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His Unplanned Lesson

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by Nickie Nalley Seidler

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any other information storage and revival systems without prior consent from the author. Characters, places, events, that are portrayed in this book are all fictitious. I understand that if I share the author’s works I will be in violation of the copyright and can be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  Please DO NOT PIRATE or STEAL. It is against the law and really not cool! If you want to share it with a friend, LOAN it or buy an extra copy!

  Cover Design: JRA Stevens

  Editor: Kellie Montgomery

  Nickie Nalley Seidler ©2015

  All rights reserved.


  I whole heartedly dedicate this book to one of my readers, Bev Sten, for all the brainstorming and help she gave me and staying up late and being in my characters heads as much as they were in mine. Her help and effort to support me as an author will never go unnoticed.

  Thank you for being there for me.


  This book just came to me out of the blue clear sky! The characters spoke to me like no other and I have several people to thank who’s helped me along the way! Please don’t get mad as I’m sure I have forgotten quite a few! There are way too many people in this community of amazing authors, readers and bloggers that there are times it’s impossible to name you all! But know you’re all thought of and I greatly appreciate you.

  Firstly, my wonderful husband. Thank you for letting me write and pursue my dream. So far it’s everything I’ve expected it to be. Thanks for occasionally understanding when I want to pop a pizza in the oven instead of cook. Or spend hours upon hours at the computer working. Thank you for being understanding and loving and supporting me through it. This is my job that I work at every day. To some who may not understand it, it’s a full time job in itself. Not only do I write, I market myself, I create teasers, I interact with other authors and readers, I participate in release parties, I outline future books, I create my own swag, etc. There is so much to being a writer that I can at times put in 12 hour days. I bust my ass in hopes of reaching one more reader who will enjoy my work, spread the word, and stick by my side. It’s a hard task but I love every second of it. It’s my husband who keeps me motivated to kick ass and make the next best thing out there. Thanks babe for being there for me. I can’t wait for our little girl to be here to inspire me to write even more!

  To my Mom, you will always be my rock and I love you for loving my books as much as I do. Love you, Mom. To grandma who’s also my biggest fan.

  To my friends that promote me without even questioning it, thank you for promoting me without even questioning it. Word of mouth is key and I love ya’ll for it. THANK YOU for spreading the word!

  Brittany, my ABFF, I’m so glad we’re friends and we can talk about anything. Thank you for bringing me your honesty to this book and talking endless about ideas. Thanks for being such a great friend to me and I hope you can come visit someday!

  Kim, you’re constantly trying to make me smile. Thank you for being a friend, and a constant cheerleader as well. <3 you!

  Victoria, thank you for being there for me always even though sometimes it’s far in between the times we talk, I appreciate you and can’t wait to meet you one day! Thanks for supporting me!

  Felicity, you’re so sweet with all the packages you send me and how excited we both get about it, just tickles me! Thank you so much for being a good friend to me, I know you have my back and will always be there for me!

  To my only BETAS, Bev and Stephenee! Where do I even begin???

  Stephenee, I found you from Nerd Girl probably a year ago or a little less and you’ve been such a fantastic friend and reader of mine! Always encouraging me to keep writing because of your love for my books! It was only fate that wanted you to be my BETA reader and for that I’m so grateful that you were there for me and able to brainstorm and help me with the process! I appreciate it more than you know!

  Bev, freaking Bev! You my Dear, are the sweetest woman I’ve ever met with the most generous and huge heart! Thank you doesn’t even put into words the amount of help you’ve given me. The endless hours of talking about my characters and brainstorming, you’d think we were co-writing this book! I can’t thank you enough for all the help you’ve given me and the kind-heartedness you’ve shared from the start! You’re like a Mom to me that I’ve never met and I hope to one day get to meet you and hug you for everything you’ve done, or said to me to keep me on my toes and keep going! THANK YOU! <3

  To my awesome author friends who stand by my side through thick and thin and make sure that everything will be ok when I’m down, and kick my ass back in the writing cave each and every time, thank you. I’m glad I’ve found some lifelong friends.

  Glenna- Your one of my best author friends I have! I don’t know where I’d be without you and our talks! I heart your inspiration and you’re straight to the point shoot the shit talk. You are a great friend and I’m so happy I met you! I can’t wait to meet you someday! Sophie, always my go to girl. Thanks for all your texts, messages, and inspirational words along the way. I heart you. Thank you all for your friendship and I can’t wait to meet some of you this year at some author events.

  To the bloggers, I have several to name and I know I won’t get to naming them all, but a HUGE thank you to YOU. If it wasn’t for you spreading the word of all my books I wouldn’t have gotten very far. You took a chance on me and I’m so very thankful for your support! Big shout outs to Kellie, Chrissy, Kizzy, Megaen, Holly, Ena, Chauna, Author Stalkers, Ebony, Stephanie, Heather, Jess, and Mindy! I know I am missing SO many people and I apologize. It’s hard to remember everyone but know that you’re not forgotten. Thank you for your endless support I truly do appreciate it. You ladies are wonderful.

  Thank you to my wonderful cover designer who did more than a wonderful job on this cover! She was patient and made me fall in love with it from the first glance! Thank you Jennifer <3

  To my editor and friend who’s been there for me since day one, Kellie, THANK YOU for your patience with what I throw at you called my “rough” draft. Thanks so much for helping me out and always being an open ear. You have no idea how much your opinion means to me! I can’t wait to meet your crazy self in 2016!

  Lastly to my READERS. I wouldn’t be who I am today without you. I love hearing your feedback so feel free to message me at any time and tell me what you thought of my books! I love you all and I’m so grateful that you follow me in my writing career! THANK you. I’m so happy I have such great readers, I love you all.

  If you’d like to be up to date with everything from Nickie Nalley Seidler, please consider joining the newsletter to get first peaks at what I’m working on, teasers, giveaways, and more! Don’t miss out, I won’t spam you with emails, just the important stuff!

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  His Unplanned Lesson

  I Drive Your Truck- Lee Brice

  Hard To Love- Lee Brice

  Bring It On Home- Little Big Town

  Drink A Beer- Luke Bryan

  Wild Angels- Martina McBride

  Over You- Miranda Lambert

  Come Wake Me Up- Rascal Flatts

  If I Didn’t Have You- Thompson Square

  I Hold On- Dierks Bentley

  Cab Of My Truck- Dierks Bentley

  Long Trip Alone- Dierks Bentley

  Just The Way You Are- Bruno Mars

  God Gave Me You- Blake Shelton

  It's Been Awhile- Staind

  Time Marches On- Tracy Lawrence

  A Real Fine Place
To Start- Sara Evans

  Who You’d Be Today- Kenny Chesney

  Drunk On A Plane- Dierks Bentley

  Quit Playing Games With My Heart- Backstreet Boys

  Read Your Mind- Avant


  The night was still young, the moon was full and brighter than ever. It started out with a three hour drive and we did nothing but laugh and yell out the lyrics to our favorite music. I was so excited to see my good friend, Ava and celebrate her birthday. It wasn’t often that I got to come up to my summer place, alone at that, without my parents and just my boyfriend, Bobby. This weekend was going to be so special for us.

  Bobby and I had been dating since we first started high school four years ago. We just graduated and planned on spending all summer together before we started college in the fall. We were going to different colleges, but they were not far away from each other. I was excited that I could still see him often. He was my world and the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. He had that beautiful and happy smile, mesmerizing blue eyes, and a body I could wrap myself around for hours. He’s been my best friend since grade school. It wasn’t until high school that he had the balls to profess his love for me. I was pretty okay with that; we were still young and we knew our parents wouldn’t let us date anyway till high school. But he still made my heart skip a beat. I knew we would get married someday.

  Bobby was in the shower getting ready, and I had already put on my stunning, red, slim- fit dress that my parents didn’t approve of. I wanted this dress so badly because it made me look sexy, and this weekend had to be special since we were alone. I texted Ava a few times, expressing my eagerness for the party and finally getting to meet her boyfriend, Daryl, which she talked about so much. It was a weekend to put down in the books and never forget. Even though we were underage, I planned on having a drink or two, since Ava’s parents were out of town.

  Once the shower turned off, I tip toed into the bathroom where I saw him wrapping his towel around himself. It’s not like we hadn’t seen each other naked several times before. I wrapped my arms around him, making him jump from not hearing me come in. He spun me around and planted his lips to mine, enjoying a sweet, slow kiss that I happily returned.

  “Are you excited to see Ava?” His eyes glistened, his body still wet, and my mind drifted for a split second. “Earth to Sadie.” He waved his hand in front of my face.

  I smiled, “Sorry, I was taken in with how sexy you look right now.” I winked. “I’m excited to see Ava, but more excited to spend the weekend with you.”

  “I knew there was a catch.” He leaned down and kissed my forehead gently.

  I backed away from his arms playfully, “A catch? No such thing!” I giggled innocently.

  “I knew you came up here for her party but had more on your mind than just that. It was all for me, admit it.” He stood boldly, cocky. Chest out, chin up, and head held high. “You know you just wanted this sexy beast.” He blushed while being so blunt.

  I pointed towards the door, “The party’s starting soon!” I flashed him a wicked smile, ignoring his cocky, boosted ego.

  He dropped his towel, “I could go naked; men prefer that style.” He couldn’t help but belly laugh at my shocked expression seeing him all hanging in his glory.

  He put some clothes on while I walked out of the shower and grabbed some things to put in my purse. I laughed to myself and was happy he was in a good mood about this party. We were usually home bodies and didn’t do parties very much, if at all. But I wanted us to step out a little and enjoy ourselves. Dress up and act silly. After all, it was our last summer before we became college students. We had to make the best of it.

  We pulled up in Bobby’s truck and parked down the street, since the driveway was full of cars and lining the street. Everyone had to know there was a party tonight. He opened my door like a gentleman and we walked in to find Ava. The house was immaculate. Huge, expensive, and a great party house. The music was almost deafening as you walked in and the lights were dim. All of the furniture was moved out to make room for people. People were dancing, drinking and humping one another. Laughter stirred the place and I looked around for Ava with Bobby’s hand at my back, following me.

  “I’m going to find the booze,” Bobby yelled in my ear and went off towards the kitchen. He gently tapped my ass with his hand as he walked away.

  I saw Ava in the dining room out of the corner of my eye, standing inside the arms of a man who must be Daryl. I slightly rolled my eyes at their display of public affection.

  “Ava!” I screamed in her direction; her eyes lit up when she saw me. I ran towards her and she jumped from Daryl to give me a hug.

  “So, so glad you came! Where’s Bobby?” She asked looking around. “You look amazing!” She reached for my hands spinning me around to get a better look at my tight dress. “Sadie, this is Daryl, my boyfriend. Daryl, this is a friend of mine who drove three hours for me tonight!”

  I smiled and shook Daryl’s hand. “Bobby went to find the booze.” I laughed.

  “Well, there is a ton of it so help yourself! How are you? I’m so glad you’re here. I’ve missed you and I missed your graduation.” She pouted.

  Her red hair was done beautifully in curls that hung down her shoulders. Her makeup was remarkable and her body, was a body I’d love to have. I envied Ava so much. She was just simply beautiful. For her boyfriend Daryl, I couldn’t really say the same. From a looks standpoint, he was a little rusty. Beat up jeans, baggy sweater, and hat on crooked. He looked gangsta. But if that was what made her happy, I was happy for her.

  “Graduation was just graduation; you get a diploma and throw your cap! Nothing nobody hasn’t seen before. I’m good, Bobby and I are just enjoying our summer before college starts.”

  We stood and talked for a long time before I realized Bobby never came back to me. Which was odd, and I thought was rude for him not to say hi to Ava. I excused myself and worked my way through the crowd of people back to the kitchen. When I walked in, people were cheering and Bobby was on his knees with a beer bong being held up above him while he downed gulp by gulp.

  I rolled my eyes, figuring he was drunk already. Bobby held his liquor well, but if he drank enough of it too quickly, he was a goner. I made my way between the people and poked his arm as he stood up after finishing the beer.

  He turned around and met my eyes. His were bloodshot, glazed and had a twinkle in them. He was definitely drunk.

  “Bobby, we haven’t even been here that long and you’re already drunk.” I planted my hands on my hips while I nagged at him.

  “Sadie, don’t ruin my fun.”

  “Stop, drinking.”

  “Buzz off.” He shot back mockingly, looking annoyed. I couldn’t believe he was causing a scene. This was why I hated when he drank. He got rude, hurtful, and usually mean.

  “Bobby,” I grabbed his arm, “let’s go say hi to Ava.”

  “Just leave me alone, Sadie. I’m having fun right where I’m at.” He slurred, breaking away from my grip on his arm, slightly pushing me back with unintentional force.

  “But we’re supposed to be having fun together.” I gave him my full, lip out curved, pouty face. It wasn’t working. He was already in drunk mode and had forgotten about anything but himself.

  “I’ll fuck you later,” he snapped and turned around.

  Eyes from around the room darted to me and I was so embarrassed. My eyes widened and my face turned a fiery red. I turned around and knew to walk away wordless. That cut deep and hurt me really bad. Was that all he thought I wanted, to have sex? That was it, wasn’t it? He thought I brought him up here just for that when we could do that anytime we wanted. My heart sank deep in my chest while I tried to let it go, knowing he was drunk. People always said drunk words were sober thoughts, but I knew Bobby would never say stuff like that sober. It was just weird and I was disappointed. Especially since Bobby was acting so far out of his element. He was a charmer, not a dick bag. He was a d
rinker, which was the only part about Bobby I disliked. Usually, he wasn’t a social butterfly, but since we never, ever went to parties, who was to say he wouldn’t always act like this?

  There was a small room off the kitchen, like a mud room that held the booze coolers. I went and opened one up and grabbed a soda. Bobby ruined my thoughts on drinking. Since I didn’t want to drink anymore, soda would be just fine. I took a seat on one of the coolers and placed my head in my hands, still upset at Bobby. I tapped my foot on the ground, annoyed.

  “He’s just drunk. Don’t let him get to you. But don’t’ let him talk to you like that, either.” A voice startled me and I looked up. There stood a man with jeans on and a black button down dress shirt. His hair was spiked up and he was hot, I hated to admit. I looked at him confused, staring into his pretty brown eyes.

  “I’m sorry?” I asked.

  He pointed towards the kitchen while Bobby was on his knees doing another bong. “Him, I’m assuming your boyfriend, he’s just drunk.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Sorry, it wasn’t that hard to overhear your conversation.”

  I looked down at my hands, even more embarrassed that now this man overheard Bobby treating me like that too.

  “You don’t deserve that, you know.” He sat down on a cooler across from me. I hesitated looking at him. It felt like a crime to talk to another man, yet Bobby was in there talking to all these women who were shoving beer down his throat.

  I didn’t say anything. I wasn’t sure what to say. I knew I didn’t deserve that, but it was Bobby. I was in love with him. I knew he was this way when he got drunk, so I half expected it. Just didn’t expect him to be drunk so quickly and embarrass me in front of others. That was a new one.

  “Are you okay?” the guy pressed. He wasn’t leaving me alone till I talked, I could tell.

  “I’m fine.” I took a deep breath. Our eyes meeting and a feeling deep rumble of butterflies in the pit of my stomach, which scared me. It’s just a guy, Sadie, get over yourself.


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