Book Read Free

Triple Major

Page 40

by Lana Hartley

  Edison kisses my lips and whispers into my ear, “We’re gonna have a little fun before Nate gets here.”

  He licks my earlobe and says, “I bet you have a sweet little cunt, don’t you?”

  I don’t respond.

  “Don’t you?” he yells, pulling my hair so hard, I think he’s going to snap my neck.

  “Yes, yes I do!” I scream between gasps, fighting back tears.

  Edison stands in front of me, so the crotch of his black jeans is in my face.

  He grabs his cock and says, “It’s nice and hard for you, princess.”

  His smile is chilling. He motions for me to stand.

  I reluctantly do what I’m told.

  In a cheerful tone, Edison says, “Let’s go up to my bedroom where we’ll have more privacy.”

  Edison grabs me by the neck, forcing me to kiss him while I’m choking.

  I want to vomit.

  He picks me up over his shoulder and carries me to his bedroom, humming a Marvin Gaye song like he truly thinks this sick shit is romantic.

  I am terrified.

  After we enter the lavish, master suite with its own doorbell, terrace, double bathroom, and stunning hardwood floors, Edison throws my body down onto the plush king-sized bed like a rag doll.

  “I want to taste you,” he says. “But first, I need you to show me what you’re made of.”

  There goes that smile again. I feel sick to my stomach.

  Edison pulls a chrome pocketknife from his belt. I gasp as he quickly points the blade in my direction. When I realize he just wanted to cut was the zip tie, I foolishly release a sigh of relief as if my life had been spared.

  Edison laughs maniacally just before he says, “Don’t worry, princess. I need you alive until Nate gets here. Then, I’ll kill you both.”

  I have to do something. Say something.

  Anything to save his life, my life.

  “Edison, I uh—”

  “Shut up!”

  Edison pulls out a duct tape from the drawer of the bedside table and proceeds to tape my mouth and wrists. He pulls me to my feet by my hair and bends me over the bed.

  He’s going to rape me.

  Torture me.

  And then…kill me.

  Edison fiercely pulls my jeans and panties down.

  When I feel the fabric drop to my ankles, my world goes dark.

  The door flies open before he can finish unbuckling his belt.

  Thank God!

  It’s one of Edison’s men.


  “What is it, Mike? This interruption better be important,” Edison snarls.

  “We have a, uh, situation downstairs.”

  “Fuck! Alright, alright. I’m coming.”

  The angry mob boss throws me onto my back and says, “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back for that sweet little ass in a few minutes.”

  Seconds after leaving me alone in the room with the door closed, I hear a loud sound coming from downstairs.


  My mind starts racing.

  I jump up from the huge bed and dart to the farthest, darkest corner in the bedroom beside Edison’s armoire. I crouch down with my knees to my chest, trying my best to protect myself.

  Bang! Bang!

  I can’t feel anything from head to toe. My body is void of all senses. A numbing calm runs over me, lasting a minute—or maybe several hours.

  I don’t know.


  No, no I can’t be next!

  My calm subsides, and I find myself in an alarming state of panic.

  Holding my knees closer to my chest than I ever knew I could, my quivering body goes hot.

  This is it.

  Little beads of sweat turn to tiny rivers, ambitiously flowing from my hairline and through my temples. Just after the river passes my brows, I feel drops of sweat invade my eyes, causing them to sting and blurring my vision.

  Reacting to the burn, I briefly hold my breath and close my eyes tightly.

  I’m trying not to cry.

  Tightening my core and leaning deeper into the corner, I take deep breaths, fighting off a panic attack.

  I’m preparing for what’s next.

  The end.

  I’m going to die today, and I can’t do anything to stop that.

  I hear his footsteps, heavy and slow, pushing into the freshly-polished hardwood floors. I hear his breath as he comes closer to the door.

  No one will hear me scream, no matter how loud I am. Edison’s estate is tucked away on its own remote piece of ten-acre land.

  No one will find me.

  Sweat fills my palms, and I bite down on my bottom lip so hard that a lonely drop of blood is by the tip of my tongue.

  I lower my head, pressing my face against my knees.

  I’m bracing.

  Constantly bracing.

  He’ll take his time with me, just as he promised. Raping me with rage and evil in his eyes.

  The torture will last until he’s received just the right amount of pleasure from my humiliation and pain. And I’m sure I’ll be begging for death by then.

  I’m his plaything.

  Bait used to lure Nate to his death.

  A disposable pawn with no way to fight.

  Edison’s footsteps stop, and so does my breathing.

  I slowly lift my head to watch the door open.

  It takes a lifetime for him to walk through. Everything is happening in slow motion.

  Even with light creeping in from the hall behind him, I can’t see his face clearly.

  Still, I know something isn’t right.

  He looks different. Did he change his clothes?

  No, he looks taller too.

  I don’t think it’s Edison.

  Great. He sent someone for me.

  They’ll take turns…

  My head is back on my knees, and I silently cry into them, thinking of the life I’ll leave behind. I hear him approaching me, walking much quicker than he had moved toward the door.

  His excitement is my downfall.

  He whispers my name with gentle command.

  Wait—I know that voice.

  I feel his body kneel to the floor just a couple of inches in front of me. My back is against the corner of the wall.

  I know that smell.

  Expensive cologne and bourbon.

  I lift my head to meet his sexy, dark brown eyes staring down at me.

  With his muscular body leaning over mine, I feel protected.

  Nate’s here.


  Relief floods my system as I find Sienna.

  She’s quivering in the corner of Edison’s bedroom, her head down on her knees.

  I immediately walk over to her and kneel down, smoothing my hands over her. I’m so overcome with emotion that it takes me a moment to realize she’s naked from the waist down.

  Her jeans and panties are strewn aside.

  That fucking bastard.

  What the fuck did he do to my princess?

  I wrap her up in my arms, tightly, pulling her to my chest.

  She’s trembling.

  “Did he hurt you?”

  My voice is calm. Inside, I’m anything but.

  A maelstrom of emotions swirls around, threatening to pull me under.

  If he fucking touched her…I don’t even want to think about it.

  “No,” she whispers, “he tried, but he got called away before he could do anything.”

  I squeeze her even harder.

  Thank fuck.

  “It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you…I’ve got you,” I lean down and kiss her forehead, her tear-streaked cheeks, her lips.

  “Nate… I was so scared,” she whimpers against my chest.

  “I know, I know.”

  Our eyes connect as she looks up at me, and I can’t pry mine away from her.

  “He’s gone, Sienna. He can’t hurt you anymore, you’re safe now. I promise.”

  I see the fear disap
pear from her eyes. She buries her face in my shoulder, but I grasp her chin, turning her face so she’s looking at me.

  “Look at me, Sienna. Only me…I’ve got you,” I run my fingers through the silky strands of her hair, smoothing it down in an attempt to comfort her.

  It’s like we’re staring into each other’s souls.

  Baring each other’s deep-rooted feelings for the other to see.

  I’ve never felt so strongly for one person before. I never will again. I know that without a fucking doubt.


  She’s the only one for me, and I could’ve lost her today. That thought keeps pummeling me. I press my mouth against hers, letting my lips linger, and it’s not enough.

  She’s here. In my arms. Alive.

  But it’s not enough.

  It could never be enough.

  I capture her lips again, stronger this time.

  I need to feel her. To be inside her.

  My cock is bulging. My desire’s building.

  “Sienna…” I moan her name. “My Sienna.”

  I cradle her chin in my hands, thrusting my tongue in her mouth.

  The raw passion is overtaking me; there’s no sense in holding back. I’ve abandoned all self-control because she’s alive…

  Her hunger’s just as real.

  She presses against me, kissing me back, matching my intensity. As her hands run down my chest, I reach down and unbuckle my pants, letting my massive cock free.

  I can’t wait any longer.

  Pulling her onto my lap, I thrust into her all at once and hold her tight against me.

  We sit like that for a moment, staring into each other’s eyes. So many emotions run through us, an unspoken exchange taking place. I can feel her heartbeat thudding violently in her chest.

  Mine does the same.

  This woman is my fucking world. My life doesn’t make sense without her in it.

  It’s just me and her, in this moment.

  Nothing else matters. Not Edison Shaw, not the business, not the future.

  Just us. Right here, right now.

  Her pussy’s tight around my length, clenching me as though it’s holding on for dear life.

  Just like my arms around her. I’m never fucking letting her go again.

  She throws her head back, letting her long blonde hair touch the floor as I start moving, unable to contain myself any longer.

  It’s slow at first, excruciatingly so.

  I’m pouring all of my emotions into her. Letting her know how fucking happy I am that she’s safe. Showing her how much I love her.

  She rocks her hips, grinding and pushing me deeper inside her.

  “So fucking good…” I groan into her neck.

  “More Nate, please,” she begs.

  “What have I done to you?” I chuckle.

  She’s just as greedy as I am.

  Always wanting more.

  I move faster, driving myself in and out, increasing the pace. When she moans, I know I’ve found her sweet spot. I want to fill her up completely that she’ll never think of anything but me again.

  I slip one hand up her shirt, pinching her nipple and biting the other one through the thin fabric of her shirt. The sounds coming from her mouth are so fucking sexy, they’re making my cock twitch.

  I love seeing her in the throes of ecstasy. She looks as good as I feel.

  Her hair cascades over my face as she leans down and whispers, “Fuck me, Nate…” before kissing me fiercely.

  Who could ignore a command like that?

  The crisis has passed. Happy to be wrapped up in one another, we rock back and forth, pulling each other closer to release, calling each other’s names.

  My hands run down the length of her waist, before settling on her hips.

  I pull her to me, hard and quick.

  She’s so wet, her juices are running down my cock. Her pussy twitches, letting me know she’s real close, so I drive even faster and harder.

  The slapping sound echoes in the room. She grabs my hair and screams my name.

  That’s all it takes. The moment comes, and it’s like fucking fireworks exploding.

  My cock pulses violently as I come deep inside her.

  She digs her nails into my shoulders as her body shudders, convulsing with her orgasm.

  Resting her head on my shoulder, she collapses and lets out a huge sigh. She’s trembling, but from exhaustion this time. I can feel the tension drain from her body, and I wrap my arms around her.

  No matter how many times we fuck, it’s never enough. I’m always left with building desire. Each time I take her, I want her more.

  It’s maddening and incredible all at once. Even now, after coming so hard together, my cock is still rock hard. I pull her down and press her forehead to mine.

  “I love you, Sienna,” I whisper, kissing her softly. “I love you.”

  It’s a mere brush of our lips, but so much emotion courses through them.

  Her eyes widen momentarily, before she smiles.

  That beautiful fucking smile.

  And it’s all mine.

  “I love you too, Nate,” her eyes glimmer with tears. “So, so much.”

  I kiss her again, tasting her sweet lips.

  “You’re mine, Sienna. Forever.”

  “Yes, I’m yours.”

  That’s all I need to hear.


  The clouds look pink and purple by the light of the sunset.

  Am I dreaming?

  Am I really going home? To LA?

  I can hardly believe this is reality. I can hardly believe I’m going home safely, in one piece, with Nathan by my side.

  Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined I’d be this happy.

  I have Nate by my side, but I’ve lost my father.

  I blame Edison Shaw for this. He’s the one who took away my father, and he’s the one who took away Nate, in a way.

  I’ve gone through the phases of grief like nobody could imagine. Grief is a lonely thing, and my pain from losing my Daddy is immeasurable.

  I’ve learned something though.

  No matter how hard the road might seem, things always get better. By going through something so hard, I’ve learned that I’m actually stronger than I could’ve known.

  The black night of unending pain threatened to ravage me and to take me down. But I persisted. No matter how bleak my circumstances seemed to be, I kept on living, one foot in front of another, one day at a time.

  And I’ve come through the other side a little more battle-scarred, but brave, nonetheless.

  I used to value my life because it was safe and simple.

  Nothing important ever happened to me, and I liked it that way. I live a peaceful existence. I didn’t know what hardship meant.

  And then I was kidnapped. That fateful day when everything changed. I saw my father murdered in front of my eyes.

  That changes a person.

  I had to go within and face the deeper shadows inside of myself. Nate was there the entire time to bring me out of the darkness and back to the light if I ever lost my way.

  I’m stronger because of what I went through.

  And even now looking out over the clouds from inside of the private jet, I feel a certain sense of serenity.

  I know my dad is with me still, forever engraved on my heart.

  I’m sure seeing him fall to the ground in a pool of his own blood wasn’t my final goodbye.

  For some reason, I feel his comforting presence all around me, urging me to go on and to be strong.

  I feel like maybe even I can make him proud. I’m sure I do.

  At least that’s the hope.

  The journey has been long and arduous, but I’ve made it through. I have come out the other side, and I’m stronger for it.

  Nate squeezes my hand.

  He’s dressed in a suit, and he smells like cologne.

  I smile up at him.

  “Like the view, baby?” he

  “Yes, because it’s leading me home,” I respond.

  “So it’s got to be LA, huh?”

  I look at him before replying, “Yes, it has to be LA. This is my home.”

  “Okay then, my princess, you can have anything you want. Especially after everything you’ve been through.”

  His words soothe me. His demeanor sets me at ease.

  “Nate? Are you sure you’re okay with being in LA? I know it holds a lot of bad memories for you.”

  He takes my hand to his lips and kisses it. The feeling of his hot mouth on my skin makes desire rise in my body.

  “I’ll go to the ends of the earth Sienna, even to LA,” he says.

  I settle back in my seat and sip the champagne that he offers me. I’m grateful for the drink.

  I talked to my mother. She knows I’m coming, but I still haven’t seen her since this whole thing happened.

  Will she be as changed as I am? Will she be able to forgive Nate for his part in all of this?

  In truth, I see things from his side now. If only I had seen it earlier, maybe I wouldn’t have tried to escape so often.

  The thing is, I could never have imagined what a horrible man Edison Shaw was if I hadn’t seen them up close and personal. The man behind the legend was so much worse. It wasn’t until I had danger breathing down my neck, threatening to rape me, between my thighs, that it all started to sink in.

  Nate kept me as his prisoner because he had to. He would’ve done anything to keep me away from Shaw.

  And that’s part of the learning curve too, I guess. I’ve had to learn to trust Nate. I’ve had to come to understand that he only has my best interest at heart all the time.

  The plane starts its descent, and I can see the familiar landmarks of LA.

  Home at last.

  We touch down, and I finish my champagne.

  There’s a limousine waiting for us as usual. Nate would have it no other way.

  We get into the car, and the cool air is a welcome relief from the LA heat. It’s always hot here. We drive home, to the Rose estate, and I find myself feeling oddly nervous.

  I’m never nervous to go home.

  Maybe that’s because I’ve always gone home to my father and mother’s open arms. Life is gonna be different without Daddy. I can’t say I’ll ever be normal again.

  This is my new normal.


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