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If I Could Paint Your Picture

Page 3

by Philip Cooper

again of the world I knew,

  And the lessons I once taught to you.

  Feel my strength in your body flow,

  Then capture the moment that you will know,

  That wherever I am I will give you a sign

  And be with you always through the tears of time.

  Four Minute Warning

  How swift the years float by,

  Your thoughts your dreams your hopes,

  The meaningless things that are;

  Remembered then forgotten without a second glance.

  Then comes that day when the world stands still,

  Every word, every thought, every glance,

  Seems to fill a life time of your heart,

  You hang on, it seems important now,

  To live every second to the full,

  And cling to every ray of hope.

  Before the pain of growing twilight

  Turns to darkness on your world.

  The Duel

  Standing before me

  His sword in hand,

  The finest swordsman

  In this land.

  My dearest friend

  So straight and tall,

  Tis he she loves

  Above men all.

  Watching silently

  A rose in her hand,

  The finest lady

  In this land.

  My dearest love

  My fate on her breath,

  Will she turn her back?

  And await my death.

  The rose is cast,

  At his feet,

  She turns away,

  Her smile is so sweet.

  My sword is drawn,

  I take his thrust,

  And my life ebbs away,

  As I lay in the dust,

  And my final thought,

  Fades away to naught.

  The Visitor

  She came to him.

  As the first fiery tendrils of the summer dawn,

  Reached across the crimson sky.

  She came to him.

  Softly as the gentle breeze weaving its rhythm,

  Over a silvery sea with a sigh,

  She came to him.

  Amidst the morning songs wafting through the air,

  Her tread as a child’s first breath,

  She came to him.

  As he stirred and opened his eyes,

  Lips moving but never a sound

  She came to him.

  As his eyes pleaded for relief,

  From his limbless body,

  She came to him.

  And a smile graced his lips,

  As if he knew the pain would end,

  She came to him.

  He felt her breath pure and sweet,

  As the light began to dim and fade.

  She came to him.

  Silently, as graceful as dawn’s first light,

  Then on his lips she placed the kiss of death.

  She left him.

  Alone and cold,

  Another forgotten hero,

  In a forgotten land.

  The Watcher

  If my love could see me now

  As I traverse the land and sea

  Looking down upon the earth

  On the girl who once loved me.

  If I were of mortal flesh,

  And on the earth alive

  My years would number twenty eight,

  And hers, just twenty five.

  Her heart belongs to another now

  His child, to be born soon,

  And on her breast now rests his head

  To them belong the stars and moon.

  I've often wondered back five years

  To Rhodes on a moonlit night

  Where she whispered I love you

  My heart, my love, my light

  Hand in hand our hearts aflame

  Along the cliffs we ran

  Stopping every now and then

  To say things only lovers can

  Love blinded me and I missed my step,

  Then to the rocks I hurled,

  Later in my crimson pool, I heard her softly say

  My darling my love we have all the time in the world.

  The Island

  Gentle breeze blow softly on,

  Cool my brow till the sun has gone.

  Then to the mast my sail to furl,

  And row gentle on to meet my girl.

  Under stars that seem so near,

  My way is lit by moonlight clear.

  With unfailing strength to the task I bend.

  Onward little boat to journey’s end.

  As one by one the stars expire,

  And the eastern sky turns red with fire.

  My island home rises from the sea,

  And upon the beach she waits for me.

  Before my boat has come to rest

  She's in my arms and with youthful zest

  She takes my mind with a lingering kiss

  And my boat comes to rest on my island of bliss.

  When Your Heart Is Sad

  When your heart is sad,

  You may shelter it in mine!

  When your body is cold,

  I'll hold you close, until you feel no pain!

  When you think you can go no farther,

  I'll help you carry on!

  When your spirit loses some of its sail,

  Hold on to mine until your own wind comes again!

  When your mind is dull,

  Rest your head on mine and sleep,

  Until you waken with clarity and new vision!

  When you can't understand what you hear,

  I'll interpret neutrally!

  When your eyes are dim,

  I'll hold the light!

  When your "fight" is gone,

  I'll build you up to your best form!

  When you need to be alone,

  I'll guard your cave,

  So no person can harm you

  Whilst you ponder your battles

  And regenerate for new challenges!

  And when you just want to hang out,

  Have fun, kiss, caress and dance so close.

  That I hear your blood, cursing through your veins,

  And suddenly your aroma makes me dizzy with passion.

  We lay down, your bare breasts against my chest.

  Your thighs against mine,

  And the heat of your womanhood pulls me inside.

  Your caresses and your lips heat my body.

  Your passion takes away my earthbound senses,

  And we soar like two birds in the wind,

  Our oils mingle with our sweat,

  And our skin glistens as our bodies entwine,

  Stretch and become one life, one heart, one orgasm,

  In the orgasmic heat of our love making,

  Yes, I'll be there for you.

  Always and forever!

  Young Girl of Sixteen

  Sleeping peacefully.

  Their breathing in gentle rhythm,

  With the morning breeze,

  Drifting softly through the half drawn blinds.

  The two of them.

  In their silent world,

  They lay in a cocoon,

  Of tranquil starlight,

  Which shares their dreams of a pleasant memory.

  The two of them.

  The world awakes,

  With the morning symphony,

  Of a new dawn.

  Through the blinds a shaft of morning sunlight finds,

  The two of them.

  The young girl awakes,

  Startled at the sight of her naked body, exposed to his gaze.

  Hurriedly she closes the blinds to hide the guilt of,

  The two of them.

  The young girl blushes, as the naked stranger awakes,

  And comes to her.

  Sobbing she runs away from that room,

  But not the memory

  The two of them.

  Epitaph for Dorian Grey

  How can we save our soul?

  Is this our one life’s goal?

  To reach an Eden hard to find,

  Perchance it’s easier for peace of mind.

  Could we but retain our youth?

  Ne’er to hate or be uncouth,

  Never to have loved or thought,

  To lie and cheat, or to have fought,

  Never to have made a choice,

  And in wrath to have raised a voice,

  Attain wealth, position, social scale,

  Or have read the cynics tale.

  But we are not computer fed,

  Only we are born and bred,

  A climax of love's passion fire,

  Survive the womb attain the higher.


  Sometimes I still live in fear,

  That I will never hear the gentle breeze of spring,

  As in my mind I try to hear,

  Your voice, which your picture sings

  And I hear your voice

  Through quiet waters of my mind,

  A whispered word

  I pray one day I’ll find.

  So I close my eyes

  And see a leaf upon a tree,

  While a gentle rain

  Lays a tune upon the sea.

  As I stumble through

  The ruins my life has left behind

  Through an angry world

  This has destroyed and made me blind.

  And I wait for death

  With only dreams of you to comfort too,

  And I pray to our God

  That my eyes will one day indeed see you.

  All Things Must Pass

  Days fall away into years,

  As life moves on past the tears.

  Memories linger and then are gone,

  As thoughts forget where they came from.

  A red rose dies and fades away.

  The morning sun hides behind a rainy day.

  But the circle turns to another view,

  And velvet mornings soon start anew.

  A white rose blooms with a reddish hue,

  And deepens to scarlet with thoughts of you.

  If you knew what’s inside of me now,

  You’d really want to know me somehow.

  Another Way

  Do you believe in what I'm dreaming?

  Find understanding in the way I feel.

  Or is it me forgetting that you’re leaving,

  And that nothing imagined is nothing real.

  What can I say to change your mind?

  Make you stay at least another day.

  It's the words in my heart you need to find,

  Then perhaps we could try another way.

  It hurts so much when I see your face,

  On TV, the movies, or any place.

  It always seems that I'm in a race,

  Which, I can't win even at the fastest pace.

  To keep you near when I'm all alone,

  To hear your voice

  Oh why don't you phone?

  I miss you every night and day.

  I wish we could find another way.

  Eulogy for Paraskavoula

  We are here today not to mourn, but to celebrate the life of a loving sister and a wonderful person.

  Do not weep for her, for she has lived and joined her hands with her family and friends and left this earth better than she had found it.

  Do not weep for her, for she has loved and been loved by her family, and by those she

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