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Claiming Lainey [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 23

by Lynnette Bernard

  Starting the engine, she shifted the truck into drive and pulled away from the McKade Ranch. The ride into town passed quickly, her mind filled with thoughts about the possibilities of their future. By the time she pulled up across from the diner and parked Spence’s truck, she had come to the decision that she wasn’t going to obsess about what might be. She was going to love her men, enjoy her time with them, and place their future in the hands of the Great Spirit. Their lives together would be wonderful. She had the mating mark on the nape of her neck to prove it.

  Locking the truck, she hurried into the diner, smiling at DelAnne as she entered. She looked around quickly and saw that everything was under control. The diner was ready, clean, and empty. She had arrived in plenty of time for the morning rush.

  “Morning,” she called to DelAnne, quickly making her way to the back of the diner and slipping into the kitchen.

  She heard DelAnne call a greeting to her as she entered the kitchen, but she had better things on her mind. She walked over to her sister as she was firing up the stove.

  “Hi,” she said gently, looking at the way Becca was concentrating on her task. “Are you doing okay?”

  Becca straightened and turned to face her. The smile on her face was immediate. “Hi, yourself. How are you? Did you have a good night?” She wiggled her eyebrows and laughed softly.

  “Becca Markham! Are you going to tease me every morning when you see me?” Lainey asked her, exasperated and more than a little bit embarrassed.

  “I just might,” Becca told her, nodding her head and smiling at the blush she saw on her sister’s cheeks. “I think it’s awesome that you get to have hot nights with your two men. They are hot nights, aren’t they? They aren’t hurting you, are they, Lainey?”

  “Becca! Of course they’re not hurting me!” Lainey answered immediately, shocked by her sister’s words. “Whatever would make you ask me something like that?”

  “I didn’t mean to say that they would, Lainey,” Becca defended herself. “I just worry because they’re both so big. Lainey, you don’t exactly have a lot of experience with sex…and I’m worried…I mean…geez, Lainey, being physical with one of them is scary. Being physical with both of them is…”

  “Wonderful,” Lainey finished for her calmly.


  “Absolutely wonderful.”


  “Yeah, Becca. I know both of my men are big guys, but you know that they’re both teddy bears.”

  “But, Lainey, I’m talking about physically. They didn’t hurt you when you made love, did they?”

  Lainey looked at her sister and smiled at the genuine concern she saw on her face. She reached out and touched her shoulder, caressing it gently as she tried to soothe her sister’s fears.

  “Becca, you don’t have to worry. Both of my men are very careful to make sure that making love with them is always tender and loving.”

  Becca looked at her warily, making Lainey smile. She was not about to reveal the intimate way her men made love to her, but she knew that Becca wouldn’t be satisfied that she was okay unless she reassured her.

  “Lainey, I know you’ve loved Spence and Tim since you were a kid. I just don’t want you to keep anything to yourself. You have to tell them if they’re too rough or overwhelming. Okay?”

  Lainey laughed softly. “Becca, you’re sweet for worrying, but there really isn’t any need for you to,” she told her gently. “Spence and Tim are kind, gentle, and considerate lovers. They are very careful not to hurt me. Look, I’m not going to share specifics with you, Becca. I can’t. It just doesn’t feel right to talk about something so private and beautiful. Just know that they make me happy and keep me extremely satisfied.”


  “Yes. Extremely satisfied,” she emphasized once again, wiggling her eyebrows to match her sister’s earlier lecherous expression.

  “Hot damn,” Becca whispered, smiling widely despite the blush that covered her cheeks.

  “You have no idea,” Lainey told her, laughing. “I’m going to be a very satisfied woman for the rest of my life.”

  Becca smiled and reached up to cover Lainey’s hand with her own. “I’m glad, honey,” she told her honestly. “You deserve to be happy with your men.”

  Lainey saw the shadow of sadness that passed across Becca’s face and knew that her sister was feeling the pain of missing the man who was meant to be hers. Her sister’s eyes held such sorrow, Lainey wanted to take her into her embrace and hug her tightly until all her sadness disappeared.

  “Are you okay, Becca?”

  Becca nodded and turned to set out the ingredients she was going to need to begin the brunch rush. “I am,” she said quietly. “I have to resolve myself to the fact that Rafe won’t ever be mine. I think once I do, I’ll be able to move on. I can’t keep getting kicked in the heart every time I see him and he reminds me that I’m not good enough for him.”

  “I don’t think that’s what Rafe thinks, Becca.”

  Becca shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. I’m not going to allow Rafe McKade to make me feel less than worthy. I’m sure I can find a man who will value me for the person I am. It may take me some time to find that guy, but I’m going to make sure that I’m open to the possibility. I’m not waiting for Rafe to smarten up anymore.” She rubbed her hands down her apron—a nervous habit she was trying to break herself of. “You know what? I may not find any man to share my life with and that’s okay. I’d rather be alone than settle. I can be happy doing things that I’ve always wanted to do. We’ve got plans to add a bakery, which I will love. I’ve got my degree in business that I can always use to find a job if that doesn’t work out. And I’ve been thinking about adopting a baby. What do you think?”

  “I think you’ll be a terrific mom, honey,” Lainey told her honestly. “As far as the rest of it, you don’t have to make any plans right now. We’ve got endless possibilities for our future. And you know I’ll be with you and support you all the way.”

  “I know you will, Lainey. It’s always been you and me against the world,” Becca said softly.

  “Always, Bec,” Lainey said, smiling when she saw the way her sister looked at her with such tenderness.

  Lainey watched her sister as Becca turned around and busied herself with her preparations for their regular morning customers. She wasn’t about to tell her that she wasn’t going to have to have a baby alone. She wouldn’t dare tell her that she should wait for Rafe because he was her soul mate. Sometimes it was best not to say anything and just let the future rest in the hands of the Great Spirit.

  “I think we’re going to have a busy day today, Becca,” Lainey told her as she turned to grab the apron that hung on the hook beside the swinging door to the customer area. “Give a holler if you get tired. I don’t want you to do too much today.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Becca muttered. “Go away, Mom.”

  “Don’t make me beat you, little sister,” Lainey told her sternly, knowing Becca wouldn’t even entertain the idea that she would carry through on her threat. Lainey smiled as she walked out and headed to the front counter of the diner.

  “So, how’re you doing today, Lainey?” DelAnne asked as she set out the refilled napkin dispensers and condiment containers.

  “I’m good. Very happy.”

  DelAnne turned to face her and smiled. “I’m really glad, boss. It will make the day fly by to watch you floating on clouds of happiness.”

  Lainey laughed softly and shook her head. “It seems like everyone has a bit of an attitude this morning,” she told DelAnne, folding her arms across her chest and taking a firm stance. “Do I have to beat you, too?”

  DelAnne just laughed and returned to her task of readying the tables. “Do what you have to do, boss lady.”

  Lainey shook her head and went to the cash register, keying in the code to open it. Taking the bank bag from the opened safe below the counter, she methodically took out the pack of money and separ
ated the denominations to put them in the correct slots of the register then grabbed for her apron that she had set on the counter.

  “We should be all set for today,” Lainey told DelAnne as she closed the register and tied her apron around her hips. “I don’t think we’ll need any supplies until the end of the week.”

  DelAnne nodded and walked over to the front door of the diner, turning the sign that hung there to let customers know that the diner was now open for business. Walking over to the counter, she smiled at Lainey and sat on the tall stool to face her.

  “Do you think we’ll be getting a visit from your men today?” she asked Lainey, winking. “I’m looking forward to appreciating the eye candy.”

  “DelAnne, be careful,” Lainey warned her. “Those men are mine. You are not allowed to ogle them.”

  “Try and stop me,” DelAnne told her, snorting.

  The door to the diner opened and a group of six women entered, walking over to one of the booths and sitting quickly, never halting their conversation. Lainey smiled at them, waving at the group that she had known since she had been a kid. They were all nice people, and Lainey was happy to have them in her diner. It was a wonderful morning after a wonderful night spent with her mates. She hoped the rest of the day gave her nothing but pleasure. She didn’t want anything to burst her bubble of happiness and contentment.

  * * * *

  “Spence, I want to go into town,” Tim called to him as he pulled his horse alongside Spence’s golden quarter horse Lady.

  “Missing our girl?” Spence asked, smiling.

  “Yeah. I want to be with her.”

  “Me, too,” Spence admitted. “It’s pretty great, isn’t it?”

  Tim nodded. “It is.”

  “I think we can find a way to finish up early so we can escort our fair lady home,” Spence told him with determination, the teasing in his voice light, but the need to get to Lainey underlying it with seriousness.

  “Sounds good. We need to be with Lainey and our baby.”

  Spence pulled up on the reins, halting his mount. “Tim,” he said quietly.

  Tim halted his own mount and turned in his saddle to face him. The serious expression on Spence’s face made him realize just how intense this new part of their lives with Lainey was.

  “We’re actually going to be fathers,” he told Spence, smiling widely.

  Spence nodded. “I know.” He looked at Tim and sighed heavily. “I hope Lainey will be happy about it, Tim.”

  Tim was silent for a long time. “You know, I think Lainey will be okay with it once she sees that you and I are okay with it,” he said finally. “As long as we show her that our baby will belong to all three of us, I think she’ll be fine.”

  “We probably should have discussed it with her before we made love,” Spence said quietly. “She should have had a say in the creation of our child.”

  “Just when were we supposed to have had this discussion, Spence?” Tim asked. “When she was kissing us, or when our cocks were deep inside of her? Because I’ve got to tell you, buddy, I wasn’t thinking about anything except how great it felt to love her.”

  “Yeah, being inside of her was pretty wonderful,” Spence agreed. “I just don’t want her to think we took her choice away from her.”

  “She won’t,” Tim said firmly. “She’ll accept that what happened was because we love her. And I think she probably already knows that we want kids with her. So what if it happened right away? It’s what we all want.”

  Spence nodded, urging his mount forward. “Let’s get our work done so we can go into town. I have a need to kiss and hold our mate.”

  Tim kicked at the flanks of his stallion, spurring him into a gallop. Spence was right by his side, racing as if everything depended on getting to the barn and finishing up their chores.

  “Getting slow, Spence,” Tim called over his shoulder as he urged his horse forward and raced by Spence to lead in the race home.

  “Oh, you’re going to regret saying that,” Spence yelled, laughing. “Are you sure you’re not talking about yourself, Tim?” He urged his mount to run faster, leaning forward over the saddle to obtain the least amount of wind resistance. He blew by Tim in a flurry of movement, laughing as he heard Tim yell at him. “Who’s slow now?” he yelled back over his shoulder.

  Tim’s laughter followed him. After a few lengths, they rode side by side, racing together toward their home. Best friends.

  Chapter 19

  Lainey wiped down the last booth in the farthest corner of the diner then walked toward the counter. “Busy day,” she said to Becca as she came through the swinging door from the kitchen.

  “It was,” Becca agreed. “If things keep going like this we may need another person in the kitchen every day.”

  “Was it too much for you today, Becca?” Lainey asked, worried when she saw the lines of pain that were etched at the corner of Becca’s eyes. “I should have checked on you more often and given you more chances to take a break.”

  “Lainey, stop,” Becca told her quickly. “I’m a little sore, but it’s not too bad. I just think we should offer Claire a permanent, part-time position. She would be a great help to me, and she would be isolated from the customers so she wouldn’t have a hard time with her empathic abilities. It would be good for her and good for us.”

  “Okay, why don’t you ask her tonight when you get home?” Lainey suggested. “Is it working out with the two of you sharing the apartment?”

  “Yes, it’s fine. Stop worrying so much, Lainey.”

  DelAnne laughed as she brought the day’s order slips over to Lainey. “It’s what she does, Becca. You should be used to it by now.”

  Lainey reached up and tugged on the end of DelAnne’s ponytail. “Get going, brat, before you’re late for class,” she warned her.

  “I’m going, I’m going,” DelAnne told her as she reached behind the counter for her backpack of books and her pocketbook. “See you tomorrow.”

  “Okay,” Lainey said, rubbing at her eyes tiredly before untying her apron and tugging it from her body to toss it onto the counter.

  DelAnne waved over her shoulder, walked over to the front door, flipped the sign so that it showed that the diner was closed, and pushed open the door. She rushed out to her car, determined to make it to class on time.

  She nearly fell to the ground when she plowed right into the wall of strength that was Spence McKade. His strong hands reached for her and held her steady. She looked up at him and smiled.

  “Sorry about that, Spence,” she apologized. “I guess I’m in too much of a hurry to get to class.”

  “That’s okay, darlin’,” Spence told her gently. “I hope you didn’t get hurt.”

  “Nah, I’m good,” DelAnne told him quickly. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  Spence smiled and touched the tip of her nose. “A little slip of a thing like you?”

  “Oh, Mr. McKade, you are a sweetheart,” DelAnne told him honestly. “No wonder Lainey loves you.” She looked at Tim and winked at him. “You, too.”

  “The feeling is mutual,” Tim answered, smiling down at the young woman.

  “I know. I’m glad for the boss lady.”

  “DelAnne, Tim and I wanted to ask a favor of you,” Spence said quietly.

  “Really?” DelAnne asked, surprised. “What can I possibly do for you two?”

  “Well, we wanted to ask if you can somehow get the ring Lainey wears on her left hand and give it to us.” Tim said quietly, looking over the top of DelAnne’s head to make sure that Lainey couldn’t see them talking to DelAnne.

  “I might be able to get it right now. She took it off when she was washing dishes before,” DelAnne told them.

  “That would be great, thanks,” Spence told her, relief evident in his voice.

  “Can I be nosey and ask why?” DelAnne asked softly. “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me.”

  “We need her ring size so we can get her wedding ring,” Tim tol
d her, winking. “We’re having one made special for her.”

  “Wow!” DelAnne didn’t have any other words to express her complete shock.

  “Wow, good, or wow, bad?” Spence asked, his face serious.

  “Are you kidding me? That’s absolutely wonderful! Congratulations!”

  “It is wonderful. Just keep it to yourself, okay, DelAnne?” Spence asked her before turning to face Tim and smiling even wider at the happiness on his best friend’s face. “Tim and I needed your help to get Lainey’s ring, otherwise we wouldn’t have told you.”

  “I promise, I won’t say a word,” DelAnne vowed, smiling up at Tim as she saw the guilt on his face for having told her their secret even though it was necessary. “Hang on, let me go back into the diner right now. I don’t think Lainey put her ring back on yet. If I take it she’ll probably think she dropped it and won’t even think twice about it. She’s done it before and then found it on the floor under the sink when she came in the next morning. Let me go and grab it right now.” She turned and ran back into the diner.

  “She’s a good kid,” Tim offered.

  “Yeah, she is,” Spence agreed. “And she’s going to be our inside man in this heist.”

  “You’re crazy, Spence,” Tim told him, lightly punching his shoulder as they stood just to the side of the diner entrance.

  “Crazy in love, Tim,” Spence whispered as he watched DelAnne pull open the door to the diner and disappear inside.

  DelAnne ran past Becca and Lainey without speaking. She didn’t really want them to question her.

  “DelAnne, why did you come back?” Lainey called to her as she rushed by them and headed into the kitchen.

  “Forgot one of my books,” DelAnne lied, rushing over to the large sink and grabbing Lainey’s ring off the small counter above it. She tucked it into the front pocket of her jeans then turned to rush out of the kitchen.


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