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Dangerous Rock: A Rock Star Romance (Dangerous Noise Book 3)

Page 25

by Crystal Kaswell

  That's my dad.

  I look up, and sure enough, he's there, in a sleek black suit, standing next to the man who must be my lawyer.

  The other man extends his hand. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Chase. I'm Leonard Shaw. I'll be your counsel."

  "Nice to meet you." I pull my hand from Joel's to shake his. I can feel Joel's posture stiffening from the change in the air. It gets colder, harsher. Or maybe I'm imagining things. "Daddy, what are you doing here?"

  "You think I'm going to let you do this with a stranger?" he asks.

  "Oh." That's fair. As far as Dad knows, Joel is my one-week mistake.

  Neither one of us is calling this off.

  Which means…

  I guess Dad is right.

  My stomach churns. I look into Joel's eyes. I can still see all that affection in them, but I guess that's not enough.

  He's silent.

  I'm silent.

  There's another lawyer coming towards us. He's not as neat as Mr. Shaw. His hair is shaggy. He almost looks like Joel's brother, but Joel only has a sister.

  He nods hello to Joel. "Nice to see you again, Mr. Young."

  Joel nods back. His mood must be as shitty as mine, because he doesn't make a joke or ask the guy to call him Joel or your highness. He doesn't even smile.

  The lawyer turns to me. "You too, Ms. Chase. I'm Adrian Lux." He offers his hand.

  I barely manage to shake.

  That's Joel's lawyer.

  And this is my lawyer.

  And that's my dad.

  I motion from my dad to Joel. "Oh, I'm sorry. Daddy, this is Joel. Joel this is my father."

  Dad offers his hand. "Vincent Chase."

  Joel shakes. "Joel Young."

  "Divorce is never fun, especially with such young clients, but we'll get you two out of here and back to your lives as quickly as possible," Mr. Shaw says.

  My father nods back to him.

  My lawyer nods to everyone in the fucking room.

  Then to the other lawyer. "I need a moment to confer with my client."

  Mr. Lux nods back. "Of course." He leads Joel into an office down the hall.

  My dad and Mr. Shaw, my lawyer, lead me into a sleek conference room. The sturdy oak table is surrounded by sleek black chairs, the mesh ergonomic ones. He hits a button and shades slide down the glass walls.

  We have privacy.

  To discuss the settlement.

  Only my mind isn't going to paperwork. It's thinking up all sorts of positions for me and Joel. God, that table is the perfect place for him to bend me over and fuck me.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  I can't think dirty thoughts with my father ten feet away.

  My dad offers me a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "This will be okay, sweetheart."

  Mr. Shaw opens a folder and places a contract on the table. He motions for me to sit.

  I don't want to sit, but standing is taking all my strength. This is the only way I'll be able to read the paperwork.

  I sit and pick up the contract. The first page is standard stuff. The next is details on our finances. A lot of detail.

  There isn't much to know. The only money in my account is what I earned at my summer job. And there's only enough to get me through June. Not that I ever hurt for money. My dad pays my tuition. He sends money anytime I ask for it.

  As long as I go along with their plan, as long as I keep up appearances, I have it made.

  "Mr. Young has quite a bit of money." The lawyer takes a seat and points to the section detailing Joel's finances.

  He underestimated the other day. He's worth about five million.




  "You're entitled to a lot more than this." The lawyer turns the page.

  There it is on the contract, the settlement terms.

  Half a million dollars for me.

  I keep the rings.

  I sign a non-disclosure.

  Those are the only terms.

  "He agreed to this?" I ask.

  "Mr. Lux will convince Mr. Young that signing this agreement is in his best interests."

  That's a no.

  But he will.

  I swallow hard. "I don't want any of his money."

  "According to the state of California, all of that money belongs to the two of you. You're entitled to more than this, Ms. Chase."

  "She said she doesn't want his money." Dad's voice is irritated. "My daughter doesn't want to live off a technicality that allows someone to ply money from something that barely qualifies as a marriage."

  That's not right.

  Well, I don't want Joel's money.

  And maybe this wasn't the kind of marriage my parents had.

  But it is a marriage.

  And it hurts that it's ending.

  That Joel won't be mine anymore.

  One day, he'll be someone else's.

  He'll love someone else.

  He'll come with someone else.


  Everything hurts.

  I can't let this happen.

  I have to do something.

  The lawyer is calm. Even. "As your counsel, I'm advising you to take this offer or to ask for more."

  His voice is even, effortless.

  No doubt, he's used to dealing with emotional clients. He's a family law attorney. He deals with child custody. Half a million dollars is nothing compared to winning primary custody.

  He looks at me. "This is the law, Ms. Chase. You're a law student, aren't you?"


  "This money can help you graduate debt free. It can allow you the freedom to work as a public defender. Or to work for a non-profit. Wouldn't you like to do pro-bono work?"

  Of course, but I'm not going back to law school.

  "She said no." My father stares down the lawyer. "Are you going to honor your client's wishes or are you going to give her a monologue about the power of the law."

  The lawyer clears his throat. "You're a lawyer, sir. And you're a first year law student, Ms. Chase. Both of you understand the power of the law. It's not what's right or what's fair. The law is simply the terms of the game we play by. It's foolish to do anything but manipulate it for your gain."

  He's right.

  He's thinking like a good lawyer. A good lawyer twists the law into any shape that suits him.

  Just like how I twist myself into any shape that suits other people. Or maybe it's the opposite. Mr. Shaw knows exactly what he's after—the best deal for his client. He's the one getting what he wants. He's the one pulling the strings.

  Daddy is glaring at Mr. Shaw like he's about to deck him. "If I have to repeat that my daughter doesn't want this man's money one more time, we're going to find new counsel."

  The lawyer shakes his head. "If that's your decision."

  "Sweetheart?" Dad looks to me. "He needs a yes from you."

  "Oh. I… Yes, but, actually…" I look up at Dad. "I got Cs my first semester."

  He raises a brow. "We can talk about that later."

  "No. I have to say this now." I take a deep breath and exhale slowly. "I want to drop out."

  "Because of this Joel?" Dad says Joel's name with distaste.

  "No. Well, a little, but only because Joel helped me realize it. I don't know what I want to do, but I know it's not this." I blink back a tear. "I'm sorry I wasted your money."

  "Sweetheart, I have plenty of money." Dad sets his hands on my shoulders. "Are you sure this is what you want?"

  I nod.

  "Infatuation can cloud your judgment," he says. "If you're still hung up on Joel, thinking you can't be with him if you're a lawyer—"

  "No, it's not that. Joel wouldn't care. He just… he just wants me to be happy," I say.

  "Will leaving school make you happy?" Dad asks.

  "Once I get over the shock." My heart is thudding against my chest. I can't believe I'm having this conversation in front of my divorce attorney. Or at my
settlement conference.

  But I'm glad it's happening now and not later.

  I'm glad Dad is here.

  I look back to Dad. "You trust me?"

  He nods.

  "Let me talk to Mr. Shaw alone," I say. I whisper my next set of instructions in Dad's ear.

  "Are you sure, sweetheart?"

  I nod. "I'll see you at lunch."

  My father looks to Mr. Shaw. Despite the clear disgust in Daddy's eyes, he nods, shakes Mr. Shaw's hand goodbye, and takes his leave.

  The lawyer perks up. He's sure I'm about to ask for money. "Not everyone feels comfortable making demands in front of family."

  "No, that's not it."

  I swallow hard.

  I want…

  Fuck. My mouth goes sticky. I can't say what I want. Not yet. Not to him.

  I have to say it to Joel first.

  I turn to my lawyer. "Can I speak to my husband?"

  His face screws. "Ms. Chase, I don't recommend speaking to your husband before divorce proceedings. It's best to keep emotions out of these things."

  My skin burns. I'm hot, but it's not desire or embarrassment. I'm angry. How can this guy stare at me, telling me to keep emotions out of a divorce?

  This is my life.

  My marriage.

  Sure, it's a week old, but it's still my marriage.

  It still means something.

  I push myself out of my chair. For some reason, my legs are steady. It's not like before. "Now, please."

  "I'll confer with Mr. Young's counsel." The lawyer frowns, but he still leaves to fetch Joel.

  Or to try to convince Joel's lawyer to convince Joel not to do this.

  Sounds of office work fill the room. Maybe Mr. Shaw is right. Maybe it's wrong asking to see your husband before you're supposed to divorce him.

  But I need to talk to Joel right now.

  I need to get this off my chest.

  A few moments later, there are steps in the hallway. Joel, plus both our lawyers, step into the room.

  My lawyer looks at me. "Mr. Lux and I agree that it's best if the two of us supervise."

  I shake my head. "I don't want that."

  Joel nods to his lawyer. "It's fine."

  "Mr. Young—"

  Joel's voice drops to that demanding tone. "Now."

  Slowly, our lawyers leave.

  The door closes.

  We're alone in here.

  Tension flees my shoulders and back at an alarming rate. I move closer to Joel. Closer than I should, given the circumstances, but I need the comfort of his body.

  He pulls me into a deep hug.

  "I'm not taking your money," I whisper.

  "You should."

  "I won't."

  He nods fine then he pulls me closer. "You're going to be okay, Bella. You'll bounce back."

  "No." I pull back enough to look him in the eyes. His green eyes are bright. Not like before. This is a respite both of us need. But we need more than that too. "I don't want this."

  "Don't want what?"

  "I don't want a divorce. I want to stay married to you."



  Joel's green eyes fill with surprise.

  He stares back at me.

  He says nothing.

  I stammer. "You should respond."

  He moves closer. "You don't want a divorce?"

  "I don't."

  "I don't either."


  He nods.

  My fingertips graze the back of his hand. Then I'm intertwining my fingers with his. In my heels, I'm only a little shorter than Joel. I barely have to look up at him. "This is crazy. We've known each other for a week."


  "People don't do that."

  His lips curl into a smile. Tension falls off his brows, his jaw, his shoulders. "I'm not people."

  "You're really not." I move close enough to rest my head on his chest. Then his arms are around me, and I melt. This is what safety feels like, what home feels like. "If this is about proving something about love being real and marriage being important—"

  "It's not."

  "Would you tell me if it was?"

  "Yeah." Slowly, he removes the elastic band holding my bun in place. "We promised. No lies, no bullshit today."

  With my hair falling over my shoulders, I feel wild. Like I'm ready to shed off the prim and proper clothes and get dirty. But I have to get this out first. I look up at Joel. I stare into those earnest green eyes of his. "If you're being stubborn, you probably won't realize it."


  "I'll ask anyway. Are you sure you're not being stubborn?"

  "Yes." He runs his fingers through my hair. "I never wanted this." He motions to the contract on the table. "I love you, Bella."

  My chest warms. I believe him. My entire body believes him.

  I stare back at Joel. "I love you too."

  He beams. "Fuck, angel." He slides his hands to my hips and pulls me closer.

  I let out a soft sigh. "Is that enough, loving each other?"

  "You want to stay married."

  "I do."

  "That's the reason that matters." He takes a step back, breaking our connection, and he locks the door.

  He can't mean…

  Joel turns back to me, his eyes fierce. "Take off your panties."

  My sex clenches. I want him right now, and not just his body, his mind and his heart too. But— "Someone will hear."

  He shakes his head. "You'll stay quiet."

  "I can't."

  His voice drops to that demanding tone. "You can."

  I can… I'm not sure about that, but, at the moment, I'm more than willing to try. I press my back against the conference table. "We're really married."

  "Fuck, say that again."

  "You're my husband."

  His pupils dilate.

  "And I'm your wife."

  His teeth sink into his bottom lip.

  It fills me with just as much desire. This, staying married, is crazy. It's not the crazy of marrying him in Vegas—that was a spur of the moment, gin-soaked decision.

  This isn't.

  I'm sober. I'm lucid. I'm in my right mind.

  This is what I want, Joel as my husband.

  Me as his wife.


  I don't care about the consequences anymore.

  I need our bodies joining.

  His voice is a growl. "Panties. Off. Now."

  I'm tempted to test him, to see what he'll do if I disobey. But last time I called his bluff, I ended up desperate and wanting.

  I can't take that now. My emotions are a cresting wave. They're going to knock me down if I don't get the reassurance that he really is mine.

  I pull my dress to my waist, plant my ass on the conference table, and spread my legs. "Why don't you help me with that?"

  Desire spreads over his expression. "You teasing me, angel?"

  My tongue slides over my lips. "Maybe."

  Two steps and his body is planted between my legs. He looks down at me as he drags his fingertips from the inside of my knee, up my thigh, over my panties, back down the other leg.

  He does it again and again.

  He does it until I'm panting.

  "Joel," I breathe.

  "Don't tease if you don't want me teasing you back." He presses my knees together and drags my panties down my thighs.

  They fall off my knees landing on the ground.

  I tug at his jacket. I'm not sure what I'm asking for. Only that I need more of Joel and now.

  He reads my mind. He slides his suit jacket off his shoulders and tosses it aside. The garment is nice. It deserves more tender care. But I don't give a fuck about that at the moment.

  I need his body pressed against mine.

  I need all of him.

  His fingers dig into my thighs. Slowly, he presses my legs apart.

  He lowers himself to the floor.

  I tug at his hair. "I can't stay

  "You can." He blows cold on my inner thigh. Then hot.

  Then his breath is on my sex, sending desire out to my fingers and toes.

  My hips rock of their own accord. I barely manage to catch my balance.

  Joel reaches up to me. He places my right hand on the table. He takes my left hand and sucks on my fingers, one at a time.

  The pressure of his mouth on my sensitive skin… I can barely stand it.

  When he's done, he slides his hand up my torso. His thumb catches on my lip. It's an instruction.

  I take his thumb into my mouth and suck hard.

  He lets out a low groan. Then his other hand is on my thigh, pinning my leg to the table.

  He nips at the skin of my inner thigh.

  He does it again and again.

  He does it until I'm so desperate with desire that I bite his thumb.

  "Please." My words are muffled by his digit.

  But he understands.

  He licks me from bottom to top. It's mercilessly slow and soft. I can't take the tease right now.

  I need Joel.

  I need to come on his face.

  I need him inside me.

  "Now," I groan.

  He slips his index finger into my mouth as he licks me a little harder, a little faster.

  It's sweet, painful agony. I suck on his finger. Then I'm nipping at it. Then I'm biting hard enough to draw blood. He's a musician. I shouldn't.

  But he groans against me.

  He slides another finger into my mouth.

  I suck on it like I'm sucking his cock. His pressure stays unbearably soft. His speed stays unbearably slow.

  It feels so fucking good.

  But I need more.

  I throw my head back. "Make me come, baby. Now."

  He drags his hand down my torso. Then it's curling into my other thigh.

  He presses his lips to my inner thigh and groans against my skin. "You've got to stay quiet, angel."

  "I will. Please."

  His eyes are on fire. He nods now then he leans closer.

  He licks me harder this time. Faster. Pleasure spreads out through my torso. Down my legs. Up my chest. The bliss is diffuse. I need more.

  I need to come.

  "Harder," I groan.

  He licks me harder.



  "There." I tug at his hair. "Don't stop."

  He doesn't. He licks me with that same pressure. A little faster. A little closer to just where I need him.

  Tension knots in my core.


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