Book Read Free

His Unplanned Lesson

Page 3

by Nickie Nalley Seidler

  “So Sadie, you live around here?” He asked while we walked down the dark road away from the house. You could still here the music echoing behind us. The small touch of his shoulder rubbing mine as we walked made me weak. You could probably describe it as a spark, a really electric feeling.

  “I live a few miles from here on the outskirts. I have a small cottage on Potter Road.”

  Forcing one foot in front of the other, this walk was getting tougher.

  “No way. One of my best friends, Luke, lives on Potter. I’m familiar with the area.”

  I shook my head and looked up at him, admiring his wonderful looks once again. “Wait, Luke Wheeler?” I asked confused. He couldn’t know Luke.

  He laughed, “Yeah, Luke Wheeler.”

  I slapped my sides, it was a small world. “I live right next door to him, good guy!”

  He stopped walking and he got so interested in what we were talking about. I studied the look on his face and it was like he was searching my soul, looking beyond the words that were being spoken. I found it sexy. Gosh, this man looked so familiar. “No way, I must be over there at least once a week for guy’s night. Too funny.”

  I lost my balance a little and stumbled to the side while Jake grabbed my arm gently. “Are you ok?” He asked softly. His voice was easing and comforting. Again, the touch of his hand on my arm left me gazing into his eyes, pausing all conversation for a moment.

  “I haven’t drank in a really long time. I don’t feel so hot,” I admitted, once again embarrassed while my face flushed crimson from my confession. This guy must think I’m a weirdo. I don’t do parties, I don’t drink often, so there’s a winner! Not one most guys would go for. I closed my eyes, envisioning my stupid words leaving my mouth and regretting them as they came out.

  “Let me take you home. You should probably get some water and rest. Especially if you haven’t drank in a while.”

  “Oh, I could get Ava to, it’s no big deal.” I shook my head. He was being too kind. He didn’t have to do anything for me. I’m just Sadie Simpson. Besides, if he took me home, I might not want to let him go. He just had this magnetism about him. I felt so close to him, like I’d known him forever. Get it together!

  “Well, Ava has been drinking, I haven’t. It’s ok. I can take you, it’s no problem.”

  I smiled, giving in. He made a good point. I was supposed to spend the night in the mansion tonight, but I really just wanted the comfort of my own bed. My covers wrapping me up in a ball and those soft pillows cuddling my head. My very sore head.

  “Ok, thank you.” I gave in.

  He turned around and stared at me as if I said something wrong, or weird. We started walking back to the house. He put his hand on the small of my back to make sure I walked straight. That hand touching me so closely, sent me somewhere deep inside of myself. I haven’t had a man touch me like this in a long time, since, Bobby. I hated that my mind had only one comparison in men. It always drifted back to him. A memory, I didn’t want to forget, but had to move on from. I had to stay cool from my hormonal raging freak I thought of myself as at the moment. I barely knew this guy, he barely knew me. I wasn’t looking for a hook up. I shook my head and shook the idea right out of it, far, far away. It wasn’t happening.

  We made it back to the driveway and he took his keys out, unlocking his car. The lights dimmed on the inside and I knew which one was his. He helped me into his fancy SUV and I waited while he got in on the driver’s side.

  “I’d ask you where you lived, but I already know.” He looked over at me with those deep brown eyes and smiled. He turned the car on and drove away slowly. That look stayed fresh in my mind.

  “I still can’t believe you know Luke.”

  “We grew up together. We also coach little league out of town.” He added.

  “That’s awesome. Luke didn’t tell me that. He’s really nice, he looks in after me and makes sure I’m alright. He always tells me how worried he is that I’m always so alone. I’m just fine though.”

  “No boyfriend?” He coughed lightly. “I mean, you’re alone, I figured…” What made him think I had a boyfriend? Maybe he didn’t think that and was just curious himself.

  “No, it’s ok. No boyfriend here.” I looked out the window. “What about you?” My eyes glared back at him.

  “Nope, I don’t date dudes.” He smirked. Smart ass.

  “You know what I meant!” I laughed, glaring at him quickly then looking back at the road. I felt if my eyes stayed locked on him, I would imagine things I shouldn’t be imaging about a stranger I barely knew.

  “Nah, we broke up a few months ago. She was pretty crazy. I don’t do crazy.” He chuckled before pulling up to the house.

  “I’m the house on the right.” I pointed over to my little white cottage with the outside lights on.

  “Wow, those shutters look like they need some help. Maybe I could help you with those. You know, since you’re all alone, you could use my help, maybe. They look like they need to be fixed before storm season.”

  “I just moved up here a few months ago and haven’t gotten around to a lot of the things I need to do around the house. I’d love some help.”

  “I’ll come by on guy’s night and help you out. It won’t be any problem at all. You need to have them fixed. Looks like you need to fix that ole truck of yours sitting there too. Looks like it hasn’t run for some time.”

  I smiled and looked over at his mesmerizing eyes. “Thanks, Jake. I appreciate it. Oh, and the ride home. Thank you so much.” Thinking of the truck just made me think of Bobby, and tonight, I didn’t want to think about him.

  He turned the key and cut the engine. “I’ll walk you to your door.”

  He’ll walk me to my door? Who was this man? Here I thought chivalry was dead. I waited for him to come around to my side, which was odd, to open my door. I wasn’t used to this type of treatment and I sort of didn’t like it. I liked being able to open my own door and not wait for a man to do things for me. Although, it was a nice gesture. Hell, Bobby used to do things like this, maybe I just didn’t want somebody who was going to be like Bobby. It would cause too much pain. Yet, Bobby was amazing, it would be hard to beat.

  He opened the door and I stepped out. He followed me down the driveway and to my porch while I dug out my keys. Once I found the right key, I turned to face him.

  “It was so nice to meet you, Jake. Thank you for taking me home and being so kind. I’m sure I’ll see you around.” The words “see you around” stuck with me. The fact that he was right next door to me for several months and I hadn’t even seen this guy before was funny. What were the odds? Although, he looked so damn familiar, I had to know him from somewhere. Or maybe not. Maybe it was just a gut feeling.

  “You too, Sadie. Lots of water and get some rest.” He winked at me with those amazing eyes.

  “I’m on it.” I smiled and slid the key into the lock. I looked over my shoulder and he was walking back to his vehicle. I leaned against the doorframe and watched as he drove away. I took a deep breath and made myself wonder what the hell that feeling was about. He was pretty amazing and for the second, I convinced myself it wouldn’t be so bad to see him again. Not bad at all.

  I texted Ava that I got a ride home just so she knew. I walked into the kitchen, placed my purse down and lifted up this awful shirt over my head and carried it with me to the bedroom. I shimmied out of my shorts and kicked my flip flops off. I grabbed for my big t-shirt and put it over my head and sighed in relief. This felt comfortable. I walked into the bathroom attached to my bedroom, and took my make-up off, seeing the real me. The face I wasn’t used to liking yet. As I brushed my teeth, I felt my head surging with pain again. Water was my first thought, and I went back to the kitchen to grab a glass. When I made my way back to the bedroom, I tugged on my covers and climbed into bed. Staring at the ceiling, I couldn’t wipe the silly grin I had off my face.

  Chapter 2

  The thunder crackled, waking me
up from a deep sleep. I sat up quickly and my hand rushed to my head while the pounding thickened and I quickly lay back down. I haven’t been hung over probably since the very first time I sipped on alcohol, which was likely my senior year of high school. A good three years ago. Drinking reminded me of Bobby. I stayed away from it after he died because it was just that stupid reminder of him. I knew I had to get those little quirks out of my system though, no matter what. It’s been three years and even though the memories were so fresh, I had to move on.

  I heard the ping of my phone and I searched for it in the covers somewhere. It was from Ava.

  Ava: Glad you got home safe. Sorry, not sure what happened. Call me tomorrow we’ll catch up!

  I must have fallen asleep quickly, because she responded not long after I sent that message last night. The thunder boomed some more, shaking the walls of my cottage and making a few shelves rattle along with the windows. Must be a bad storm for it to do that.

  I wrapped my robe around me and took my Kindle while I went out on the screened in back porch. The rain was coming down in buckets and the waves were pretty choppy. I loved living right off the ocean. It was serene and peaceful. I sat down on the wicker couch and turned on my Kindle while I listened to the rain pour down. It was so soothing. This was the life. Living on the oceanfront property, toes in the sand most days, morning runs on the beach. A job to keep me afloat and school to look forward to.

  I tore out my phone and called Ava to catch up.

  “Hello?” Her groggy voice came over the phone.

  “Hey, hung over like me?” I laughed.

  “Worse, I feel like death.”

  “I’ll feel better after some water and an Advil.” I stretched my legs and propped them up on the coffee table, placing my Kindle down.

  “What happened with Rylan?”

  “Just didn’t feel the vibe there with him. No worries, he seemed pretty interested in your other friend, though.”

  “She hates Rylan!” She let out a laugh. “Sadie, I’m going to go back to sleep, I feel like shit. Just glad you’re home safe and sound. We’ll get together again soon. I’m so glad you came out, though.” You could tell she was about to fall asleep on the phone.

  “Go rest. I’m really glad I came too.” I looked out into the ocean, imaging that gorgeous man who drove me home.

  “Bye now.”

  “Bye.” I ended the call.

  I woke myself up not long after, apparently Ava wasn’t the only one drifting off. I guess I needed the rest too. Wiping the drool off my face, I noticed the storm let up. I reached for my Kindle to read but realized I needed some food. Cooking myself some lunch, I reminisced about the dream I just had about that mysterious, beautiful man I met at the party last night. No, not Rylan, but Jake. I can’t keep this man out of my thoughts, let alone now in my dreams.


  A few days later I drove into town. I loved the scenery around town and getting out of the house helped me not drown myself in my sorrows of being alone. Entering the popular diner in town, I took a seat. The waitress came by, and I just ordered a coffee and a bagel to keep me satisfied. I busted out my Kindle to read for a bit before someone interrupted me and slid across the seat from me.

  “Fancy seeing you here.” That mysterious man voiced his presence and immediately my heart skipped.

  “Jake!” I was shocked. My hands flew to my hair and straightened the strands behind my ear. I smiled at him, but it didn’t help the nerves rising to the surface in my stomach. It was like it was the first boy I’d ever seen or spoken to that I had a crush on. That fiery butterfly feeling that never leaves and you feel like you’re going to say something stupid each time? Yeah, that feeling.

  “I’m in a hurry, but saw you here and couldn’t resist saying hi.” He reached over to the vase sitting on the table with the colorful carnations sitting in a little bit of water. He grabbed one from the vase and smiled as he handed it to me, melting my heart with sweetness. “Here, something to remember me by and keep you thinking of me until I see you again. The flower does your beauty no justice.”

  I blushed and bit my lower lip, flattered but feeling shy. “You want to see me again?” Biting down even harder, I waited for him to respond as his eyes sunk into mine. That freaky connection, electric feeling was back. He was like a magnet drawing me in closer to him. I could smell his cologne from across the table and everything about him made me want to get to know him. I wanted to see him again.

  “I’ll come by Friday. I said I’d help with the shutters, I could get started on those for you.”

  “I’ll make dinner.” I offered to his kindness.

  “No need.” He reached for my hand across the table and planted a sweet soft kiss on the top. “I have to get to work. Enjoy your day, Sadie.” And just like that, he walked out of the diner, got in his truck and sped off. He seemed rushed, late for work. I brought the flower to my nose and smelled it before smiling like a silly fool all wrapped up in a flower and promises to see me on Friday. I had something to look forward to. Something that this feeling deep inside my gut told me to go for. Something exciting and new.


  I had been outside all day cutting the grass and planting the flowers in the pots that have been empty for some time. It was nice to get this place looking beautiful again. With my parents not having a lot of money, they lacked the funds to make this place special within the last few years they were alive. I even put a flower in a pot by Luke’s stairs to add a little niceness to his porch too. It just put me in a good mood knowing I’d be seeing Jake tomorrow. It was a beautiful hot summer day now, but I knew that was going to change later, as they were expecting some small storms. After getting all filthy dirty, rolling my hands through dirt and my knees full with grass stains, I decided to take a shower and call it a day. My mind kept drifting to what we’d talk about when Jake comes by tomorrow. I mean, I don’t know how to have a normal conversation with someone, especially someone that made me so damn nervous. I hope I don’t ruin anything.

  The sun was starting to set and I peeked out my windows at the progress I had made today. I saw a truck sitting in Luke’s driveway. It looked familiar till I saw Jake jump out and head towards his front door. He took a glance my way and stopped and threw his hand up to wave at me. I closed the curtain quickly, and held my hand to my chest as I about lunged over the couch and hid. How embarrassing! He just caught me staring at him like I was some creeper peeping tom watching through my window when it was purely innocent. When I looked back to see if he was still there, he shocked me. He was still there, but this time, right in front of my doorstep. Shit. I smiled obnoxiously and he pointed to the door, as if to open it. I took a deep breath and let it out. My face got all heated and red as a tomato. I got this!

  I stood in front of the door and straightened my shirt and smoothed back my hair. I knew I was trying to look decent, but I was who I was. I hated feeling so self-conscious sometimes. I swung open the door.

  “Hey.” He smiled.

  “Hi.” I shyly smiled, trying not to stare into those gorgeous eyes.

  “Guy’s night. Just thought I’d say hi. Still good for tomorrow?”

  “Yup, tomorrow is good.”

  “Awesome, I’ll see you then.” He winked.

  That wink was all I needed to know the interest that sparked between us. That little bit of, I wanted to jump in his arms, revealed how much I was shocked to be so interested in someone. I never knew that I could be so quickly moving on from Bobby. I was so sure I wouldn’t ever get over Bobby. I couldn’t disappoint him. I feared the most that I’d make Bobby upset over who I dated in the future. I just didn’t think he’d want me to be with anyone. He was always so jealous of me talking to men. Even just friends. But, realization kept slapping me in the face, Bobby wasn’t here to judge. He was gone, and he wasn’t coming back.

  We smiled at one another and Jake walked towards Luke, occasionally looking over his shoulder and stumbling as he walked.
I giggled to myself, placing my hand over my mouth so he couldn’t see me laughing at his stumbling self.

  I wondered what they did on guy’s night. All I knew was that I was having an unofficial date night tomorrow, and that was all I needed to be excited.

  I heard a knock at my door and lay there in bed pondering what that was about. I glanced at the clock and it was one am. I didn’t have any family, my only friend was Ava really. Who the hell could that be? I slid off my bed and jumped a mile when the thunder hit again. Damn. There’s some storm out there. I grabbed my sweatpants and pulled them up and made my way to the front door. Opening it wide, the rain overtook me before I even noticed who it was.

  “Jake!” I gasped. His soaking wet figure stood before me. “Come in, what are you doing here?” I looked again at the clock dazed by the time, knowing this wasn’t our agreed time and it definitely wasn’t to fix my shutters.

  “It’s not safe here, haven’t you seen the news? We’re having a severe storm and they’re evacuating the area. The tide is supposed to be horrible.”

  I looked at him confused, then back out the window to the see the monsoon of rain coming down. Then it hit me, Jake was in my house and I looked like utter shit. In seconds, I ran my hand through my hair, which was a knotted mess and knew it must be standing in all directions.

  “We have to go.”

  “I have nowhere to go. This is my home, Jake.”

  “I know.”

  I slanted my head to the side in more confusion. Was I dreaming? How did he know I had nowhere to go? He didn’t even know me. Wait, why was he in my house? Why was he coming to warn me? I wasn’t anybody to him. I was just Sadie, an ordinary girl living an ordinary life. Something was weird.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Look, there is no time to talk. Please go pack yourself a bag of whatever you want to save or need. I’m going to take you to safer grounds.”

  I stood there like a statue. I was so confused. Lightening flashed behind Jake’s figure and within a second the thunder crashed loudly. I knew what that meant, it meant the storm was close.


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