Dark History of the Tudors: Murder, Adultery, Incest, Witchcraft, Wars, Religious Persection, Piracy (Dark Histories)
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King Henry VI with his Queen Consort Margaret of Anjou. Margaret may look angelic, but she was a force to be reckoned with. She even ruled England when Henry VI was incapacitated.
Stretching back to the Middle Ages, the fortunes of the English monarchy have been wracked with violence, dishonour and bloodshed for centuries. A bloody trail of treason casts its dark shadow over England’s mighty rulers, whose tales of treachery and personal intrigues have delighted, appalled and captivated for centuries.
Murder. Usurpation. Adultery. War. Long Live the Kings of England!
Edward III was King of England from 1327 to 1377. His heroic reign is known for sowing the seeds for government and an effective military force, achievements all the more laudable as they followed the disastrous reign of his father, Edward II. Edward III sired 12 children. Two of his sons were made dukes – John of Gaunt was the first Duke of Lancaster and Edmund of Langley was the first Duke of York. Their descendants would plunge England into a civil war that would last for 30 years, only ending with peace when the Tudors took power in 1485, uniting the warring houses.
Getting to Know the Family
In an age where murder and duplicity came hand in hand with power and prestige, the origins of the Tudor dynasty were formed. But before the Tudors came to rule, a series of murders, depositions, madness and imprisonment unfolded over the course of generations until the Tudors would bring an uneasy peace to the troubled shores of England.
This painting by Henry Payne, ‘Choosing the White and Red Roses’ (1908) depicts the scene from Shakespeare’s Henry VI, Part I, in which the warring houses of Lancaster and York and their supporters indicate their alliance by choosing red or white roses.
John of Gaunt’s grandson was the famously heroic King Henry V. It was Henry’s actions during the Battle of Agincourt that won him France and the hand of Catherine of Valois, who became his wife in 1420. They had a son, but their joy was short-lived and Henry V died in 1422. Catherine, alone in a strange country, sought comfort in the arms of Owen Tudor (Owain Tewder in his native Welsh). Owen Tudor was the humble wardrobe keeper of Catherine of Valois, the widowed wife of Henry V of the house of Lancaster. His lowly position meant the marriage was kept a secret at first, so no definite proof exists of the union.
Catherine …sought comfort in the arms of Owen Tudor… the humble wardrobe keeper of Catherine of Valois.
Henry VI would inherit the English and French thrones from his father, but his youth and precarious mental state would be the cause of disputes, intrigues and violence. In 1445, Henry VI married the tempestuous Margaret of Anjou in an effort to restore peaceful relationships with France. Henry VI was pious and loving, but also weak and prone to mental breakdowns, a complete contrast to his forceful wife. Their son, Edward of Westminster, would die in battle in 1471, leaving the heir to the throne in doubt.
SHORTLY AFTER HENRY VI’S death, rumours abounded that he possessed saintly powers and could make miracles happen. ‘Bending a coin to King Henry’ could reportedly cause miracles to happen, including providing healing powers and even preventing death. People would make the pilgrimage to his shrine. He was even close to being canonized during Henry VIII’s reign.
This painting shows Edward of Westminster as Edward IV’s captive at Tewkesbury in 1471. It is believed that Prince Edward was dispatched by Edward IV’s triumphant supporters.
Taking advantage of Henry VI’s instability, Richard, the third Duke of York, and Edmund, the Duke of York’s grandson, were both appointed Lord Protector of England in 1454 when Henry VI had a nervous breakdown. By January 1455, Henry had recovered enough to take back control of his country, but by then Richard of York had a taste for power. Richard was supported by Richard Neville, known as Warwick the Kingmaker.
Ironically, Richard of York would never wear the crown himself, but two of his sons would, showing that they were just as capable of treachery as their wicked father. Richard of York and Neville raised an army against Henry VI, claiming the first victory on the field of Saint Albans in May 1455. The Yorkist victors then imprisoned the confused King in the Tower of London until Henry regained his senses in 1456, once again returning to his throne. Richard of York had shown his true colours. He fled to Ireland, returning in 1459, determined that this time Henry would not be so lucky. Henry was sent back to the Tower and Richard ruled as Protector of the Realm. While he was not King, this was almost as good.
Meanwhile, Margaret of Anjou had been tirelessly raising an army by building up Lancastrian support and forming an alliance with James III of Scotland. The warring houses clashed in an almighty battle at Wakefield and won a great victory of the house of Lancaster, in which Richard of York was killed.
Henry’s descent into madness continued until Richard’s son, Edward of York, took over the claim to the throne and was crowned King in June 1461.
EDWARD WAS A gregarious, charming and handsome man, who had one fatal weakness. He was very promiscuous and could never turn down a pretty face. Edward’s love of pleasure and self-indulgent nature made him enemies, as did his propensity for selecting other men’s wives as his lovers. His many mistresses bore him several illegitimate children, in addition to the ten children he sired with his wife, Elizabeth Woodville.
Sins of the Father
Edward IV took advantage of the confusion to snatch the throne for himself. Edward made a v
ery different King than Henry. A marked contrast, the first Yorkist King was handsome, tall and brave, giving the country an inspirational and charismatic leader. Unlike Henry VI, he was also a strong leader, taking a guiding hand in policy making. But his usurpation was not enough to secure the throne. In 1470, Edward IV’s cousin, Richard Neville, now known as Warwick the Kingmaker, sought power for himself and reinstated Henry VI, taking advantage of the King’s timidity to rule in his name. Neville resented the fact that Edward did not listen to him. He also opposed Edward’s marriage to Elizabeth Woodville in 1464, whose family helped themselves to titles and wealth that Neville saw as rightfully his.
Neville plotted to return Henry VI to the throne, as the King was by now even easier to dominate. Edward IV fled the country, seeking safety in Burgundy with his brother, Duke of Gloucester, only to return in 1471. Here, poor old Henry VI was sent back to the Tower and Edward IV triumphed over Neville and his army at Tewksbury. During this battle, Edward of Westminster was killed, meaning that Henry VI’s only heir was now out of the picture. Soon after, perhaps as a result of the grief at losing his son or from the combination of events that had blighted the last few years of his life, Henry VI died during the night of 21 May. Rumours that Edward IV had ordered Henry’s murder have never been proven.
Edward IV did not have long to enjoy his victory. His health started to fail and he died of a stroke in April 1483. Knowing he might die, Edward made his trusted brother, Richard of Gloucester, Protector of the Realm as his eldest son was only 12 years old (English Kings only reached their majority at the age of 18, from when they could rule unaided). Nevertheless, Edward was the rightful heir to the throne and was proclaimed King on 9 April 1483. But Edward V would never wear the crown. His loathsome uncle and Protector – who had been controlling the boy King from the word go – proclaimed himself King on 26 June, less than three months after the death of Edward IV, to whom he had sworn loyalty to Edward V. Richard III abducted the King and his brother, Richard, Duke of York, locking both boys in the Tower of London where they were rarely seen again.
SHAKESPEARE PORTRAYS RICHARD III as a true villain. His physicality is monstrous to match his dark, conniving nature. Richard’s anger at his deformity and the disadvantages it caused him have long been thought to be falsehoods added to embellish his ugly character. However, the discovery of Richard III’s skeleton in Leicester in 2013 (see Chapter 1) has proved that Richard did indeed suffer from curvature of the spine.
... I, that am not shaped for sportive tricks,
Nor made to court an amorous looking-glass;
I, that am rudely stamp’d, and want love’s majesty
To strut before a wanton ambling nymph;
I, that am curtail’d of this fair proportion,
Cheated of feature by dissembling nature,
Deformed, unfinish’d, sent before my time
Into this breathing world, scarce half made up,
And that so lamely and unfashionable
That dogs bark at me as I halt by them.
Shakespeare, Richard III
Rumours whisper that Richard killed the unhappy princes to rid himself of the threat they might one day cause.
‘Subtle, False and Treacherous’
Richard III is a captivating character who remains controversial to this day. The Tudor reign following his death helped to shape opinions of him as cheerfully murderous and capable of doing anything to secure the power he craved so much. Physically, his portraits show him to be a reasonably handsome man, if a little stern and knowing. Yet his iconic presentation in William Shakespeare’s Richard III shows him to be disabled, even deformed – a hideous character both inside and out.
In art there lies some truth, which is that Richard would happily supplant his nephew Edward V and condemn him and his brother to a short and unhappy life in prison in order to usurp his throne. Rumours whisper that Richard killed the unhappy princes to rid himself of the threat they may one day cause. But the prized crown would not sit long upon his head. Two years of rebellion and suspicion would culminate in Richard III dying in battle and the House of York losing the Wars of the Roses in favour of the descendants of Lancaster.
The bloody aftermath of the Wars of the Roses is one of the most fascinating in British history. Yet even the dramatic tales of bloodshed and treachery pale when compared to the antics of the Tudor family.
Here we see Richard III in a classic portrait pose (head and shoulders at an angle). However, the painting shows nothing of the spine irregularity that afflicted the calculating King.
This picture shows King Henry VII, lavishly robed and holding a Tudor rose. Note the combination of the white rose of York and the red rose of Lancaster, united under the Tudor King.
The Tudor era lasted from 1485 to 1603. Compared to the House of Plantagenet (1154 to 1485), this was not long, yet the Tudor period is packed with some of the most famous and infamous British monarchs. Their legacy lives on in many dark and disreputable stories, including murder, execution, treason, false imprisonment, womanizing, illegitimate children, religious turmoil and the burning of heretics.
The turbulent reign of the first Tudor King, Henry VII, begins.
Henry VII’s ascent to the throne in 1485 was by no means secure. At the time of his coronation there were more than ten others with a greater claim than him, including his own mother, Margaret Beaufort. A direct descendant of John of Gaunt, Margaret was his great-granddaughter. However, a combination of circumstances, political manipulation and personal belief in himself as the rightful King would mean that Henry of Richmond would become Henry VII, the first Tudor King, who successfully ended the War of the Roses and united the houses of York and Lancaster. But his reign, and that of his ancestors, was by no means peaceful. Henry would live in constant fear of someone coming along to usurp his hard-won crown.
Edward IV’s portrait shows a healthy, happy man. Yet Edward died suddenly at the age of forty-one of an unconfirmed illness. Many believe his appetites and excesses in life led to his untimely death, which triggered a resurgence in the fight for the crown.
Growing Up in Exile
As Henry was a potential rival to the Yorkist monarchy – first to Edward IV, then Richard III – he was sent away from home for his own safety as a child. By the time Henry reached the age of 14 in 1471, his father, the weak-willed Edmund Tudor, had died and the continuing Wars of the Roses made life in Britain too dangerous for a potential claimant to the English throne, so Henry was taken to Brittany by his mother and uncle, Jasper Tudor. Brittany was a separate, independent duchy, governed by Francis II and was at that time not considered part of France (even though the current French King, Louis XI, desperately wanted to claim it as part of his kingdom). This meant that Henry was relatively safe from attempts by both Edward IV, then Richard III, to coax Louis XI into sending Henry back to England, where it was likely that the threat he presented to the King would have resulted in his imprisonment or even execution.
During his time in exile, Henry grew up to be well versed in the ways of court and a noble life. As well as providing more traditional learning, his education would have included being able to ride, dance and pay a glowing compliment to the ladies of the court. However, alongside these frivolities lurked the continuous threat that he, Margaret and Jasper might be forcibly returned to Britain.
Henry’s long exile in Brittany did not end until 1485, when he chose to return to Britain with the aim of seizing the crown from Richard. Throughout his exile, both Edward and Richard had tried many times to rid themselves of the growing threat that Henry presented. It was the events in England that followed Edward IV’s death in 1483, then Richard’s usurpation of the crown from his nephew, Edward V, that same year, which led to Henry’s decision to seize control himself, which was both bold and foolhardy – a decision that woul
d shape Britain’s monarchy, political structure and religion for more than a century.
TODAY A POPULAR tourist attraction that houses the Crown Jewels, the Tower of London remains as a dark reminder of England’s bloody past. Work on the Tower begun under William the Conqueror in the eleventh century, originally as a palace.
However, the Tower is most notorious for its use as a prison from the fourteenth century. It was here that any pretenders or challengers to the throne, plus anyone guilty of treason and awaiting execution, would be taken, occasionally to disappear forever (see the Princes in the Tower feature). During its long existence, the Tower has also been used as a fortress, armoury, treasury and a home for the Royal Menagerie.
The magnificent Tower of London still stands as a memory of England’s bloody past. The fortress consists of several towers, including the Wakefield Tower, where mad Henry VI died in 1471.
His lunacy exacerbated by the stormy events of the past few years, Henry VI was captured during the Battle of Northampton in 1460. Due in part to Edmund Grey’s treachery in refusing to fight against the Yorkists, the Lancastrians suffered a crushing defeat.
Reclaiming the Kingdom
A previous attempt in 1484 to snatch the crown from Richard, aided by the Duke of Buckingham (who had transferred his support from Richard to Henry), had been unsuccessful. Henry and his allies tried to land at Dorset but found Richard’s troops waiting to strike. Henry returned to Brittany and Buckingham was executed while trying to escape to Wales. However, Henry would soon need to make another move. He now had the increased support of other influential Lancastrian and Yorkist exiles, including his ever-faithful uncle, Jasper Tudor. Jasper ensured that Henry was kept safe throughout negotiations between Richard and Francis II, the Duke of Brittany. Francis initially harboured and supported Henry – despite Edward IV trying to get his hands on the boy – but he was not to be trusted and had secretly begun to negotiate with Richard ever since Louis XI’s death in 1483. Henry and his exiles found out about this treachery and fled to France, where Charles VIII, the new young French King, gave them sanctuary but offered little practical support to Henry in his claim to the throne.