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Reveal (The Lamian Wars Book 2)

Page 9

by C. M. Steele

  “We have a meeting in twenty minutes. It’s only about ten from here. Do you want a snack?”

  “You know I do. I haven’t stopped being hungry and I’ve been able to keep my food down, so pretty soon, I’ll be too big for you to travel with.”

  “You have seen me take the car,” I joked. That was a bad move. I didn’t see the punch to my gut.

  “Asshole,” she yelled, storming off down the path. I caught up to her and pulled her in for a kiss.

  “I’m sorry. I thought it was funny.”

  “So was the look on your face. I’m getting stronger, and suddenly, I feel like my libido is slipping away,” she muttered, strolling away from me with a smirk on her face.

  “We’ll see about that. When I have you pinned against the wall with your pussy on my face, you’ll be creaming and begging for more.” I swatted her ass and took her hand in mine.

  “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  “Anytime, doll. Anytime.”

  We got to the meeting on time, but the buyers were a little suspicious when I brought my woman along. “What’s she carrying under there?”

  “What the fuck else do women carry under there?”

  “Don’t mind her, she’s not in the best mood.”

  “I believe that you compared me to a car,” she snipped. The construction set just laughed.

  “That’s bad, man. You never tell a woman she looks big. My wife looked like a fucking sumo wrestler when she was pregnant and I wouldn’t even say shit unless I wanted to lose my balls.”

  “Smart man,” Charlotte said. The deal went smoothly with Charlotte there. The thugs were a bit suspicious when I needed more than I’d ordered before.

  “Why so much?”

  “I have a family to protect and I’m a fucking paranoid motherfucker.”

  “That’s very understandable. The product will be loaded tomorrow night. I’ve only got some things here. I’ll have to get it transferred from Jersey.”

  “That works for me. I need this to stay as confidential as possible. Like bodies will wash up against the Jersey shore if people learn of the island.”

  “Is that a threat?”

  “Actually, it’s a promise. My family is everything to me and I will do anything to protect her,” Draco said.

  “That’s not a problem. Anyone with loose lips only talks once,” the boss said.

  I nodded in agreement. “I’m glad we have an understanding.”

  Chapter 16


  It had been quiet since the last attack, and Falcon was on edge, waiting for the other shoe to fall. We had traveled back and forth to speak with the fire department. They still hadn’t isolated the cause of the blaze. Falcon and I were sure it was arson, but we didn’t press the issue because it could have been Stavros’ people.

  Falcon paced back and forth. “Come back to bed, my lover.”

  “Leonora, I must return to training. You don’t understand how important this is,” he slipped out, leaving the room.

  For a moment, I sat with my back resting on the headboard, confused as I replayed his words. My indignation was so damn high that I crushed the wood on part of the headboard. I would have felt sorry about it, but Falcon had never spoken to me like that, and should he ever again, the headboard wouldn’t be the only thing I crushed. That bit of him he’d find precious and important would be next. I hopped off the bed and went into the bathroom.

  I caught sight of myself in the mirror. My belly had seemed to grow over night, and I could have sworn I felt movement inside me. “I’m sorry that mommy is upset, little one. I’m not used to your father being mean to me; controlling and bossy, yes, but never mean.” I dropped my robe and showered. Having his scent around me suddenly annoyed me. After getting dressed, I packed my things. I was going back to Washington. There was no way I was going to stay here and watch as he fought more battles and then treat me like just a spectator in his life.

  I had to call Vigo before going back. Maybe Draco could take me when he returned from New York. I sat on the bed and called him. He picked up on the last ring with a cheerful, “Hello.”

  “Vigo, I hope you’re doing well. It’s been a long time since we got to talk.”

  “It’s going wonderful. I’m running a test and waiting for the results. It’s about ten more minutes before they come out and I’ll be able to read them.”


  “Yes, but I don’t want to take a chance to jinx it, so I won’t tell you until I know for sure.”

  “Fine then, be like that. Tell me, have you been lost without me?” I asked with a giggle.

  “Of course, if your crazy, possessive beast would let you do your job, then you would have noticed this last week. I’m a bit slow on the uptake.”

  “Come on now. Vigo, you’re killing me.” I got up and started pacing the room. The promise of success looming in the background made me impatient. “You’ve got to tell me.”

  “I don’t have anything to tell you just yet.”

  “Fine, then I’m coming back to the house and going to see for myself.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think Falcon’s going to allow it.”

  “Well, I don’t give two shits what he allows. I’m not a part of this. I’m a scientist. This war doesn’t concern me.”

  “Wow, someone is pissed. I never thought I’d see that happen. He must have been brutish. He gets like that when he’s impatient.”

  “Well, I’m still coming.”

  “The fuck you are,” Falcon snarled, snatching the phone away from me. “Vigo, I’ll call you later. My wife is too pleased to talk to you but looks at me like I’m the devil. Bye.”

  “Falcon, that wasn’t necessary.”

  “Wasn’t necessary? You stare at me with dried tears on your face and talk about leaving. You aren’t leaving me. I don’t care how mad you get. I can never let you go.” He was on me, tossing the phone onto the chair and lifting me onto the bed.

  “You belong here, Nora. You belong with me,” he growled against my ear, biting down on my lobe. “I’m sorry, my queen. I didn’t mean to make you feel like you aren’t a part of this world. You are. Without you, this all means nothing to me. I can’t and I won’t let you leave me.”

  “Falcon, I don’t want to be here. I don’t do anything anymore. Since we started, you and Draco have kept me from the people. Unless I’m slacking your lust, I’m useless. I belong in the lab.”

  “You’re not useless. I’m worried that word may get out to The Lamia. You know the threat on your life and that of our baby is serious. There are many that the prophecy has scared, not just The Lamia.”

  “Why can’t I go to the lab?”

  “Why? Because the last time you were there you freaked out. Do you think I care to let that happen again? I was ready to rip out Vigo’s throat for leaving the notes down there.” His fingers tugged at the sash on my robe, pulling it open as a deep growl rumbled from his throat. I felt his cock nudge against my pussy, and my body lit up with need. His fingers were quickly pressed into my heat with my thighs parting naturally for him. “I want you to come for me,” he whispered against the nape of my neck, sending shivers of pleasure racing down my body and connecting to where he strummed my clit.

  “Do you want to come, Nora? Do you want to be so sated you can’t move?”

  “Yes,” I moaned, closing my eyes and throwing my head back. His tongue grazed my collarbone, licking his way to my breasts. They were hard and ready for his touch and whatever he wished to use. I arched my back as his lips wrapped around my pebbled nipple. With one hand stroking me, fucking me senseless, the other tugged on my hair. My body tingled as his rough, strong hands owned my being.

  “Falcon, please. My love, I’m so close. I need you,” I begged. I felt him pull his fingers from my wet center and, within a second, he claimed me with his thick length, pushing past my tight walls. I loved our ability to move quickly; it meant that he only left me without his touch for a s
econd or two before he was naked and back with me.

  “Nora, I won’t last. You’re mine. If you think I’m going to let you leave, just toss that ridiculous idea out of your head because that’s never going to happen. Do you feel me, Nora? This is meant only for you,” he grunted, slamming into me repeatedly.

  “Come for me, Nora.” His fangs came down and pierced my vein, drinking from me and sending me into a screaming orgasm that I was certain they could hear out in the courtyard and past the security perimeter.

  “Falcon,” I sobbed as my orgasm waned and my emotions took over. He looked down at me, fear and concern written in his blazing blue orbs.

  Chapter 17


  I didn’t know how to handle her tears. I wanted to tear someone to shreds when she cried, but today it all had been because of me. I caressed her face, trying to ease whatever upset her. “Nora, don’t cry. Please don’t.”

  “I’m okay. I think it’s the baby; it’s making me crazy. One sec, I’m all happy, and the next, I want to cry. Then, as you can see, my temper is quick. I kind of messed up the headboard.” I laughed as I pulled her up to see the damage I did to the headboard our first time here.

  “When was that?”

  “Our first time,” I confessed, smiling proudly at the damage and the fact that she had no idea what she did to me. I lost control every time we fucked, even when I was trying to be slow and sweet.

  She shook her head in disbelief, wrapping her robe back around her waist. “No, it wasn’t. I think I would remember that.”

  “Sweetheart, when you come, you’re lost in total and blissful oblivion,” I chuckled, getting dressed in a flash. I didn’t care if my men could smell our passion. I was certain they heard my beauty as she came undone for me.

  “You don’t have to be so smug about it.” She crossed her arms and looked at me with pursed lips and narrowed eyes. It was cute and too tempting to pass up. I was on her, pinning her to the bed and kissing her until she was moaning for more and clawing at my shirt. I pulled back and stood there, my dick hard and thinking the plan had completely backfired.

  I hated leaving her in here, but our baby grew fast inside her and I didn’t know if anyone was working for The Lamia or for their own agenda. I’d fought to protect many pregnant mates since the prophecy. Since this was my babe and my mate, my protective instincts flooded my common sense. “I have to go back down to my men. Are you going to be okay in here for a little while?”

  “I suppose. I’m waiting for a call back from Vigo. He may have something important for us.”

  “Really?” That was good news.

  “Yes, that’s why I’m so eager to get back to the lab.”

  “If he does have something…”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll let you know right away,” she replied, cutting me off. I grabbed her phone that was tucked under the cushions where I tossed it.

  “Oops, it’s seems like you missed his call.”

  She snatched the phone and called him right back. “Leonora, I’m so glad you returned my call so quickly. I’m looking under the microscope. The fight between you and Nero had its benefits.”

  “Yes and...” A loud crash happened on the other end and the line went dead. She turned to me. What happened? I felt the vibration on my security system. The Lamia were attacking again. The signals were all lost to prevent The Lamia from getting a view inside the battles. “Come. I need to keep you safe.”

  “I’m safe here.” I rushed around the room and brought her fresh clothes.

  “No, you’re not.” I picked her up and teleported us out of the room as a large blast struck the castle, hitting our room.

  She was shaking with fear and I was seething with rage; bodies would fall faster and harder than before. I left her in the secret room and teleported to their stationary rocket launcher. The vampire at the launcher was my first target; I snapped his neck, then plunged my blade into his heart, twisting the blade before swinging my sword and sending his body into the realm of the dead. I could feel the hairs on my neck standing on edge, and I turned perfectly to catch my next kill off guard. In seconds, I dismembered and ended twelve Lamian pieces of garbage before smashing the rocket launcher.

  I teleported back to the front lines, seeing one of our own go down. Rage filled me and I attacked, slicing two more Lamian soldiers at once. Nothing could quell the venom in my heart for all of my enemies. Gideon came around, swinging his blade and fighting alongside me. As I turned to send another to their maker, I caught sight of Draco battling. He gave me a wink before taking out several more men.

  “Falcon,” Gideon shouted, “behind you.” I turned to see four more going for one of our own. I teleported and did what I must. Gideon jumped into the fray after rushing to the spot.

  Draco was at our side as two more rushed us. In a matter of seconds, we finished them all off. We were covered in blood and shaking our heads. My men fought bravely today. It was a much harder battle to fight when they used missiles. We had our own arsenal, which now seemed to be a great idea.

  “Sharpen your blades, men. The war is only beginning. They have a lot to learn about the Council’s Army.”

  The battle only lasted a half an hour, yet it had been our toughest one to date. We lost a soldier, but it could have been a million times worse if I hadn’t gone up to see my wife. Fuck, the thought of that ripped at my soul, tearing the little bit of calm I had left.

  I rushed back to her. Entering the room, I wrapped her up in my arms and held her close. “They knew where we were. Falcon, how did they know?”

  “They didn’t have to know. They could have been aiming for my quarters.” She was shivering as I held her.

  “Something has to give, Falcon. We need to find their outposts or something and go on the attack. Standing here and taking their abuse isn’t going to work.”

  “Yes, that I’m aware of. We have several men searching for their hideout and camp grounds. We need to have more and more vampires trained to do battle. They want to be more aggressive, causing fear in our men and disable recruiting methods. It won’t happen. Those who have been around know what The Lamia is about. The more they attack, the more will join our side.”

  “Falcon, we need to call Vigo back. The lines should be up again, right?”

  “Yes, please call him. It’s important.” She was already calling as I agreed.

  “It’s going straight to voicemail,” Nora gasped. She called again with the same result. “Falcon, we need to go over there. I heard a loud bang before the call ended. Falcon, I know something isn’t right.”

  “I can’t let you just go over there.” The danger was too high. I heard an explosion in the background as the phone died. After all this time, I was truly afraid that The Lamia had the upper hand. I couldn’t reveal the concern because I had to remain strong for my people. We had Charlotte on our side, but she didn’t have the centuries of experience my mother possessed. And even she couldn’t stop what happened to her and our people.

  “You can take me there.”

  “I can’t at the moment, I have to assess the damage. I will as soon as it’s over.”

  “God, I hope he’s okay.” I held her close as Draco appeared and pulled Charlotte to him.

  I gave them a breakdown of what happened with Vigo and how they attacked the castle. This was getting indiscreet. The world would know if we didn’t hide the battles. The damn Lamia was on a mission to out us to the world. If so, there would be no peace for us, ever.

  I caught the gaze in Charlotte's eye. Whatever happened at my home wouldn't be a good thing. My heart beat was steady, not letting on that fear was growing in my chest. "Nora, stay with us. The men will need our help to get back on track. You know they can't organize a thing without us," Charlotte said, wrapping her arm around Nora's shoulder, leaning her head on Nora's.

  "Please be careful, Falcon. I can't lose you,” Nora pleaded, looking at me with her bright blues full of unshed tears.

"Ah, he'll be fine. Please, just take it easy,” Charlotte brushed off.

  I pulled Nora into my arms, kissing my mate with fiery need, crushing her form to me and letting her absorb my touch before stepping back and heading home. I could smell the sulfur from the explosion that took place in the lab. The damage was clear from the hallway. The walls were crumbling on the side they burst through. A wave of concern flooded me. I entered the busted up lab. Vigo wasn’t in there and everything we had was destroyed. I looked around for any signs of what had been Vigo or anything to say who took him. Then I saw the bloody note.

  We have your scientist. He’ll work for us or die along with his family. No labs, no cure.

  You will not win, Falcon.


  I heard the sound of ticking and I teleported out of the room just in time. I watched from down the road as my home, the home for Nora and our baby, exploded. I ran around the burning mess, searching for their scent, but the smell of the blaze was too strong. Speeding around the house nearly a hundred times, I was able to contain the fire to one side of the house. My cars weren’t burned, but I had the auto start for them. Hitting the buttons, I roared as my cars were tossed into the sky and came down in a fiery heap. The fire engines could be heard in the distance. I needed to have a talk with Charlotte. Did she send me here to die?

  I teleported back to the castle with rage filling my heart. As soon as I got in there, I was hovering over her, my eyes bright with anger and my fangs out. Draco protected her, bearing his teeth at me. I wasn’t going to back down. My blood was boiling. I had kept my mother’s letter, even though I promised to burn it. Her last words to me were gone. I snarled. “You sent me there to be killed,” I accused. It was Nora’s hand on me as she sobbed that changed my attention.

  “Falcon,” she said, hugging me tight.


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