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Dangerous Rock: A Rock Star Romance (Dangerous Noise Book 3)

Page 22

by Crystal Kaswell

  The screen flashes with I'm a Slave For You by Britney Spears. It's not what I'd expect from a guy as stoic as Kit, but from the way Piper is turning every shade of red, I'd say it's working.

  He isn't quite as obvious about his seduction as Joel, but he gets the job done.

  He hands the mic to her but she shakes her head. "I need a minute."

  He smiles victoriously, sits next to her, pulls her into his lap.

  That makes it my turn. Okay. I can do that. I know what I want to sing too. I find my favorite sexy 80s song in the book and punch in the number.

  The lyrics fill the screen. I try to sing from memory, but I don't quite manage. I'm stiff. Awkward. Unable to look at my audience.

  Okay, maybe I'm not a performer.

  But I do want to seduce Joel.

  At least a little.

  He's looking at me with his eyes wide. His expression is proud. He motions keep going.

  I do. I look at him the entire song, but I do manage to get some feeling into my performance. When I'm done, I hand the mic to Piper.

  "That was my first time," I admit.

  Joel pulls me into a kiss. "Angel, that was an amazing first."

  Everyone else offers similar sentiments. I can't absorb the exact words with Joel this close.

  Piper takes the stage. She sings a familiar Gwen Stefani song and she does it well. When she's done, she pulls her boyfriend, erm fiancé, into a deep kiss then sends him to sit with the other judges.

  "I have to confer with my opponent." Joel squeezes. "Give me a good luck kiss."

  I plant a kiss on his cheek.

  He shakes his head. "This is a good luck kiss." He slides his hands into my hair and pulls me into a long, deep kiss.

  His tongue slides into my mouth. His movements are patient, like he's savoring this, like he has all the time in the world.

  But we don't.

  There's tomorrow.

  Then there's our appointment.

  I sigh as he pulls back. "Break a leg."

  He blows me another kiss then he pulls Mal outside with him.

  "I can't believe he did that." Piper bites her lip. "Kit hates to sing."

  "It didn't seem like it," I tease.

  She blushes. "I suppose you'll never be surprised by your husband doing something bold."

  "I suppose not."

  Joel is bold.

  And he's confident.

  And he makes me feel like it's worth being in the moment.

  Maybe I can handle telling my dad about law school.

  Maybe it's okay that I haven't figured out my entire life.

  Joel and Mal confer in the hall for a minute. Then they're back.

  He turns to Mal with a wink. "You can admit defeat right now if you want."

  Mal chuckles. He punches a number into the machine and takes the mic.

  Joel punches in a few more numbers then he takes a seat on the opposite bench. His eyes catch mine.

  I mouth good luck.

  He blows me a kiss.

  I giggle as I catch it. It's a full-blown schoolgirl giggle. He has that affect on me. He makes me dizzy in the best possible way.

  Someone flicks a switch. The lights go off. Then a polyphonic song is filling the room.

  The lights flicker on. Then Mal is groaning through the first verse. Somehow, he manages to stretch every other word into a moan. It's incredibly sexy.

  I'm not familiar with the original song. I can't say if Mal's version is in any way faithful to the original.

  But it is amazing. And incredibly hot.

  He groans through the last line of the chorus.

  Then through the rest of the song.

  When he's done, he shoots Joel a top that look and he hands off the mic.

  Joel's eyes meet mine. He raises a brow can I?

  I nod. This time, I blow him a kiss.

  He mimes catching it and sliding it into his pocket.

  God help me, I giggle again.

  Joel wraps his hands around the microphone. "This is still for you, angel."

  Lyrics to the Rhianna song S&M fill the screen. My cheeks flush.

  He keeps his eyes on mine as he sings the first verse. He doesn't stretch every word into a moan the way Mal did. Instead, he bleeds the last word of each line into a long moan.

  He moans the melody between the verse and the chorus.

  Then he's moaning all through the chorus.

  He shifts his hips. He makes eye contact with everyone in the audience.

  Joel gets breathy through the verse. He sounds like he's fucking hard and fast. He sounds like he's about to go over the edge.

  Then he's moaning through the chorus and I'm on fire. If I didn't know better, I'd swear he was coming, not singing.

  I lose track of where we are and what we're doing.

  I lose track of everything but the sound of Joel's groans.

  He bows as he finishes the song. People are clapping and teasing, saying something about how he does second and third, so it's his turn again.

  The screen flashes. Sinful Serenade. No Way in Hell.

  This is the song they're both singing.

  It's one of Anne's favorites. She used to play it all the time. I know it well.

  It's incredibly sexy.

  He groans through the first verse.

  Three a.m. and I can't slee-eee-eee-eep

  A commooon refraaaiiiin I knooooww

  As a sentiment, ah, uh, oh, oh it's cheap.

  Someone to caaaalll

  To hoooold

  To lo-e-e-e-e-ove

  No way, uh, that word…

  She smiles, mmmh, and I drift away.

  God dammit. My entire body is buzzing. I let my eyes fall closed. I let the sounds of Joel's groans wash over me.

  He's putting the original singer to shame.

  Okay, maybe I'm a little biased.

  Joel isn't nearly as on pitch as Miles is.

  But the way he's moaning and groaning is every bit as good as the original song.

  Better even.

  He dials it up during the chorus, his eyes glued to mine. Then he's looking at his other fans, motions give me more.

  "Sing this part with me," he groans into the mic.

  And then everyone, even Mal, is singing the chorus with him.

  Joel pulls his hand to his chest in a dramatic gesture. His eyes flutter closed. He belts out the last verse with all the heart he can muster.

  He groans through the outro.

  Then he hands the mic off to Mal, sits next to me, and whispers in my ear. "How was it?"

  I try to play coy. "Not bad?"

  "Not bad?" He turns his body, so he's blocking the rest of the room from view. Then he's sliding his hand under my skirt. "Should I check?"

  "You were great."

  He pulls his hand back to his sides and whispers in my ear. "I still want to fuck you in that bathroom."

  God help me, I very much want him to fuck me in that bathroom. I nod.

  "But not until we're done with this."


  He smiles with pride.

  We turn back to watch Mal's performance. It's every bit as good as Joel's, every bit as sexy as Joel's, but it doesn't affect me the same way.

  It doesn't make me shudder with desire.

  Joel teases me as the judges deliberate. It takes them forever.

  Finally, Ethan stands up on the table. He's holding something up as the prize.

  It's a Sinful Serenade CD.

  He looks to Mal and Joel. "It was a close call, but the judges have decided that Joel wins this one." He bows to present the CD to Joel.

  Joel nods as he takes the CD. "This is my tenth copy, but thank you."

  Mal turns to him. "Real stakes this time?"

  Joel raises a brow. "Terms?"

  "Winner gets to cast the deciding vote on the album name."

  Joel looks back to Kit and Ethan. All four of the guys share a look.

  They all nod.r />
  "Mal-style heavy breathing?" Joel asks.

  "Unless you're afraid of a challenge," Mal teases.

  They shake.

  Joel's going to pant through another handful of songs.

  God help me.



  Technically, I lose the Mal-style sing off.

  Really, I win by a landslide.

  Bella's cheeks are flushed. Her tongue is sliding over her lips. She's pressing her knees together like she can't stand how wet she is.

  She's been smiling all night.

  Okay. I've paid more attention to the blushing and the groaning and the fuck, I need you, Joel looks.

  But I've seen the way her eyes light up when she laughs. Happiness consumes her body the same way despair does. It's in her pretty brown eyes, in her relaxed shoulders, in her slight hip tilt.

  I'm still not used to a woman liking me beyond oooh, famous guy or I want to fuck him again. Sure, I'm friends with Piper and Violet. I'm friends with lots of people.

  But I'm not used to being in a relationship.

  Probably should have thought about that before I got married, but I've never been one to do things in order.

  Making her happy feels so fucking good. And right now, she's fucking ecstatic.

  She's laughing with Piper and Violet over Ethan's impression of Mal.

  Then over Ethan's impression of me.

  Then over Piper's impression of Mal.

  Shit, everybody takes a turn doing their best Mal impression.

  Even Bella.

  Hers isn't quite as bold as mine, or Ethan's, or Kit's, but it's good. It's funny, silly, hot as hell.

  She's having such a good time.

  I want this for her. I want her this happy all the time.

  I'm almost tempted to hold off on dragging her to the bathroom and having my way with her.

  Almost, but not quite.

  After she hands off the mic, I wrap my arms around her.

  She melts into my touch as she looks up at me. Her lips press together. Her eyes scream please.

  She motions to the door.

  I lean in to whisper. "Bathroom on the right. I'll meet you there in five minutes."

  She doesn't say anything about how we could wait until we're at home where we can fuck on the bed. Or the couch.

  She wants me so badly she's shaking.

  Her breath warms my ear as she whispers. "Don't make me wait."

  Fuck, I love when she gets bossy and demanding. I watch her hips sway as she walks away. That dress is tight on her lush ass. It fills me with all sorts of ideas.


  But, right now, I want to be deep in her cunt.

  Damn, I'm getting hard just thinking about setting her on the counter, spreading her legs, and filling her.

  I lean against the wall, attempting to pay attention to Violet and Ethan's Disney duet. It's cute, and I'm happy for them, but it's about as entertaining as one of my father's programming lectures at the moment.

  Kit must know I'm in pain. He comes over and copies my pose. "I've never seen you this happy."

  "I'm happy all the time."

  "Not like this." He smiles. "It's good to see."

  "Thanks." I guess. There's something about his look. It's the kind of look I usually give everybody. He's getting at something.

  "Mal should pick the album title. He does write all the lyrics."


  "You tell her to wait for you in the bathroom?"

  I laugh. "Maybe."

  "You might as well go now. We all know what you're doing."

  "We're honeymooners."

  "I'll give you some Joel-style advice." He chuckles. "Don't fuck it up."

  I have to laugh. It is exactly what I would say.

  "You really like her, huh?"

  I nod.

  "You love her?"

  "I think I might."

  His smile widens. "Shit, I'm out a hundred bucks."

  "You bet against me?"

  "With Piper."

  "Hard to complain about Piper winning." I turn to Kit. "How did you deal with this?"

  He raises a brow.

  "I feel like I'm on a fucking roller coaster. When she smiles, I'm warm all over. When she's upset, it's like the sun is never going to come out again."

  His smile widens.


  "You're in love with her."

  "This isn't going away?"

  He shakes his head. His eyes are lit up with enthusiasm. "Damn. Joel Young is in love. Never thought I'd see the day." He chuckles. "It looks good on you."

  "It feels good." Exhausting, but good.

  "Go make love to your wife," he teases.

  "Please never say make love to me again."

  He chuckles. "You gonna tell her?"


  "You're scared."


  "Shit. Never thought I'd see that day." He nudges me towards the door.

  The man is mocking me, but he has good advice.

  I nod goodbye and slip out of the room. The bathroom is at the end of the hall. I knock once. "Hey."

  Bella pulls the door open. "It's small."

  It is. But I'll make it work. I slip inside and lock the door.

  There's little room to maneuver, but it's enough.

  Bella holds out her clasped hands. Her eyes light up as she peels them back. She's holding her lacy pink panties.

  Fuck, the mix of joy and need on her face—

  The way she's teasing me—

  I want to fill her with every kind of pleasure.

  I am in love with her.

  She runs her fingers through my hair. "You okay?"

  I nod. This is a lot to take in. I pull her mouth against mine and I kiss her hard.

  Words aren't happening.

  My body needs to get the message across.

  I bring my hands to her hips and lift her onto the countertop. She leans back, spreading her legs wide.

  God damn, the sight of Bella on the sink, her legs spread, her cunt on display…

  I drop to my knees and plant my lips along her thigh. I need to taste her, to feel her pleasure.

  I lick her hard and fast.

  "Joel." Her hands go to my hair. "I can't keep quiet."

  "Don't. I want to hear you."

  She groans.

  I bury my face between her legs, tasting and teasing every inch of her. I lick her until she's dripping off my lips, until she's so wet I can barely keep a grip on her legs.

  She's shaking so hard she's about to fall off the counter.

  I press her thighs into the counter and I suck on her clit.

  Bella groans, tugging at my hair as she comes on my face.

  Her thighs press against my fingers.

  Her cunt pulses against my lips. She gets wetter. Sweeter.

  "Fuck me. Now." She grabs onto my shirt and pulls me up.

  I slide my jeans off my hips. Then the boxers.

  My hands go to her hips. I hold her in place as I tease her with my tip.

  "Joel." She tugs at my t-shirt to pull me into a deep kiss.

  Affection pours from her lips.

  And mine.

  I'm about to fuck her hard and fast in a dirty bathroom and all I can think is I love her.

  My tongue slides into her mouth. I steady her hips. Slowly, I thrust inside her.

  She groans against my mouth.

  I'm inside her and I'm thinking does she love me too?

  There must be something wrong with me.

  No more thinking.

  I need to feel every second of this.

  I break our kiss. I watch pleasure fill her pretty brown eyes as I thrust into her.

  She stares back at me.

  All that affection passes between us.

  She tugs at my t-shirt to pull me into a deep kiss. Her hips rock in time with mine. Her nails dig into my skin.

  We stay glued like that until she's groaning wit
h pleasure, coming on my cock.

  She has to break free of our kiss to scream my name.

  Then her lips are on mine again. And I'm filling her with deep thrusts. I'm fucking her so hard the mirror is shaking.


  I go over the edge.

  My cock pulses as I fill her. I groan into her neck.

  She groans back against my neck.

  We move together, groaning together, until I've spilled every drop.

  When I'm finished, I help her clean up.

  I help her back into her clothes.

  And I kiss her.

  I kiss her like her lips are oxygen.

  At home, we collapse in bed.

  Bella nestles into my chest. She intertwines her fingers with mine and rubs her index and middle fingers over my wedding ring. "I… I think this is the first time I've really been happy in forever."

  My chest warms. Fuck, my entire body is warm. "Yeah?"

  She laughs. "You really are unlike everyone else I know." She turns so she's looking up into my eyes. "You're one of a kind, Joel Young."

  I run my fingers through her dark hair. "Right back at you, Bella Chase."

  "I'm not sure about that. But thank you." She presses her lips to mine.

  Fuck, I really love kissing her. I run my fingers through her hair. "You're all mine tomorrow."

  Her smile spreads over her cheeks.

  "Don't look so happy. We're getting up at six a.m.," I tease.

  Still, her smile gets wider. "I can't help it."

  She falls asleep in my arms.



  It's still dark when we wake. But it's hard to complain about anything when Joel's body is pressed against mine.

  God, it's comfortable in his arms. It takes me most of an hour to drag myself out of bed.

  After a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs and black tea (black coffee for Joel), I dress in my most comfortable outfit and follow Joel to the car. Again, he refuses to tell me where we're going.

  This time, he admits that my jeans, tank top, cardigan, canvas sneakers combination is ideal for our destination.

  Even after two cups of tea, I'm tired. I rest my head against the window, watching the sun rise into the increasingly bright and blue sky. We must take four different highways. There's traffic on each. It's a lot for my take the subway everywhere mind to comprehend.

  I'm about to get cranky over how long the drive is taking when we pull off the highway.


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