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Ethnic Apocalypse

Page 4

by Guillaume Faye

  Bouteflika has surrendered the governance of the Algerian people to the Islamists. In small towns and villages, they are the masters of the game and enforce their terrifying theocratic rules. … Algeria is heading towards chaos. … A scenario of slavery and terror, in accordance with the Syrian model, seems rather credible to me. … What is now a political problem shall be transformed into a religious issue and exported beyond Algerian borders, to Europe and particularly France.

  France is therefore threatened by a new wave of immigration and a massive exodus stemming from Algeria, a migration movement that obviously suits the plans devised by allah’s madmen. Yet Sansal goes even further:

  Little by little, the Muslim world is rebuilding itself and regaining its original ambitions and hegemonic will. The abolishment of the border that separates it from the West has already begun, since political Islam is now able to gain ground in London, Paris and Brussels. One can thus estimate that in thirty years’ time, Islamism will rule the entire Muslim world that it has unified. And in sixty years’ time, it will set out to conquer Western civilisation [as stated in the above-mentioned article].

  These events will, in truth, probably transpire well before that… As for Sansal, he has found himself censored and threatened in his own country: ‘Fear now prevails everywhere; it follows me wherever I am, whether in Algiers or in Paris.’ When one is an Arab, criticising Islam is synonymous with drawing a target on one’s own forehead.

  The Worst Scenario Is

  Unfortunately a Probable One

  These lucid (and courageous) Muslim intellectuals are, however, a minority. The appeased and reformed Islam that they wish for is a distant dream invalidated by the very reality we observe. The most extraordinary paradox is the betrayal that certain European elites are guilty of, elites that act as both the accomplices and the organisers of mass immigration and Islamisation alike. They oppose those lucid Muslim-Arab minorities and turn their backs on the common good. It is the very same configuration as the one that characterised the 1940–1944 period, namely Collaboration; or, more to the point, the FLN’s French ‘suitcase carriers’17 during the Algerian war.

  The strength of this invasive movement lies in its reliance on the pity aroused by the system’s media for those ‘refugees’ — and especially the boat people that end up drowning — in the minds of our versatile and emotional public. These millions of Muslim migrants that come from open-air waste bins such as the Middle East, Afghanistan, North Africa and Black Africa and arrive in Europe, adding to the Muslim masses already present, will of course import their problems and chaos along with their persons, with Islam at the very centre of this future flare-up. It is this probable development that Ivan Rioufol mentions in his book entitled La guerre civile qui vient18 (Pierre Guillaume de Roux Editions).

  We must therefore prepare for the worst (or perhaps the best, depending on the opinion): a racial war in Europe, in the West, and above all in France.

  Jacques Attali and His Clique Want Europe to Welcome Millions of Other Africans — No, Thank You!

  On 20th June, 2018, Jacques Attali wrote the following in L’Express:

  The only solution is for us to understand, as soon as possible, that it is in our interest to massively develop this neighbouring continent [Africa] and help accelerate its demographic transition; to organise the coming of migrants to Europe; and to create the necessary conditions [on European soil] to welcome and integrate millions of people into our cultures upon their arrival from this cradle of humanity.

  Charming prospect, is it not? In a 2015 interview with Le Soir,19 Attali also stated that ‘the arrival of migrants is an incredible chance for us. These people will turn Europe into the world’s leading power’.

  What mind-boggling optimism! Let us quote him one last time so as to highlight his consistency. Indeed, during the presidential election campaign of 2012, he made the following affirmation on I-TV:

  Today, we have 100,000 foreigners returning home every year, with all demographers and statisticians [Is that so? Which ones, pray tell!] saying that we are in need of 300,000 foreign workers a year in France alone.

  If Jacques Attali, a Jewish thinker and influential political advisor, were the only one making such statements, we could simply consider him an isolated psychopath and disregard his ideas. The trouble is that this very same position is also advocated by the United Nations, as seen in most of the organisation’s official reports. On 19th December, 2018, the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, which had been signed a few days earlier in Marrakech by many European countries (including France, of course), was formally adopted. Among other things, the text states that we are required to ‘create favourable conditions for all migrants to enrich our societies through their human, economic and social capabilities’.20 It also emphasises the need for states to rescue migrants that choose to take dangerous routes. In other words, it is our duty to locate these boats as soon as they set sail and bring the migrants home with us. Later on, it is stipulated that the signatory states undertake ‘to eliminate all forms of discrimination and condemn and combat all expressions, manifestations and acts of racism, racial discrimination, violence and xenophobia against all migrants’ (which would affect all of us nationalists). And even if this text is not legally binding, we can trust leaders such as Macron and Merkel to implement it in their respective countries, thus exacerbating the situation further while repressing the identitarian free speech of all anti-immigration activists among us.

  In actual fact, this pact is an extension of a bewildering document, one which was, for a long time, easily accessible on the internet but can nowadays only be found in a more clandestine way. What this document advocated was replacement migration for most Western countries. With a single verbal stream from their microphones, journalists dismiss those who are worried about a Great Replacement that is deemed mere fantasy, although that is precisely what the UN is formulating and organising. In this text, whose subheading was A Solution to the Decline and Aging of the Population, one could read the following passage:21

  Projections signal the populational aging of practically all European countries over the course of the next 50 years, as well as that of Japan. These new challenges will require a complete re-evaluation of numerous established programmes and policies, including those related to international migration. Focusing on these two demographic trends, this report examines the topic of replacement migration in the case of eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States). Alternative migration can be understood as the international migration that a country would need to compensate for its demographic decline and the aging of its population as a result of low fertility and mortality rates.

  These specialists claim to be worried about the decline of the West but want to accelerate it by importing populations that will never be one with its essence. What we are dealing with here is the plain and simple organisation of an ethnocide. I shall return to this in Chapter 3.

  Although the conquest of Europe has been the demented dream of oriental Muslims for centuries on end, the worst part is that it is actually Western individuals and organisations that are currently making sure that the tide turns to our enemies’ advantage.

  Chapter II:

  The Omens of a Civil War

  On Saturday 8th October, 2016, in Viry-Châtillon, which is located in the Parisian suburbs and is one of our many and increasing areas of lawlessness, two patrol cars were attacked, the windows broken, and the vehicles set ablaze by means of Molotov cocktails, with the police officers intentionally trapped inside. The attackers were all of Maghrebian and African origin. Their actions constituted an obvious homicide attempt, as a result of which the police officers suffered severe burns that left one of them fighting for his life several days after the attack. As for the perpetrators, they were never arrested nor even sought out, having thus acted with complete impunity!22

bsp; On the 17th of October, as a result of some perverse contagion effect, firefighters and, subsequently, police officers were lured to Mantes-la-Jolie (also in the Parisian suburbs) following deliberate arsons and fell into an ambush in which they were pelted with stones and Molotov cocktails. The attackers were all of the same origin. Could it have been a retaliatory action in response to the seizure of thirty-five kilos of cannabis resin the previous week? Regardless, the atmosphere was clearly insurrectional and around a hundred rioters were involved. Street furniture was destroyed, police cars damaged and an annex of the town hall vandalised. Such episodes are increasing day by day, becoming commonplace, even endemic to some extent, until they reach a point where they are no longer controllable. Ever since the major ethnic riots of 2005, events of this kind have been repeating and deteriorating. In France, small-scale riots are thus becoming increasingly numerous and daily incidents innumerable.

  The Police Revolt Against the State

  Patrice Ribeiro, the president of the Synergie-Officiers Union, described the ambush of Viry-Châtillon as a ‘murder attempt of unprecedented savagery’. According to Céline Berthon, member of our National Police Commissioners’ Union (SCPN), ‘it was an assassination attempt carried out by an organised gang’. On 11th October, 2016, the Alliance union organised a ‘work-to-rule’ action in all police stations in France. In no other European country, to my knowledge, whether Great Britain, Sweden, Belgium or anywhere else, has such a thing ever occurred.

  Disgusted, police officers are confronting the French state, whose high hierarchy seems to despise them. And, in addition to the various unions, hundreds of overexcited police officers spontaneously protested on the Champs-Elysees on the night of the 17th to 18th October, often while on duty; this occurred in the vicinity of the French Ministry of the Interior, through which a wind of panic began to blow. This movement of revolt intensified in other French cities, and the head of our police force, J.M. Falcone, was booed by his officials as he called them to order. This commencing disavowal of the state by its own police officers, who choose to disobey orders despite sometimes being union members, is a symptom heralding the chaos of civil war. The statements of the then French Minister of the Interior, the pathetic and incompetent Mr Cazeneuve, who proceeded to play down the acts of aggression, were undoubtedly the straw that broke the camel’s back. At a time when the French are feeling understandably angry with the police for their uncompromising attitude towards Yellow Vest protesters, it seems appropriate for me to remind readers that there are indeed instances where police officers revolt against the hierarchy.

  The reality of this brewing racial civil war is confirmed by the sharp rise in the number of police officers injured while on duty, as well as by a complete absence of official statistics that would confirm the origin of the perpetrators. Regarding the attacks, the figures are already quite overwhelming, with 544 police officers injured on average each month. In the first quarter of 2016, for example, 3,267 police officers and gendarmes were injured while performing their duty (an increase of 14% compared to 2015). In 2015, a total of 6,854 gendarmes were targeted with physical or verbal aggression and 5,736 police officers injured while on duty. Not to mention all those firefighters and those that have lost their lives, murdered by relentless cesspool thugs. In short, this development has been constant for the past ten years.

  What we are witnessing are two parallel movements: on the one hand, an increase in immigrant populations, the source of all violent offenders (almost 100%); and, on the other, a decreasing penal response. The explosive situation of French prisons, where most detainees are Muslim offenders, constitutes an aggravating factor. The penal response to all this crime is ridiculously weak, both because our judiciary system has been stricken with the Islamo-Leftism of collaborators and because there is a glaring (and designful) shortfall of prison places.

  Internal Territorial Invasion

  France — Our ‘Gentle France’, as stated in Charles Trenet’s23 anachronistic song — is the sole European country where events of this kind have reached such intensity. If nothing changes, however, and the mostly Muslim migrational submersion, which is central to the entire issue, continues, our neighbouring countries will soon experience the very same situation.

  Organised in gangs of hooded thugs, the perpetrators of these attacks aim to protect and mark their territory in these ever-growing areas from which French law, i.e. the famed ‘Republic’, has all but disappeared, as have French natives. The gangsters have also been attempting to prevent the police from entering neighbourhoods where drug trafficking — especially of Moroccan cannabis — has reached considerable magnitude.

  One tends to speak of ‘zones of lawlessness’, but what they are, in fact, are invaded areas, meaning parts of the national territory that have been occupied by extra-European immigrants and Muslims. Delinquency and Islamic radicalisation flourish in perfect parallelism within such zones, all under Salafist leadership. Year by year, these areas gain ground in the suburbs, in our cities, and will soon spread through our rural lands. France is being gnawed at from the inside with the complicity of a state that strives to impose the presence of illegal but cherished migrants in small municipalities, which represent the last refuge for the Whites of France. This obvious fact is both known to all and concealed by the discourse of state ideology.

  And yet, in his delusional interview-book fraught with uninteresting and narcissistic confessions and entitled Un président ne devrait pas dire ça… (Stock),24 former French President François Hollande cynically confirms this reality in the presence of two Le Monde journalists, a reality that is otherwise denied by both leftist and rightist politicians and that he himself once refused to acknowledge. ‘The division’ of France into two populations that are hostile to one another ‘is now underway’. François, however, could not care less and is now enjoying his retirement.

  The (Perhaps Temporary) Apathy

  of French and European People

  The French people’s sole reaction to the deadliest recent Islamic attacks — whose heinousness is unheard of not only in the history of our own country but also that of our neighbours, and can only be described as obvious signs of war aggression on our own soil — has been to light candles and shed tears. This staggering sociological fact seems to testify to the mental emasculation of both French natives and other Western Europeans as part of a unique and globally unprecedented historical development.

  There are, however, subliminal signs indicating that a change of mentality is now slowly but surely taking place. What follows is a message broadcast by the Caridad Catholic association, an organisation whose position is far removed from the official ideology of the Church of France: ‘Do not let them stand alone in the face of Islamist barbarism and the war that threatens them! Sponsor a soldier by offering him a rosary and inviting him to pray with you. A rosary for our each of our soldiers!’ The implicit message is clear.

  Our intelligence services are nevertheless very worried about the possible outbreak of an inter-ethnic war against the gloomy backdrop of Muslim protests and the revolt of French natives against their forced and literally unbearable coexistence with these immigrant populations. Their main challenge lies in the identification of French ‘extremists’ who could rebel and retaliate in answer to the constant attacks perpetrated by those they define as their internal or domestic enemy. What our intelligence services fear above all is the following novel phenomenon — the secret armament of our French natives. The state is additionally considering the possibility of disarming hunters. This seems more important to our authorities than the confiscation of the entire arsenals of war that abound in all our suburbs and that will act as the spark which shall, in the not too distant future, trigger the conflagration of civil war.

  Speaking to RTL, Jean-Pierre Chevènement,25 who had been tasked with reorganising Islam in France (an impossible mission by any means), made the following acknowledgement on 17th October, 2016: �
�We are now under threat of war’. The fact that this emblematic figure of the Left, a former Minister of the Interior and a well-informed man could set aside all ideological prudence and make such a statement says a great deal about the reality of our situation.

  A Forbidden and Explosive Truth

  The origin of those responsible for assaulting police officers and firefighters and causing the greatest trouble in schools etc. is neither clearly specified in the media nor by politicians, even the rightists amongst them. At least not in the traditional media (the Internet, by contrast, allows greater freedom). And it is this very denial of reality that prevents us from resolving the problem. Through their everyday experiences, however, people are now aware of the fact that the perpetrators of these constant acts of aggression, rioting, various trafficking, and all the subversive criminality that has left our French morale in a state of decay are, in 90% of all cases, of immigrant origin. But a collective cowardice, both political and journalistic, prevents us from raising the issue openly. Nothing is more destructive than a forbidden truth, and yet the state resorts to ever more severe repression to silence those who dare mention this insecurity’s allogeneic face.

  The racial dimension characterising our security issue is concealed because it is too obvious, and therefore too dangerous. The ethnic, racist, yet also subversive and invasive aspect of this enduring spate of crime and violence is as important as its heinous motives; since its aim is to give rise to a war of conquest, it thus comprises a central political dimension.

  Nowadays, the prospect of an ethnic war that will initially erupt in France before spreading contagiously to other parts of Europe, particularly the United Kingdom, Belgium, and Germany, bearing within it a major dimension of confrontation with Islam (as I predicted back in 2000 in my book entitled The Colonisation of Europe,26 for which I was subjected to legal sanctions), is being increasingly debated. In essays (Éric Zemmour, Ivan Rioufol, Philippe de Villiers), hard-hitting novels (Laurent Obertone, Daniel Conversano, Jean-Louis Costes) and a growing number of press articles, the possibility of a civil war is now being incessantly mentioned. These are all warning signs, since authors generally only speak of what is likely, of what will necessarily happen. Of course, the intellectuals belonging to the system (including Régis Debray who, just like Bernard-Henri Lévy, believes himself to be a genius although has always been mistaken about everything) dismiss the evidence pointing to such a threat, all in an effort to be in vogue. Indeed, to be original is to deny reality. Yet they are all as bad as Sartre, their spiritual father, who thought that the world would inevitably embrace Marxism.


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