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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 8)

Page 57

by Sabrina York

  Slowly, she became aware of her surroundings again. Her breathing returned to normal, but her heart continued to pound in time with his for several minutes. She pressed her ear against his chest, listening as his heart rate slowed gradually. They didn’t speak for several long minutes.

  He finally withdrew from her and rolled over onto his side, cuddling her against his chest. “How was it?”

  She smiled and snuggled closer. There were no words to tell him how incredible it had been, but she knew he needed to hear something. “When can we do it again?”

  Dom laughed and kissed the top of her head. “Give me a few minutes.”

  They awoke in each other’s arms. She was confused about her surroundings until he stretched beside her. Caris smiled at him and snuggled closer. “It wasn’t just a dream.”

  “No.” Dom ran a hand through her hair. “It was real.”

  She stretched and winced. “My overused muscles tell me it was,” she agreed. She sat up, moving slowly so she could adjust to the various aches and kinks in her body.

  “A hot bath will loosen that tension,” Dom said as he slid from bed. He lifted her into his arms and carried her into the bathroom, where he set her on the bathroom rug.

  Caris shook her head. “You’re certainly pleased with yourself.”

  He rubbed his chest. “Of course. You pleased me.”

  A mischievous grin teased her lips. “Would you like me to again?”

  Dom shook his head and sighed. “I would love for you to, but everyone will be downstairs for breakfast soon. Lindsay’s dad will be here at nine. When she leaves, we lose our babysitter. There’s no time right now.”

  She sighed too. “Tonight, I guess.”

  He suddenly frowned. “What happened to your face?”

  She tried ducking her head so he couldn’t see her jaw. “Nothing.”


  She licked her lips. “Brendan came by my room to reminisce last night.” She stepped closer to hug him. “You have impeccable timing, my love.”

  Anger poured emanated from him in waves. “Brendan’s out of here this morning.”

  She didn’t argue with Dom. Caris hated to see the brothers part because of her, but she didn’t want him in her life. She didn’t trust Dom’s brother and never would. The farther he was from their family, the better for them all.

  Breakfast was a tense affair. Brendan’s hot glare alternated between Caris and Dom, as if he knew exactly what they had done all night. It was probably Lindsay’s presence that kept him restrained at all. When her father honked his horn promptly at nine, she collected two bills from Dom and hurried from the house, taking any semblance of peace with her.

  Elena immediately stood up and lifted Jessica from the high chair. “I’ll take her upstairs,” she whispered to Caris. “She doesn’t need to be here for this.” She had worn a frown since coming down and seeing Brendan. Now, she allowed a hint of anger to show. Her gaze settled on Caris’s bruise. “Bastard,” she muttered as she and the baby left the room.

  The ticking of the clock seemed like an explosion in the sudden silence. Brendan’s smile was cold when he met Caris’s eyes. “Jessica sure is growing, isn’t she?”

  She nodded.

  He turned to Dom with an unpleasant smirk. “Don’t you think Cari and I make a beautiful baby together, bro?” He seemed to be seconds away from laughing as he awaited Dom’s response.

  Dom shrugged. “I hope Jessica didn’t get anything from you except a few genes.”

  Brendan frowned. “Don’t you understand? Cari is the brat’s mother. She used to live with me.”

  “I know.” He pushed his plate away and took Caris’s hand. “Thank goodness she came to her senses and moved out.”

  His mouth dropped open, and he turned an accusing look on her. “You let me believe he didn’t know.”

  She shook her head. “I told you he knew. Dom’s known for a while. He doesn’t care.” She put her other hand on his thigh. “He loves me as much as I love him. You can’t do anything about that.”

  Brendan’s face turned red, and his eyes darkened. “Want to bet, bitch? I can take your kid so fast your head spins.”

  “You signed a paper,” Dom said.

  “A temporary custody agreement.” Brendan shook his head, and his voice dripped mock concern. “I couldn’t leave her with you when I found out you had let this woman back in her life.” His mouth twisted. “A judge already decided she isn’t a fit mother.”

  Dom shrugged. “You could go through all that and drag us to court. You could make me get a team of attorneys to refute your claims and dismiss that judge’s rulings, but that’s fine. I plan to anyway, so Caris won’t have any restrictions on custody of Jessica. It’s up to you, and how much you’re willing to endure. I’m perfectly content to fight just the ruling, or fight you and the idiot judge who swallowed your lies.”

  Brendan faltered. “What?”

  “Once I knew you lied about Caris, I got curious.” Dom leaned back in his chair, appearing as comfortable as if they were discussing the weather. “I had someone look into your background. I know about the arrests in Panama, Beijing, and Singapore. I know about the dismissed charges in Bangkok. Assault and battery in all the cases. Also sexual coercion in the Bangkok case, right? I don’t know if those girls will testify, but I’m sure I can get the arrests brought to light. Maybe even the dismissal if I hire a crafty attorney. The incidences are relevant to your character and ability to raise a child.”

  His face had turned white as he listened. “You wait—”

  “No, you wait, bro,” Dom said sarcastically. “The investigation firm I hired has only been looking a few days. I’m sure they’ll dig up all kinds of information about you. Jordan tells me there are several interesting incidents he’s waiting to confirm after the holidays.”

  Brendan pushed away from the table so hard his chair clattered to the floor. “Are you going to fall for this, Cari? Do you really think Dom can save you from losing Jessica with this smokescreen? It’s obvious what kind of woman you are. You’re just like your mother. Are you going to make me prove that again?”

  She flinched at the mention of her mother. “How did you know?”

  He laughed. “I wanted to know everything about you when we first met. When I found out about your background, I figured the best way to approach you was to woo you as if you were a timid virgin. I thought the novelty would intrigue a slut.” He laughed again, a harsh, grating sound. “Imagine my shock when you turned out to really be a virgin.”

  Dom’s spine straightened. “That’s enough. Leave now, and I’ll call off Jordan.”

  “You don’t scare me.” Brendan didn’t take his baleful gaze from Caris. “You have a choice here. Let Dom keep the kid for now and come with me. We’ll send for her later.” He blinked, betraying his lie. “If you don’t, you’ll lose her. You might have him in the end, but is he worth your precious brat?”

  She bit her lip, swinging her gaze back and forth between the two of them. She saw calm assurance in Dom’s eyes and unease in Brendan’s. She took a deep breath and put her arm around Dom’s waist. “I belong with Dom. You won’t get our baby.”

  Dom’s voice came out cool and collected. “Just let it go, Brendan. You don’t want Jessica, and you don’t really want Caris. You just don’t want anyone else to have her. Think of someone other than yourself for a change. Jessie belongs with us. You’ll hurt everyone if you keep at this. You remember what happened with the pony, don’t you?”

  Brendan seemed to deflate right before their eyes. He went an even paler shade of white. “Fine. You win.” His complexion made his eyes burn more darkly in his face. He sounded calm when he spoke, but his trembling hands betrayed him. He drew himself up straight. “I can see you’ve both made your choice.” He walked past them, pausing for a second before Caris. His usual arrogance was already beginning to return. “I hope you can live with it.” Then he left the kitchen to return to his room.<
br />
  Caris sagged against Dom. “How did you do that?”

  “I think it was reminding him about the pony that did it.”

  She frowned. “What happened?”

  He shuddered. “I’d rather not—”

  “Tell me.”

  Dom sighed. “Brendan got a pony for his eighth birthday. He wasn’t very nice to it. The only pleasure he seemed to get from the poor animal was when he whipped it. I stepped in, thinking that’s what a big brother should do.”

  Her stomach churned with acid, and she tensed. “What did he do?”

  “He didn’t like my interference and rode off on the horse. It was too young for riding, and he injured it. The vet had to put it down, and Father refused to buy him another horse after that.” Dom looked ill when he finished the story.

  She shivered. “He preferred killing the horse to sharing it?”

  Dom pulled her closer. “I don’t think he deliberately hurt the pony. He just got angry and rode it without thinking. Brendan’s not all bad. The incident with the horse reminded him of what can happen when he acts impulsively. I think he finally realized what he’s doing, and it’s over now.”

  She shook her head, but didn’t contradict him. There was no reason to upset him, but she couldn’t believe Brendan had just given up. Something in his tone and expression had told her it wasn’t over. His parting words had been more than threatening. They had held a note of promise. Would he rather have her dead than see her with Dom?

  Chapter Twelve

  Brendan had gone by mid-afternoon when they left for the Murphys’ party. He slipped from the house without a word to anyone and without signing the custody papers. Dom had cursed up a blue streak when he realized, but by then, Brendan’s plane had taken off.

  Caris tried to set aside her fears as they got into the Prius. She waved to Elena and Lindsay, who stood on the porch with a warmly wrapped Jessica. She knew they would take good care of the baby. Jessica had immediately taken to Lindsay, seeming to be enchanted with her auburn hair and thick glasses. With Elena’s common sense and the teenager’s enthusiasm, their daughter was in good hands. Still, she hesitated to leave them.

  Dom touched her leg. “They’ll be fine.”

  She sighed. “I know, but it’s my first time away from her in weeks. She won’t have you either. What if she gets sick?”

  “They have Dr. Walsh’s number and my cell number. We’ll be back around one A.M.” He moved his hand up her thigh to squeeze her hand. “Try not to worry so much.”

  She nodded and forced a smile, wishing she shared his confidence. At the back of her mind lurked her real fear: Brendan. What if he followed them from the ranch, stopped the car somewhere, and did something crazy? She tried to be reassured by Dom’s presence and levelheaded thinking. He was solidly muscular and in great shape; more than capable of dealing with any situation that might arise. She worried for nothing.

  Despite her internally repeated assurances, Caris couldn’t help watching the road. Each time a car fell in behind them, she had to turn around and identify the driver before she could relax again, even for a few minutes. If Dom noticed her jumpiness, he didn’t say anything.

  The Murphys lived in Forest Heights off N.W. Royal Rose, near the park. Their home was a huge three-story house, painted beige with brown trim. It had a sloped roof, a profusion of plant life—although much had been trimmed down for the season—and a four-car garage. A fence surrounded the back of the house. Their lawn was muddy from the recent rains, causing her boots to stick in the muck in several places as they walked up the hill to the walkway. Caris was glad she had listened to Dom and opted to get ready for the party at the Murphys, rather than before. She couldn’t imagine traversing the ground in heels.

  They had left the Prius among several high-end cars, including Audis, Volvos, various SUVs, and a couple of Jags parked up and down the street. The maid who opened the door wore a starched black dress with a crisp white apron. She even curtsied.

  Caris was awed by it all as she followed Dom through the vaulted entryway, down the hall, past a wood-paneled room with a grand piano, and into a salon. Celine stood there, talking to someone in a white uniform. Caris was relieved to see the other woman wore slacks and a sweater, and had haphazardly pinned up her black hair.

  A smile curved across her face when she saw them. “You made it.” She came forward and grasped Dom’s hands to kiss his cheeks before hugging Caris. “I’ve given you the use of the second room on the right, near the top of the stairs.” Celine sighed heavily. “Would you mind showing yourselves up, Dom? I’m swamped.”

  “Where’s Jim?” Caris asked.

  She sighed again, more prolonged this time. “He took the kids to the zoo to make up for them missing out on our usual Christmas Eve celebration. They aren’t back yet.” Celine looked at her watch, shaking her head. “He swore—well, never mind. All will be well.”

  “You never fail to pull it together,” Dom said, taking Caris’s hand. “Do you need any help?”

  She shook her head. “No, but thank you for the offer. The few other guests who’ve arrived didn’t even offer to hang their own coats.” Celine grimaced. “A couple of people invited themselves for overnight stays, even though tomorrow is Christmas.” A black and white uniformed man near the door waved to catch her attention. “Excuse me.” She inclined her head and hurried away.

  Caris followed Dom up the spacious white staircase, pausing at the top of the landing to look down. Her head spun at the obscured view of the floor below, partially blocked by the twists of the stairs.

  “We’re there,” Dom said, and pointed to a set of French doors made of blond oak.

  She followed him into the guest room, gasping at the opulent multi-colored Persian carpet, dainty white furniture, and large bed. The black comforter appeared to be satin, and she couldn’t resist walking over to touch it. She sat down on the waterbed, noticing it barely rippled. “Why don’t you live in a place like this?” she blurted out.

  Dom looked up from opening his case. “Would you rather we did?”

  She shook her head. “No. I love the ranch, but this seems more like a McNeil kind of place.”

  “I don’t think I would be comfortable here,” he admitted. “I like the simplicity of life on the M & M.”

  She smiled. “I can’t believe you don’t have an army of servants.” Her eyes clouded over as she remembered the unpleasant man who lived in small quarters at Brendan’s. He had always watched her with a creepy intensity. She now suspected he had been her guard, with the purpose of keeping Brendan informed of her every move. He just happened to cook and clean too.

  He shrugged. “We’ll probably have to add a daily cleaner or a housekeeper in a couple of years, as Mom loses mobility, but we’re both independent types.” Dom grinned at her. “Why? Do you want an army of servants?”

  She giggled. “Maybe just one servant, clad only in a loincloth.”

  Dom sighed loudly. “Damn. I left my loincloth at home.” His eyes sparkled. “Will you settle for naked?”

  Caris forced herself to look aggravated. “If I must, but I did have my heart set on the savage look.”

  Dom lifted his suit from the case. “Let me get this up first.”

  “Generally a requirement.”

  He shook his head. “You’re depraved, Caris. I was referring to hanging the suit.”

  She stood up and walked to her case, lifting it beside his. She withdrew the red sweater set and followed him to the closet. “How do you know the Murphys?”

  “Celine, Jim, and I went to college together, until I dropped out.” Dom winked at her. “Celine became an engineer for Intel, while I’m just a lowly construction worker.”

  She leaned against him. “You aren’t a lowly anything.”

  Dom put his arm around her waist. “You aren’t embarrassed that I didn’t finish college?” he teased.

  “I didn’t even go to college. Just a Vo-tech program I didn’t complete.” Alt
hough he had been joking, she couldn’t hide her concern. “You’re the one who should be ashamed.”

  His mouth firmed. “Don’t talk like that. I could never be ashamed of you. I wouldn’t care if you had a doctorate or didn’t finish junior high.”

  Her mouth wobbled when she smiled. “That means a lot.”

  Dom wrapped his arms around her. “I don’t want to change you or make you something you aren’t. I love you, Caris. Not who I think I can make you.”

  Her eyes widened at his impassioned speech. Had he guessed how Brendan had tried to mold her into something she had never felt comfortable attempting to be? She grimaced when his name entered her mind again, and she pushed thoughts of him away. She refused to let Brendan spoil the evening for her.

  She put her arms around Dom’s waist and looked up at him. “What does Jim do?”

  “Advertising.” Dom chuckled. “He started out as a history major, like me.”

  “Why history?”

  He shrugged. “I enjoyed it. I wanted to be a teacher.” His mouth twisted, and his eyes darkened for a brief moment. “My father soon crushed that dream. He refused to pay for college if I didn’t take something sensible.”

  She touched his brow where it furrowed into a frown. “What was sensible?”

  “Business administration or engineering. I tried.” He lifted a shoulder. “Engineering wasn’t my thing, but I introduced Jim and Celine, so some good came out of it.”

  Something in his tone caused her eyes to narrow. “There’s more to the story than that.”

  “Celine and I dated for a while, but there wasn’t a spark.” He leaned forward and kissed her on the nose. “I guess I was waiting for you. Jim snapped her up while I was waiting.”

  “Didn’t that hurt?”

  Dom shrugged. “At the time, but I’m not carrying a torch for her.” He touched her cheek, careful of the bruised spot she had hidden with heavy makeup. “I couldn’t imagine either of them with someone else. Just like I can’t imagine being with anyone but you.”


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