Knotted Legacy
Page 18
The whiskey was warm on her tongue, the smooth burn as it went down a reminder of why she kept this particular bottle for herself.
She pulled the pistol out and placed it on her blotter before she took another sip of her drink. Martha had to get out of her chair to reach the box of ammunition tucked in the back of the drawer. Once she had retrieved it, she took out six cartridges. Her fingers trembled as she lined them up on the desk. Will it come to this? Who is it? Will the game play out? Will I spend the rest of my life in prison or on the run?
She sat down and loaded the pistol. She spun the cylinder slowly, making sure she had seated each cartridge before she closed it and placed it on the desk.
“Are you in there?” Elaine pushed the door open. Her gaze settled on the pistol and the glass on Martha’s desk.
She closed the door behind her and turned the lock.
“You better have enough left in the bottle for me.” Elaine pulled a chair closer to the desk.
Martha slid the bottle toward Elaine. “We’ll have to share the glass.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time.” Elaine refilled the glass. She lifted it in a salute to Martha before she took a long drink. “Do we have more of this?”
Martha raised her eyebrow. “Aren’t you in charge of supplies?”
Elaine smirked at her. “Yes. But the last time I checked you were in charge of spirits.”
Martha leaned back in her chair and looked up at the ceiling. “When this is over, I am going to take a trip to the distillery and buy as many cases as they let me have.”
“I’ll go with you. We’ll leave Lucia in charge and take off, just us.”
Martha brought her gaze back to her sister. “She’s leaving. Madame needs her.”
“I was just getting used to her.” Elaine pursed her lips. “Will she come back?”
Martha poured herself another drink. “I don’t know. Who knows if she’ll have a house to come back to.”
Elaine rested her fingers on the pistol. “I don’t think this is the solution.”
“I wasn’t planning on murdering anyone. I wanted it for protection.” Martha’s face flushed with the whiskey.
“Is it loaded?” Elaine frowned.
“Yes.” Martha leaned forward in her chair. “I think they’ll try something tonight. I don’t want to be caught without a weapon. What if they are desperate?”
Elaine tilted her head to the side. “I’m usually the impulsive one, but for once I’m going to be the voice of reason.” She picked up the pistol and thumbed the tab to open it. She took each shell out and placed them neatly in a row on the desk before she pressed up on the barrel and closed it. “Put it away. We don’t need this.”
“When did you get to be so wise?” Martha opened the drawer. She tucked the pistol back in its place. She slid open the box of shells and replaced the cartridges one by one before she placed it next to the pistol. She reached for the bottle of scotch.
Elaine caught her arm. “Don’t get carried away.” She pried Martha’s fingers off the bottle. “You’re one up on me.”
Martha laughed, grateful for Elaine’s ability to make her laugh even as her world seemed to be on the brink of destruction.
Elaine raised the glass and finished her whiskey before pouring herself another. “When I finish this, we’re going rat hunting. I have an idea. Who searched the dorms?”
“Myfanwy and Millie.”
“Do you think they searched Robin’s room? Or Rachel’s bedsit over the stable?”
Martha frowned. “I don’t know. I didn’t think to ask them.”
“I think I need some things. And I think Robin and Rachel are going on an errand.”
“They pretend to barely stand each other. What makes you think they’ll agree to go?”
Elaine smiled a sick smile. “I’m not accustomed to being refused. They’ll go.”
Chapter Seventeen
“MILLIE CONVINCED THEM to go?” Martha raised her eyebrows.
“They agreed before they knew what they were getting into.” Elaine smoothed her hand down the front of her skirt. “Are you ready?”
Martha held up her phone and a screwdriver. “Yes.”
“Did you tell Lucia what we’re doing?”
“Yes. That’s what the phone is for. She’ll join us virtually.”
Elaine led the way, and they started with Robin’s room. Martha turned her passkey and they entered. The room was spotless, the overwhelming smell of bleach distinct. Martha called Lucia and set up FaceTime. Lucia’s face filled the screen.
“Too bad it’s not smell-a-vision.” Elaine grimaced. “Let’s make this quick.”
They flipped the mattress, opened drawers, the small chest, and searched the shelves.
Martha opened one of the books on the bookshelf and shook it. Two scraps of paper fell to the floor. A bank deposit slip and a bit of paper with drawings on it. She stuck the deposit slip in her pocket and handed the drawing to Elaine. “Do you know what this is?”
“Martha, show me what you have. I had to look away; it was like the Blair Witch Project when you were searching.”
Elaine held the paper in front of the phone.
“It’s a schematic, and I’m guessing a direction on how to rewire the cameras in the dungeon. Have you found anything else?”
“A deposit slip. Nothing else.” Elaine blew out a breath. “This paper doesn’t prove anything.”
“I’ll call you when I get to Rachel’s room.” Martha thumbed off the phone. “One down.”
Elaine wrinkled her nose. “Let’s hope Rachel does not have a similar thing for bleach.”
They hurried across the yard and took the back stairs up to Rachel’s room over the stable. Martha’s gut churned as she thought of the times she’d walked up the stairs to Octavia’s room. So many memories. Good and bad. She missed a step and barked her shin. “Fuck.”
Elaine turned around on the stairs. “So much for stealth mode.”
Martha rubbed her shin. “It’s why we sent them away.”
“Is it bad?”
“I’ve had worse.” She scooted past Elaine on the landing. The door swung open on well-oiled hinges.
“How the hell did she do this?” Three notebook computers and several routers were arranged around the room.
“Seems a bit much for a hobby.” Elaine pursed her lips. “The day you went for a ride I wanted to come up here and she put me off.”
Martha put her finger to her lips and motioned to the door. Elaine backed out and Martha followed her. They crept down the stairs, not talking until they were outside the barn.
“What was that about?” Elaine frowned at her.
“What if she had the room set up like we have Lucia’s room?”
Elaine pressed her lips in a thin line. “This is ridiculous. And we need to end it.”
Martha looped her arm through Elaine’s. “I think you’re right. Let’s go talk to Lucia.”
“I WAS WAITING for you to call me.” Lucia had her hands planted on her hips.
“Rachel’s room was like some crazy hacker’s den. At least three computers.” Martha handed Lucia the paper they had found. “I was worried they had the room rigged for surveillance.” She sat down in the chair.
“They? Are you sure?”
Lucia examined the paper Martha had given her. “Why wouldn’t Rachel have done this herself? Why have Robin do it if she’s the expert?”
“It would have been suspicious. And who knows when they did it. The dungeon has not been used in six months.” Elaine poured a glass of water and took a sip.
Martha drummed her fingers on the table. “So it could have been anyone, and they choose Lucia? Gods, it would have ended us if it had been an outside guest.”
Lucia blew out a breath. “And possibly the end of the guest.”
“So what do we do now? Jump them when they get home?” Elaine placed both hands on top of the table.
sy, killer.” Lucia cocked an eyebrow at Elaine. “Homicide is a hard limit for me.”
Martha gnawed on her lip. “We confront them.”
“With what evidence?” Elaine tapped her finger on the table. “We still don’t know how they managed to get Lucia into the pit.”
“They may think we’re bluffing. It’s been three days. Maybe they just wanted to have the cops find her in bad shape to expose us, or maybe they think we’ll pay and then they’ll just take off.” Martha leaned back in her chair and looked up at the ceiling.
Lucia came and stood with her hands on Martha’s shoulders. “Let’s spring the trap. Tell them the two of you are leaving for an overnight trip and I’m in charge.”
“You think they’ll think we’re leaving the country? Running away?” Elaine frowned. “Not even Robin and Rachel would believe we ran away.”
“What if we have a big row and let them hear it? Have it be so it seems we are arguing about how long we can keep it quiet about Lucia’s disappearance?” Martha rested her hand on top of Lucia’s.
Elaine laughed. “Everyone would believe we disagreed. But we need to have the argument where at least Robin will hear it, or Rachel. Other than this car trip they avoid each other.”
Lucia pursed her lips. “I think her hate and fear is real. I think maybe Rachel has forced Robin into this.”
A smidgen of jealousy bubbled up in Martha’s soul. She forced herself to keep her voice even. “Are you protecting her? Do you have feelings for her?”
Lucia squeezed her shoulder hard. “I have feelings for anyone who has been unsafe in their work. She’s been abused. She’s here because she thought she was safe. Which one did you hire first?”
“Did she apply, or was she recommended?” Lucia sat down next to Martha and held her gaze.
“She was recommended.”
“By who?” Elaine sat forward her lips in a thin line.
“The woman we met at the Hartpury Festival.”
Lucia sat up straighter in her chair. “Who had she worked for before?”
Martha turned her palms up. “I don’t have her application memorized.”
“Lucia, what are you thinking?” Elaine took another sip of her water.
“Maybe this was longer in the making than we think.” Lucia touched Martha’s arm. “Can you find their employment applications?”
“Give me fifteen minutes.” She left Lucia and Elaine together, heads almost touching as they talked rapidly with each other.
Chapter Eighteen
MARTHA PLACED THE tabbed file folders with Robin and Rachel’s applications on the table.
Lucia touched the top file. “May I?”
“Please. And tell me what you are looking for?”
Lucia passed her finger over the application as she scanned it. “Where are the references listed?”
“Third page. Halfway down.”
Lucia opened the papers and flipped so the list showed. She opened Robin’s and did the same thing. “Did you notice this when you hired Robin? They have the exact same references listed.”
Martha felt the heat rise in her face. “No. I was…”
“Feeling sorry for herself and not paying attention to fuck all.” Elaine spoke over Martha.
“Fuck you, Elaine, you didn’t notice either.” Martha glared at her sister.
A half smile crossed Lucia’s face. “Under the circumstances—” she shifted her gaze to each of their faces in turn “—there is no time for sibling squabbles.”
Martha pursed her lips. “So I let them in. It’s my fault.”
Elaine reached out and touched her sister’s hand. “I didn’t notice either. Not your fault we missed it.
“Their background checks?” Lucia continued to sort through their files methodically, removing pages out and laying them next to each other.
“Last tab.”
Lucia’s face grew somber. “There you are. Rat bastard.” She bought her gaze to Lucia’s face. “How long have you used this company?’
“We just started this year. The other company we used closed.” Martha’s stomach churned. “Why?”
“Two years ago, Madame had a similar issue on a smaller scale. Not physical threats like the fire, or what happened to me.”
Elaine raised an eyebrow. “What has that go to do with this background check company?”
Lucia tilted her head at Elaine. “Have you ever met Madame?”
“No. I have not had the pleasure.” Elaine met Lucia’s gaze.
“She’s ruthless when it comes to eliminating threats. I didn’t ask for details. What she was able to find out was the background company she used sets up blackmail operations as it vets workers. They offer them money to be their agents. The workers get the images and do the work on the ground.”
“And take all the risk. So they planned this? They sent Rachel and Robin?” Martha chewed her lip.
“No. I think they tried to recruit Robin, and when she said no, they moved on to Rachel.” Lucia took a sip of her water.
“But she works in the stable. How would she get images in the house?” Elaine pursed her lips. “She has to have someone inside.”
“And the reason she needs Robin. I’m guessing the company gave her some information to hold over Robin’s head. When you sent everyone but your driver, Myfanwy, and Robin away, it forced her hand.” Lucia’s gaze settled on Martha’s face. “They are desperate. We need to end this.”
“Tonight.” Martha stood up, her anger building. “When they come back we are going to confront them, meet them as they get out of the car. I told Millie not to get back until four.”
Elaine looked at the clock on the mantel. “We have just about forty-five minutes.”
Lucia stood up. “Where?”
“Millie will pull into the drive by the back door. We’ll wait for them in the stable yard.” Martha had her hand on the doorknob. “I’m going to find Myfanwy and let her know the plan. Elaine, will you bring our friend from my office?”
Elaine frowned. “I don’t like your idea.”
“Friend?” Lucia raised both brows.
“She’s watched Reds way too many times, and thinks we need to bring our pistol with us.” Elaine huffed out a breath.
Lucia reached into her robe pocket and brought out her knife. She flipped it open, the soft clink and click making Martha smile as Elaine’s eyes widened. “I don’t know if I agree either. I prefer more personal weapons.”
“Me too.” Elaine smiled. “I’ll tell Myfanwy to bring the large rolling pins.”
Martha rolled her eyes. “If you two are finished. I need to go. Let’s all meet in the kitchen at 3:45.”
Chapter Nineteen
“MISTRESS, LET ME practice with the video again. I want to be sure.” Myfanwy’s voice was strong, but her hand trembled when she held up Lucia’s phone. “I want to make sure I get every word the little bitch says.”
Martha cupped her cheek and looked into her eyes. “You’re going to do fine. And yes, we can practice until we have to meet them.” She brushed Myfanwy’s mouth with her lips and leaned her forehead against her brow. “Cariad, when this is over I’m going to spend an entire day showing you how much I love you.”
Myfanwy gripped Martha’s arm. “I going to hold you to it, Mistress.” She moved her head so her lips were against Martha’s ears, her words just for her, her voice a whisper fierce. “Dw I’n care ti.”
Martha heart squeezed hard in her chest. In all their time together, they had never said those words to each other. She hugged Myfanwy close. “I love you too.” They walked to the yard side by side, and Martha prepared to do what she had to protect her loves and her house.
“MYFANWY, YOU STAND here. The hedge will block them from seeing you.” Lucia held Myfanwy’s gaze. “They can’t know they’re being recorded until we want them to know.”
“I understand, Miss.” Myfanwy gripped the phone. “I’ll keep recording from the time you
raise your hand and tug your ear, until you call me, or cross your arms.”
Lucia smiled at her. “Perfect.”
Martha shifted on the balls of her feet and pulled her phone out to check the time. “Any minute.”
Elaine stood with her hands behind her back, a ridiculously large rolling pin in one hand. Martha tried to ignore the slightly gleeful look on her face.
“You’re enjoying this?” Martha suppressed her own smile.
“I’m ready to end this. And you know I love a good fight.”
“We are not going to fight them. We are going to talk like civilized people,” Martha reminded her.
“Unless one of them starts anything.”
“Look to Rachel to start something.” Lucia was off to the side of Martha where she would be out of line of vision of the car until she stepped out. “Animals are never more dangerous than when cornered.”
“Where the hell are they? Millie’s never late.”
“Probably another damn sheep,” Elaine muttered.
“Shh.” Martha held her finger to her lips. The crunch of tires on gravel sent a shiver of excitement through her.
THE CAR ENTERED the drive with Millie behind the wheel. Robin was in the front seat and Rachel sat in the back. After the car stopped Robin was the first to exit, her door opening before Millie turned the engine off.
She eyed Elaine and Martha. “Hello, Cook, Ma’am.” She nodded her head at them, a frown on her face.
Rachel opened the car door and exited. “Evening, Ma’am, Cook.” She started for the barn, and Elaine moved to the left and cut off her exit. “I need to feed the horses, Cook.” Her voice had an edge.
“They won’t starve. We want to talk to you.” Martha kept her tone even as she fought her own desire to grab Rachel and shake her like a rag doll. “Both of you.”