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The Boss(hole)

Page 18

by Bloom, Penelope

  “Yeah,” Noah said. “And I’ll make sure the next time he goes to present at a big conference, his computer is going to suddenly open a few hundred tabs of very loud and very kinky porn.”

  Jordan grinned. “Thank you, guys.”

  “Let me do it,” I said. “The laptop, I mean. I could get it.”

  “You can’t come to Coleton Central,” Adrian said, shaking his head. “There’s no way. I’ve got to find a way to do it myself.”

  “No,” I said. “You don’t. I could go back home. He locks his office but I know where he keeps the key. He also has a terrible memory and writes down all his passwords. I’ve seen the notepad he keeps them on. I can do this,” I said again. My heart was pounding when I realized how badly I wanted the chance to help.

  The four of them exchanged silent looks, then Adrian shook his head. “It’s too much of a risk. I don’t want you having to go back into that hell.”

  “This is my choice,” I said.

  “It’s our mission,” Adrian snapped. “If you fail, it’ll tip your father off and everything we’ve worked for will go up in smoke.”

  I gritted my teeth. “You made me a part of this when you told me your plans. This means something to all of us, and I want to help.”

  Noah drummed his fingers on his thigh. “We should let her help.”

  Jordan nodded at Adrian. “This is her family, Adrian. It’s her inheritance we’re talking about sabotaging. I think she deserves to be part of this if it’s what she wants.”

  Adrian slammed his hand on the armrest of the couch and shot to his feet. “Do any of you understand what it means for her to go back to them? You don’t understand what she’s offering to do. I understand. And I don’t want her to have to go back to those fucking people. Not even if it’s temporary.”

  “Adrian,” I said softly. I went to him and put my arms around him, pressing my cheek to his chest. He was stiff at first, but he gradually relaxed. “I can do this. Just let me try. Please.”

  He sighed. “Just please be careful. Promise me that.”

  “I will,” I said.



  My mother was the first to come to my room when I was back at the family house in New York. We spent most of our time in a twenty-two bedroom house in upstate New York that overlooked a lake and hills. My father had bought up all the surrounding lots, demolishing existing houses and preventing others from being built for privacy.

  I’d also seen state prisons that were less secure.

  Each exit was guarded day and night. The gate was coded. The only way in or out was with one of father’s drivers. I’d only slipped away because I became friends with one of his guards and snuck out of a party he dragged us all to. I’d pawned the jewelry I was wearing to scrape together enough for a couple month’s rent and transportation to North Carolina.

  And now I was back.

  My mother wore her hair in a tight bun and had on a loose flowing white top and dress pants. She always dressed to walk around the house like some high-end realtor—decked out from head to toe in the latest designer trends. She was beautiful, too. She was fifty-four and she hardly looked thirty, thanks to some of the best plastic surgeons in the world and a lot of my father’s money.

  She didn’t speak at first. She just sat on the edge of my bed while I huddled by my pillow cross-legged. I felt like a child again being back here. I tried to cling to my memories of everything I’d done since I left. I wasn’t a child. I wasn’t just some pretty Coleton thing that was meant to be bartered off to the highest bidder. I was capable and being here didn’t change that.

  “You can talk to me, you know,” my mother said.

  “No offense, mother, but I know you have to tell father everything I tell you. So, no, I can’t.”

  She sighed. “Well, there’s no reason you have to talk about that.”

  That being the fact that I ran away and showed up at the gates last night like a refugee seeking shelter. I hadn’t explained why I came back or why I left yet, but father still hadn’t returned home to interrogate me.

  “How have things been here?” I asked. I made an honest effort to sound somewhat friendly. I didn’t fault my mother the same way I faulted the others for the Coleton Way. I always saw her as a different kind of victim than I’d been. I didn’t exactly blame her, but I did find it hard to respect her. She just rolled over and let it all happen. None of it may have been her idea, but I’d never seen her do anything to fight the way my father ran this place.

  I guess, if nothing else, she was the one who had taught me not to take his shit. She probably didn’t realize she was teaching me a lesson but watching her made me swear to myself I’d never be like that. I’d never just let things happen to me and the people I cared about. I’d do something, even if it wasn’t easy. Even if it got messy.

  “Oh, the usual,” she said. She launched into a ranting story about how one of the cleaning women was caught sleeping with one of the cooks. This, of course, was a great scandal because the people who worked at father’s home weren’t supposed to fraternize with one another. Naturally, he’d blacklisted both of them and done his best to make sure none of his many friends ever hired them. But now there was a great crisis because nobody made mother’s favorite roast chicken dish as well as he had. And the new cleaning lady had broken some of the crystal.

  I smiled and endured the story, nodding when I was supposed to be sympathetic and gasping when I was supposed to be outraged. Eventually, my mother smiled warmly, reaching to give my thigh a gentle squeeze. “It’s so good to have you back, darling. Being the only Coleton girl around here is exhausting. I missed you, and I’m glad you came back to us.”

  I felt a small pang of guilt at that and gave her hand a little squeeze back. “Thanks,” was all I managed.

  The part I didn’t explain to Adrian and the team was how much of a task it would be to make it from my room to my father’s office. Everywhere was watched, and I’d need an excuse to be seen anywhere near his office.

  I left my room planning to say I was just taking a walk to clear my head if anyone stopped me.

  The house was staffed by over twenty people between security, cleaning, maintenance, and cooking. It was more if you counted the occasional people who rotated through for daily, hour-long shifts like barbers, massage therapists, and personal trainers. It was like a small town, and I had to smile and nod to five people before I’d made it out of my bedroom hallway.

  My stomach sank when I saw who was standing at the end of the hallway to the wing that held my bedroom. It was Haskins, my father’s chief of security. He was bald and dressed like he was part of the Secret Service, even including those curly, clear wired earpieces. He saw me, then turned, clasping his hands in front of his belt. He gave me a severe look.

  “Going somewhere, Miss Coleton?” he asked.

  “I wanted to take a walk to clear my head,” I said.

  “Your father asked that I keep you confined to the kitchen, your bedroom, and the gardens. Which would you like to walk to?”

  “The gardens,” I said, not letting my irritation show. “Thank you.”

  I suffered through a supervised walk with Haskins lurking behind me. I had to admit I did miss the gardens. They might be the only thing I did miss about this place. Even with Haskins’ big shadow stretching out in front of me while I sat in the garden, I felt my mood lift. I’d come here so many times growing up to get away.

  “Your father asked me to tell you,” Haskins said after almost half an hour of letting me sit in silence while he stood like a statue behind me. “There’s an event he wants you to come to tonight.”

  “He does?” I asked. I’d honestly been expecting confinement and the silent treatment for weeks.

  “You’ll need to be dressed and ready by seven. Formal wear. Miles will have a car ready for you out front.”

  Miles was one of the family drivers. He was also the least talkative and most loyal to my father.
I doubted that was a mistake. Even though I’d supposedly come back here by my own free will, it seemed like father was going to do everything he could to make sure I didn’t slip away again and embarrass him.

  I eventually let Haskins take me back to my room. I tried to slip out a few more times but Haskins was always there keeping close watch. Something would need to change if I was going to follow through on what I said.

  By the time afternoon came, I was laying on my bed missing Adrian. I wondered if I’d made a mistake by suggesting this. I pulled out my phone and texted him.

  Juliette: Miss you.

  He replied almost immediately.

  Adrian: Are you okay?

  Juliette: I’m fine. Just a little hungry.

  I grinned at my text, waiting for him to take the bait.

  Adrian: They aren’t feeding you? What are you craving? I’ll find a way to get it to you.

  I replied with a handful of eggplant and banana emojis, grinning wider as I pictured his exasperated expression when he saw them.

  Adrian: I’m glad it sounds like your spirits are still high. And your libido. If you take matters into your own hands, record a video and send it to me.

  Juliette: Noted. I blame the high libido on my boyfriend. By the way, father asked me to come to something with him at seven tonight. Any idea what it is?

  Adrian: Sounds like we’re going to get a chance to see each other. It’s a party and most of the Coleton Central brass will be there. Including your high libido inducing boyfriend.

  I’d hardly been apart from Adrian for twenty-four hours, but the idea of seeing him tonight put a huge smile on my face. I was highly mature, so I replied to his message with more eggplants and a few open mouths.

  I put my phone away and went to pick out what I was going to wear. All my clothes and things were right where they’d left them when I escaped. It hadn’t even been a year and I somehow felt like the girl who left all this behind was a different person. But I guessed that shouldn’t have shocked me. I had changed since all this.

  I was a captive animal who had a taste of freedom, and now I knew what it was to be free from the cage.

  I picked out a dress I thought Adrian would like with a plunging neckline and a tight fit. I’d put on a couple pounds since I lived here, and it was even tighter around my ass and chest than it had been before.

  I had no idea what my father intended for tonight, but I had a feeling it wasn’t going to go like any of us planned.



  It was nearly eight in the evening before Juliette arrived at the party. About fifty men and women were crowded into a gorgeous penthouse suite in New York. I’d spent the last hour on the patio trying to win over a man named Daryl so he’d be more likely to vouch for me when I needed him.

  I trailed off mid-sentence when I saw Juliette come into the room with her father. She looked incredible with her blonde hair held up and loose strands falling around her heart shaped face. I also noticed the way every man in the room was watching her with hungry eyes. It made me want to drag her into the nearest room and do what they were all wishing they could.

  Russ brought her out to the patio. He walked proudly, like a hunter carrying its prize after a long, deadly excursion. Juliette trailed just behind him, keeping her eyes low until she was close enough to look up at me and give me a mischievous wink.

  “Adrian,” Russ said, smiling. “Just the man I was looking for. I wanted to introduce you to my daughter. She just came back from an extended vacation. This is Juliette.”

  I had to bite back an amused smile. I extended my hand, shaking Juliette’s as she met my eyes with a twinkle of humor. “It’s nice to meet you,” I said.

  “You too.”

  “I was hoping you would humor me,” Russ said. “My daughter has a tendency for rash decisions and impulsiveness. I know you and Sandra are-”

  “Actually, Sandra and I separated yesterday. Unfortunate business, but I’m doing well.”

  “Sorry to hear it,” my father said, even though he said the words with a pleased smile. “I was actually hoping you could keep an eye on my daughter for me tonight. You’re one of my most promising young employees, Adrian. You’d be helping us both if you rubbed off on her, even a little.”

  Juliette made a choking noise beside me, which almost made me lose my calm. I’d actually prefer it if she rubbed me off, Russ. In fact, I might have her do just that before the night is through. “Of course. I’d be happy to,” I said.

  Russ smiled, then headed off to talk to a group of foreign businessmen.

  Juliette met my eyes and laughed freely once he was back inside, and we were relatively isolated on the patio together. “I wonder if he knows I’m the one who rubs you off.”

  I bit back a smile. “Careful,” I warned. “We’re supposed to be strangers. It’ll look odd if we are having too much fun.”

  “Then you might want to tell that to your not-so-little friend.” Jules dragged her eyes down to my cock, which was hard and pressing against my slacks.

  “A man can be hard if he wants,” I said simply.

  She laughed. “Male privilege at its finest.”

  We both grinned, and I took her to the balcony where we rested our arms and looked out over the city. “Did you get on his laptop yet?” I asked.

  “No,” Juliette said. “Not yet. But I’ll figure it out. I just need more time.”

  “Good. Noah says we’re getting close.”

  “Have you ever thought about trying to turn a company around instead of destroying it?” she asked.

  “What?” I said.

  “I don’t know. I just wonder if it’d do more good. Like renovating an old building and turning it into affordable housing instead of destroying it. Somebody will end up putting a strip mall in its place or a bank or something.”

  “It’s harder that way,” I said. “Destroying them is simple. Saving them and turning them around? That’s tricky.”

  “You’re a talented man.”

  “And you’re patronizing me. Why don’t you just say what you’re thinking, Jules?”

  “I was just wondering if there’s a way where you can turn Coleton around and make it something good. You know, instead of trying to break it down. My father and a lot of his people are corrupt, but there are good people here. Like Lythe and some of the ones back at Coleton Publishing.”

  I nodded. “That wasn’t the plan. But it’s a nice thought.”

  “You know,” Jules said. “I think my father is actually trying to set us up. He’s done this sort of thing countless times. He brings me to parties and then sticks me with some man he hopes I’ll fall for.”

  “Is that right?” Adrian asked. “Tell me. Are you in danger of falling for the man this time?”

  “Oh, it’s past the danger zone. The plane’s engines are on fire, the pilot jumped and used his parachute. It’s going down, fast.”

  She smiled while she spoke, and I found myself mesmerized by the way her mouth moved and her eyes twinkled.

  “Maybe we should tell your father,” I said, trying my hardest not to kiss those soft lips of hers. “Tell him we’re madly in love and he needs to let us go ahead and get married.”

  “Don’t tempt me, Adrian,” Jules warned. “You heard my father. I have a tendency for rash decisions and impulsiveness. If a handsome stranger asks me to run away with him and get married, who knows what I’d do.”

  “You know…” I stared off at the city, thoughts turning an idea over. “If we made him think we really were hitting it off. He might invite me over. I could help you get to his laptop.”

  “Who says I need help?”

  “You were there all day,” I said flatly. “If it was as easy as walking into his office and taking it, you would’ve done it already.”

  “Why are you so perceptive?”

  I discreetly ran my fingertip across her hand, relishing the way such a simple point of contact could make my blood go rushing throu
gh my veins. “What do you say?”

  She shrugged. “I think it might actually work. He’ll be thrilled if he thinks I’m actually considering a guy he tried to set me up with. I just can’t believe he brought me straight to you. You must’ve really made a good impression on him.”

  “That’s right,” I said. “I’ve been known to charm.”

  She snorted. “Too bad for me you decided to keep that side of yourself a secret for so long.”

  “Don’t pretend you weren’t charmed.”

  “I was seduced. Aroused. Physically dragged to my limits. But charmed isn’t the word I would use.”

  I smirked. “I’ll accept that.”

  The night was surprisingly enjoyable. With Jules on my arm, I managed to get far more face time with Russ Coleton than I’d expected. He eventually came and pulled us aside to a private room, where I got nearly thirty minutes to speak with him. I didn’t push him on any of the moves Noah wanted him to make yet. I was simply working on establishing trust. When the time came, all we’d really need was for him to not think twice about the suggestions his advisors would pass across his desk. Even if that didn’t work, getting our hands on the encryption codes Noah wanted would give us a “Plan B.”

  It felt like we were close.

  “You really have quite the daughter,” I said to Russ.

  He nodded. “I’m glad you are enjoying her.”

  I felt my stomach turn at his phrasing. He spoke about her like she was a sports car he was letting me test drive. No wonder Jules did everything she could to get away from this fucking family. “Yes, well, I’d enjoy it very much if I could see her again.”

  “Come to my house. I’ll have the chef prepare something tomorrow night. You’ll be our guest, and Juliette will be there, of course.”

  “I couldn’t impose,” I said.

  “I insist,” Russ said. There was a shadow of something in his expression I didn’t like.


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