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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 8)

Page 67

by Sabrina York

  Ed waggled his eyebrows and grinned, his fingers flying to his jeans’ zipper.

  “Um… yeah, right.” Even after the things they’d done, Laurie still felt a little nervous, stripping off here on a public beach. They’d walked a good way from the resort, but there still might be some restless, lonely, or insomniac person walking this way.

  “Go on, gorgeous, you can do it. You’re delicious. We want to see all of you.” Denny’s smile was seductive and challenging, although Laurie couldn’t really concentrate on it, because her eyes were fatally drawn to his sex, and the way he was unashamedly giving it a frisk.

  All of me? Am I up to this? You two are both so incredibly fit, so goddamn beautiful. And I’m just an averagely pretty woman with an average body.

  Denny edged toward her, as if he’d heard her thoughts, and behind her, she heard Ed fling away his jeans, then, presumably his underwear.

  “Whatever you’re thinking, don’t think it,” Denny commanded, “We’ve already seem most of you… and you’re a goddess, woman, an absolute goddess.” He slid his hands over her shoulders and attacked the bow at the back of her neck, while from behind, Ed unfastened the zip in the side of her dress.

  In the blink of an eye, she was naked, the pretty sun frock flung away along with the men’s clothing.

  “Beautiful.” Denny’s mouth settled on her lips.

  “Adorable.” Ed brushed her hair aside and settled a light kiss on the nape of her neck.

  Laurie settled a hand on Denny’s waist, and fishing around behind herself, found Ed’s hip with the other one. Both men had hot, smooth skin; both their bodies were firm, their solid reality powerful and reassuring. She could do this. It was right. It was good. It affirmed life and joy and banished all her doubt in herself.

  “So what do we do then? I’m not used to three bodies. I mean, with one man, I know what goes where… and with two men together, well, you just focus on each other.” She squeezed each one of them, searching for answers that might be mapped on the epidermis of each of her lovers. “How do we organize the three of us?”

  “It’s easy,” said Ed, kissing her again, “Just plunge in, do what you fancy. There’s nothing right or wrong. No checklist or anything.” He ran his hands up and down her flanks in a slow soothing movement, while at her front Denny cradled his face in his two hands and kissed her with an extraordinary gentleness and delicacy. Dabbing little kisses around the periphery of her mouth, he sighed against her skin, and then spoke up.

  “Why not start by repaying Ed’s compliment?” He ran his tongue suggestively along the inner edge of her lower lip, flicking and teasing. “He gave you good head, why not do the same to him? You’ve got such a beautiful mouth… and a naughty tongue.” For a moment he pushed his own tongue between her lips and teased hers.

  Yes, she could do that. She liked giving head. It was another way in which she felt powerful… and playful. Jim had been disappointingly unenthusiastic whenever she’d suggested it, and she’d always been flabbergasted by that. What kind of man didn’t much like getting a blowjob?

  “Oh hell, yes,” growled Ed behind her, “That’s a great idea. Are you up for it, doll?”

  Doll? Laurie laughed. Nobody had ever called her “doll” before, but she liked it.

  “Absolutely!” Giving Denny a last kiss, she turned in his hold, and faced Ed, whose face was aglow. Kissing him quickly, she pushed hard on his shoulders, urging him to lie back on the blanket. The men were right. This was easy. She just had to follow her instincts.

  Ed subsided, stretching out on his back, half sitting up, resting on his elbows. Laurie shuffled around beside him, and beside her, Denny moved into a better position on too.

  “Isn’t that a sight for sore eyes?” he murmured, reaching out to run his fingers up the side of Ed’s rigid, erection. It was pointing toward the moon, hard and ready to be serviced. “Just play with the tip, for starters. He likes that.” Sliding his fist down the base, he seemed to offer his friend’s penis for Laurie’s approval.

  Adjusting herself on the rug, Laurie knelt and braced herself with her left hand, while with the fingers of her right hand she encircled Ed, just above Denny’s grip. The darker man moaned, and moved seductively against the tartan weave beneath him.

  Laurie extended her tongue, licking the tip as suggested. She paused and smiled at Denny. Ed was just like a beautiful living lollipop that they were sharing. When she engulfed his glans, impatient to taste him, he groaned again.

  “Oh God, yes… more of that. More.”

  Laurie sucked and flicked and teased, loving the heat and the saltiness of him, and the way his tiny love-eye yielded and pouted against her tongue. Attended by two lovers, Ed seemed content to let them pleasure him, and he grabbed at the blanket at his side, twisting and grabbing at it in bunches, rocking his hips from side to side, and sometimes thrusting upwards. His cock was big, long and substantial, but Denny’s governing hand kept him from pushing up too hard into Laurie’s mouth. At the same time Denny stroked her hair encouragingly with his free hand.

  “Oh yes, I can see you’re very good at this,” he purred, as Ed hissed an impassioned expletive in response to Laurie’s foray beneath the head of his cock.

  “You’re amazing!” snarled Ed, “never mind ‘very good’… Oh yes, woman, that’s it… oh hell, yes, that’s it!”

  Laurie would have grinned again if she hadn’t had her mouth full. The men might be encouraging her, directing her even, but still, she felt in complete control, even though hot and excited. Down between her own legs, her sex was tense and heavy, almost as if every stroke of her tongue against Ed’s flesh was a delicious wave of stimulation to her own body. She moaned around Ed’s cock when Denny slithered his hand from her head and down her spine to her bottom. He was curled over and around her, kneeling against her and somehow enclosing her in his body heat while she enclosed the tip of Ed’s penis with her lips. Against her hip, she could feel the surge of the blond man’s cock pressing into her skin like a living brand.

  As Laurie teased Ed with her tongue, Denny teased her in return. Allowing her sole dominion over Ed’s cock, he slid a hand under her belly, completing a delicious circle of intimacy when the fingers of his other hand fluttered into her cleft from behind.

  He stroked her, he played her, dabbling at her entrance and caressing in a tricky, wicked rhythm. She made an uncouth sound around the obstruction in her mouth.

  “Naughty, naughty, beautiful girl,” he murmured, still inclined over her, “Concentrate on Ed. Don’t let yourself get distracted.”

  How the hell am I supposed to do that?

  Inside, Laurie laughed. The man was preposterous. His fingers were driving her crazy, but he was telling her to concentrate. Her eyes snapped toward Ed, and she could see he was trying to watch what Denny was doing.

  Devils! You’re both devils!

  Plagued by pleasure, she renewed her onslaught on Ed’s cock, sucking hard, probing with her tongue, giving him as good as she was getting from Denny. They were crazy, wild, sexy men and in that moment, she adored the pair of them. There was nowhere in the world she’d rather be than on this magical moonlight beach, on her knees, giving head to a relative stranger. There was nobody in her life she’d rather be with than these two.

  “Oh God,” cried Ed suddenly, his hips bucking and lifting, his glans pushing, pushing, pushing as he climaxed. Was it her tongue, or what he was seeing that had triggered him? She didn’t know. Her only reality was his semen in her mouth, and Denny’s fingers.

  For a moment or two, Ed held her to him, his fingers buried in her hair, but then, as his spasms ebbed, he released her, falling back against the blanket, gasping hard as his penis slipped from between her lips. “Thank you, doll,” he murmured, his smooth chest heaving.

  Laurie made as if to rise, but Denny forestalled her. “Uh oh. Stay where you are. Unfinished business.” She obeyed, crouching on the rug, half over Ed while his lover presided over her in retur
n, both hands working.

  It didn’t last long. She was too excited to hold out against him, and neither did she want to. Within seconds she followed Ed into orgasm, her sex clenching and rippling in stunning waves. Slipping sideways, she too fell into a heap on the rug, panting for breath.

  The man in the moon smiled down on them. Laurie smiled back up at him, enjoying the magical sexual wonderland. She cared not what happened in the future, or what had happened in the past. This was the moment, the crazy moment, to enjoy.

  As she got her breath back, she blinked and sat up. Ed was just lying on the rug, a foolish grin on his narrow handsome face making him look very young. Denny smiled too, and reached over and laid his hand on her shoulder, his touch almost fraternal, congratulatory.

  “Here, have a swig of this. It’ll take the taste away.” He offered the drinking bottle, shuffling up close so he could hold it while she sipped.

  “I don’t mind the taste,” said Laurie in all honestly. Ed’s semen had a bland, clean flavor, not at all unpleasant.

  “Neither do I,” answered Denny with a golden wink, “But I still think you deserve a drink after that performance.”

  The rum and lime was fresh and spicy, the perfect reviver. Laurie had never tasted anything quite so delicious and welcome in her life. As the heat went down her throat and into her belly, she did indeed feel stirred and refreshed. The bite of the rum seemed to reignite her, despite all the pleasures she’d already feasted on.

  As did the sight of Denny’s cock, thick and sturdy, rearing up from his groin as if waiting for its turn to participate.

  Laurie hitched forward a little, licking her lips and wondering if over-proof spirit would be at all damaging to the shiny, stretched skin of Denny’s erection. “Er… would you like me to do the honors for you too?” She nodded toward his penis, where it swayed a little as he moved toward her.

  His grin was seraphic. “Bless you, my queen of sexiness. I don’t think I’ve ever had a sweeter offer.” He paused, offering her the drink bottle again, and waiting while she had another pull at it. “But that’s not exactly what I want right at the moment.”

  Laurie blinked. What did he want? Did he intend to possess his lover, Ed, while she watched? She’d no doubt that Ed would pretty quickly revive at that prospect and it would both intriguing and red hot to see the two men together in a reverse of the configuration of last night.

  But when she made to move aside, and allow Denny to get to Ed, he set aside the bottle, and took hold of her lightly by both her shoulders. “Uh oh… no, not that.”


  His answer was to push her down onto her back on the rug, and kiss her, moving his body over hers like a cloak of heat. As his tongue pushed into her mouth, he rubbed his cock against her thigh.

  Oh Lordy, you want to me! Why didn’t I think of that?

  “When I said we like girls,” Denny murmured, moving his mouth over her face, her jaw and her neck, then worrying a sensitive patch of skin just beneath her ear, teasing it with the sharp edges of his teeth, “That means we like to make love to girls too.” Nibble, nibble, nibble… “But only very special girls like you. Very special women, who… who… Well, women who really mean something to us.”

  The sweet kissing went on, and Laurie gave back as good as she got. But a part of her analyzed what he’d said and her mind began to whirl and slowly wonder. She felt special. She was special. And as her eyes filled with tears, it dawned on her that on this enchanted night, she was much, much more special than she’d ever been back at home, even when engaged, and almost married. Out of a clear Caribbean sky, it seemed almost as if the perfect man for her, times two, had descended from heaven.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Denny lifted his face and peered down at her, his brow crimping, “Are you all right, sweetheart?” He rested on his elbow and used his free hand to stroke her face and smooth back her hair, his touch infinitely gentle. “If we’re too much for you, you just have to say. We’ll take it down a notch or two. We can all just sit here in the moonlight for a while, you know. We don’t have to have sex. We can just be buddies.”

  More tears threatened, but they were good ones. Denny and Ed were the most exciting and desirable men she’d ever met, but they were nice too. Strange and old-fashioned as that seemed.

  I like nice. Nice is sexy. Very sexy indeed.

  “I’m fine, Denny… more than fine,” she answered, reaching up to stroke his face, then turning to smile at Ed too, when she felt his reassuring hand on her shoulder. “And I don’t want to take anything down any number of notches. I like things at this level, just as they are.” She swirled her hips, rubbing her belly against Denny’s rigid cock.

  Denny grin widened into a creamy, smug, boyish, irresistible, masculine smirk.

  “That’s the spirit,” he growled, plunging in for more hard kisses, tongue probing wickedly, as his hands, and a couple of extra ones, began to explore.

  Laurie had never felt so pampered and so caressed, and she loved the way that Ed stroked and touched Denny as he in turn stroked and touched her. They were like one delicious, fondling man-unit, eager to serve her.

  “Condom, buddy,” instructed Denny after a little while, his face nuzzled against her neck. She felt him reach out a hand, fingers waggling in a request for Ed to supply a contraceptive, presumably from the pocket of his jeans, or Denny’s trousers.

  Swiftly, Ed found one and then came to kneel beside them. Denny half slid off Laurie, and seemed to present himself for enrobing. Laurie watched, a luscious frisson of lust roiling in her belly as Ed rolled the rubber sheath onto his friend. It was a normal, fine, near-transparent one this time, not the lurid day-glow version from last night.

  “What, no Technicolor dream-coat tonight?” she said, admiring the latex gleam of the form-fitting sheath where it clung to the firm flesh beneath.

  “Oh no, those are heavy duty johnnies, designed for backdoor action.” The men’s fingers casually brushed each other as Denny checked the fit. “These are finer, so I can feel being inside you all the better.” He reached for her hand, folding it in his and Ed’s, around his cock.

  Laurie giggled.

  “What’re you laughing at, you cheeky mare?” Denny gave her an arch look, his thumb stroking her fingers.

  “All for one, one for all.” She squeezed him lightly.

  “Exactly,” observed Ed, his own fingers flexing.

  “Precisely,” chimed Denny happily, “Now shall we get on?” As Ed slid back onto his haunches, the blond moved over Laurie, pressing his cock against her belly.

  She was ready, so ready for him. He was to be her first man since the catastrophe that had brought her here alone and her first man as a woman who was free to make choices. Squirming against Denny, she nudged and encouraged him to enter her, giving back his demanding kisses to invite him in.

  Had she planned to have sex on this holiday? Maybe… Had she ever anticipated it would be as strange and wonderful as this? Never… Fingers probed and nudged at her entrance, positioning Denny’s erection, setting it just right against her. As she kissed, and surged up eagerly, grabbing his back and buttocks, she couldn’t tell in the tangle of limbs exactly whose fingers they were. She just knew they were strong and sure and male.

  And then he was in, pushing forward in a smooth, confident stroke. Laurie’s eyes popped open and she gasped. He felt big, deliciously big, stretching her as he slid into the hilt. “Oh yeah,” he gasped, rocking his hips, going deeper. A hand slid over her hip, gentle and encouraging, Ed’s blessing.

  Denny was hungry for her. He drove into her hard. All the watching and anticipating while she’d pleasured Ed had driven the blond man to distraction and a towering state of raw desire. He grunted happily as he plowed her, murmuring raw endearments and a blue streak of praise for her body and the way she felt. His hips rocked with extraordinary power, battering her against the rug and the sand beneath them, every stroke nudging hard against her center of sensatio

  Yes, Denny was fierce, and his body ruthless, but at the same time Ed’s caresses, roaming over them both, were sweet and tender. The combination of wild power with exquisite nurturing made her moan, overcome and almost delirious even before she reached for climax.

  The sky above was dark, yet the moon was bright, the elemental contrast an echo of Ed and Denny. Between them, they were best of everything, all she wanted. Moaning and crying out without fear or inhibition, Laurie’s own hands roved over all the masculine flesh she could reach and touch: Denny’s muscular, flexing back and ass, and Ed’s firm thighs and caressing hands. She even explored his cock, newly hard, where he pressed himself as closely as he could against the juncture of her and Denny, sharing their friction.

  The waves lashed the shoreline, each one washing Laurie and her lovers ever higher, higher, higher toward their peak. Would they reach it together? She didn’t know. She doubted it. They were still three bodies, three entities, despite their union. She knew that she at least could not hold out. Her sex convulsing with delicious pleasure, she arched and climaxed, with cries of “Yes, baby… yes” echoing in her ears, in not one, but two happy masculine voices.

  Even as she rippled and surged, sensation tingling in every part of her from toes almost to the tips of her hair, she felt Denny come inside her, the pulsations exquisitely distinct. He shouted hoarsely as his hips went jab, jab, jab in the familiar fast strokes, and Ed’s fingers laced with Laurie’s against their lover’s bottom, holding him close, keeping him deep, to increase his joy.

  Then it was Ed’s turn. As Denny half collapsed in a heap on top of her, Ed seemed to throw himself against them, surging and rocking, pushing against their heat and their sweaty skin to massage his cock. As one, she and Denny each flung a weary arm around him, drawing him closer, including him in an intimacy that transcended penetration. Messy kisses were aimed, found their target somehow, and Ed too roared his orgasm and then subsided against them, his sticky semen spurting out onto two bodies.


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