Book Read Free

Summer Shifter Days

Page 8

by V. Vaughn

  “Nice. What do you write?”

  “Romance.” I kick at the water to make it splash.

  “Wow. That’s great. Are you published?”

  I glance back at Jenna and find she’s sincere. “Not yet, but I hope to be soon under the name Kitty Kane.”

  “Is that really your name?” I nod, and she says, “It’s like you were born to write romance novels. I love them, so you’ll have to let me know when your first book comes out.”

  I smile. “Thanks. I will.”

  I gaze back out at the water to see a guy take a fall. His board flies up in the air. “Whoa.”

  “That was Matt.”

  “Do you think it hurts when they fall like that?”

  Jenna chuckles. “It must not be too painful, because they always get back up again.”

  I watch as Matt grabs his board and paddles out for more. “Looks like you’re right.” As I speak, I notice Aiden stand tall on his board and ride it to the shore. He steps off easily and bends down to pick it up.

  Jenna says, “They’re going to take a break. C’mon. I’ll introduce you to the rest of the guys.”

  “Sure.” I follow her as she begins to walk.

  Jenna’s blond companion has gotten up from her chair, and she joins us as we move toward the guys. Jenna says, “Becky, this is Kitty.”

  “Hi,” I say.

  Aiden has reached dry sand, and he begins to peel off his wetsuit as we approach. He grins when he sees me. “Hey, girls.” His eyes twinkle with playfulness when he looks at me. “Kitty. How are you?”

  “Great.” I glance at his board. “You’re pretty good out there.”

  He shrugs as Jenna says, “The waves are huge today. Where’s Lyndsey?”

  “She’ll be here soon. It’s killing her that she had to take my day at work. But she owed me.” I frown, and he adds, “She surfs too. We trade off working tropical storm days like this.”

  I nod. “When does she get out?”

  “Noon. There will still be plenty of waves.” He shakes his head like a dog, and water splashes on Becky, Jenna, and me. “They just keep on coming.”

  The three of us step back reflexively as he smiles with a mouth full of straight white teeth. Becky says, “You’re still twelve, Aiden.” But her voice is teasing instead of mad.

  “That I am.” He scans my body quickly as if he thinks I won’t notice and asks, “Ever surf, Kitty?”

  “No. Strenuous exercise and I are not friends.”

  He raises his eyebrows and says, “You sure about that?”

  “Aiden!” Jenna slaps his arm.

  He laughs before he says to me, “Let me know if you want to test that theory. I’d be happy to help.”

  My cheeks burn with my embarrassment, but if I’m going to be known as an erotica author, I need to give it right back. I turn to Becky. “Is he like this with every girl?”

  “No. Just the ones he wants to be with.”

  I decide to have a little fun with him and lift my sunglasses to make a show of checking out his physique. I motion with my finger. “Unzip that wetsuit a little further and let me see your abs.” It grinds as he lowers it slowly and flexes his stomach to enhance what is already an anatomy lesson I wouldn’t mind exploring. “Not bad.” I glance at Jenna. “Should we ask about the butt?”

  She chuckles. “I like you, Kitty.” Two other surfers are walking toward us as Aiden turns around and wiggles his hips. I have a sudden fear he might be commando under his cold-water gear, but Jenna says, “Keep your pants on, Aiden. She’s joking.”

  He glances over his shoulder at me. “Careful, Kitty Cat. You’re playing with fire.”

  I wink at him. “You might be too.”

  “Aw jeez,” says the guy I think is Matt. “Did Aiden really get to the new girl first?”

  “Not yet,” says Jenna. “You can still save her. Matt, Declan, this is Kitty.”

  They nod at me. Declan says, “Don’t worry about Aiden. He was dropped on his head as a child. Matt and I are nice guys.”

  “Hey!” I turn to see the girl who called out is Lyndsey, jogging toward us with a surfboard under her arm. Her braids bounce as she says, “Kitty. Glad you found us.” She keeps running by us and yells out, “Who’s going out there with me?”

  Aiden’s shoving his arms into his suit as he says, “Be right there.” He glances at me. “Kitty Cat. Stick around, because I’m not done with you yet.”

  I roll my eyes at him before he hoists his board up and follows after Lyndsey.

  Becky says, “I hope he didn’t horrify you. He can be obnoxious, but we’ve known him so long we deal with it.”

  “I’m not horrified. He’s cute.” And human. A tingle of desire runs through me, and I welcome it.

  The girls and I talk to Matt and Declan for a while before they return to the water. We retreat to our towels, and I find that Jenna and Becky are easy to be with. We fall into conversation as if we’re old friends. The surfers come visit with us when they take breaks, and it’s late into the afternoon before we all start to pack up. When we get to the street, Matt stops and says, “Kitty, we’re all hanging out at my house tonight if you want to join us.”

  I gaze into his hazel eyes as a drop of water rolls down his cheek from his wet hair. “I’d love to. Thanks. Can I bring anything?”

  “Naw, we’ve got plenty of beer. I’m at five Deering. It’s off of Ocean Ave. Come by after eight.”

  Ocean Avenue is the road I walk every morning, and I recall seeing the street sign. I say, “I know where that is.”

  “Dress warm. It’s going to get cold again tonight.”

  Aiden has stopped too, and he winks at me. “I’ll keep you warm.”

  I turn to Matt. “Fleece, hat, and creep repellant. Got it.”

  Aiden leans in close to me. “I’ll show you creeping.”

  “Down, boy.” I push at his chest.

  He grabs my hand and holds it against his firm pecs. “Bossy, Kitty Cat. I think I’m in love.”

  I pull my hand away easily as I chuckle, and Matt shakes his head. “I’m glad you get our boy here. He’ll stop once he figures out you’re not interested.”

  I turn to leave and think about how attractive Aiden is. His skin is flushed with color from the sun, and I’m positive he doesn’t feed on blood to survive. He’s a much better choice for me than Alexander Hart, and I’d be wise to focus my attention on him. Since my intention is to live life large, making out with a cute boy might be just what I need. But the idea of kissing anyone other than Alexander makes my stomach turn. I glance over my shoulder to see Aiden walking in the opposite direction. His wetsuit is hanging down at his waist, and his muscles are flexed as he carries his board. I envision how Alexander would look dressed the same way, and I wish he could be the human with a surfboard instead.


  When I get home, the first thing I do is go to the kitchen to return my lunch containers. Cans rattle as Bertha searches for something in the cabinet, and I pour on the charm as I chatter away. “Thank you so much for my lunch. It was perfect.” I walk over to the sink, and water rushes as I begin to wash out the containers. “I had such a great time and met a great group of people my age.” I turn to her. “They even invited me to hang out tonight.” Bertha glances at me. “Isn’t that awesome?”

  I think I see the corners of her mouth twitch as if she’s happy, and I jump on it. “Anyway, I should go get cleaned up.” Sebastian crushed my idea of cooking my own dinners, so as I walk by her, I say, “Thanks for cooking for me. I’m sure it will be delicious.”

  When I get upstairs, I run a hot bath. I managed to keep from getting sunburned, but the warmth of the day made me tired, and I welcome the heat of the water when I sit. I lean back on my towel pillow and gaze out the window at the ocean. The sea is still choppy from storm remnants, and I recall the guys surfing. I smile as I think about Aiden. While his version of flirting is over the top, I liked it. It reminded me of the banter in the books
I’ve been reading. Banter Alexander knows how to do well too.

  I think about how I was so engaged with my new friends I didn’t spend my entire day fantasizing about Alexander Hart or my attraction to him or his brother last night. If I plan on keeping my relationship with the brothers professional, being attracted to Aiden instead is a good plan. Water trickles as I lift my hand up to reach for the soap. I recall Aiden unzipping his wetsuit for me and smile. It’s probably foolish that I’m interested in him considering he’s likely looking for nothing more than a hook-up, but it makes me excited for tonight anyway.

  My stomach growls with hunger, and I finish bathing. I throw on my yoga pants and a loose shirt before I make my way to the kitchen. When I open the fridge to find my meal, I discover it’s spaghetti with clam sauce, and I remember I was going to have fried clams for dinner instead. The plate clatters on the glass tray of the microwave when I set it down. I’ll probably regret forgetting once I taste my bland meal, but this is much better for my heart.

  As I pour myself water, the aroma of garlic fills the air, and when I remove my dinner from the microwave, I realize it smells appetizing. When I take my first bite, I discover it is as the rich flavors of butter, seafood, and spice fill my mouth. Did Bertha do this because she’s happy I’m hanging out with humans? I take another bite and let out a small moan at the taste. I hear a deep chuckle in reply. I turn to Alexander.

  “You make me want to eat that too, Maggie.” He walks around the counter to be across from me. He’s in a dark T-shirt and pants like he had on the night he went out to feed. The night we had our first kiss. The one that tasted like blood. Bitter flavor fills my mouth, and I swallow down my bite of food without chewing it completely.

  My heart has been quiet all day, but I’m suddenly filled with trepidation, and I think it’s because I want to ask Alexander if he and Sebastian are going out to find a few humans for their dinner. This time, I listen to her. I ask, “Are you off to a seedy bar tonight?”

  He smiles. “Sebastian and I are going out.” He frowns for a second. “I’d invite you along, but I’m afraid it’s vampire business.”

  I’ll bet. Are there other vampires around here? My heart sends me a panicked feeling, which makes me think there are and I’d better not ask. I say, “That’s kind of you to think of me, but I’ve already got plans.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes.” I twirl pasta around my fork as I avoid his gaze. I shouldn’t have told him, because I’m sure he thinks the way Sebastian does about the safety of their secret. “I met some people my age at the beach today, and they’ve invited me over to enjoy a fire.”

  “You’re going to go to a party with strangers?” His nostrils flare, and his eyes flash. He slaps his hands down on the counter to lean in toward me. “That’s dangerous, and I’m afraid Sebastian will forbid it.”

  I squint my eyes at him as anger begins to simmer in me. “Really. Because one would say living with two vampires is dangerous too.”

  He scowls at me. “Maggie.”

  I raise my eyebrows at him in a challenge to tell me differently. He stands up and crosses his arms with a stern look on his face.

  I say, “These new friends of mine all work in the shops downtown. And since there isn’t pool involved...” I let my sentence dangle in the air as a jab at his guilt, and I think it hits its mark, because Alexander stiffens. “Please, Alexander. Let me have fun with people. Harmless people.”

  He takes a moment to study me before he says, “Where is the party?”

  “Just down the street at five Deering Avenue.”

  “How late will you be out?”

  “I’m not sixteen, Alexander. I don’t need a curfew, nor do I have one. Believe me, I read the contract multiple times. Because I gotta say, if I’m not allowed to go out during my time off, then we’ve got a problem.”

  He raises his eyebrows at me as if I’m being a petulant child, and I realize I’ve raised my voice. I say, “I’m sorry. I’m sure you feel as if you need to protect me, but considering I spent most of my life under a watchful eye, I’d really like my freedom.”

  His scowl relaxes. “I understand, Maggie. You have my number in your phone. Call me immediately if you are the least bit uncomfortable, and I’ll be there… no questions asked.”

  “Thank you.” Warmth flows through me at his concern, and I recall how the last time he fed, we did more than kiss on the rocks. After Sebastian caught us and scolded me, Alexander came to my room. My insides flutter at the way he kissed me there, and my hand moves up to my chest. If only I could. My heart mimics my sadness, but I’m sure it’s for Sebastian.

  My stomach growls again, and I let it distract me from thoughts of being with Alexander. I bite off the pasta on my fork as he walks around the counter to stand next to me. He leans in close and whispers, “Be safe, Maggie.” And then he kisses me on the cheek. I practically melt off my stool as he leaves. No, I can’t go there, and I should put my attentions on Aiden. A guy I suspect I can be with and have no strings attached.

  After I finish dinner, I go upstairs determined to get ready for my night out. I choose a pair of tight jeans and a fleece that zips up the front. It is cut to come in at the waist and flare at my hips. I fluff up my hair and apply some mascara and pale-pink lipstick before I leave. My mother taught me to bring a gift when going to a party, and even though I know Matt doesn’t expect it, I feel the need to get something on the way.

  I drive to the nearest convenience store, and the cooler door squeaks as I reach in to grab a six-pack of Canadian beer. A bag of chips rustles in my hand when I grab it, and as I’m walking to check out, I hear a familiar voice call out “Kitty,” and it takes me a moment to realize he means me. I turn to find Aiden has just walked in. His hair flows around his shoulders, and his face is slightly red from today’s sun. He’s in a light-blue T-shirt that matches his eyes. He says, “Matt said you didn’t have to bring anything.”

  “I know, but I’d feel weird if I didn’t.”

  He smiles. “Let me guess. A mom rule?”

  I grin as I nod.

  “I’m here for the same reason.”

  While I pay for my things, Aiden grabs more beer and a bag of pretzels. I step aside to wait for him so we can walk out together. A bell over the door jingles as he opens it for me, and he asks, “Do you live close by?”

  “I actually live close to Matt. I’m about a half a mile down Ocean Ave from him.” The handle of my car door is cool on my hand as I grab it.

  “You’re on the ocean? That’s a sweet rental.”

  I employ the story Sebastian told me to tell. “I’m staying with family friends.”

  I climb in and gaze up at Aiden as he says, “Even better.” He walks away, and I see him get in a pickup truck. I turn the ignition to start my car and listen to my engine sputter a bit before it resigns itself to running. I’m afraid the problem is getting worse, and I think I’d better deal with it tomorrow.

  After Aiden pulls out, I follow him to Matt’s house, and we’re treated to the orange glow of the sun as it sets in the distance. Matt’s road brings us into a neighborhood, and he’s the third house on the left. I park behind Aiden on the side of the road, and he waits for me so we can walk in together.

  We approach a cape-style house with neat gardens out front, and I wonder who tends them. Aiden walks in the front door without knocking and leads me to the back, where the kitchen is located. Lyndsey is sitting on the counter, and she hops off when we greet each other. “More beer.” She pulls a green bottle out of the six-pack and hands it to me as she says, “Thanks.” Bright light blasts out as she opens the fridge to put the rest away.

  My cap pops off and clatters on the counter when I use the bottle opener, and Matt says, “Declan is already out back.” He leads us through sliding glass doors to a circular brick patio with a fire pit in the center. Logs crack and spit as flames dance around them in the dark. I notice there are woodlands past the yard.

p; Declan says, “Kitty, come sit over here and talk to me before Aiden steals you away forever.”

  I smile as I go to him, and a wooden Adirondack chair creaks under me as I sit. Matt and sit across from us, while Aiden takes the spot on my left.

  Declan says, “Jenna told me you write books.”

  “I do.”

  “Wow,” says Matt. “What kind? Have I ever read you?”

  “I haven’t published yet. Romance novels.”

  Becky’s voice carries toward us as she and Jenna exit the house to join us. “Don’t you dare make any wise comments about romance stories. You’ll insult Kitty as much as Jenna and me. Got it?”

  She looks at me as she takes a seat beside Aiden. “I think what you do is so cool. I can’t wait to read your first book.”

  “Thanks. It should be ready this summer.”

  Aiden purrs like a cat. “Please tell me there’s sex in your books.”

  The girls groan, and I say, “Of course.”

  Matt says, “Hold up. Do you need a muse?” He stands up and lifts the bottom of his shirt. “Because I’ve got—”

  Jenna yanks the back of his pants to pull him back down, and he groans as he falls in his chair. She says, “I swear, you guys are such pervs, and nobody wants to see your dick.”

  “I was going to show her my abs!” His eyes twinkle with amusement. “Now who’s the perv?”

  I chuckle. “If I need inspiration, I’ll be sure to ask.” I don’t want the focus to be on me, so I ask him, “Who lives here with you?”

  “This is my older sister’s house, and I pay her rent to stay in the summers.”

  “Do you all only work here in the summer?”

  Declan says, “I stay year round because I teach school with Matt’s sister, but Lyndsey, Declan, and Matt teach skiing and snowboarding at Killington in Vermont.” He glances over my shoulder. “And Aiden. Well...”

  I turn to Aiden as he says, “I pick someplace different every year. Last winter, I worked in Cocoa Beach, Florida.”


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