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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 8)

Page 36

by Sabrina York

  I let out a huge sigh of relief. Ever since it happened, I had a lingering fear that he’d always respond to conflict that way. “Me too. I didn’t think you’d ever speak to me again.”

  “There were days I didn’t know if I would,” he laughed. “But in the end, I couldn’t just let you go.”

  “Good! Leah said you’d come around…although I had my doubts.”

  “Your cousin certainly has some strange ideas about relationships, doesn’t she?”

  “Yeah…but she’s usually right.”

  “And this C.U.P. thing has really helped her marriage?”

  “Apparently. You see how happy she is with her husband. And Tom absolutely worships the ground she walks on. There must be something to it.”

  Darren kissed me on the back of my neck, squeezing me tightly against him as his hot breath warmed my skin. “I can definitely see that.”

  “When you left like that tonight, I thought you were done with it…and possibly with me.”

  “Not at all. I just needed to clear my head after a bad night.”

  I craned my neck to kiss him. “Thank you.”

  “I’m not saying I’ll do this forever, but if that’s what you need right now to feel comfortable, I’m okay with it…within reason.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I was thinking, if you don’t mind, Miss Anderton, maybe we can move on to the unusual part of Leah’s plan. I think you’ve pretty much mastered the cruelty part,” he laughed.

  I nodded. “I think that can be arranged.”

  “And maybe you could indulge some of my unusual fantasies from time to time? That is, of course, if the plan allows for it.”

  “Hmmmm,” I said, scratching my temple. “I don’t think there’s anything in C.U.P. that specifically prohibits it.”

  We laughed. And then Darren got a devilish look on his face, as if he had something planned for us all along. I could see the wheels in his head spinning and I wondered what he had in mind. It wouldn’t be long before I found out…and a whole new world of sexual gratification opened up for us.

  “Elle, Elle,” Darren whispered in my ear. I thought I was dreaming until I felt him repeatedly shake my arm.

  “Mmmmm,” I mumbled, pushing his hand away.

  “Elle, wake up,” he said a little bit louder. “Please wake up.”

  “What time is it?”

  “Three o’clock.”

  “Sleepy,” I grumbled, pulling the covers over my head.

  “Get up…I want to show you something.”


  “Get up and I’ll show you,” he said. He moved the blanket from over my face and kissed me on the cheek. “You have to get up.”

  Darren grabbed my arm and pulled my body upward until I was standing on my feet. He put my coat over my shoulders and shook me again.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, wiggling the coat off my shoulders. “I’m in my pajamas. If we’re going somewhere, at least let me get dressed first.”

  I pried my tired eyes open and saw that Darren already had his coat on. I was tired, confused, and longing for the feeling of warm sheets against my body.

  “You don’t need to get dressed. I’m not,” he said excitedly, opening his coat and showing off that he still had on his pajamas too.

  “Where are we going that we don’t need to get dressed?”

  “You know you ask way too many questions, right?”

  I plopped my body back on the bed a couple of times, but Darren pulled me back up to my feet whenever I did. I wiggled out of his grasp long enough to burrow back under the blanket, completely hiding my face. I didn’t know what kind of lunacy he was up to, but at three a.m., I didn’t care to find out.

  But he wasn’t about to give up. He flipped over the covers, exposing my body curled up in a fetal position. I buried my head under my pillows, but he took those away from me too. No matter what I did to try to get back to sleep, Darren was there to make sure it didn’t happen. I finally surrendered and got out of bed.

  “What the fuck do you want to do at this time of night?”

  “Come on, Elle, it’s a surprise. It’ll be fun,” he said with all the excitement of a little boy on Christmas Eve.

  “Can’t you surprise me at a decent hour? This is ungodly.”

  He pulled my arm and guided it into my coat. I realized he wasn’t going to give up until I went wherever he wanted to go, so I begrudgingly shoved my bare arm into the other coat sleeve and looked around for my shoes. But he was already prepared and handed them to me.

  “It looks like you really thought this thing through,” I mumbled.

  Darren grabbed my hand and led me down the steps. As I started to wake up, I wondered if this cloak and dagger routine was setting the stage for him to officially propose to me.

  But did he know where I put the ring?

  As we walked to Darren’s car, my excitement and curiosity came together to create a jolt of energy that finally woke me up. And now that I was awake, I was determined to find out what was going on.

  “Where are we going, Darren?”

  “Uh-uh-uh, I’m not telling you that.”

  “Don’t you think that if you wake me up in the middle of the night, you have a responsibility to tell me where we’re going?”

  “Oh, is that how it works?” he laughed.

  “I would think so!”

  “Not so much. You’re just going to have to wait.”

  “Can you at least give me a hint?”


  Since Darren was being so uncooperative, I had to rely on the clues around me to figure out what he was up to. There weren’t many; the whole city seemed to be asleep during our mysterious journey. It wasn’t until Darren pulled over at the side of the road near the woods that the picture fell into place.

  “What are we doing?”

  I wondered if he thought that the great outdoors was a great place to get on one knee—even if we were in our PJs. I was excited by the idea. I love weird marriage proposal stories, and getting engaged in the woods in the middle of the night would definitely qualify.

  When we got out of the car, Darren took my hand and we walked to God only knows where. And we walked. And we walked. And we walked. And then we walked some more. I was cold and tired, and I kept thinking that the longer the hike lasted, the less inclined I would be to accept his nutty proposal.

  “Darren, if I knew you wanted to go hiking at three a.m., I would’ve worn better shoes…and actually gotten out of my pajamas,” I laughed.

  “Don’t worry, we’re almost there.”

  “We’re almost where? We’re in the middle of nowhere.”

  “I want to show you something.”

  My heart jumped. This was finally it. I played in my mind over and over again how I would react when the time finally came—and now that it had, I was ready for it. I was ready to say “yes” to him. Even though I wanted to continue with the cruel and unusual punishment test, as I saw how open Darren was—and what he was willing to put up with—I began to trust him more and more.


  Darren exercised his right to remain silent and just led the way into the night. After a while, we finally stopped and sat down underneath a huge tree. “I can live with this,” I thought. “Getting engaged underneath a tree in the woods is kind of romantic. It would definitely make a good story.” I tried to contain my excitement as I braced myself for him to pop the question.

  “This is a game we used to play when I was in graduate school,” he said. “I haven’t done it in years, and since you wanted to do something unusual….”

  I was disappointed. But intrigued. Even though I psyched myself up thinking about a marriage proposal, I was curious about the kind of C.U.P. episode that Darren would bring me in the woods for. Now that I was ready to somewhat relinquish the reins of control, I was curious to see what he would do with them.

  “What? Having sex in the woods?”

in, Darren gave me the silent treatment. He stood up and examined the tree, rubbing his hand against the bark as if it was an old friend.

  “Cool! It’s still here!” he said excitedly.

  “What’s still here?”

  Darren appeared to take some tissues out of his pocket and rubbed them against the tree. He did this for a few minutes and I thought if he didn’t do something to me soon, I would fall asleep.

  “Oh, this is awesome,” he said, pulling me up to my feet. I wondered if he was about to tie me to the tree and fuck me. That was definitely something we’d never done before. I worried about the bark though. It didn’t sound entirely comfortable; but it wasn’t the usual, I had to give him that. And since we were already there, I was game for anything he wanted to do.

  Though I didn’t quite expect what he actually did.

  “Okay, are you ready for this?” he asked me, pulling down his pajama bottoms.


  “Awesome! So take off your pants and stand right here,” he said, pointing to a very specific spot against the tree. As a scientist, I knew his mind was precise, but he was never this anal about where we made love. I guess fucking against the tree wasn’t good enough. It had to be fucking against a specific part of the tree. I excitedly pulled down my pajamas and stood exactly where he asked me to.

  Darren already had a throbbing hard on, and seeing his enthusiasm made me instantly start to get wet. He moved toward me, meticulously making sure he was in the exact spot he needed to be.

  Was there something about tree sex that required such exactness?

  He pressed his body up against mine and started kissing my neck. My nipples started to get hard underneath my pajama top as the fabric rubbed against them. I put my arms around his waist and started moving my hands downward toward his ass, rubbing every inch of him along the way.

  “Oh, that’s good, Elle. Keep doing that.”

  Darren put his hands underneath my pajama top and started playing with my tits. His determined touch made me want his hard cock driving inside of me, pounding me up against the tree. I braced myself for the feeling of his hardness in my pussy, and he started rubbing his cock back and forth against my clit over and over again. I was enjoying it, though not nearly as much as he was. I longed for him to be inside of me, but he seemed hell-bent on denying me that pleasure. I figured it was a little bit of tit-for-tat for all those times I refused to let him stroke his cock—like when he was watching me fuck my piece-of-shit ex-boyfriend.

  He continued thrusting and teasing my clit, so I closed my eyes to enjoy it. But I still wanted more. There I was in the middle of the night, half naked and pinned to a tree, and I couldn’t wait for him to drive his hard on inside of my wet, aching pussy. Darren kept moving back and forth, looking as though his dick was getting thoroughly worked out. I had only seen that look on his face when he was actually fucking me. I didn’t know if it was the novelty of the situation or built-up tension, but he seemed way too excited for someone who wasn’t actually getting his cock wet.

  “You’re really getting into this, Darren,” I whispered in his ear. “Don’t you think you should give me a little bit of that sweet stuff?”

  “It’s been so long since I’ve done this,” he moaned.

  My clit was on fire as he rubbed his cock back and forth against it. I tried to reposition my body so I could take his full hard on inside me, but my position against the tree made it impossible.

  “I really like what you’re doing, Darren, but shouldn’t we get down to business?”

  “Oh, yes; oh, God,” he moaned, looking as though he was about to come.

  Then it dawned on me. It seemed crazy, and I felt awkward about asking him, but I had to know if he was actually doing what I thought he was doing.

  “Um…Darren…are you putting your cock inside the knothole of this tree?”

  “Mmmm hmmm,” he said, gyrating until he let out a loud yelp.

  Darren wanted to explore the unusual, and he definitely accomplished that right out the gate. All I could do was laugh. I knew that men will put their cock anywhere, but this seemed ridiculous.

  After Darren was finished, he made sure to take care of me. He crouched down between my legs and started driving his tongue into my wetness. It wasn’t exactly what I was expecting, but it felt so good to have something pushing inside of my walls and filling me up. My pussy was on fire and Darren was determined to put it out with his tongue, all the while massaging my clit with his fingers until I exploded all over his face. I stood against the tree, shaking my head and catching my breath. I knew we were supposed to do something unusual, but I never expected that.

  Darren pulled me close to him and kissed me deeply. After a minute of our tongues wrestling in each other’s mouths, he yanked us apart and whispered “we’d better get going before the sun comes up.”

  We put our clothes back on quickly and made the long trek to the road. I was cold, tired, and befuddled. When we finally got to the car, I started asking him the inevitable questions.

  “So you know I have to ask, right?”

  “It wouldn’t be normal if you didn’t.”

  “What’s that about? How did you get an idea like that?”

  “Me and a couple of my buddies in grad school used to do it to blow off some steam.”

  “Weren’t you afraid of splinters?”

  “No. One night we came out and filed down the hole so it would be smooth inside.”

  “What?” I laughed. “You had this thing all figured out? And tonight? Weren’t you afraid it was filthy in there?”

  “I wiped it down with some baby wipes.”

  “Isn’t it rough?”

  “I put some lube in there too…I guess it was too dark for you to see that.”

  “How did you come up with such a ridiculous idea in the first place?”

  “Well, like I said, we were just blowing off a little steam. I’m not saying it’s something I did all the time. I don’t even think we did it a handful of times. But we were always trying to figure out new and unusual things to masturbate with.”

  “Like what?”

  “You know…cantaloupes, watermelons, soda bottles. We tried it with a bowling ball one time, but that didn’t work out. I’m pretty sure we came up with the tree idea one night when we were drunk though.”

  “I would hope so!” I giggled.

  “Well, haven’t you ever used anything weird when you didn’t have a dildo or a man lying around?”

  “Oh, totally. I used an electric toothbrush once. But in my defense, it was brand new. A hairbrush handle, a cucumber, the roller thingie that you put toilet paper on.”

  “I guess desperate times really do call for desperate measures!”

  “Well, you know…women get just as horny as men do.”

  “You know what’s funny?” he laughed hysterically.


  “I never told a woman that before. Let alone showed her. I haven’t done it in so many years anyway…I never dreamt I’d ever actually talk about it.”

  I nodded in solidarity. “Now that you mention it, I’m pretty sure I’ve never told anybody about the electric toothbrush either.”

  “Funny how we were both closet kinks and didn’t know about it.”

  “Go figure,” I said as I snuggled up into my coat and started to drift off to sleep. I thought about ways I could top what Darren had showed me that night. Although I knew it was highly unlikely, I did have some unusual ideas of my own.

  “Darren did what?” Leah asked, her eyes getting wide with curiosity. “Damn, even Tom and I didn’t do anything like that!”

  “It turns out I have a real freak on my hands,” I laughed.

  “What about the other thing?”


  “Yeah, that!” she said impatiently waiting for all the gory details.

  “Well, the sex was every bit as good as I remembered. And he was every bit of the asshole I remembered. But I can
definitely see how people get wrapped up in the whole sex-with-your-ex dance.”

  “Well, just make sure you don’t put your dancing shoes on,” she smirked.

  “Are you kidding? I’d never be in a relationship with him again—not even a booty call relationship. It was just a one-time deal.”

  “Why did you pick Jonathan anyway? Were you trying to get back at Trisha?”

  “No! Absolutely not!”

  “Well, out of all the men on the planet you could’ve picked for a cuckold scenario, you pick the one who just happened to run off with your friend?”

  “And $100,000!”

  “Oh, right, you just thought that after he’d stolen all that money from you, you’d get back at him by shoving pussy in his face? Come on, Elle, you know I know you better than that. This was about Trisha.”

  “No, it was about C.U.P. Plus, technically I didn’t shove pussy in his face.”

  “I’m sure C.U.P. was the catalyst, but I think your motivation for bringing Jonathan into the scene might be more than what you thought it was.”

  I had to admit, I never considered that. When I asked him to come over, I wasn’t thinking about Trisha at all…at least not on a conscious level. And I definitely wasn’t thinking about her when he was doing me.

  “I don’t know, Leah. Maybe you have a point. But I also needed to get someone Darren wouldn’t be jealous of. Turns out I was wrong about that.”

  “At least he got a show out of it. And you did too apparently! What I would have given to be a fly on the sidewalk when Darren punched the shit out of your ex.”

  I beamed with pride. My man: a lover and a fighter, duking it out for the honor of his woman. “Yeah, that was a long time coming. I’d say it was the highlight of the evening.”

  “You’d say that was the highlight of the evening?”

  I bowed my head; it made me too sad to think about it. “I told you, he said he’s not ready to give it to me now. All because of Jonathan and his fucking big mouth.”

  “It’s not like he took it back. I guess he’s just waiting for the opportunity to re-present it.”


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