Mended Hearts: Bad Boy Action-Adventure Romance (Renegade Series Book 2)

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Mended Hearts: Bad Boy Action-Adventure Romance (Renegade Series Book 2) Page 6

by Arabella Steedly

  "You believe you let Karen down and now, you're afraid of disappointing Vanessa, too."

  "I tried to help Karen. I forgave her."

  "Of course you did, Jake. But you must accept her death was not your fault," Jim told him.

  "I'm not sure that will ever happen." Jake peered out that cracked window to the alleyway.

  "You may not, but you can at least come to terms with it. You can't change the past." Jim gestured toward Vanessa. "You must look forward to the future. You can control a part of that."

  Vanessa shifted in her seat, feeling as though she was eavesdropping on a conversation that was none of her business — and yet it was. Then Jim turned to her. "Since this is our first meeting, tell me about yourself. How did you and Jake meet?"

  Vanessa gasped and glanced at Jake and back at Jim, "You mean Jake hasn't told you?"

  Jim chuckled. "Of course he did, but I want to hear your side of the story. If you don't mind sharing."

  Jake passed her a sideways glance as if to say, "Ha, ha... now it's your turn."

  Vanessa's hand fluttered over her hair never expecting she'd be asked about herself. "By my misfortune, I guess you could say." She could sense Jake's scowl when he heard that, but she continued, "Before I met Jake a had a busy practice out in West Texas, near Del Rio. Until one day I made a mistake."

  "What kind of a mistake? Jim asked.

  "Actually, there were two mistakes. I was dating another vet and didn't find out he was married until it was too late... mistake number one."

  "Sometimes those things happen."

  "Once, when he was going out of town, and I was covering his emergency calls. Well, I got one from his best client whose entire herd of cattle was dying. I rushed out to the ranch right away. They were ill from something I couldn't diagnose without running tests, and that would have taken too long — days. No matter what I did... I worked all night to try and save them, but by morning all but a handful were dead."

  "And what was the rancher's reaction?" Jim furrowed his brows.

  "Long story short, he tried to sue me and have my license revoked. It got ugly. I received threatening phone calls, and once he almost ran me off the road."

  "Did you call the authorities?" Jim seemed sincerely interested.

  "Yes, of course. They suspected he had poisoned the cattle, but he denied it. From what I heard, he managed somehow not to get arrested. The guy was in financial trouble and filed an insurance claim on the loss of his livestock."

  "Then you moved away, I assume?"

  "Yes, my parents insisted I move in with them. They own a chain of clothing stores in the Carolinas. So I did until my practice sold and I bought out the vet in Arkansas."

  Jim glanced over a Jake and back at her. "I don't think Jake will mind if I tell you what he told me about your first meeting?"

  "Go ahead." Jake chuckled.

  “Jake said he had embarrassed himself, and when he went to your home to apologize you both ended up on the floor fixing your broken kitchen sink."

  "Oooh, I was so mad at him. I thought he was an arrogant asshole."

  "See where that got you?" Jake pulled her close.

  "Sure do."

  "So, tell me about your past. You mentioned your parents live in the Carolinas. Any siblings?" Jim wanted to know more.

  Where is he going with this?

  "Yes, I grew up in Fayetteville North Carolina near Fort Bragg." She tilted her head toward Jake. "Not far from where Jake was stationed once for training. Anyway, I'm an only child." She paused for a moment trying to think of more to tell. "I graduated from Texas A & M... never married before Jake… no kids. Anything else you want to know?"

  "I think that will do. Thanks for that," Jim remarked. Then he looked at her with those steel blue eyes that seemed to lay bare her soul. "So, I think it's safe to say that you're quite an independent woman and obviously very intelligent."

  Vanessa felt her cheeks flush. "I don't know about intelligent —“

  "Independent — yes," Jake butted in, snickering.

  Jim glanced at his watch. They had been there for over an hour. "Here's what I suggest. Jake, you must keep opening up to your wife. Listen to her counsel. Your PTSD is never going to be cured, but it can be controlled. Having someone who is understanding and loves you is key." Glancing at Vanessa, Jim touched her hand. "You need to share your wants and needs with your husband. You're not alone anymore. Sometimes doing that is difficult for an only child. Don't forget you have each other for support now."

  "Thank you, Jim. Now, I realize I have some soul searching to do myself." Vanessa smiled.

  "It was wonderful meeting you." Jim nodded to her then faced Jake. "You don't need to make a follow-up appointment this time. Just call when you want to come in, and I will find a place for you on my schedule.”

  Gathering her purse, Vanessa followed Jake out into the waiting room where he paused and pulled out his wallet. She watched as he dropped a precious hundred dollar bill into the slot in the donation's box. On their way to the truck, Jake explained, "This place operates on private donations. The reality is, they receive very little funding from the Veteran's Administration."

  Vanessa sat in quiet contemplation on the trip over to the auto repair shop, embarrassed at her quick assumptions about the VA clinic and Jim. She was thankful she had kept most of her initial negativity to herself and hadn’t appeared foolish. Now, Vanessa too was looking forward to returning sometime — if she was invited.

  "Well, here we are. And there's your yellow bug sitting out in front waiting for you," Jake said parking the truck.

  Inside, they were told water had seeped into the engine, so it had been overhauled. The stained seats were reupholstered — all covered by their insurance. Now that it was finished, Vanessa couldn't wait to drive it home. He kissed her on the cheek. "The contractor is due in fifteen minutes," Jake said before getting into his truck.

  "Yes, we're getting a lot done today. I'm so excited!"

  Vanessa was first to pull into the driveway and happy to see Beth's car in her parking spot. She was even more pleased it had only taken a week for Bethany to gain the pound needed to be discharged from the hospital. Today was Beth's first day back to work. Vanessa had allowed her to bring Bethany to work for a few hours since the clinic was still officially closed. She was just thankful to have Beth's help as she prepared to reopen.

  Vanessa saw Tom's truck was parked off to one side. Moments later, Jake pulled up, and they walked together into the barn where Tom was waiting. "I think we're completely done here," Tom said.

  "That's great. I have to give it to you guys. You're fast." Jake clapped him on the back. "Thanks for rushing to get the clinic finished."

  "No problem, nothing slack about us."

  Tom went down the list of repairs as they made their way through the buildings allowing Jake and Vanessa to look over each one to ensure their satisfaction. Later, in Jake's newly completed office, he signed off on the work and wrote the final check. Once Tom was gone, they stood in the middle of the stable and peered in awe at the completed structure.

  "I can't believe our project is finally finished,” Jake said.

  "Now all we have to do is wait for the insurance check so we can purchase the new computer for the clinic.”

  "You still think it will be a week before the check gets here?”

  "Yep, I'm afraid so. Look, I need to go see Beth... she might have a few questions.” Vanessa turned to walk away.

  "Hey, wait a minute! I have an inkling you're just in a hurry to hold that baby, but I want to run something by you first."

  "You caught me. No way I'm fooling my husband." Vanessa giggled. "That baby is so sweet... Now, what's on your mind?"

  Since it is going to be at least ten days or so before you can reopen, how would you like to drive up with me to pick up Tamara and Apollo? It will be fun to visit Tucker, too."

  Vanessa crinkled her nose. "Ugh. As relaxing as a little mini vacation sound
s, the thought of riding all the way to Arkansas in your truck and back with Apollo slobbering on me doesn't make me giddy."

  "How about this then? The boat is in tip-top shape, thanks to your generous donation from the sale of your property.”

  "You're BS is getting thick. What do you have up your sleeve?" Vanessa rolled her eyes.

  "How about we sail down to Key West. We got plenty of time. Since Beth is back to work, she can hold down the fort until we get home."

  "What about Tamara and Apollo? I don't think Tamara will fit in the boat." Vanessa laughed and gave him the side eye. "You can't go to Arkansas via a sailboat to Key West."

  "I'll get them after we're back. As you know, we've been working on advertising for borders and new ranch hands. So I can make calls on my cell during the trip up north and hopefully set a few things up," Jake suggested.

  "You sure you know how to navigate a sailboat?" Vanessa squinted her eyes searching his face.

  "I think so, but just to be safe. Let's make reservations to stay at either a yacht club or a marina at night. We will sail along the coast never out of sight of land."

  "In that case, you talked me into it! Key West, Here we come!"

  Chapter 9

  Two days later, Jake and Vanessa were making their way on their journey to the keys. Jake had calculated they could easily make Key West in two days and enjoy two nights taking in the sights like any other tourist before sailing home. Traveling down the waterway, they had reached the gulf by the first evening and sailed south.

  "We're about to pull into port." Jake sipped, his beer.

  "Already? We're in Key West? You are quite the captain."

  "It's so incredible out here," Vanessa breathed, coming up from the cabin below.

  While she stood on deck, Jake admired the way the wind blew her dark hair away from her shoulders. She was just as beautiful standing there in her short white cotton sundress as she was the first day he had laid eyes on her.

  Not more than an hour later, Vanessa was smiling across the table at Jake inside a local seafood restaurant called Grouper's. It was a quaint little place that sat near the water's edge and offered sushi and tap beer — their favorites. Vanessa peeked up over the menu. "I think I'll skip the sushi since I had it last night and try the grilled snapper with a salad. What about you?"

  "I'm thinking the crab legs..." Jake paused and studied their collection of exotic beer. "I'm tempted to order one from their tap," He looked up at Vanessa and winked. "But I think I've had enough for the day."

  Vanessa licked her lips. "Yeah, you've had several already, and I would hate for you to get wiped out."

  "So, after dinner, you wanna strip down and go jump off the pier with me?'

  "No thanks, I think I've had my fill of skinny dipping for a while. Granted, it was a lot of fun, but here we might get arrested." She giggled.

  "Ahh, where's your sense of adventure?

  Vanessa gave him a devilish look as she placed her order before whispering, "I'll show you my sense of adventure when I get you alone."

  Jake chuckled to himself. It was apparent Vanessa was in a bold mood. She wasn't usually so forward. Often when they were out, she was relatively quiet and reserved. It was one of the things he noticed about the dynamics between them. They brought out the primal nature that was hidden within. It felt fantastic to be so comfortable, so completely connected with a woman — who just happened to be his wife.

  "Well, I guess I won't order dessert since I'll be enjoying that a little later." Jake gazed into her sparkling eyes as he reached for her hand across the table.

  "Me either."

  Their food came, and they pulled their hands apart to eat dinner chatting about what lay ahead for them in the weeks to come. Vanessa still had work to do building her clientele while Jake started taking on borders and planning his training schedule. And he would need to hire a least a couple of ranch hands when he returned from Arkansas.

  After dinner, neither of them spoke as they strolled along the pier and enjoyed the balmy evening breeze. Vanessa tilted her sun-kissed face up toward the sky and closed her eyes, as the salt air drifted over her. Jake nuzzled his face in her hair, brushing it back with his chin as he kissed her neck.

  They were so lost in their private moment they didn't hear an elderly man approaching until he barked, "For pity sake, get a room somewhere!" and scowled at them as he headed farther down the pier with a rod and reel in hand. It startled them apart. Breaking into a fit of laughter, they turned and headed toward their boat. On the way, they stopped in a small bar for a nightcap and enjoyed listening to the band. Later, the boat rock peacefully as they stepped on deck and descended the stairs into the cabin. They left the hatch open above them to let in the fresh air and the moonlight.

  Jake stripped and climbed into bed, feeling more at ease than he had for weeks. He watched as Vanessa brushed her hair and then undressed, doing a slow striptease for him before climbing into bed.

  She smelled like sea water and coconuts. A combination of the warm tropical air around them and the piña colada, she had earlier in the bar. Jake drank her in as she straddled his hips, leaning down to kiss him. Reaching for her, he tried to position her over his rapidly rising cock, but she resisted. Instead, Vanessa began stroking his hardness. Rubbing up and down the length of it with her tongue licking and teasing him until she had taken him all the way in.

  "Oh my God. Vanessa. Holy fuck. Ohhh."

  Jake felt dizzy, needy for her touch. He loved it when she took charge, took control. The boat rocked lazily back and forth as Vanessa continued to excite him. His hand reached for her, pushing her head slowly up and down the length of him, guiding her as she lapped him up enthusiastically.

  A low groan escaped from the back of Jake's throat. He enjoyed the way his wife felt swallowing him whole and then working her way free of him again — licking her way around the throbbing head. Suddenly, there was no holding back. He was too close. Jake thrust into the back of her throat and exploded.

  "Wow. You're amazing, Vanessa. You drive me nuts when you go down on me."

  He smiled at her, sated, but incredibly thirsty. Getting out of bed, he walked lazily over to the cooler for a bottle of water. When he turned back, she was up, bending over the bed to smooth out the covers where they had rumpled them. Her round backside was beautiful as the moonlight brushed across her curvy body.

  Feeling mischievous, he opened the bottle of cold water and let a small stream trickle down her bottom. She jumped and giggled as she realized what he was doing. Taking a drink, Jake waited for his mouth to get ice cold before sucking one of her nipples. She moaned in ecstasy and leaned back against a stack of pillows. One perfect globe pressed against his mouth.

  Her legs opened, inviting him inside, but he was in no hurry. They had all night, so he took his time teasing her nipples while the cold water drizzled down her breasts. It was beautiful watching the moonlight catch the stream as it flowed across her hardened nipples and down her abs to her already dripping folds.

  He wedged a large bolster behind her back and pushed her legs further apart. Taking one last sip of water, he filled his mouth and pressed it against the entrance to her gorgeous pink center, forcing the cold water inside of her. Vanessa's body seized against him as the water coated her inner walls and then trickled back into his waiting mouth. Jake drank from her before moving his cold lips onto her clit to pull and suck at it as she tangled her fingers in his hair.

  "Yes. Right there, Jake. That's so good," she moaned.

  Pushing her legs further open, he buried his face into her, licking and caressing her pussy, already heating up again. Vanessa was wet, slippery and delicious against his tongue as he lapped her up.

  Pulling back slightly, Jake glanced up and watched her face as he slipped a single finger inside, fucking her with it as she closed her eyes and bit her lip seductively. Increasing his thrust, he added another finger, pushing against her walls, creating more friction with each strok
e. Jake could tell he was driving her wild as Vanessa bucked and seized beneath him.

  Jake pinched one nipple and then the other, twisting them as she moaned loudly.

  "That's my girl. Come for me, baby. Don't hold it back. That's my girl. You taste so damned good."

  She didn't disappoint, giving into her body as he continued to suckle at her clit and finger fuck her until she could no longer hold back. Her back arched and her hips violently pushed against his mouth as a powerful orgasm racked her body, flooding his lips with her explosion — but he wasn't done with her yet.

  His tongue lapped up her juices. Taking advantage of her already overly sensitive nerve endings, he pushed her over the edge one more time. Vanessa was writhing on the bed, sinking her nails into his back as she repeatedly came until she had nothing else to give and lay panting beneath him.

  Jake licked her clean, enjoying the wonderful way she tasted and felt. It was always a huge turn on to watch her get off and feel her folds quiver across his tongue. Now, he was hard as nails again and not quite done with her. Maybe it was the sea air fueling their fire, but he wanted more. Sitting up, he found her still hard nipples and nipped one of them causing her to gasp and then shudder. Vanessa seemed to love it when he got a bit rough. And that just made him even hotter.

  Pulling at one nipple with his teeth, he twisted the other in his fingers, enjoying the way her perfect round breasts reacted to his touch. Goosebumps spread across them as her nipples twisted into tight pink spirals between his fingers. Jake took his time with them as his cock pushed against her hot pussy, already getting wet again. He wasn't the only one turned on.

  "Tell me what you want me to do to you," Jake whispered.

  "I want you to fuck me... please... NOW!"

  He loved it when she talked dirty to him. Vanessa was usually so ladylike, so demure, but not when they were alone. Vanessa might be the epitome of class and refinement outside the bedroom, but in their private quarters, she was nothing but naughty. She loved sex and had few limitations when it came to what she wanted.


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