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Tempting His Heart

Page 14

by Dawn Sullivan

  “Yes, sir,” she responded sarcastically as she leaned up and kissed him quickly. When he would have deepened the kiss, Sloane pulled away laughing softly. “We don’t want to get caught by your daughter again,” she said. Looking at his bag on the bed, she asked “Are you staying in here with me? What will Cassie think?”

  “She better get used to it since I plan on keeping you around,” Creed said before capturing her mouth with his. Moaning softly, Sloane leaned into the kiss. She shivered as he ran a hand down her back and over her ass, pulling her up against his hardening erection.

  The sound of the front door slamming and Cassie’s giggles pulled them quickly apart. “Daddy,” she called out loudly. “Uncle Ryder says we need to go check on the cattle. Are you and Sloane coming with us?”

  As Creed’s eyebrows rose in question, Sloane nodded excitedly. Giving her one last kiss, Creed took her hand and they left the bedroom in search of his daughter.

  For the rest of the afternoon, Creed, Sloane, Ryder and Cassie checked on the cattle and rode the fence to make sure none of it was down. When they were done, they were all exhausted, but happily so. After putting the horses away, they went into the house and washed up just in time for the pizza Caiden brought home with him. After dinner, Ryder and Caiden went to the bunkhouse to shower and change while Creed put in a movie. Cassie fell asleep within the first half hour, and Sloane fought to keep her own eyes open.

  “You ready for bed?” Creed asked softly as he gently ran a hand down her cheek. Sloane nodded sleepily as she snuggled closer into him. “Let me take Cassie up to her bed and I’ll come back for you,” he said as he gently pulled away from Sloane and rose from the couch.

  After shutting off the television, Creed gathered Cassie in his arms and left the room. Sloane’s eyes drifted shut as she lay back down on the couch. After a few moments, she felt strong arms lifting her. “It’s me, baby,” Creed’s voice whispered over her as she struggled in confusion. “I’m just taking you to bed.”

  Sighing, Sloane burrowed into Creed’s chest, letting her eyes close once again. She was exhausted and no matter how hard she fought it, she couldn’t keep her eyes open.

  Creed lowered her onto the bed before slowly removing all of her clothes. Then she felt her nightgown being pulled over her head and down her body. A few minutes later, Creed slid under the covers and pulled her to him. “Goodnight, love,” he whispered as he kissed her softly on the temple. “Sweet dreams.” That was the last Sloane heard as she drifted off into sleep.

  Chapter 20

  The next morning, Sloane woke to the sound of Ryder deliberately singing loudly and off key to a giggling Cassie’s amusement. Smiling, she turned into Creed’s embrace. As their eyes met, Sloane’s heart skipped a beat. This was where she wanted to be for the rest of her life. Waking up every morning in Creed’s arms to the sound of Cassie’s laughter. “What are you thinking?” Creed asked as he slipped a hand down her leg. After removing her panties, he lifted it up and over his thigh.

  Sloane gasped as she felt his cock rub over her wet entrance. “We can’t,” she moaned softly.

  “Yes,” Creed growled. “We can.” Sloane cried out softly as he slowly pushed deep inside her. Moaning, she looked at the door again, worried that someone might come through. “I locked the door, Sloane.” Creed told her as he rolled over onto his back, pulling her on top of him. “Yeah, baby,” he groaned as he controlled her movements, his hands tightly grasping her hips.

  Sloane bit her lip to fight back another loud moan that wanted to escape as Creed thrust deep inside her. “More,” she demanded as she started circulating her hips on her own. “More, Creed.” Grasping the hem of her nightgown, Sloane quickly pulled it over her head, tossing it carelessly behind her. It was too hot and constricting, and she wanted the ability to move freely.

  Tightening his hold on her, Creed reared up and captured one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking her breast in, playing the nipple with his tongue. Sloane cried out when he bit down lightly on it and she fought to move her hips faster. She could feel the pressure rising inside her. She was so close. “Touch yourself,” Creed ordered as he lay back against the pillows and pushed inside her again. “Do it, I want to watch.”

  Finding her clit with her fingers, Sloane started rubbing slowly. The combination of Creed thrusting inside her and the pressure on her most sensitive part was too much. Gasping, she bit her lip to stop the scream that wanted to burst from her as her whole body erupted in pleasure. Creed quickly followed, muffling his own shout as he found his own release.

  Sloane collapsed on Creed’s chest breathing heavily, her body spent. She could get used to this, she thought as her eyes drifted closed.

  When she woke again, it was to Creed’s hand slowly stroking up and down her back. “We better get up,” he said quietly as he gently tugged on one of her curls. “I need to get to work, but I want to check out your building first.”

  Wishing she could stay in bed all day with Creed instead, Sloane sighed as she leaned up and kissed him lightly on the lips. “As much as I would love to stay here wrapped around you all day, I know you’re right,” she grumbled good-naturedly.

  Chuckling, Creed swatted her playfully on the ass before sliding out of bed and going into the bathroom to turn the shower on. Sloane snuggled under the covers, closing her eyes. Minutes later she found herself out of bed and thrown over Creed’s shoulder. Once again, swatting her ass as he walked into the bathroom. Opening the shower door, he laughed as he deposited her into the shower. Stepping in after her, he pulled the door shut behind him. “We need to conserve water,” he teased.

  Rolling her eyes, she laughed. “Your parents have a well,” she said as she grabbed the soap and started washing his chest. “I don’t think they are too worried about it.”

  “True,” he responded as he grinned down at her. “It’s a good thing they have me to look out for them.”

  Shaking her head, Sloane ignored him as she turned around to wash herself. “Am I ever going to get to shower alone again?” she asked giggling.

  “Nope,” he told her as he helped her wash her hair. Thirty minutes later, they were finally clean, dressed and making their way to the kitchen which was now silent.

  “Hungry?” Creed asked as he opened the oven and removed the waffles and sausage Ryder had left for them. He laughed as Sloane’s stomach growled. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  The phone rang as Creed was setting the food on the table. While Creed answered it, Sloane poured milk for them and sat down to wait for him. She could tell he was talking to one of his parents, but with just hearing his side of the conversation, she wasn’t sure what was being said.

  After he hung up, Creed sat down in the chair across from hers. Putting his elbows on the table, he slid his fingers into his hair, holding his head in his hands. Sloane jumped out of her chair and went to him as his big, wide shoulders started to shake. “Creed,” she whispered as she slipped an arm around him and laid her head on his. “Creed, please tell me what’s wrong.” It scared the hell out of her to see the man she loved, so strong and protective, breaking down in front of her. “Creed,” she whispered again as she ran a hand over his shoulders and down an arm. “I’m right here, love.”

  As she watched, Creed lifted his head and his hands curled into fists. Swearing loudly, he brought one down hard on the table in front of them. An action that would normally have terrified her, only worried her this time.

  Looking up at Sloane with eyes full of anger and despair, Creed whispered raggedly, “Justice is worse than we thought. He’s in a coma. They have no idea when, or even if, he will wake up.” Sliding his chair back, Creed pulled Sloane down in his lap and held her tightly to him. “I can’t lose him, Sloane. He has to fight through this.”

  Running her hand gently through his hair, Sloane held his head to her shoulder. Tears streamed down her face as she cried not only for the man she loved, but for a man she had never met. Justice meant so muc
h to his family. They couldn’t lose him. It would devastate them all. Kissing Creed lightly on the temple, she whispered, “I love you so much, Creed Caldwell. No matter what, we are going to get through this together. You understand me? I’m here for you. I’m not going anywhere.”

  As Creed tightened his hold on her, a shudder racked his body. “I won’t let him die, Sloane. I won’t.”

  After several minutes, Creed took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Lifting his head, he said roughly, “We better eat. I need to tell Ryder and Caiden the situation before we head into town.”

  “Okay,” Sloane agreed readily. “While you talk to your brothers, I will distract Cassie with the horses until you are ready to leave.”

  “Thank you, Sloane,” Creed said gruffly as he kissed her gently on the lips. Leaning his head against her forehead for a moment, he swallowed hard before saying, “Dad’s going to call back tonight with an update. Let’s hope it’s a positive one.”

  Running her fingers through his thick hair, Sloane leaned back and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. Standing, she moved to her chair and they quickly ate. After cleaning up afterwards, Sloane grabbed some carrots and they went outside.

  Spotting Cassie playing with some kittens by the barn, Sloane headed her way while Creed went in search of his brothers. “I have some carrots,” she told Cassie as she approached. “Would you like to feed them to the horses with me?”

  “Yes,” Cassie squealed excitedly as she jumped up from where she was sitting on the ground. Holding out a hand, Sloane smiled at the girl who had stolen her heart just as quickly as her father had. As Cassie placed her small hand in Sloane’s, Sloane gave her two carrots and they walked to the barn where the horses were still in their stalls. Taking their time, they fed all of the horses a treat.

  Hearing a noise at the front of the barn, Sloane turned to see Creed watching them, his hands on his hips. “You ready?” she asked as she fed her last carrot to Star Gazer.

  Nodding, Creed asked Cassie, “Do you want to come into town with Sloane and me today, or would you like to go with Caiden to the clinic and help with the animals? He said he has a couple of lonely puppies that could use some special attention.”

  Her blue eyes sparkling with delight, Cassie giggled, “I want to go with Uncle Caiden. Can we bring the puppies home? I don’t want them to have to stay there alone at night.”

  Laughing, Creed shook his head. “Not this time. They actually have families coming to pick them up on Monday. They just needed a place to stay until then.” Giving Cassie a hug, Creed told her, “I figured that would be your response. Caiden’s waiting in his truck for you.”

  “I thought Caiden ran a Veterinarian Clinic,” Sloane asked in confusion as she watched Cassie race outside. “Does he run a Humane Society too?”

  “My brother would save every animal on the planet if he could,” Creed told her as they made their way out of the barn and toward his truck. “He takes in strays all of the time and helps them find good homes. He has a soft heart, a gentle soul.” Opening the passenger door for Sloane, he helped her in before going around to the driver’s side. “There is one other dog there right now that he hasn’t been able to find a home for. He’s a huge dog, and he seems to scare people.”

  “Can we go look at him?” Sloane asked hopefully. She’d wanted a dog for years, but as cruel as Jake was to her, she had been scared to bring an animal into the situation. After Jake, Sloane had focused on taking her life back and moving on. Now she realized, she was ready to add to that life.

  Looking over at her in surprise, Creed asked, “Would you like a dog?”

  “Yes,” she responded immediately. “I would love one.”

  Grinning, Creed said, “Well, then I guess we will go meet him and see if he would be a good fit for you.” He laughed as Sloane bounced in her seat excitedly. She couldn’t help it. She vowed to herself that she was going to live life to the fullest from now on. She was going to grab on tightly to what she wanted and not let go. Right now, that included Creed, Cassie and maybe a dog.

  Creed drove to the clinic in town, parking in the back of the building. Sloane couldn’t contain her excitement as she hurriedly left the truck and walked to the back door, turning to wait impatiently for Creed. Chuckling, Creed met her at the door and opened it for her. “Now remember, he is rather large. He isn’t vicious at all, though. Caiden said Tank is a lover, not a fighter.”

  “Tank?” Sloane asked as she entered the building and walked down a long hallway. Stopping at the first room on the right, she saw that it contained various sizes of kennels. One held a cat, one a ferret, and one…narrowing her eyes she looked closer. “Is that a deer?” she asked incredulously.

  “Yes, it is,” Caiden said as he walked down the hall toward them. “Some asshole hit her and left her to die on the side of the road. All the girl needed was a few stitches and she’s good to go.”

  “But it’s a deer!” Sloane said in shock. She watched as Caiden entered the room and went to the cage that held the beautiful animal. Kneeling down, he reached in and scratched her lightly behind an ear. The deer butted against his hand and then took the treat he handed her.

  “I told you,” Creed said softly, “Caiden has a kind heart. He can’t stand to see an animal in pain, no matter what it is. He will let the deer go back in the wild soon.”

  “But will she want to go?” Sloane asked as the deer tried to poke her nose through the cage to get to Caiden.

  “She’s a wild animal,” Caiden said as he stood and turned to look at them. “It’s in her nature. She will go when it’s time.” Crossing his arms, Caiden cocked an eyebrow and asked, “So, what can I do for you? I thought you guys needed to get some work done today?”

  With one last glance at the deer, Sloane focused on Caiden and smiled widely. “Creed says you have a dog here that needs a home?”

  It was Caiden’s turn to look surprised. “You mean Tank?” he asked. “You want to meet him?”

  “Yes, please,” Sloane said eagerly. “I would love to meet him.”

  Shrugging his shoulders Caiden motioned for them to follow him as he walked down the hallway to another room. It was obviously one of his exam rooms as it looked very similar to a doctor’s exam room. On the floor in the corner lay a very large black dog with dark brown markings around his eyes, down his nose and on his paws. He was huge, and gorgeous. He lifted his head, looking at her through extremely sad eyes as she slowly made her way into the room.

  “What happened to him?” she asked as she cautiously moved closer to the beautiful animal. His front right leg was wrapped in gauze, and his side was shaved where it had obviously been stitched up. “Creed didn’t mention that he was hurt.”

  “He was another hit and run victim,” Caiden said quietly as he stayed by the door. “He’s a bit skittish now, but he won’t hurt you. He doesn’t move around much except when he needs to go outside. I have no idea where he came from, but I do know wherever he was before, it was an abusive household. He flinches when you go near him, he won’t eat if you are in the same room as he is, and he cowers away from loud noises.”

  Sloane sat on the floor beside him with her back against the wall, her heart immediately opening to the beautiful, majestic creature. Moving slowly and deliberately, she placed her hand on his head and gently stroked the top of it and behind his ears. Talking softly to him, she sat with him for the next fifteen minutes, not even realizing when Creed and Caiden left them alone.

  Finally, Tank raised his head and gazed sorrowfully into Sloane’s eyes. Then he moved ever so slightly and placed his head on her leg, closing his eyes. Within seconds, he was snoring. Leaning her head back against the wall, Sloane smiled. Yes, she was definitely taking Tank home with her. She refused to leave him alone another night.

  “Does this mean Tank will be coming home with us?” Creed asked from the open doorway, a slight grin on his face.

  “Yes,” Sloane responded immediately as Tank raised his head
to look at Creed. “This handsome man is leaving with us now.”

  Creed left the doorway and made his way to where they sat. Squatting down in front of Tank, he held a hand out in front of his nose. Tank cautiously sniffed a few times, his big eyes watching Creed closely. Then he lowered his head slightly and let Creed scratch behind his ears. After a few moments, Creed stood and held out his hand to Sloane, helping her to her feet.

  As they left the room, Sloane heard a soft whimper. Turning, she laughed. “Well, come on big guy!” she said, patting her leg in encouragement. “Let’s get out of here!” Scrambling to his feet, Tank stepped tentatively in their direction before stopping. Sitting down, he whined plaintively at her, before ducking his head. “What’s wrong with him?” she asked Creed in confusion. “Is he scared?”

  Narrowing his eyes, Creed said, “I don’t think he’s scared. I think he’s unsure what it is you want.”


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