winged Spirit Guide.

  The Fire King’s blood red eyes were slit like a cat’s as he noticed the darker, rusty flecks in the boy’s eyes. He smiled and laughed at the reports that the boy was a Fire Elemental, a sound so powerful his kingdom could actually feel his mirth. “It is only a matter of time before we meet, Boy. I have great plans in store, should you survive what comes.” The demon king’s booming laugh echoed as his ancient plans were finally coming together.

  What would come of it was the true question.

  Be sure to read other books by this author:

  Balancer’s Cycle

  Balancer’s Soul

  Changer’s Blood

  Keeper’s Knowledge

  Harmonizer’s Evolution

  The Item Trilogy

  Untamed Gift

  Furion’s Trials


  Death Incarnate Saga

  The Grin of Prophecy

  Familiar’s Ancient Throne

  Laugh of Destruction

  Ascension of the Warlock

  Empress’s Endgame

  Spirit Guide Saga


  Wrath of Flames

  Atavism of the Ifrit

  Star Pirate Legends (Coming Fall of 2015)

  Cutlass Sharpened

  Void’s Psionics

  Evolution’s Essence

  Last Nova

  The Fey Files (Coming Fall of 2016)

  Harsh Realms (Coming Fall on 2017)


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