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His Unplanned Lesson

Page 5

by Nickie Nalley Seidler

  I smiled and backed away from his chest a little as I started to calm down. Usually, when I thought about Bobby or my parents it sent me into a day’s worth of battles trying to get through it. This only took a matter of minutes before I was able to calm myself. Jake was quite comforting and it made me smile. I’ve never been able to do that. Yet, that’s what I was taught- how to deal. So maybe I was right, it did help me. It’s just taken some time to see the full effects.

  “Enough of the sappy stuff. What about you? What’s your story?”

  He pointed to himself. “Me? Oh, I’m not that interesting. In fact, I’m pretty boring.”

  “I highly doubt a man living in this house, is boring.” I giggled, pressing my finger and poking him in the chest playfully.

  “I have my construction day job right now and my night job. I work hard to get where I am today.”

  “What’s your night job?” I asked, being just as nosy.

  “If I told you, I’d have to kill you,” he said sternly.

  I belly laughed and smiled at him while I thought he was joking, but he wasn’t going any further with an explanation so I just dropped it.

  “Nobody lives in this big empty house with you?”


  A man of few words when it came to talking about himself.

  “I wonder how my house is holding up,” I thought out loud, and it really bugged me that we were getting hit with such a big storm. But I was really grateful to be here and had a place to evacuate to. I never even thought of something like this happening. My parents never talked about storms near the beach house so I never thought I had to be worried about it.

  “You know what’s funny?” I asked him.

  “What’s that?”

  “You told me last night that you didn’t do crazy. But I’m technically crazy, you know.” I winked at him.

  It was amazing how close I felt to Jake. It was like someone I knew my whole life. He could tell me so little about his life but I felt like I already knew it. He was different than Bobby in many ways. It made me realize what I saw in him when I see myself interested in Jake. They’re complete opposites. Maybe that was what I needed though? A different somebody.

  “I’m going to fix us some lunch.” Ignoring my comment.

  “Can I help? I’m not helpless.” I added.

  “Just sit here.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. Fine, if that was what he wanted. Make it yourself. I went to the remote and turned the TV back on the news to figure out what’s going on with this storm. Red flash flood warnings ran across the bottom of the screen. They showed live stream of the waves crashing up on the shore and coming inland about a half mile. That was plenty enough to reach my house. It made me nervous watching and seeing all the water coming in. I figured my house was washed away by now. Those shutters wouldn’t have helped any at this point; the inside is probably filled with water. Tears came to my eyes and I cried for the home that I’m losing right before my eyes. Granted, it wasn’t my home I was watching, but my home was right there along with these. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I didn’t have a job yet and I only saved up so much money along with the money I inherited from my parents, which wouldn’t last long because they didn’t have much.

  “Come on, I made grilled cheese.” He smiled from the doorway before his face went cold watching the news.

  “I need to get back to my home. The rain is slowing and it’s not that bad. I have to start salvaging some of the stuff that I am able to.”

  “Not going to happen. They haven’t cleared the area, Sadie. It just said that. There are down wires from the wind and I’m not letting you go through all of that for salvaging some stuff. It’s not safe, and it was downright stupidity for thinking I’d drive you back in that right now. Come eat.”

  I got up from the couch and pointed to the TV, getting angry at his insensitivity. “It seems you wouldn’t know anything about salvaging, Jake. Look at your damn house, look at your cars, and look at everything you own and now, look at that!” I pointed to the TV. “That’s all I have, when are you going to realize that? Everything I have, is sitting there floating the fuck away. If you’re not going to take me, I’m going to go myself. I can’t keep watching the screen and seeing everything go to shit. That’s my home! That’s my stuff that’s getting ruined! We’re two opposites, Jake. Opposites. You have wealth, and currently my status is poverty. I don’t have a job and only have so much money saved up for me right now. I don’t expect you to understand, but I need to get home.”

  I placed my hands on my hip and stood firmly on my decision. How dare he call me stupid? I didn’t care if he didn’t understand, it was rude.

  Jake made his way over to me and he kept walking until I walked backwards and ended up at the wall. His hands slid down my face and his eyes were glued to my lips. He leaned in closely, and I didn’t stop him. His hips pressed into mine pinning me to the wall and my breathing hitched. I wasn’t expecting this. I could feel his erection pressing through his pants into my stomach. He trailed his finger down the right side of my face before his hands moved down my body and gripped me under my ass, bringing me up higher. He crashed his lips to mine and I returned the kiss. I felt heated and amazed by my reactions, which I was into this. It just felt right. It felt real. Our tongues danced together while he held me up, pinned to the wall. After we kissed for some time he trailed his lips down my chin to underneath. I leaned my head up slightly as he kissed my neck. My breathing became more rigid and I could feel the pool of warmth between my legs that were currently wrapped around his waist. His soft lips touching my gentle skin before his lips went back to mine.

  “Stop.” I moaned.

  He looked up at me, his heart beating a mile a minute and he looked out of breath. I thought he looked so damn hot right now. That sexy grin across his face while he just teased me, like he wouldn’t see me tomorrow.

  “I’m sorry, you’re just so,” he breathed out, “sexy when you’re angry. You turn me on more than any porno or any woman in my life has. There’s something about you, Sadie. You make me feel dark. You make me feel different.” He whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine at the sexiness of his voice.

  “I have to get home,” I whispered back, taking my attention off him and back to the TV screen, seeing more devastation. What the hell was happening?

  “I’m a very sexual man, Sadie.” He let me back down and backed away.

  “I’m not sure exactly what that means.”

  “It means, I want every piece of you. I want to be your protector, I want to be your someone. I’m not great at relationships. Every one I’ve been in, failed. Failed because I’m not a chocolates and roses kind of guy. I thought you were different and maybe that’s what you could want. But since you’re not so ready every time I’ve tried, I’m not so sure.”

  I was put off by those very words. I wasn’t sure what that meant. He just wanted me for sex? Was I not good enough to deserve roses and chocolates like a normal relationship? Was I not worthy? I wasn’t sure I was ready for anything after being so emotionally detached from the dating world. I wasn’t even sure I remembered how to have sex. He ignited these feelings in me I wasn’t sure I could feel again. Was that a sign that we were meant to just have sex? My mind was scattered all over the place. One thing that always stuck with me, that my Momma taught me about relationships, was to believe two people were connected at the heart. It didn’t matter where you lived or who you were. Love has no boundaries. Her statement was so true, but it didn’t match with how I was feeling now. I felt like lust was being played with. My body craved it, but I wasn’t sure if I was craving it as badly.

  “I don’t know you, Jake.” I looked into his eyes that ultimately sent me in a whirlwind of emotions. Emotions that confused me and made my stomach churn.

  “I want to get to know you, Sadie.”

  “Then try,” was all I could think to say. I wanted someone to try for me. Not give up on me
. Just to try.

  “I was.”

  “That’s not how you try to get to know someone, Jake.” I rolled my eyes at his remark. Sex wasn’t trying.

  “Then teach me,” he pleaded, holding me back in his arms. The closeness I felt to his heart made me relax. Made me feel good.

  Chapter 4

  I was too nervous to try anything. We spent the rest of the day as Jake asked, wanting to get to know me. I mainly talked about the time I spent in the ward because he was most curious about it. I didn’t have a problem discussing it because it made me feel good that I made the right choice. He was being so supportive and it made me question his intentions. I woke up alone, thankfully, in the spare bedroom. After a day full of talking and the storm hitting strong, we called it a night early. I remembered him walking me up to bed and sitting with me till I fell asleep. It was the sweetest gesture. It was strange, and not what I was expecting from a stranger pretty much, but I liked it. I liked the feeling of not knowing and living on the edge a little bit, but I still had to get to know this man.

  I wrapped myself in my robe and headed down the stairs, noticing he was fully dressed and sitting on the sofa watching TV.

  “You know something? You told me you weren’t a hearts and flowers kind of guy, but I call bullshit.” My grin spread wide. He looked up at me walking down the stairs and kept his eyes on me, fucking me with them the whole way down. I joined him on the sofa.

  “I’m not. I don’t know how to succeed at relationships.”

  “Let me tell you, since I’ve met you, you’ve taken me home like a gentleman, walked me to my door like a gentleman, made me blush in a restaurant full of people, caught me at my door to make me smile before guy’s night, came to my rescue like a shiny knight on a mission, offered me an actual bed to sleep in, cooked for me twice. Let me stay the couple nights, and I already smell breakfast brewing. I call bullshit. All those things are hearts and flowers type of things. All those things girls would be screaming over.”

  I was right and I knew it. I loved all the sweet gestures he did for me. It made a man that much more attractive when he showed that he paid attention to you. Not only that, but wanted to get to know me. Wanted to learn how to hold my heart in his hand. So far, he was making it really easy for me to fall for him.

  “That hasn’t worked for anyone else.”

  “Has there been anyone else?”


  “And?” I pressed.

  “I don’t like talking about her. I don’t like talking about my previous relationship.”

  I stared at those glistening caramel eyes. I wanted so badly to figure him out, but he wasn’t easy. He was easy to fall for, but it wasn’t easy prying information out of him. He was a closed off individual, but If I’m able to open up to him, pretty much a complete stranger, he’ll open up to me someday. Just a matter of how long I’m willing to wait.

  “I can’t sit here anymore and be helpless. Want to take me to town? The weather is lightening up a bit and I need to apply for some jobs.”

  “Jobs like what?”

  “Anything, I’ll apply to the drug store, library whatever there is. I’m pretty desperate.”

  “Alright, we can do that. The sun is trying to peek through. I’m sure by the evening they’ll start to let people in by your house, too. If you’re lucky.”

  I wasn’t sure I would call it lucky. I actually enjoyed my time being with Jake. I felt like I’ve come out of my shell somewhat and was doing what I said I would do and move on. As much as Bobby had still been on my mind, I’ve been able to put him aside for Jake. I’m intrigued about this man standing before me. With his nice cut jeans and blue t-shirt that clung to his muscles. His shaggy blonde hair and those eyes that made my knees weak.

  We hopped in his truck and started off towards town. He turned up the radio and we enjoyed listening to the rock that blared through the speakers. It was nice to not talk for a little bit and just enjoy the music. Sometimes talking was overrated. I could tell by the type of music he listened to what type of man he was. I was being judgmental, but I liked what I saw. It was still hard for me to get over that kiss. It was like none I’ve ever had. I had the night to dream about it and it was still on my mind. The tension, the heat, the want and need all mixed in one feeling. I enjoyed getting to know Jake, even though it hadn’t been easy.

  He pulled into the library parking lot and the sun started to peek through the clouds.

  “You can wait here.”

  “I’ve got to run a few errands in town. I’ll leave the truck here and meet you here when you’re finished.”

  “Sounds good to me.” I thanked him and headed into the library to fill out an application. They immediately directed me over to a computer to fill it out online, since that seems to be the new way to apply these days. I just wanted to directly speak to someone to maybe give a better impression. After the library, I headed across the street to the diner, then quickly over to the general store and applied there. I figured he would be waiting by now and didn’t want to keep him too long. I’d follow up with the stores in the morning. I rushed back out to the truck and noticed he wasn’t there. I plopped my purse down on the ground and leaned against the passenger side. Thankfully, the rain had stopped. This was a great sign and I couldn’t wait to head home to find out the mess I’d have to clean up, but at least I’d be home. It quickly hit me that I didn’t even have Jake’s number. I could be out here a long time, not knowing where he was or how to get back to his place.

  Before long, I saw him treading the walkway, heading back towards me. I waved and put a smile on my face, but to be honest, I was exhausted. It was already a little past noon. I couldn’t believe we were out that long.

  “Get everything you needed?” I grinned wide, noticing all the bags in his hands. Looked like groceries.

  “Yup, you?” He shot back simply.

  I nodded my head and he unlocked the truck. Grabbing my purse, I hopped in and closed my door. “So, the rain stopped. I was hoping you’d take me back to my home today.”

  “You bet.” He was short again. What the hell was with all these short responses? I felt like he dug up information on me or something happened that you’d think was so horrible that he wouldn’t ever want to look at me again. Even though his precious mouth was plastered to mine just a night ago. I didn’t understand it and I wasn’t sure I should. I was hoping too much for a certain outcome, too soon. I couldn’t hurt myself again. Love wasn’t an easy experience and it hurt like a son of a bitch. I was either trying too hard, or rushed too quickly into thinking I could find it again.

  I didn’t say anything further while we headed back towards his house. I figured I had to pick up the rest of my things and he needed to put away whatever he bought. I wasn’t going to rush him, knowing everything he did for me. I was just confused at what this was. His personality was awesome, when he showed it. Other times he just put me off like he didn’t want to be bothered. Rather confusing, more than anything. Men thought women were complicated?

  I walked into his house and straight upstairs to gather my bag. I zipped it shut and headed back downstairs. Jake was leaning on the front door with his phone in his hand. As soon as he saw me, he hurried to grab my bags from me.

  “Before you head home, want to come with me and watch the little league I coach?” Personality change, there he was again. Back to the down to Earth guy, not that clipped response person I had in the car earlier. I looked at the clock on the wall and thought about it. It hadn’t even been a full day. It was close to dinner time, well a couple hours away. It seemed like a lifetime. I was taking up his time, but if I was going to get to know Jake, this was my opportunity to see him shine at something he obviously took pride in.

  “Sure, I’d love to.”

  I hope I wouldn’t regret going to this game. Was it too much? How would Luke feel, seeing us together? Not that we’re an item or anything, but this would be interesting. I packed my bags up in his truck a
nd we headed off to a little league game in the next town over. The fields were pretty muddy when we arrived and a lot of the kids were already playing in it. I laughed at their sense of getting dirty. It was never my thing.

  “You can either sit by me or in the stands. Probably in the stands is where you’d want to be. The other mothers may get super jealous.” He winked at me, showing me that full smile of his. There he was. All smiles with that sense of humor.

  “I’ll stick in the crowd and lay low.” I winked back at him. He took his bag of bats and balls and headed over to the kids. I joined the parents in the stands and there sure were a lot of them. I made my way to the back of the steel rows and sat up top. I believed it was the best view. As he started warm ups with the kids, the only thing on my mind was what I’d be going home to. How bad the condition of my home was.

  He whistled and brought his team in, tearing my attention back to the game. Luke was nowhere to be seen. I guess he wasn’t coaching this game. Occasionally Jake’s eyes wandered towards me and he would just stare at me, giving me smiles. I couldn’t help but smile back at him. He just looked so handsome and in his element. He’d be a great father someday, the way he worked so well with those kids. He was a true natural. The game kicked off and the first up at bat hit the ball straight to 2nd base. The kids ran, cheered, and jumped up and down in excitement for the first hitter. Jake was back and forth, coaching the runner from first base what to do with the next hitter up at bat. He was all over the field trying to do his best for the kids and keeping it fun. Competition was nice, but the game was supposed to be fun for the kids.

  After a quick game of ball and the kids winning by a mile, it finally came to an end. He seriously was a great coach. He offered to take the kids out for pizza the next practice. I waited back on the stands for the kids to clear out with their after game snacks, while Jake talked with the parents. He still kept his eye towards me, which had the butterflies worked up. After the last kid left, he looked at me and tried to mimic throwing a ball my way. I rose my hands up together, offering to catch what he threw. It’s been years since I threw a ball around. He tossed the ball through the air and I caught the light tee ball in my hands. Perfect catch.


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