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Loving Nicole: Savage Brothers MC

Page 19

by Marie, Jordan

  “I give, what’s our major problem, Mama?”

  “We can’t raise Dom at the club, sweetheart. I know it is home to you, but a baby needs a house to grow up in and I don’t want my seven year old wandering out of his room to get a snack and see Twinkies getting it on with some of the men. That is just not going to happen.”

  Dragon goes silent and I worry a little, but I know I’m right. The club was fine when it was just him and me, but Dom deserves a home. A place to grow and be happy and loved in. All the things Dragon and I never had growing up.

  “What if we build a house next to the compound, out back, away from the main grounds? We could put up a big privacy fence, so Dom would be protected from any of the craziness. Plus, it’d be close enough to be protected by the club and the defenses already in place.”

  I think about it. I like it. Plus, it’d be close enough that Dani could watch Dom when… shit… Dani.

  “Okay, Mama, if you don’t like that we’ll start looking at houses close by.”

  “No, no sweetheart, I like the idea—honest. I was just thinking about Dani. I need to talk with her. I’ve not been nice to her lately.”

  “She understands. She loves you, Mama.”

  “I know…it’s just…we have things to work through. I completely blamed her, and I shouldn’t have. I made my own decisions.”

  “It will be okay, Mama,” he says picking up our joined hands and kissing it.

  “I know,” I whisper and for the first time in a long time, I believe that.

  “Dial Bull and put it on speaker, Mama,” he says motioning to his phone.

  I don’t question, I just do it. Honestly, I like holding his hand. I need to be connected to him right now. There’s a part of me that never wants to let him go again. I may have taken a leap, but that fear is still there.

  I put the phone on my lap and dial the number. It’s not exactly easy to dial with just one hand.

  “Yo,” Bull’s voice comes over the phone.

  “Hey man, have the boys pick up Nic’s car after all.”

  “Damn man, you’re starting to get annoying.”

  “Fuck you,” Dragon says with a laugh.

  “No thanks.” Bull retorts.

  “Asshole. Did you tell the boys about Church?”

  “Yeah man, they want to do it tomorrow. Shit has been up in the air too long.”

  “Too fucking bad, I’m taking my woman to visit our son and then we’re going out for the rest of the day. Tell them to shut that shit down. They can bitch Friday. I’m spending time with my woman.”

  “You got it.”

  The phone clicks off and I sit there looking out the window. I can’t explain it. Maybe my hormones are still wonky, but the fact that he put me before a needed meeting with his men brings a few waterworks out.

  “Mama?” He asks when I haven’t spoken for a few minutes.

  “Just thinking,” I answer managing to keep the emotion from my words. “How come you need a meeting so urgently?”

  Dragon sighs.

  My heart drops, expecting to hear him tell me how it’s club business, blah, blah, and freaking blah.

  “Crusher. He went off on his own way too much. Put the club in jeopardy, left messes we still need to clean up. He fucked up and he called me out. If I don’t address it Mama, I’ll be viewed as weak.”

  I don’t pretend to understand the way the club works—or hell, even men. I just nod. He’s let me in. Something between us has completely shifted. It feels good. So, I lean over and kiss his cheek, while he’s watching the road.

  He spares a glance at me and there’s a question in his eyes.

  “Hurry home, sweetheart. I really want to see the church table.”

  His barking laughter somehow finishes warming me all the way to my soul. I’m home.

  Chapter 37


  I can remember a time when I did not dread church. When coming into my office and sitting around this damn table was relaxing, or at the very least, it felt like I was where I belonged. How long has it been since I had that emotion with church? Since before Irish and his crap-storm? Probably. It sure as hell isn’t today. No, it’s definitely not today.

  My hand moves over the table in front of me. I’d rather remember the way Nicole looked on this fucking table last night when I tongued that sweet pussy and made her scream, or even the day before. It was so good, I needed it again last night. Fuck, who am I kidding? I’m going to want it again tonight. Except maybe this time, I’ll use the vibrator in her pussy while I fuck her ass. Fuck, my dick is throbbing and this meeting hasn’t even started.

  I look over at Crusher. I’ve had him locked in the cooler for the last few days. It is, in fact, a cooler—a walk-in freezer at the back of the club that went bad. We never fixed it because it just wasn’t needed. The club has a couple of stand-up freezers they actually use. So when the walk-in went down it seemed to make a good cage. We modified it so air flow and temperature were regulated and turned into a holding cell. I sure as fuck never thought I’d have to throw my brother in it, especially my VP. That fucking shit sits raw in my gut and I know the men around me are unhappy. Which just means this meeting is going to be a fucking picnic of butterflies and lemon drops. That helps me get my libido under control, and I prepare to do what I have to do.

  I drop the gavel. The men instantly stop their idle chatter. There wasn’t much anyway. The importance of this meeting is too big.

  “Meeting of the Savage MC, Kentucky Brothers called. On the table, the removal of club Vice President from rank. A vote was called. Let’s hear from the brother first.

  All eyes turn to Crusher. His eyes look at me and, fuck, I can barely see my brother in them. He looks wild…haunted. When he doesn’t make a move to say anything, I prod him.

  “Do you have nothing to say for yourself?”

  “Bastard had my old lady, I handled shit that needed to be done. I got Dani back and I’d do it a fucking times over. If that gets me booted from the club then what-the-fuck-ever.”

  He says and he might look like shit, but his voice is full of cocky anger.

  “You defied direct orders, and put the club in jeopardy. You put a woman before your brothers, and you had the fucking balls to call me out in front of others. I should strip you of club colors right here and close the fucking vote. The end.”

  “She is not a woman, she is my old lady.”

  “She hasn’t agreed to that shit, so that makes her a woman.”

  “Bullshit. I claim her. My woman needed me. I did nothing more or nothing less than you would have done,” he answers and shit, he’s mostly right. Except I did handle it differently. I might not have though if Nicole and Dani had been taken in the same manner. I’m not fucking sure. Still, I can’t really back down.

  “He’s right,” Dani’s weak voice comes from the door. Fucker, I want to yell at her for coming in during church. I want to cut off the prospect’s balls for letting her, since he’s in charge of watching the cameras at the front door and locking the son of a bitch when a meeting is taking place. I don’t, because this is the first real sign of life Dani has shown. Oh, she’s approached me alone since her attack, but to see her venture out into a room full of men? That takes balls of steel considering what she’s been through. I look behind her and see Nicole is holding her hand and standing behind her. Bloody hell. Vise meet my motherfucking balls.

  “What’s that, Hell Cat?” Crusher asks. He gets up and goes to her. I just let it happen. Nicole has those damn girly tears in her eyes and there’s only so much a man can do here.

  I watch as Dani falters back a step, but she manages to stand still and look Crush in the eye.

  “I admit that I am yours. I was yours then. I…I…”

  “Say it, Hell Cat. Say it,” Crusher says and the emotion in his voice is so thick, a man would have to be struck stupid to not to feel it.

  “I’m yours now,” she whispers, her voice so quiet you can barely he
ar it.

  Crush kisses her forehead gently.

  “That’s my angel,” he whispers.

  Dani has tears falling down her face, Nicole does too. Motherfucker, my club is turning soft. I shake my head in disgust, even though I’m happy with what has just happened.

  “Go on back to your room angel, I’ll check on you when we’re done.”

  “But…,” she argues looking at Crush and then around him at me. I can’t give anything away, so I do my best to remain expressionless.

  Crush touches her under the chin and brings her eyes back to his.

  “I’m proud of you angel, don’t worry. I’ll do what I need to do and then I’ll come to you.”

  She swallows slowly and nods before walking out of the room, with her head down.

  “Hell Cat?”

  She stops, but doesn’t turn around.

  “My woman doesn’t look down. Remember?”

  Dani’s back stiffens and her head raises, “I won’t forget.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  “Just get your shit done, Zander, and quit busting my ass,” she says.

  It has none of the old fire that Dani used to have, but she gives a damned good attempt. I can’t help but smile either. Nicole winks at me and I shake my head at her. The girls leave and the door closes. Crusher goes back to his seat, but motherfucker, the son of a bitch is crying. There are tears around his eyes and it seems so out of place on him. How long have I known Crusher? Longer than any of them, and I can’t name one time when he’s cried. He always appeared the laid back one, but Crusher is ice cold when it comes down to it. He always has been. Fuck. He’s totally gone for Dani. From what I’ve just seen though, maybe that’s what they both need. I clear my throat.

  “Vote. Starting with Bull. Do we take Crush’s patch? Aye or Nay, motherfuckers.”

  Crush sits staring every one of us straight in the eye.

  “Nay,” Bull says.

  “Nay,” Freak, Hawk and Dance join in.

  “Nay,” Nailer and Six join, having been patched in right after Frog’s funeral. I breathe again. I didn’t want rid of Crush, but a man has to do what is called upon him.

  “Demotion of position. Aye or Nay?”

  Bull stares at Crusher and the two exchange a wordless conversation of sorts before Bull sighs his answer, “Aye.”

  Hawk nods, “Aye.”

  Freak shakes his head, “Fuck, no.”

  Crush shoots him a half smile, but shakes his head.

  Dance looks up at Crush and out of them all, his voice surprises me. “Nay. I’d have done the motherfucking same, man.”

  “Two for and two against. That leaves it in your hands Nail and Six.”

  “Fuck, sorry man. Aye,” Nailer says. Crusher nods in response.

  Six looks around shaking his head, “Son of a bitch, sorry man. Aye.”

  Demotion. I don’t disagree with the vote. At the same time, as much as I probably would have voted the same way, I’m not sure how I want to handle it. President has the final say, but I can’t say I totally disagree, so I don’t feel the need to override their decision.

  Diesel, Skull and Torch would all sniff blood if they thought the club was weak. I can’t let that shit stand. At the same time, if I was Crusher? Would I have handled things differently? I think on it.

  I would have. Nicole is my woman and I’d move heaven and hell to get her back safe that is no doubt. Still, I would have made sure the club knew every move I made. I would never charge in without back up. I wouldn’t kill without properly cleaning up my shit. Even if he had just burned the old barn down to get rid of the body, it would have been better.

  “You charged into a hostile environment without calling on brothers for backup. You left a body for others to find without taking precautions to cover our asses. You called me out. You disrespected me in front of other clubs. You defied direct orders. I can’t let it slide. I won’t. Demotion granted.”

  Crusher nods with a grim smile. He expected it.

  “Dance, you’ll move up to VP. All those in favor say Aye.”

  A chorus of Aye’s go through the room, including Crush’s.

  “Meeting adjourned,” I growl, slamming the gavel against the table.

  The men start filing out, all slapping Crusher on the back. Finally, when everyone has left Crusher remains sitting.

  “Crush, man…”

  “I get it brother, I’m not here to plead my case. I fucked up. I get it.”

  I nod, because fuck, what can I say?

  “I need something from you and I realize I’m at the top of your shit list, but still I need this.”

  “Name it, brother.”

  “I need to leave.”

  “Damn it, Crush…”

  “Not permanently. I’m going to take Dani away for a month. She needs to recover and she can’t do that here. I don’t want to leave the brotherhood man. I just need time to help my woman mend.”

  “She’s it for you?”

  “She’s the motherfucking world.”

  I slap him on the back. “You got it then, man. Take her out to the club’s house in Tennessee, on Douglas Lake. I’ll clear it with Diesel.”

  “Thanks, Drag” he says getting up. “Man? For what it’s worth? I’m sorry.”

  “I get it man. I got a woman, too.”

  He nods and walks to the door, he stops with the door halfway open. “Hey, Dragon? Kavanagh has a father. There could be blowback. My woman can’t handle any more of that shit.”

  “Already being monitored.”

  “You’ll let me know?” He asks.

  “You’ll be the first.”

  “Thanks, brother.” He says and closes the door.

  It opens a few minutes later and Nicole walks in and locks the door. She’s wearing a baby blue sundress that matches her eyes. Her hair shines in the light. Beautiful.

  “What are you doing here, Mama? Didn’t you break rules enough coming in during the meeting?”

  She walks over to me, her face soft.

  “I thought you would be tense after your meeting. I wanted to offer to help.” She says quietly, going to stand behind me massaging my shoulders.

  “How you figure that?” I ask, closing my eyes.

  She leans down so her lips are against my ear and whispers, “I thought this time I’d let you fuck me on the table.”

  My dick is definitely standing at attention now.

  “Get on the table, Mama.”

  “You’ll have to pull out though,” she says, sitting up on the table. She lifts the dress over her head and I’m not a bit surprised to see she’s butt-ass naked underneath.

  “Told you how I feel about that, Mama,” I argue already standing and taking my clothes off.

  “I know. That’s why you have to pull out, because ever since you mentioned it, I’ve thought of nothing else.”

  My dick stands up and cheers in reaction. Fuck.

  Chapter 38


  One week later

  It’s been a long ass day. I’m bone tired. We brought Dom home today and had a welcome home party at the club. It was good, but instead of getting to be with my woman and son I’m trapped talking with Diesel. He’s heading back to Tennessee tomorrow and Dani and Crusher will be going with him. I don’t want my brother to go. We have shit to settle, but I think he needs the time away and I know Dani could use it. I’m hoping it helps them. I was against them two getting together, but maybe they’ll settle each other down.

  I open the door to our bedroom and immediately close and lock it. I lean against the door for a minute and drink in the peace that instantly surrounds me. When Nicole was staying at Dance’s, the place was…empty. Just having Nicole here, her presence makes the entire place different.

  I turn and see Nicole breastfeeding our child. It takes my air away. This is mine. What the fuck did I do? What did the man upstairs find in me that he thinks I deserve this? Hell, I’m jaded as the day is long. I’
ve seen shit that would make lesser men checkout of life without a backward glance. Worse, I have done shit in life. I have so much motherfucking blood on my hands that I will never be clean. Still, with all of that, I have something in my grasp that is pure and beautiful. How the fuck did that happen? I can’t begin to guess, but I’m sure not going to let it go. My world is wrapped up in this woman and our son.

  “Dragon?” She questions and shit, I can’t remember my own name, let alone anything else right now.

  “I want to be here whenever you feed Dom, Mama.”

  “Not sure that’s practical, sweetheart.”

  “Fuck, practical. I need to be here.”

  “Dragon? Are you okay?”

  “Just when I think I’ve got to know how good life is with you Mama, something else happens.”

  “Drag…” She begins, while she moves our son from her breast and lays him against her chest and gently pats him. I don’t let her finish.

  “I’m not a praying man; I’ve seen too much and done too much. But every fucking day I want to get down on my knees and thank my maker for you. I was dead inside before you, Mama. Dead. You wouldn’t stop until you uncovered the bullet holes and patched them, made them go away. Now? Fuck, woman. The sight of you feeding our child… To see evidence of the way you completely love me and our son not just once in a while, but with every breath you take… I don’t have words. I don’t have a way to tell you what you are to me, Nicole. I don’t think the damn words have been invented. I love you is too easy, too small, to tell you what I feel. If I live to be a hundred and four there won’t be a day that I don’t need you to help me breathe.”

  My woman has tears in her eyes, when I finish. I don’t know what I said. I do know it didn’t say what I wanted it to. I’m too fucking rough around the edges to give her the flowery speech she deserves.

  She walks over to the crib and lays Dom down. When she’s done she comes to stand in front of me. Her hand slides against my face and her blue eyes shine with tears, but also with happiness.

  “I love you, too. Forever.”


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