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Claiming Lainey [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 16

by Lynnette Bernard

  “Yeah, well, I did,” DelAnne told her, placing the menus between the napkin holders and the condiments. “I don’t know how you missed it, Lainey. Those two men have been hovering over you for the past two years.” She turned and faced Lainey, smoothing down her apron over her jeans. “You’ve always been good friends with them, but I noticed Spence and Tim watching you a little differently lately.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  DelAnne shrugged. “I figured it was up to your men to take the first step. I didn’t think you would believe it until they made you see how they felt.”

  “When did you get so smart?” Lainey asked, laughing.

  “I’ve always been smart,” DelAnne protested, huffing indignantly. “Get to work, boss.”

  Lainey was still smiling when the diner door opened and a rush of people entered. There wasn’t much time to talk after that. Running back and forth between the customers and the kitchen, she was pretty tired by the time the early dinner crowd appeared. Stepping back into the kitchen she took in the frazzled looks of Claire and Becca.

  “Everything okay?” she asked as she slid another order slip onto the order station next to the two women.

  “Becca’s in a lot of pain,” Claire told her, her own face pinched tight with the agony that was racing through her because of her empathic connection with Becca.

  Lainey looked at Becca and saw her leaning heavily against the counter where she was preparing an egg salad sandwich. She stepped toward her and was about to reach out to touch her sister’s shoulder when Becca sagged and fell to her knees.

  “Becca!” Lainey wrapped her arms around her sister and held her gently as she collapsed.

  “Lainey, I think I need to lie down.”

  “Okay, honey. We’ll get you home and you can rest.”

  “No, you can’t. The diner is packed with people. DelAnne needs you here to help her. I’ll just lie down in the supply room on the cot there,” Becca insisted. “I’m sure I’ll be okay once I rest with some ice on my hip.”

  “Are you sure, Becca?”

  “Yes. Just help me lie down,” Becca insisted. “I’m sorry to leave you alone to do all the cooking, Claire.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Becca,” Claire insisted. “I’ll be okay. It actually might be better for me to be in the kitchen alone.” She rubbed at her temple lightly, trying to ease the pain that was constantly banging against her mind. She had tried to build shields around herself to block out Becca’s feelings, but she was just too tired from her lack of sleep from the night before.

  “Sorry, Claire,” Becca muttered as Lainey helped her to the back of the kitchen and pulled open the supply room door.

  Easing inside the small room and walking slowly over to the cot that was set up in the back beside the supplies that were stacked high on the many shelving units, Lainey helped Becca to sit carefully on the small cot. She held onto her and grabbed for her legs to carefully lift them so Becca could lie back and rest on her left side.

  “I’ll go get an icepack,” she told her softly.

  “Thanks, Lainey,” Becca whispered tiredly. “Can you get a pain pill from my pocketbook?”

  “Sure, honey. I’ll be right back.”

  Lainey rushed through the storage room and into the kitchen, reaching for Becca’s purse that was beneath the counter. Opening it quickly, she grabbed for the vial of prescription pills, popped the top off, and shook one pill out into her hand.

  “Claire, can you please grab the icepack from the freezer and bring it to me?”

  “Sure, Lainey.”

  Claire pulled open the freezer and grabbed the gel pack, taking a towel from the counter and handing both to Lainey as she walked back toward the supply room. She was glad Lainey was careful not to touch her as she accepted the pack and the towel. She really couldn’t stand the direct contact from anyone right then.

  She closed her eyes to center herself as Lainey walked away. All she could think about was touching Jake McKade. He would not only buffer the emotions that were bombarding her, he would also make her feel connected to his feelings for her. He may not realize that she could know exactly what he was feeling every time he touched her, but she did. He could deny her as much as he wanted to her face. She knew better. And it broke her heart as she mourned the loss of him.

  “Here, Becca,” Lainey said softly as she handed her sister the pain pill and a bottle of water.


  As Becca took the pill and washed it down with the water, Lainey placed the small hand towel across her sister’s pelvis before resting the gel pack on it carefully. She smoothed it out so that it molded to the flare of her hip. Lainey knew Becca had to be in serious pain for her sister to ask for a pain pill and then lie down with an ice pack on her hip. It took a lot for Becca to give in to the injury that she had sustained as a teenager.

  “Rest, honey. I’ll come back and check on you in a little while,” Lainey told her gently, brushing back her sister’s soft hair and kissing her cheek lightly.

  “Okay, Lainey,” Becca whispered. “Once the pill kicks in, I’ll try to rest for a little while. I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Lainey asked gently. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, Becca.”

  “Same old, same old,” Becca said tiredly. “Rafe told me I belonged to him. When we began to get intimate, my hip seized and he pulled away. He apologized for hurting me, and he told me that I needed to find someone better than he was to settle down with.”

  “What kind of crap is that to say?”

  “Yeah, right? I said the same thing. But I’m not going to beg, Lainey. I deserve to be wanted. I don’t deserve to feel like I’m not good enough to be his mate.”

  “Is that the way he makes you feel, honey?”

  Becca shrugged. “Sometimes. But I know it’s more in my head than because of what he’s said. I think the real reason is that he thinks he’s not good enough for me. Have you ever heard of anything more ridiculous in your life?”

  Lainey straightened and looked down at her sister. “Get some rest, Becca. Don’t let anything worry you. I have a feeling that everything will work out for you.”

  “Sure, whatever you say.”

  “I mean it, honey. Melanie said everything would work out for all of us, and I believe her. Look at what happened with me. Besides, you’re due, Becca.”

  “Somehow, I don’t think that really matters, Lainey. There are lots of women out there who are due for something wonderful to happen to them. They have just as much right to find love. Why should my needs be above theirs?”

  Lainey smiled sadly as her sister closed her eyes. She watched as Becca covered the gel pack with her hand and pressed it firmly against her hip. She hoped her sister would finally stop aching—not only in her hip, but also in her heart.

  Turning, she walked back into the kitchen. Claire was holding her head as she leaned against the large, industrial stove. She knew their friend was in pain. She also knew that the pain she was feeling was because of the emotions that were emanating from her and her sister. Claire’s empathic ability caused her a great deal of stress and Lainey’s heart went out to her. She gave Claire a sad smile and made her way out to the front of the diner. It was going to be a long afternoon.

  * * * *

  The bell over the diner door jingled, drawing Lainey’s attention. She smiled as she saw her two men entering the diner, such love and need filling her as she watched them walk toward her.

  “Hello, Mates,” she whispered, loving the smiles that immediately filled their faces. “Have a seat in your regular booth and I’ll join you as soon as I can.”

  “Missed you today, kitten,” Spence whispered before leaning across the counter and kissing her lips lightly.

  “Want you with us all the time,” Tim added, nuzzling against the side of her face before kissing her lips once Spence leaned back.

  “I missed you both. I’
ll tell you a secret. I want to be with you all the time, too,” Lainey whispered back, touching their faces lightly before slipping her hands behind their necks and rubbing their skin lightly. She smiled softly as she felt both men shivered lightly as she stroked their mating marks. She was glad that her touch set them on fire.

  “Careful, kitten,” Spence warned her. “I just may pull you over this counter and have my way with you.”

  Lainey found herself light with happiness. She couldn’t prevent the soft giggle that escaped her. “Tell you what, give me one hour to finish up my day, and you can take me home and have me any way you want.”

  “We’re going to take you together tonight, honey,” Tim whispered against the side of her face. “Are you ready for that?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was soft and breathless as the thrill of his words made her body tremble. She leaned into his neck and kissed him lightly. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  Both men’s arms tightened around her for just a moment. She pushed back gently and winked at them. The heat that flared in their eyes was nearly burning her up. She wanted them just as much as they wanted her.

  “Go sit down, cowboys,” she told them finally. “I’ll be over with some sweet tea in a minute.”

  She had to hold back her excitement and desire as Spence winked at her and walked backward two steps, his eyes sweeping her from head to toe and back again. She could feel her heart racing even faster. Watching Tim smile, she knew he could see that her cheeks were heating up, and she was just slightly embarrassed that both men could see how much she was affected by them.

  “Damn, baby, you sure are pretty when you blush,” Tim told her gently.

  “Timmy, go sit down,” Lainey told him firmly.

  He nodded, taking his white cowboy hat off and turning to go to their usual booth. Lainey watched both men’s retreating forms with appreciation. They were all tight muscles and sexiness. She was going to have to explore their bodies more fully when they got home tonight.

  Turning to walk back to the counter, she saw DelAnne looking at her with a knowing smile. She walked over to the drink dispenser and filled two tall glasses with ice and sweet tea, looking at DelAnne over her shoulder.

  “Be quiet,” Lainey whispered harshly.

  “I didn’t say a word,” DelAnne protested, raising her hands in innocence.

  “You sure look like you’re going to say something,” Lainey accused her.

  “Well, if I was going to say something I would say that your men are hot. Holy hell, Lainey! You are one lucky woman,” DelAnne whispered, leaning closer to her.

  Lainey looked at her in shock, unable to keep a giggle from escaping her. “You’re so bad, DelAnne!”

  “I know. Can’t help it,” DelAnne told her softly, reaching out and touching her arm lightly. “I’m really happy for you.”

  Lainey smiled as she turned around and headed toward her men. She saw them watching her as she approached and resisted the urge to swing her hips just a little bit more than usual. They didn’t need to get any more ramped up than they already were. She was pretty sure if she ramped up her own need any further, she would probably spontaneously combust.

  Setting the glasses before each man, she leaned in and kissed both of their cheeks lightly before placing her hands palm down on the table to lean in toward them. She looked at Tim and saw the happiness on his face, unable to keep her own happiness contained. Looking at Spence, she saw the same twinkle of pleasure in his beautiful, blue eyes.

  “So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company at my diner tonight, Mates?”

  “We came to bring you home with us,” Spence told her, tracing her knuckles with his index finger.

  “You didn’t have to come and get me. I was coming home to you. Were you afraid that I wouldn’t?”

  She knew both of her mates could hear the concern in her voice. She was glad when both men reached out and took her hands in theirs and squeezed them gently. When Tim pulled her toward him and lifted her into his arms, brought her over the top of the table, and set her between him and Spence, she squeaked in surprise, grabbing onto Tim’s arms to hold herself steady while she was airborne.

  “Timmy!” she squealed. “What are you doing?”

  “Just putting you where you belong, baby,” Tim told her, kissing her neck and brushing against her mating mark with his nose. “I love seeing this mark on you.”

  Lainey looked at him and smiled. “I like seeing it on me, too.” She reached up and touched both men’s faces, wishing they were already home. “I like seeing it on the both of you, too. I like that you belong to me.”

  “Keep talking like that, kitten, and you’re going to make us think you’re a happily mated woman,” Spence teased her.

  “I am.”

  She faced them with complete honesty. There was no way she was going to deny her happiness. They were the best thing that had ever happened to her, and she wanted to be with them forever.

  “What about you two? Are you happily mated men?”

  “Yes,” Spence answered softly, unable to say any more past the lump of emotion in his throat.

  “Baby, you make me a contented, happy man,” Tim whispered.

  Lainey tugged at their hair playfully. “I’m glad.”

  The door to the diner opened and Jake and Rafe walked in, surprising the three of them. They watched in silence as the two men walked toward them. Lainey found herself squeezing her mates’ hands as worry filled her.

  “We’re about to close for the night, guys,” she spoke up. “If you want something to eat, I’ll do my best to get something made for you.”

  “We didn’t come to eat,” Jake said gruffly, holding his black cowboy hat in his hand. “I wanted to talk to Claire.”

  “She’s in the kitchen,” Lainey told him, trying hard not to smile. “I don’t know if it’s such a good idea, though. She’s had a really hard day.”

  “Is she feeling overwhelmed?” Jake asked worriedly, looking over his shoulder toward the kitchen.

  “Jake, from what I understand, she’s always overwhelmed with everyone’s feelings.”

  Jake nodded, turning and looking across the diner to the door that led into the kitchen. He was torn. The dominant in him wanted to go into that kitchen and take what was his. Claire was his. She belonged with him. He had tried to keep away from her, but everything about her called to him. The voice inside of him screamed for him to go to her.

  Lainey turned and faced Rafe as he stood to the side of the booth. “Why are you here, Rafe?”

  “I wanted to check on Becca,” he said softly.

  “From what she told me, she doesn’t want you checking on her,” Lainey pointed out. She was not going to let him hurt her sister again. Especially today.

  “I’m not surprised,” Rafe told her, his jaw clenching as he fought to control himself.

  “Well, then you know that I’m not going to let you hurt her, Rafe.” Lainey’s voice was hard as she spoke, letting Rafe know that she wasn’t going to put up with any more of his nonsense.

  “I don’t want to hurt her,” Rafe told her, his voice calm. “I’ve hurt her enough.”

  “Then why are you here?”


  “Because why, Rafe,” Lainey pushed.

  “Because I love her.”

  You could have knocked Lainey over with a puff of wind. Never would she have ever thought Rafe would ever admit to that. She looked at him warily.

  What the hell is going on with these McKade men?

  “And you’re going to tell her that?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Then go home, Rafe,” Spence told his younger brother firmly. There was anger edging his voice. “You, too, Jake. The two of you need to make sure that you both know exactly what you want. You need to make sure that you’re willing to commit yourselves before you approach those women. Each of you needs to be honest and fair with your mate’s feelings. They deserve your respect and y
our love. Don’t play games with their hearts.”

  Both Tim and Spence let go of Lainey’s hands and removed themselves from the booth, drawing themselves up to their full heights to stand beside the two men. Lainey wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but she knew that neither Tim nor Spence would allow Jake or Rafe to hurt Becca or Claire.

  “Make your choices and act on them, or leave,” Tim told them very seriously.

  “Be very sure,” Spence warned them. “Don’t make your decisions lightly. The happiness of those women is dependent upon your choices. Make sure they’re the right choices.”

  “Where’s Becca?” Rafe asked, his blue eyes never wavering as he looked at Lainey.

  “She’s in the storage room lying down,” Lainey told him, hope starting to spark within her. “She’s taken a pain pill and has been resting with an ice pack on her hip.”

  “And Claire?” Jake asked. “Is she all right?”

  “No, she’s not, Jake,” Lainey answered honestly.

  Both men turned to head toward the women when Spence and Tim reached out and grabbed their shoulders to stop them.

  “Be sure, brothers,” Spence warned them.

  Both men nodded, waiting silently for Spence and Tim to release their grips on them. When they did, both Jake and Rafe walked toward the kitchen.

  The next few minutes were going to be crucial for all of them.

  Chapter 13

  Rafe led the way into the kitchen, spotting Claire as she was standing against the back wall. He nodded to her briefly then walked toward the supply room door. Opening it slowly, he stepped inside and made his way toward the back of the small room to the bundled form that was lying on the cot.

  Kneeling down beside it slowly, he reached out and touched the beautiful face of the woman he had loved forever. She moved restlessly, groaning softly as she clutched her hip, pushing the ice pack off her body in the process.

  “Baby,” he whispered, reaching up to cover her hip with his large hand and massaging it gently.

  “It hurts,” Becca whispered.


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