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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 8)

Page 64

by Sabrina York

  And this time, the performing lovers were looking directly at her, the devils.

  Well, at least the dark-haired one of the pair was. His eyes were focused right on the spot where Laurie was lurking, and his knowing expression said he knew she was there… and looking right back at him.

  You know, don’t you? You were just waiting for the other three to finish.

  With no further reason to hide, Laurie slid out of the shadows and stared back at the two men boldly. Her skirt fluttered down into place, but she didn’t really care whether it had or it hadn’t. Suddenly she was a new Laurie who could do anything, dare anything.

  She was a new Laurie who could blatantly ogle two gorgeous handsome men who were both as stark naked as the threesome on the other villa, and one dark, one fair.

  Laurie had never seen a male couple making love before. She’d never had cause or opportunity to watch gay erotica, but the few fleeting glimpses of men kissing or touching in mainstream films or TV had always tantalized her. The uninhibited trio in the other cabana had been the nearest thing she’d ever seen to two men making love, but with them, their woman had been the focus.

  In Cabana Three, everything was different. These two had no woman sandwiched between them. They had hands only for each other.

  Their names were Ed and Denny. They’d introduced themselves, but Laurie couldn’t for the life of her remember which was which, because at the time she hadn’t been taking much notice of anything but her own depression and anger. Now, though, she was interested; more interested than she’d been in anything in a long time, even the trio in the other cabana. Bizarrely, even Jim himself was fading. The two male lovers were both facing Laurie, holding station close to the shutters, just as she was. The darker man was behind the blond one with his arms wound around him and his hands moving hungrily, exploring his body. He was caressing his friend’s flanks and thighs, caressing him everywhere. But his eyes… his eyes were on Laurie, dark and burning like deep pools of fire and challenge.

  What’s going on? What are you thinking? Why look at me when you’re touching your lover?

  Blondie’s eyes were closed, his head draped back against his lover’s shoulder and his throat stretched and exposed. But Dark Eyes still stared back at Laurie as if he were trying to draw her into their embrace too. She was yards and yards away and yet already somehow involved in their dance.

  Am I part of a three-way love scene now?

  Dark Eyes smiled and shimmied as if he’d read her thoughts, and the way Blondie gasped made her wonder just exactly what was going on behind his back. His eyes shot open, wide open, and then he gazed at her too, with a delicious teasing smile on his face. He seemed to be becoming absorbed in the same effort to include her, but then his body jerked and his eyes closed again and he pursed his lips, looking beautiful but tortured.

  Was Dark Eyes inside him? Oh Lord, yes, he must be. Or was he just rubbing himself against his friend’s bottom, caressing and teasing with his hardness? Blondie had a spectacular example of the male anatomy, delightfully big and shiny. Laurie ogled it as it moved through Dark Eyes’ fingers, pumping back and forth. In her mind’s eye, Dark Eyes was gorgeously rampant too.

  Dark Eyes licked his lips and whispered something in Blondie’s ear. The other man’s eyes snapped open again, and even though he was still sliding against his partner, his gleaming body visibly wet with sweat as he hovered on the very brink of ecstasy, he looked toward Laurie and chuckled in the midst of his animalistic moans.

  How clearly could they see her? Laurie’s villa was quite a bit nearer to theirs than to the other one and the night was clear. A large tropical moon floated in the sky like yet another voyeur.

  She took another step forward, moving completely clear of the shutters. The lights were still on in the third villa, but no one was visible. They were probably all in bed, making easier love now, in comfort. Taking a deep breath, Laurie loosened the ties of her wraparound skirt, and then hesitated.

  Why was she doing this? These were men who liked men, why would her body even interest them at all?

  But it seemed the right move. As if sensing her doubt, two heads nodded as one, both the dark and the fair. Letting her skirt slip away, she knew she did have something to offer them. Maybe watching women was a kind of kink to them, because when she slid her hand under the edge of her knickers, it seemed to goad them on even further. Dark Eyes pushed hard against Blondie, massaging himself against his friend’s bottom. Blondie in turn went into a new fit of the raptures, surging his hips around and pushing himself through the encirclement of Dark Eyes’ gripping fingers. Laurie could almost hear the slippery slide of his pre-come, and she could certainly see it shimmering on his flesh.

  They made a stunning sight, stark and heart-stopping. To Laurie they were every bit as exotic and shocking as the trio in the other villa, every bit as arousing and much more so.

  Why does the sight of two men doing each other turn me on this way?

  She didn’t know, but she didn’t care either. They were hers to enjoy, both beautiful.

  Down in her panties, she was still silky from her last orgasm, and more swimming than ever now, because of what she seeing. Her belly tensed, hot and heavy, her body gathering itself for the rise again, ready to orgasm. And properly this time, her pleasure enhanced by the strange companionship of her enigmatic partners.

  I’m a part of a ménage a trois now, even though we’re yards apart and not touching.

  Distance and virtual anonymity made no difference to the excitement. The heat… The pleasure… The night was exotic and alien, heavy with the undiscovered passion for which she was hungry. These were zones of sensuality that she’d never thought to explore, that she’d barely even imagined. For the first time, she could admit to herself, and mean it, that she was almost glad her honeymoon had never happened as it was planned. Now, transformed by this strange and sweetly perverse experience, she could start to own the pain and disappointment—because she saw a glimmer on the horizon of a way to move beyond it. A kind of therapy she would never have expected.

  The men rocked and thrashed against each other. Blondie braced himself, hand on the side of the window frame; Dark Eyes gripped him hard, ruthlessly working him.

  Laurie rubbed herself as if possessed by the Devil, her hand deforming the tiny triangle of her panties as it probed and stroked. The sound of her efforts was even audible, a slippery, soapy, slicking sound, she was so wet, and she could have sworn she heard the same kind of sound, faintly, from across the way.

  Still she couldn’t take her eyes off the writhing men. She was convinced they were joined now, because the motion was unmistakable. She felt as if she too was part of their coition.

  Dark Eyes locked his gaze with her. His lips moved, miming the word, “More?”

  With no pause to think, Laurie nodded, and as soon as she did, he swung his partner a little to the side, so she could see the profile of their jerking, bucking bodies, the sweaty sheen on their thighs, their arms, their flanks, and their buttocks.

  Their new gift to her was the view of Dark Eyes’ penis sliding in and out of his lover. Laurie laughed out loud, because it was certainly easy to see. Dark Eyes’ was wearing a jaunty fluorescent condom. Turquoise it was, like a living dildo, driving Blondie crazy as it filled and stretched and plundered him.

  Oh God, it’s all too much! I’ve got to come!

  Laurie worked at herself hard, as hard as Dark Eyes and Blondie were working each other, as fiercely and as desperately as they slammed their rocking, pulsing bodies together.

  Then, within seconds, her climax was like a starburst, breaking within as a brilliant, multicolored firework display might cascade and burst in the velvet night above them all. She strained to watch her partners as her sex clutched and clenched, but her eyes rolled up momentarily. Overcome, she stumbled against the window frame, her hand still working, working against her flesh.

  It was so sweet. So intense, in a way she’d never kno
wn before. A shared experience, yet in a bizarre and deliciously perverse way.

  When she fell back out of the sky into her own throbbing body, Laurie’s eyes snapped open and she was with her men again. They were coming now, bodies in violent motion, groaning loud enough to rouse even the shagged out neighbors from Cabana Two. Blondie’s seed spurted out into the tropical night, jetting white and pearly from between Dark Eyes’ gripping fingers.

  But he and his lover didn’t tumble to the floor. They both clung on to the window frame, swaying but upright, clutching at each other, chests heaving, expressions strangely tender in the quiet aftermath. Their closeness moved Laurie, and inexplicably, or perhaps explicably, her eyes misted with tears.

  They do care. They really care for each other.

  And then, against all reason, Dark Eyes’ dazed expression cleared again, and the way he looked at her showed concern for her too. He gave her a questioning look, a little lift of the head, as if inviting her over to share the afterglow with them, and come down from the high in their company. Blondie seemed to wake up when Dark Eyes murmured in his ear, and when his eyes opened, his smile was dazzling, friendly and beatific… and aimed at Laurie.

  Temptation twisted her heart hard. She wanted to go, but somehow, despite everything, it was too soon. The two lovers were too wound up in each other at this moment, and it seemed wrong of her to intrude. Dark Eyes seemed to sense her decision and gave her a little nod, with a smile too. Almost gentle. Blondie lifted his hands and blew a kiss in her direction.

  Laurie nodded in response, and then finally backed away from the window, leaving the sated pair to their world of mutual intimacy.

  The next day, she thought. She thought long and hard.

  Does orgasm always provoke catharsis like this?

  With the frolicsome boy-girl-boy trio getting frisky around the pool, and her two “lovers” gone off scuba diving or pursuing some other strenuous island activity, Laurie found a quiet beach about twenty minutes walk away, on which to lie and mull things over. It dawned on her that she’d been in a sort of thee-way relationship for a while now, with Jim and Melanie, but she just hadn’t known about it. She’d kept telling herself since she’d arrived on the island that her fiancé’s betrayal didn’t bother her, but now she knew it did. She’d been living in denial, mainly, until last night. When hot night air, over-proof rum and simmering grief had transformed her into someone who’d do the sort of thing that she’d never dreamed of ever doing before.

  But watching, and pleasuring herself with Dark Eyes and Blondie had changed her. Outré and not her as it seemed, she was part of a new threesome now. And despite her qualms, and the sense of shock she felt when she reminded herself what she’d done, she felt closer to her ersatz partners than she had to anyone in a long time. Despite the fact they’d never touched, and barely yet spoken.

  She still wasn’t really sure which was which. Either one could be Ed; either one could be Denny. But she was bound to them whichever one was which, joined by that sweetest of stolen orgasms.

  There was a note lying on her mat when she returned to the villa, and her heart leapt, knowing who it was from.

  Hey, neighbor!

  How about a drink with us tonight, eh? Or a bite to eat. Or a chat. Or something.

  About eight? Please come, it’ll just be us three. We’re looking forward to getting to know you better.

  Ed and Denny in Number Three.

  Oh God, what did “something” mean? Part of her feared it and wanted to run, and run now, straight back to the island’s little airport and get on a plane back to normality, even though that normality was a pretty grim state.

  But then again, the provocative Ed and Denny might just be being neighborly and taking pity on a singleton.

  But that was absurd too. She couldn’t ignore what’d happened last night, and neither could they. Unless they did things like that on a regular basis, just for fun, and it didn’t mean anything.

  Her head whirled, even in the absence of rum. But she made a decision. She wouldn’t be a coward. She’d go. Take her chances on whatever “something” was.

  With silly smile on her face, Laurie headed for the shower. Better make herself as gorgeous and fragrant as possible, just in case.

  What did one wear for a hot date with two men?

  Chapter Two

  It’d taken four changes of clothing to decide what to wear, and even then Laurie had ended up in the first outfit she’d tried on—a floating tropical print sundress with a halter neck that tied in a bow at the back.

  It was a daring choice for her, but she’d been planning to wear it for an all-sex honeymoon, luring Jim back to bed almost as soon as they’d got out of it. Now, even though there was a little guard fire of anger and pain still burning inside her, the thought of sex with her former fiancé was starting to make her cringe. She couldn’t get over the image of him with chubby Melanie, sweating and heaving.

  An especially repugnant thought, after the competition quality erotic exhibitionism she’d observed last night from both the villas across the patio. And particularly from beyond the door she was about to knock on now, taut with nerves.

  Doubts had resurfaced as the appointed hour had rolled around. How could she face them? It was the moment of truth. She’d spent a large part of the day, alternating between reliving last night, and convincing herself that it had probably been just a tipsy dream, even though she knew it wasn’t. She’d never seen herself as a brazen woman, but last night she’d not only come close to the border of brazen, she’d smashed right on through it.

  You can still change your mind, kiddo. You can plead a headache tomorrow. I’m sure they won’t be offended. They don’t seem like the type to bear grudges, and maybe they’ll just get the message that you’re not interested and keep it all friendly, but distant?

  But another voice murmured coward. The same one that told her she was interested. Listening to that one, she took a firm grip on the neck of the bottle of over-proof she’d brought as a gift for her hosts, and knocked sharply before she could prevaricate and chicken out.

  A low masculine murmur emanated from beyond the door. Hard to tell its tenor, but she hoped it was the sound of someone who was pleased by her arrival. Maybe she wasn’t the only one having second thoughts. After all, these were a couple of gay lovers, into each other, not some stray woman.

  The door swung open, and Dark Eyes’ warm smile both quelled her fears and reminded her of the pleasures of last night. His eyes twinkled, and up close she could see they were brown, rich and glowing as the rum in her bottle, and very, very sexy.

  “Well, hello! So glad you decided to join us. Do come on in!” He threw back the door and waved her through, his gesture expansive and graceful. Dark Eyes was the skinnier of the two men, but he looked fit and strong in a black, long-sleeved cotton top and snug fitting jeans.

  His partner, Blondie, unwound himself from the planter’s chair he’d been lounging in, and came toward her, his smile just as welcoming, but quite different to his fellow’s.

  Blondie, up close, was simply dazzling; there were no two ways about it. His hair was a tousle of dark gold curls and his face bordered on the angelic it was so pretty, yet still it was full of character, and strong. He was slightly broader built than his friend, but moved lightly and lithely as he held out his hand. The acknowledged beauty of the two, he looked like a film star in his white shirt and cream linen trousers and waistcoat, as if he’d fallen from a screen showing Brideshead Revisited.

  “I’m Denny. Delighted you could come.” He grinned on the word come, and it sent a frisson through Laurie’s vitals. She smiled back, feeling a bit idiotic, but very turned on, remembering last night. Denny might look a bit fey with his cherubic curls and his creamy linen, but his handshake was firm and excitingly manly. “And this is Ed, my lover.”

  Just like that. No shilly-shallying about. Well, why would they be anything but up-front after their unequivocal display?

p; Ed smiled, stepped forward and shook her hand too. Like his lover, his grip was firm and his skin smooth and warm.

  Laurie blinked, just staring at them. She felt like laughing out loud, nerves notwithstanding. She’d come to the island to get away from men and their complications, and now she’d managed to end up here with two of them. Two who were completely gorgeous examples of the gender and who probably came with twice as many complications.

  The lovers stared back at her, and a little tilt of Denny’s blond head seemed to be asking a question.

  Oh hell, of course, my name!

  “Oh, sorry… I’m Laurie Jones. Pleased to meet you…” Meet? How absurd was that after she’d masturbated to orgasm in front of the pair of them last night, not to mention the fact that they had already shared smiles and vague pleasantries around the pool in the last couple of days. A bubble of laugher escaped her lips, and suddenly Ed and Denny were laughing too, as if they’d both known her for years.

  “I suppose I should say sorry for spying on you last night… and… um… making an exhibition of myself too.” She could feel a fresh sizzle of blush start to rise up through her décolletage and her face and throat. “But I blame that lot in Cabana Two, they started it with their… um… performance.”

  “Indeed,” said Ed with a grin, “It would have been cowardly not to, well, rise to the challenge.” He winked at his lover. “At least that’s what we thought.”

  “Yes, it just had to be done, didn’t it?” Denny waggled his sandy eyebrows at her, reminding her more of a naughty boy rather than of the hot, mature, rampantly sexual man he so obviously was.

  “Absolutely,” concurred Laurie, still blushing but feeling her edginess ameliorate and the promise of relaxation with the two men beckon.

  “Shall we have a drink… Just chill out a bit, eh?” suggested Denny, reaching for her hand again and leading her toward the large wickerwork sofa that matched the planter’s chair. As Laurie sank down onto it, he sat beside her. “Ed’s ordered some food from the hotel kitchen. Just finger stuff, seafood, chicken and the like… It’ll be here in a little while, so we can have a bevvy first and get to know each other.” he paused, dropping an outrageous wink “… with our clothes on.”


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