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Unintentional Virgin

Page 7

by A. J. Bennett

  Jax eyed her for a moment. “Sorry to hear that.”

  Karma shrugged, brushing it off. “That’s all right, my dad makes up for it.”

  Just then the waiter set the pizza down in front of them. Jax reached over and put a slice on her plate before placing one on his own. Obviously, his mother had done a good job of raising him. He really seemed too good to be true.

  “Man, this looks delicious,” Jax said. He took a bite and pulled away, eyes wide.

  “Hot?” Karma laughed.

  “Just a little.” He took a sip from his water.

  After they finished off the pizza, Jax pulled Karma’s list out of his back pocket. He walked over to the cashier and asked for a pen and came back with a check mark on the accomplished task.

  “How many have you marked off so far?” he asked.

  Karma couldn’t meet his eyes. “Umm, none. I always meant to get around to the list, but never had the time. I probably never would have if it wasn’t for you. I can’t even believe I mentioned the list to you.”

  “Really? Well, that’s a shame.” His eyes ran down the list. “Are you free tomorrow?”

  Was she free? Of course she was free. The clock was ticking. “I have classes, but I can ditch them.”

  Jax looked up. “You shouldn’t ditch class.”

  Karma rolled her eyes. “It’s not like I have a test or anything, and I can get notes from Eva.”

  He looked skeptical. “You’re sure?”


  “Well, if you’re sure, are you up for a day trip?”

  “Of course. What do you have in mind?”

  Jax’s eyes twinkled. “Great, we’re going to go bungee jumping!”

  “What?” Karma said loudly. This could not be happening; she was terrified of heights. The idea of jumping off a ledge with just a rubber band tied around her was beyond absurd.

  “It’s on your list.” He pointed at the paper. Karma looked at him like he’d lost his freaking mind.

  Damn that stupid list.

  She should probably just tell him she never had a list, and she was beyond drunk when she said she did. She opened her mouth to say just that, and immediately closed it. The words were stuck in her throat. She didn’t want to come across as a liar on their first date. What if he never wanted to see her again?


  She couldn’t believe what she was about to say. Clearly, she’d completely lost her mind. “It’s something I’ve always wanted to do. So why not?” Jumping off a bridge with nothing but a stretchy rope around her waist? If nothing else, this crazy bucket list was really making her face her fears. Maybe it was a good thing in the end. Or maybe it was going to be the death of her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jax really didn’t want the day to end, but he also didn’t want to monopolize all of her time either. “I guess I should get you home.”

  Her full lips pouted, and it tugged at his chest.

  “Really? It’s not that late.” Karma glanced at the clock on the dashboard.

  He stared at her for a moment. “Don’t you have anything else to do?”

  “Nope, I cleared my calendar for you.”

  Her bluntness was refreshing. He couldn’t stand the mind games girls usually liked to play.

  There was no way he could tell her no, and he had nothing else planned either. He racked his brain trying to think of something they could do together that wasn’t lame. He really wanted to make a good impression on her. “Did you have anything in mind?”

  “We could always just go back to your place.” Her gray eyes crinkled into a smile.

  “Nice try.” Although there was nothing he’d rather do than take her back to his place and tear her clothes off. He had to push back his inappropriate lust that was causing his jeans to become uncomfortable. “If you’re up for it, there’s someplace I want to show you.”

  “Ohhh! I love surprises.”

  So she loved surprises—he’d have to file that information for future use. “It’s a bit of a drive though.”

  “That’s okay. I really don’t have anything going on today or tonight.”

  They drove about forty minutes, making idle chitchat. Jax was surprised at how at ease he was in her company. He found her completely fascinating. She was funny, sexy, and sweet. It amazed him she had remained a virgin so long and that he had been lucky enough to meet her.

  “How old are you, Karma?”

  “I’ll be twenty in a couple of days.”

  “Twenty? How were you drinking at the bar? Never mind, obviously you have a fake ID. You could go to jail for that, you know.”

  Karma rolled her eyes. “How old are you?”


  “That’s about what I thought.” Karma put her bare feet on the dashboard, and Jax had to force his eyes to stay on the road. “How much longer?”

  “Just another ten minutes.”

  They turned off the paved street onto a gravel road. Jax couldn’t believe he was taking her to his special spot. It’s where he went to think when something was bothering him, or if he just needed to be alone. He’d spent a lot of time there after his father got killed. He had never taken anyone there before. And he had no idea what made him want to bring Karma. Maybe because their time was limited? Even if they made it to the three-week mark, she’d probably hightail it out of there once she got what she wanted.

  Jax turned the truck into a grassy plain, came to a gradual stop, and cut the engine. “We’re here.”

  “Where is here exactly?” Karma asked, looking around, her doe eyes wide with curiosity.

  “You’ll see.” Jax jumped out and opened her door. He grabbed her hand as she jumped down. He didn’t want to let go of her hand, so he didn’t. “We have to walk a little ways.”

  She nodded, but was busy taking in her surroundings. He had to admit it was breathtakingly beautiful. The leaves were just starting to turn colors, the green mixed with gold and burnt orange, forming a beautiful canopy above them. Sunlight just barely filtered through. A squirrel scampered across a tree branch. He could hear the water rushing from the river below them. Just being in the area made him feel at peace. He wasn’t sure if it was the sound of the river or just being immersed in nature. Probably a little of both.

  They walked down a long narrow winding path. Karma was a trouper and didn’t complain at all. Yet another thing to add to the already long list of things that made her sexy as hell. Eventually, they burst out from the trees into a clearing.

  “Close your eyes.”

  Karma tilted her head up and looked at him funny.

  “Just close them. Trust me.”

  She hesitated slightly and then closed her eyes. He pulled her gently out of the pathway. “Keep them closed.”

  She giggled, and Jax smiled; he loved the sound of her laugh.

  “It’s just a little further.” He led her down a steep incline before coming to an abrupt stop. “You can open them now.”

  Karma opened her eyes and gasped. “Jax! It’s incredible.” Her eyes scanned over the cliff. She grasped ahold of his arm as if to steady herself even though he made sure to keep her at a safe distance.

  “I come here when I need to think or just want to be alone.”

  Karma turned and looked up at him. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

  He couldn’t help himself. Without thinking, he pulled her close into him and pressed his lips to hers. She didn’t hesitate to meet his kiss; her hands came up to his chest and grasped his T-shirt. His mouth was devouring her with his own urgency; her body seemed to meld to his.

  Jax pulled away. Damn, he swore he wasn’t going to do that.

  She was gasping for air when his mouth finally left hers. Just being near her was driving him wild. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to. I couldn’t help myself.”

  “Please, don’t stop.” Karma ran her hand up his chest, and he grabbed her hand and pulled it down to her side.

  “No fo
oling around, remember?” Jax said softly, gently raising her chin until their eyes met. “It’s just three weeks.”

  “Do you take pleasure in torturing me?” Karma said, her shoulders slumping and lips pouting.

  As if his body had a mind of its own Jax pulled her back passionately, holding her head in his hands and kissing her with everything he had. He couldn’t stand seeing her lips pout. He slid his palms down her arms and pulled her closer at the waist. It was as if his brain stopped working, and his senses were overwhelmed. Her curvy body contoured to his while her small hot hands roamed up the back of his shirt. His skin was on fire from her touch. Jax groaned against her mouth. God, he wanted her right then and there. She tasted so sweet; his mind began to wonder where else she tasted sweet...

  Jesus, what was he doing? Stop. Stop. Stop. He couldn’t stop. He felt like a caveman that wanted to claim her for his own. His hand grabbed her ass and pulled her tighter to him. He wanted to be her first everything and also her last. They felt so natural together.

  That thought brought him back to crashing reality. What the hell was wrong with him? He broke the kiss, breathing hard. She stared up at him, her silver eyes bright and shiny. She was as breathless as he was.

  “Wow,” she said in wonder.

  “Yeah, wow.” Jax tried to control his breathing. They were still holding each other close and neither wanted to let go. Why was he so drawn to this girl? Obviously, she was sexy as hell, but so were a lot of girls. It was probably the challenge. She was a virgin after all, so obviously there was a lot of appeal in that fact alone. Finally, he pulled his arms away from her. He felt surprised by the way his body ached with an emptiness he’d never felt before. He dragged his tongue across his lower lip, and tasted mint and cinnamon. He tasted Karma.

  “Maybe this wasn’t the best idea.” He cleared his throat, dropping his hands. He looked over the cliff; it was so desolate up there it felt like they were the only people in the world.

  “I think it was a great idea,” Karma said, touching her swollen lips, her eyes wide and innocent. Just one look from her and his knees felt weak. He had to get away before he did something he would regret.

  “We should go.”

  “We just got here. Let’s stay awhile. We don’t have to kiss or anything else. I just want to sit here with you.”

  Jax looked down at her, and their eyes locked. “Are you sure? Because I can’t handle kissing you again right now.”

  “Positive. I just really don’t want to go.”

  Jax grabbed her hand and pulled her over to a large boulder he often sat on, and she pushed herself closer to him, laying her head on his shoulder. The sun was rapidly setting and soon it would be twilight. “This is nice,” she whispered.

  He didn’t bother to answer. He was completely content to sit there for as long as she wanted. They talked about everything and anything, getting to know each other better, and watched as the sun set. Jax couldn’t remember feeling this happy in a very long time. He also knew he was in too deep. It was going to be hard to let her go at the end of the three weeks. He could already hear the sound of his heart breaking. Maybe he should just end it now.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Karma ran a brush through her hair while staring at herself in the mirror. Did she look good enough? She still couldn’t believe Jax found her beautiful. The only other people to call her beautiful had been her father and Matt. And dads are supposed to say stuff like that. Her mother had certainly never called her beautiful before. Ever since Karma was a little girl, her mother had only pointed out her flaws. Karma could name them one by one they were so ingrained in her brain: stop being a wallflower, put the cookies back, you’re going to be as fat as a pig, put your head up, walk straighter, do something with your hair, aren’t you good at anything? On and on her mom’s words bounced around her head on a daily basis. Her shrink said she gave her mother too much control. Karma knew she was right but it was hard when deep down she believed everything her mom said was true.

  Her phone vibrated and Jax’s name crossed the screen, causing her pulse to race. Maybe he was going to cancel. She hesitated and then swiped the screen. Relief washed over her as “Can’t wait to see you” popped up.

  Really? Karma’s fingers flew across the keyboard and then she stopped herself before hitting send and backspaced. Fake it till you make it, right? She didn’t need him to see how insecure she really was.

  Well then hurry up! :)

  I’m on my way.

  See you soon.

  Jax really was too good to be true and she was terrified because she was already starting to have feelings for him. She knew he was only going to be around for three weeks and then fade away into the background. Even though she knew she would be shattered when it was over she’d made a conscious decision to enjoy any time they had together. For some reason the stars had aligned and she wasn’t about to let the opportunity pass her by. She looked up at the ceiling. Thank you, universe!

  “Karma!” her father yelled up the stairs.

  “One minute!” She dropped the brush onto the vanity table, gave a last look in the mirror, and trotted down the stairs. “What’s up?”

  Her father looked over from the kitchen counter. “I just wanted to have breakfast with you before you left.”

  “Umm, okay.” She was hungry anyway. “Where’s Matt?”

  “He’s in the study doing something for work. So how are things with Jax?”

  “Good, I guess. He keeps coming back for more so I guess that’s a positive sign.” Karma shrugged. Her dad had a bowl set out for making French toast, one of her favorites.

  “Tomorrow’s your birthday.”

  Karma sighed. “Ugh, don’t remind me.”

  “Are we still on for movie night?”

  “Sure, I don’t think I’ll be seeing Jax.”

  “Well, you can invite him over if you are. Matt’s going to be here.”

  Karma pulled at the bottom of her T-shirt. “All right, I guess I’ll ask him.”

  “Grab some coffee if you want and sit down. Breakfast will be ready shortly.”

  Once in a blue moon she’d join him for coffee. If she added enough milk and sugar it was drinkable.

  Karma sat down with the hot mug of coffee in her hands and watched as her father expertly dipped the bread into the bowl before letting it sizzle on the pan. The aroma of cinnamon soon filled the room.

  “So what are you doing today?”

  Groaning loudly, Karma gave her dad a look. “You don’t want to know.”

  “Of course I do.” He dropped a piece of toast on the plate, buttered it, and covered it with powdered sugar. Heaven. Her mouth watered with anticipation.

  “Bungee jumping.”

  He turned with his eyes widened. “Karma, you’re terrified of heights.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know.” She raised the mug to her lips.

  “You’re going to jump off of a—”

  “Bridge,” Karma filled in with a sigh.

  “Jumping off a bridge for a guy? That doesn’t sound like you.” He looked concerned.

  He was right, it wasn’t like her, but she was desperate not to lose this opportunity. “It’s that stupid list! Somehow I put stuff on there that I had no intention of ever doing. I don’t want him to think I’m a liar.”

  Her dad set the plate in front of her. “I think that’s a bit extreme. I’m sure he’d understand. Just tell him you had too much to drink, and come clean about the list.”

  “I just don’t want to ruin the chance. And besides, lots of people bungee jump. Maybe it will be fun.”

  Her dad raised an eyebrow and made his way back to the stove. “I think you should reconsider.”

  “Reconsider what?” Matt asked, dropping into the seat next to Karma. “I couldn’t resist the smell. Work can wait.”

  “Karma’s going bungee jumping today because it was on the list she printed out from the Internet. Thanks to your brilliant idea, I must add
.” Her father gave him a withering stare.

  Matt just laughed and Karma poked him with her elbow.

  “She won’t do it.” Dad said firmly. “She’ll make up some excuse about being sick or something. No offense, Karma.”

  “None taken.” The thought had not crossed her mind, but now that he mentioned it…

  “It’s really not that bad though. I’ve gone a few times,” Matt said. “It’s over really fast and then you have bragging rights for life.”

  “Really, Matthew? Bragging rights?” Karma’s father gave him an exasperated look.

  He shrugged and smiled at Karma. “I’d jump off a bridge for that hunk of beef you have.”

  Karma grinned back. “He is a hottie.” She shoved a mouthful of French toast in her mouth, closing her eyes to savor the taste.

  “And he’s nice. Let’s not forget that,” her father said, setting Matt’s plate down in front of him and another for himself.

  Jax had a lot going for him, that much was obvious. Even the approval of her two dads, who had always thought she dated beneath her out of desperation. Maybe she had. Who knows? They did all turn out to be losers in the long run. Truth be told, they were losers in the short run.

  Karma pulled off a piece of crust and slipped it to Princess under the table. The dog lapped it up with her long tongue, staring up at her with pleading eyes for more.

  “Last one.” Karma threw another piece down.

  “Karma! You know she can’t have table food.”

  “You can’t say no to those beady little eyes.” Karma brought the coffee cup to her lips and swallowed the last of it.

  Her father didn’t bother to reply. He knew it was true, and Karma had caught him on more than one occasion slipping bits of food to the dog on the side.

  When the doorbell rang Karma rushed to answer it. Jax looked even sexier than normal, if that was possible. He had on a white graphic T-shirt that stretched across his thick shoulders, and a pair of loose cargo shorts hung at his hips. His chiseled face was covered with dark stubble and his inky black hair looked tousled. Damn, he was so masculine it made her feel giddy. Then to complete the picture he gave her a grin that made her stomach roll. Hunk of beef was an accurate description if she’d ever heard one.


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