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His Unplanned Lesson

Page 19

by Nickie Nalley Seidler

  Jake and John walked in the door with a couple boxes in hand and Jake had the goofiest smile across his face. I’d have to find out later what that was all about. They placed the boxes down in the den and came to join us. Jake sat next to me and kissed my cheek while he poured himself some coffee.

  “Must be hitting a record temperature out there today, it’s pretty chilly for our southern roots.” He laughed, tipping the coffee mug back to his lips.

  “I heard it was supposed to get cold.” Jamie added.

  I took the knife and started to cut the pies and serve everyone while we all just sat around chit chatting. Looking around at everyone smiling and laughing, I took a mental picture because I wanted to savor the moment forever. It was perfect, I had my man, and my family and they all got along just great. I couldn’t be any happier with how today went and I saw the rest of my life panning out.

  After about an hour or so my Aunt and Uncle headed out for home. After Jake and I cleaned up a bit it was time to kick back, toss my feet up and spend time with my man.

  “Tonight went great. They’re pretty lovely people, babe.” Jake wrapped his arm around me on the couch.

  “It really did, I was so happy. I’m glad you got to meet them. It’s my only family left.”

  “That’s why we’ll have to start our own.” He winked and I winked back, giggling. I had no problem with that creative clue.

  “What was that little discussion about with my Uncle that took so long?”

  Jake’s eyes wandered and his hands started motioning nothing special. “Oh, it was just a story he was telling me about the last few times they were back at this cottage when your parents were around.”

  “Aw, yeah, he’s a talker.” I smiled, leaning up to kiss him sweetly on the lips.

  He returned the kiss before breaking away, his lips only centimeters from mine, “I’d rather not talk now and show you how great today went by making tonight even better.”

  I met his lips with mine and he deepened the kiss by pushing his tongue slowly in my mouth. My hands cupped his face while I enjoyed our kiss. His hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me close to him.

  “Let me take you to bed,” he whispered and lifted me up from the couch in his arms and carried me to the bedroom. Barely ever did his lips leave mine while we made our way there. The heat kicked up a notch and I had butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

  He lay me down on the bed, crawling over me and stretching to take his shirt off. Seeing his beautiful chest and well-formed abs straddling over me, I couldn’t help but smile. My fingers traced his chest from one side to other, moving along in the curves of his body. He leaned down slowly and his lips trailed my neck, gently sucking its way down. He reached the buttons to my shirt and starting unbuttoning all the way down. He pushed my tank top up and started his trail from my lower belly up to my breasts, licking and kissing his way. My hands pulled through his hair, tugging as the sensation heated even more between my legs. I craved him and wanted more.

  “You’re all mine.” He smiled and I saw that light in his eyes. After he started to take my pants down, I reached up and took my top off and unclipped my bra. His hands roamed around my panties before he ripped them down and traced his fingers between my creases and felt the warmness pooling with desire, waiting for him. He had me fully naked, taking full advantage of me.

  He unbuckled his pants and kicked them off and tossed them to the floor. My hands found his head and brought it back to my lips while his hand played with my nub, rubbing it in all the right directions to get me warmed up.

  I wrapped my legs around him, I couldn’t wait for him to be inside me. I let out a subtle moan before he got the hint and pressed his hard length to my leg, making me want him even more. I rolled over and climbed on top of him, gently easing down on his shaft before I took him fully inside me and started to rock back and forth. My hair let loose from its pony tail and waved in my face while I grinded into him, feeling his length move deeper each time. His hands went up to grip my breasts then back down to my waist while his hands helped me push down harder onto him while we both moaned in pleasure. I sunk my body back down on his, crashing my lips to him.

  “I love you, Sadie,” he said, between kisses.

  I breathed heavily as I picked up the pace. He turned me over and climbed back on top of me, pressing himself deeper into my core.

  Wrapping my legs around him, I grinded into him as we synched with a perfect pace. I was about to reach my edge when he slammed his cock into me hard and fast, making my eyes roll back in my head.

  “Let me feel you, baby.” He ran his hands down my legs and back up my thighs while he pumped his length into me. My body started to shake and quiver with the sensation as I released into him. The warmth puddled between us sent him over the edge while he finally released. I wrapped my arms around him and brought him down on top of my chest.

  “You’re beautiful. Every day that goes by I see more beauty in your eyes. The way they sparkle when you look at me. It was meant to be babe. It was just meant to be.”

  “It was more than meant to be. It was fate.” I smiled up at him.

  Chapter 24

  Putting on a beautiful sweater dress with leggings and matching them with a pair of gorgeous black boots, I was ready for the shower. I straightened my hair and put on light makeup. I had one stop before the shower today and that was a routine doctor’s checkup for the year. Once I got that out of the way, I’d be heading towards Jake’s house to set up. Since it was empty and had the most space, it was the most useful to do the shower at. Ava thinks she’s helping me go through some boxes to see if she wanted any of his kitchen supplies. It was a perfect excuse because she knew he sold the house. Luke was there with Jake, setting everything up in the living room before me. I’m sure I’d have to touch up a few things since the men weren’t keen decorators.

  I got in my new SUV and drove through town to the doctor’s office. They checked me in and I filled out the necessary paperwork, as this was the first time at that doctor’s office. As I waited patiently for the doctor, I was mentally checking everything off in my head that had to be done for the shower once I got out of here. I had to pick up the balloons and food and fix whatever decorations I had to at Jake’s.

  The doctor called me in and I was on my way. I filled out this form that the doctor could leave messages on my phone from the blood work and Pap results since I’ve been so busy it’s not always easy to answer my phone. Routine, I thought. After my quick checkup, I was on the way to the balloon store.

  While waiting in line to pay for the balloons, my phone went off and I didn’t notice who called, but I had to get to Jake’s. I was running slightly behind and still had to pick up the food.

  I shoved the balloons in and went down to the corner to the Italian restaurant while the workers helped load the trays in my car.

  Off to Jake’s with the biggest smile on my face knowing Ava was going to be so surprised. Her closest friends and family were invited and it was going to be the shock of her life. I couldn’t wait to see her face light up when she saw everyone.

  I arrived at Jake’s a short while later and knew people would start showing up any minute. I had thirty minutes till Ava was there. Jake and Luke helped me unload the car and I hurried inside to get everything set up. I felt like a mad woman running from one side of the living room to the other with decorations. Ava’s mom was in the kitchen helping me set up the food and keeping it warmed. Jake was at my tail the entire time, more being a pain in my ass then helpful as he had no clue what to do. Eventually I gave him the balloons to tie up in threes around the room.

  I took a step back and looked around the living room and it looked just perfect. The doorbell rang and people started flooding in. Their cars were parked down the street to keep it a surprise to Ava. Pretty much everyone had come at once, which was nice. Jake still had his living room furniture and a few folding chairs set up. We got complimented on the decorations and the smell o
f the food since they were all anxiously waiting for Ava’s arrival before we ate.

  I went and grabbed my phone to check for messages to see if everyone got here and weren’t calling me for directions. There was only one message on my phone and I listened quickly before my heart leaped and I felt like my stomach was in knots. I never thought I’d get a phone call like that. My eyes scanned the room, and I placed the phone in my pocket and answered the door to more guests.

  “Hey baby, you ok? Everything done that’s needed?” Jake wrapped his arms around me while I stared at the wall, still in shock from the phone call I just received.

  I didn’t want to get into details, I wanted to get the party over with first. Nothing was going to distract me now.

  “I’m fine, sorry just dazed off. Everything is set, just waiting on Ava.” I smiled and turned to face him. I looked in those eyes that got me every time. The longing and love that smiled back at me was just what I needed to see.

  “She’s going to love this.”

  Luke bumped into my arm. “I’m nervous, I feel sick. She’s going to hate this.” He held his stomach like he was actually sick.

  I looked over at Luke and smiled. “She’s going to love it, stop freaking out. Its Ava here we’re talking about.” I giggled.

  “You nailed this Sadie, I couldn’t ever thank you enough for your help.”

  “Oh it was my pleasure, Luke. Seriously? Come on, she’s my best friend and I had to do this for her.”

  Jake playfully slapped his head. “I’m pretty sure Ava has you whipped, man.” He chuckled.

  “I’m pretty sure Sadie has you whipped from years ago, dude.” He laughed back till the doorbell rang.

  Jake yelled “Shhhh,” to everyone and kept that quiet while I made my way to check through the distorted glass on the front door and made sure it was Ava.

  I turned around with a thumbs up before opening the door and seeing the shock of her life across her face as everyone yelled surprise.

  “Surprise Ava, happy baby shower!” I smiled and watched as her eyes teared up and she looked at every one of her friends and family standing around in the room.

  “Oh my gosh!” She screamed at me. “You sneak! I love you!” She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight before Luke stole her away and hugged her too.

  “You had something to do with this too?” She smiled at Luke.

  “We all did.” He laughed. “Do you love it?”

  “I love it. Thank you guys.” Ava made her way into the room and mingled with everyone while food was served and people starting filling their plates.

  I had one of her friends help pass out the gifts and she was blessed with many for her first baby. Her baby bump was too cute for words and getting bigger every day that she got closer to her date. Only a month away. How time flew. Luke sat with her to open the presents, as it was real clear their love towards one another.

  Jake sat with me and watched from afar as I wrote down who bought what for her to write thank you cards. Jake and I went in on a gift and got her the crib for her nursery. Luke matched our gift and got the dresser set with changing table. We were so excited for her to open that. When we’d see the light in her eyes twinkle, it would make it all worth it.

  After all the gifts were opened and everyone sat around eating cake and ice cream, I could relax for a while. My brain started wandering, thinking of everything. The phone call, Bobby, my parents. What things would have been like if my parents were here? I hated to think of that stuff but I put myself into Ava’s shoes. I had a lot of memories to fill that they wouldn’t be present for. It was a thing to get used to, but I didn’t want to. I was happy I had Jake. He was always by my side.

  The doorbell rang and I looked at Jake. “Who’s that? Everyone’s here that was invited.” I narrowed my eyes in confusion at the door.

  “I’ll go see. “ He smiled at me and made his way to the door before I couldn’t see him with the crowd of people in front of Ava. Luke grabbed my arm and dragged me into the kitchen forcefully.

  “Luke, what are you doing?”

  “I have to ask you something,” he said really fast, standing there with a smile wiped across his face.

  “Ok, then ask me.” I smiled at him, confused.

  “Is Jake the one for you? Is it still fate?” He asked awkwardly.

  “What?” I laughed, taken back from his random question. “It’s fate, it was definitely meant to be between us. I never got a chance to thank you for making sure I heard him out. Thank you, Luke. I’m so glad Jake is in my life.”

  He smiled without any words.

  “This is usually when you say, thank you.” I giggled.

  “Thank me in a moment when your fate has been sealed.” He turned me around and pushed me back out into the living room to see Jake on one knee kneeling right in front of me with everyone gathered around. My hands immediately fell to my face, covering my shock as tears immediately flooded my eyes.

  “Oh, Jake!” I whispered softly, as everyone was silent and Jake looked up at me with passion in his eyes. He reached forward and took my hand in his.

  “Sadie, it wasn’t until the craziest part of our life that made us realize that fate brought us together. Your laugh, your smile, your amazing generosity and kindness found its place in my heart and took it captive. It never left since the day my eyes met yours. That twinkle that sparkles every time you see me will never get old. The love that molded into my heart for you will forever be there. I love you more than words can express. You’re my world, my life, my universe, and I don’t want to live a day without you by my side. I want you as my wife, the mother to our future children, and my life partner. Some may think this was too soon, but I know more than ever, this was fate. I love you so much, Sadie Simpson, will you marry me?” He squeezed my hand and my tears exploded as I nodded my head yes before my legs caved in and smiled beautifully at the perfect moment he just made. Everyone clapped and cheered as he opened a little black box showing me the perfect diamond that glistened in the light. I was in shock and I was the happiest I’d been in forever.

  “Yes, yes, I’ll marry you. I love you.” He came up and wrapped his arms around me as I pressed my lips to his loving the sweet kiss. The house echoed with cheers and whistles while I envied this moment. I mentally flashed a picture to save it forever. He had me surprised and never would I have thought this was going to happen, let alone that everyone knew about it.

  He let me go and I took a good look at the ring and my smile went from being huge too slowly fading with more tears streaming down my face.

  “This is your Mother’s ring, baby. I asked your Uncle’s approval at dinner and he just so happened to have this. It was perfect timing, we were meant to be.”

  I slid the ring on my finger and cried happy tears. A piece of my mother would always be with me that meant more than anything to me. I thought in the back of my mind that I wished they could be here to witness this.

  He turned me around and when I looked up, I saw my Aunt Jamie’s smiling face with her arms wide open and tears coming from her eyes. Oh my God! He had my family come! I jolted into her arms and gave her a huge hug and thanked her from the bottom of my heart for letting me have the ring. I then hugged my Uncle and they congratulated me on our wonderful news. I looked to their side and Savannah and Jessie were also standing there.

  “I can’t believe you planned this!” I laughed, looking over at Jake next to me.

  “I surprise myself sometimes.” He winked at me before rubbing my back. Ava was next in line to hug me and congratulate me. Once I made my rounds and found out that everyone knew, the surprise was really on me. Ava knew, but didn’t know when he was going to do it, as he didn’t want to ruin her surprise either. The ring just made me cry tears of happiness. I couldn’t believe that Jake did all that. I had a piece of my parents with me forever now. But the best part was, Jake just asked me to marry him, and my dreams had officially made sense. This was what was supposed to be. M
y life would be complete with Jake in it.

  Chapter 25

  It was moving day. I was ecstatic to have Jake live with me and Luke was probably even happier knowing his best friend was next door. I had a few things up my sleeve today in hopes of putting that smile on Jake’s face. The house was cleaned from top to bottom as we made way for Jake’s furniture to take my old furniture’s place. We had a bedroom set and living room set coming and the rest of my stuff I was keeping. I had to keep some things that reminded me of my parents.

  The cottage was starting to feel a little cozier as more and more stuff was placed in it. The last few weeks of packing and organizing were perfect for Jake and I to bond more. We loved spending time together and now we wouldn’t be getting enough of each other being under the same roof. Luke and Jake took the truck over to his house to pack up the last of everything. There wasn’t much room to walk in the cottage, but I already started to unpack some of things and find homes for them.

  “Babe, we’re back!” Jake yelled through the front door as I was putting some books away that were in boxes in the bedroom.

  “In here.” I yelled. There was a few things I took out for the new bookshelf we got and as soon as Jake approached me he wrapped me in a hug.

  “Making room, huh?” I smiled and looked up at him.

  “All worth it for you.”

  He smacked my ass playfully, laughing as he exited and went to help Luke unload. I placed the rest of the books on the shelf and went to go see what was going on in the living room. To my surprise I saw Ava holding her baby bump, sitting in a chair off to the side.

  “Well, look who’s about to pop!” I laughed, waving from the other end of the house as too many things were in the way now to get to her.

  “Looks like you’re going to have a full house!”

  “More than you know!” I smiled and focused as the boys were carrying the couch in. Once they set it down I was relieved nothing was broken. Boys were boys and sometimes not careful when moving objects. I took a glance at my hand and stared at my ring finger. The antique setting with beautiful one karat diamond was just gorgeous. I knew my Dad had good taste, but this ring just made me happy knowing it was mine. Knowing the special meaning behind it all will forever be in my heart.


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