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Unintentional Virgin

Page 4

by A. J. Bennett

  Crap! She hadn’t realized someone else was in here. Oh well.

  She did a little happy dance in the mirror. After tonight, she would no longer have her virginity hanging over her head. If everything went as planned. Please, god, goddess, or all-knowing universe. Whoever is listening let everything go as planned.

  Famous last words. More than likely she’d do something to screw it up.

  Jesus, she wished she could get rid of that negative voice that was always in her head. Insecurity and self-doubt had plagued her all her life.

  She could do this. Jax had no idea who she was. And she would never see him again after tomorrow morning. Tonight would be about making a wish come true and hopefully a lot of pleasure. Although she’d heard the first time hurt like hell, but only for a moment. She prayed that was true because she didn’t have a very high pain tolerance. Karma sighed as she gazed in the mirror. Her hair looked like she stuck her finger in a light socket.

  Happy thoughts. She thought about Jax’s athletic body, tattoos, dark hair, and pale blue eyes as excitement once again coursed through her. I wonder if he has a motorcycle, he for sure looked the type. Who would have thought her first time would be with a bad boy? A sexy-ass bad boy to be exact. Karma grinned like a loon.

  Taking a deep breath, she practically skipped out of the bathroom. Jax was still busy, so she drummed her fingers on the bar, constantly sneaking peeks at him. His eyes went to her more than once, making her feel less like an idiot for her gawking. Her face flushed at the attention. Maybe he really did like her. At least enough to take her back to his place and wet his wick. It was going to be so incredible. It had to be. She’d been anticipating this moment for so long.

  Eventually, Lacey came back from her break.

  Jax came around the bar and grabbed her hand. She felt calluses at the bases of his fingers as they closed warmly around her hand, sending a shiver down her spine. He leaned in and yelled, “It’s too loud in here.”

  Could this really be happening? If it was a dream, she would be pissed if she woke up before they made friction between the sheets.

  He pulled her through the crowd into the back down a narrow hallway. There were large double doors that said “Employees Only.” He pushed through and the noise ratcheted down considerably once the door closed. Suddenly, Karma was extremely nervous. Her palms were sweaty, and her stomach did multiple somersaults. Maybe she should say “Just kidding” and run away. Then she looked up at all his perfection and knew there was no way in hell she was backing out.

  “So, Karma, looking for a one-night stand, huh?” His gaze was sexual; the brazen look in his eyes sent a flutter in her stomach that traveled straight between her thighs.

  “Why, are you offering?” Karma shot back, not missing a beat and grateful that her voice sounded more confident than she felt. She’d had years of practice putting on a front, hiding behind humor and snarky comebacks. The shell had taken years to perfect. In this moment she was thankful for the ability.

  Jax took three steps forward, closing the distance between them. Her heart dropped to her toes. “Oh yeah, I’m offering,” he said in a gruff whisper that made her toes curl.

  Holy shit!

  One of his rough hands trailed softly down the side of her face. Karma tilted her head up and his lips explored hers, gently at first and then more urgently. His hand tangled in her hair, and his tongue stroked hers. Karma threw her arms around his neck, pressing her body to his, her panties already wet, and got lost in the kiss. It was the best first kiss in history. At least in her history. Her mind was spinning, and her knees felt like jelly.

  The door swung open, and they jumped apart as a tall, slim guy walked through the door. Karma tried to get her breathing under control, but it was useless. One kiss made her come completely unglued. Her body had never felt so alive. They made eye contact and Jax looked just as flustered as she felt. Could she really have that effect on this gorgeous stranger?

  “Seriously, Jax?” the guy said and shook his head with a laugh.

  Jax didn’t take his eyes off her. “Hey, man, I’m taking off early. Tell Anderson for me. He can dock my pay.”

  “Sure, whatever,” As the guy continued back into the room he glanced back once and shook his head again laughing.

  She couldn’t help but wonder if Jax did this kind of thing often. Or was the guy surprised because it was so unlike him? Either way she was glad that tonight he was interested in her. She wasn’t naive enough to think anything more would come out of this than a one-night stand and losing her virginity. And honestly, she didn’t really care. She would take what she could get and be happy about it. Ecstatic really.

  Karma looked up at Jax, and he smiled down at her. Hard to believe, but he was even sexier when he smiled.

  “It’s nice to see you actually do smile,” Karma said, her voice softer than she expected.

  “On occasion. Let’s get the hell out of here.” He reached for her hand again like it was the natural thing to do and laced his fingers through hers.

  Karma’s heart felt like a rock skipping water. “Let me text my ride, so she’s not worried. Do you think you could take me home tonight? I live kind of far away.”

  His eyes drifted down the length of her body. The look in his eyes told her he liked what he saw. “I’ll take you home tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow sounds good,” Karma said as she reluctantly pulled her hand away to get her phone. She sent Eva a quick text telling her she didn’t need a ride, and she’d call her tomorrow with details.

  “My apartment is close by.” He grabbed her hand again and led her out a back door and into the cool evening air. She loved the feel of his skin on hers. It was dark and kind of creepy outside, shadows dancing on the pavement from the dim street lights, but she felt safe with Jax. Even though he was a total stranger. He was a bouncer after all.

  “That’s good,” she managed to choke out. Oh my god. Tonight really was going to be the night. It was equally as thrilling as it was terrifying. She was so giddy she wanted to scream out and announce to the world she would no longer be a virgin. But that would probably be a bad idea.

  Chapter Seven

  Jax couldn’t believe his luck. He looked over at her again. Damn, she was sexy. “You do know you shouldn’t go home with strange men from bars.” A statement more than a question as he opened up the door to his beat-up Chevy truck.

  He looked up at her innocent eyes, and it nearly stopped his heart. She was such a contradiction. She looked shy and sinless, but she talked with such an air of confidence. “Yeah, yeah, I know. But how else can you have a one-night stand with a stranger. It’s on my bucket list.” Karma grabbed the handle and pulled herself up. She didn’t seem to mind the truck. A lot of girls were hung up on fancy cars. The truck might be beaten up on the outside but it was spotless inside.

  “Well, there is that.” He grinned, shut the door, and hurried over to the other side to jump in. He was going to have to be careful not to speed all the way home. Last thing he wanted was to be pulled over and waste even more time before getting her to his place.

  “So this isn’t something you make a habit of. That’s good to know.”

  Karma laughed and it was music to his ears. “Definitely not something I’ve made a habit of. Or plan on making a habit of. Just something I figured everyone should experience at least once.”

  “Bucket list, huh? What else do you have on your list?” Jax turned his head slightly in her direction as he started the truck. Her eyes widened and she bit her lip. He wanted to bend down and suck on her lower lip but didn’t want to appear too eager. They would be at his apartment soon enough. Patience, he reminded himself. Good things come to those who wait. Although there was a lot to be said for instant gratification too.

  “Oh you know, the usual: skydiving, rock climbing, traveling, swimming with the sharks…I could go on and on.”

  “Adrenaline junky? Me too. I’ve crossed off all the ones you named except swimming w
ith the sharks. It doesn’t sound too appealing to me. You might want to rethink that one.”

  “Really? I guess you’re right. Swimming with sharks does sound pretty outrageous. I must have seen it on TV or something.”

  “Just a bit crazy.” Jax put the truck in reverse and headed toward his apartment. He was glad he still had a stash of condoms, so they didn’t have to make a stop at a gas station. He wanted to get her naked as soon as possible before she changed her mind. Like she just did with the sharks.

  “Are you from this area?” Karma asked.

  “Lived in D.C. all my life. What about you?”

  “I live almost an hour away, outside the city.”

  “Ah, a country girl. I should have known by the sweet vibe you give off.” Not to mention the sex appeal that oozed off of her in waves. This damn girl had him tied up in knots just from one kiss and a little conversation.

  Karma glanced over at him. “Do you like working at the club?”

  Jax shrugged. “My brother-in-law owns it. I just help him out on occasion. It’s good money and not exactly hard work.”

  They made idle chitchat for the fifteen minutes it took to get to his place. Jax tried to act calm and cool, but wasn’t sure if he pulled it off or not. Karma didn’t seem the least bit nervous. That made him wonder if she was telling the truth about the one-night stands. Not that it was any of his business.

  “This is my place.” Jax pulled the truck into a gated apartment complex. It wasn’t much, but it was all he could afford. He gave a big chunk of his pay to his mother to help pay for his sister’s college.

  “You’re not some kind of creeper, are you?” Karma asked and finally looked a little anxious. It made him smile. She should be concerned. Going home with a stranger wasn’t the smartest thing in the world. And yet people did it all the time.

  “It’s a little late to be asking that, don’t you think?” Jax smiled, his face softening. He pulled into a parking spot, cut the engine, and extinguished the headlights. “You’re safe with me. Scout’s honor.” He’d cut off his right arm before he’d ever hurt a female. His mother would skin his ass. She’d raised him better than that.

  “I guess you don’t look like a serial killer.” Karma laughed nervously.

  “Looks can be deceiving. Remember Jeffery Dahmer.”

  “Not helping.” Karma bit her lip and glanced at him from the corner of her eye.

  “It’s not too late to change your mind. I can take you back to the club or bring you home.”

  She took a deep breath and blew it out. Damn, she looked so cute. But he wanted to wipe the hesitant look off her face. The idea of her finding him untrustworthy rubbed him the wrong way. He grabbed her hand and ran his thumb on her palm. “I would never hurt you.”

  “For some reason I believe you.” Karma gave him a hesitant smile.

  Jax jumped out to open her door before she changed her mind. The cool evening air felt good on his skin. Hopefully, he could give her a one-night stand to remember.

  They walked up the concrete pathway and climbed three flights of stairs before Jax stopped in front of a door marked 3107. He fumbled with his keys and held the door open for her, flicking on the lights.

  Karma crossed through, and he watched as she took in the small apartment. It was clean and smelled of lemon. Jax was glad he had tidied it up before going to work. Not that it was a mess to begin with. He was sort of a neat freak. He knew the place looked like a bachelor’s pad. A big-screen TV sat off to the left with a black leather couch. No coffee table or end tables. Small kitchen just off the living room. But it was enough for him. Just a place to crash.

  “This is nice,” Karma said, running her fingers across the faux marble counter top. When she finally brought her eyes back to him she smiled and said, “I like your plants.”

  He found it funny she mentioned the plants hanging in the kitchen. “It’s not bad. But glad you approve.” He took a step closer. It was killing him he wanted to touch her so badly. Her hair had fallen in front of her eye, and he wanted to brush it aside. Her eyes were too gorgeous to be covered up. “Last chance, are you sure about this?” He watched her face intently, searching her eyes for any sign of doubt or regret. His shoulders relaxed a notch and he was glad to see neither. Her gray eyes shined like brushed metal; he’d never seen anything like it before. Maybe she wore contacts. If she did he didn’t want to know.

  “I’m positive. I’ve been waiting a long time for this.” Karma smiled seductively. Jax’s cock twitched in his pants. It’s been way too long since he’d allowed anyone into his bed.

  “Well, then, let’s not make you wait any longer.” They both took a step forward, meeting in the middle. “You’re gorgeous.” He reached forward and brushed the hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ears so he could see her better. His thumb made a slow stroke on the base of her neck.

  Karma shook her head. Her porcelain face flushed. “Stop it. There’s no need for false flattery. I know I’m cute, pretty at best, but never gorgeous.”

  What was wrong with women? Why didn’t they ever see themselves for what they were?

  “Don’t underestimate yourself. I couldn’t stop thinking about your unusual gray eyes and heart-stopping smile since you walked in the door.”

  Karma opened and closed her mouth like she wanted to say something but thought better of it and then demanded, “Shut up and kiss me.”

  Jax could tell the compliment made her uncomfortable. She ran her hand up one of his arms and sighed. A shot of electricity ran up his arm at her touch. He drew her toward him until the tips of her breasts grazed his chest.

  Without hesitating, his lips crashed down on her full lips. One of his hands ran along the nape of her neck, and the other slid down to her breast. Karma’s hand ran up his back, pulling him closer. Jax groaned into her mouth. His cock was so hard it hurt. He walked her backward towards his bedroom, his lips never leaving hers.

  Frantic to get closer, Jax practically threw her on the neatly made up bed. His knees sank into the mattress as his body covered hers. He wanted her skin on his flesh. He ran his hand up her smooth inner thigh. She was soft and curvy in all the right places. Just the way a woman should be. Damn, he loved the way her long curly hair was splayed across the pillow.

  Karma gasped when he stroked her lightly through her cotton panties. The sound drove him wild. She raised her hips and it nearly did him in. He wanted to bury himself so deep in her that she’d forget where he began and she ended. His pulse raced. Slow down. No one likes a minute man.

  He leaned down, his body pressing firmly against hers, and sucked her bottom lip before he kissed her deeply, never wanting to break the connection. She tasted like mint and vodka. Her hands roamed up his shirt across his chest and then her fingers inched closer to the button on his jeans. Reluctantly, he broke the kiss. He wanted to see her naked and was glad she didn’t insist on the lights being off like some girls did. He leaned back and removed her heels one at a time. His hands lingered on her ankle and then ran up her calf. Her skin was so warm. His chest heaved up and down. He tossed his T-shirt aside.

  Her eyes cast downward. “You’re perfect,” Karma said, her voice husky. Her hands trailed down his washboard stomach, and he was glad for his obsession with the gym.

  Karma raised her hand to touch his face, brushing her thumb over his lips. Jax closed his eyes. Her touch was intoxicating. She made it hard for him to concentrate. Focus.

  Jax grabbed the sides of her skirt and shimmed it down her full hips, then she leaned forward so he could pull her shirt over her head. She wore a black lace bra and matching panties. He wanted to rip them off her, but instead he slowly unclasped her bra, tossing it on the ground next to her clothes. Her breasts were just the right size and swelled in his hands. Her pink nipples and pale skin drove him crazy. He had to taste her.

  Slowly, Jax flicked her earlobe with his tongue before he made his way down her neck. He could feel her pulse beating a mile a minute
, like his own. He continued down running his tongue along her collar bone before making it to where he really wanted to be. Karma cried out when his tongue swirled around her taut nipple before he drew it into his mouth, and her back arched. Fuck, he loved that.

  Her fingers twisted in his hair, and she moaned when he brought up his other hand and his thumb brushed her nipple.

  Jax’s lips trailed down her warm stomach and he roughly yanked off her panties. Her body squirmed under his touch. God, he wanted her. He wanted to devour her. His fingers gently probed her, sinking into her warm flesh. Her legs fell to the side, giving him full access. And he felt like the luckiest man in the world.

  All that was left between them was his boxers. Somewhere along the way he’d shed his pants.

  He moved his fingers in and out, his thumb circling the sensitive nub, trying to prolong and bring her to climax because he didn’t think he was going to last long.

  “I’m glad you’ll be my first,” Karma gasped out.

  His body tensed. She had to have meant first one-night stand right? But she said she didn’t plan on making a habit of it. She couldn’t possibly mean she was a virgin. She was way too hot for that.

  “What did you say?” Jax stopped, his fingers still buried deep inside and his mouth eager to taste her. His eyes searched hers.

  “I said I’m glad you’ll be my first.”

  Jax pulled away and looked down at her. “Your first? First what? First one-night stand, or first as in you’re a virgin?”

  “Yes.” Her voice wavered.

  Her face turned bright red, and she looked away, her eyes glistening in the light.

  “Jesus, Karma. You don’t pick up a guy from a club for your first time.”

  This could not be happening! Fuck!

  Chapter Eight

  Why was he stopping? Her stomach clenched. She tried to still her frantically beating heart. Her mind screamed, don’t stop. Please don’t stop. She needed this experience. She wanted it with every ounce of her being.


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