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Absolute Corruption: Southern Justice Trilogy

Page 22

by Cayce Poponea

  “I make no such promises, first come first serve!” He hollered as I shut the door, not letting go of Lainie for a single second. I had backed my truck in to unload some parts Dylan had ordered from a local supplier. It gave us the privacy we needed to have this conversation, and the kiss I planned to give her in about ten seconds.

  “Austin, I wanted to tell you I’m sorry for running out like I did. I was scared and jealous of Keena.” If the sun had still been out I bet her face would show a blush, the same one she wore when she orgasmed.

  “Why would you ever be jealous of Keena?” The question popped into my head, and out of my mouth before I could stop it. Lainie lowered her head, focusing on the buttons of my shirt. “Because there’s a chance she is gonna give you a baby.”

  I raised her chin to face me, not understanding why this would bother her. “And?”

  “And—” Her bottom lips began to quiver, a sure sign I had to shut this shit down.

  “Hey, hey. No tears.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m just so angry because she gets to give you a baby, and I won’t.”

  The honesty in her admission broke something in me. I knew I wanted so much more with this beautiful girl, but never dreamed she shared the same desire. “Who says you won’t give me a baby? I could take you in the back of this truck, and get the plan in motion.” I was completely serious, if Lainie wanted a baby, then by God she was gonna have my baby.

  “No, not like that. I want it all. I know it is the craziest thing in the world to tell you all of this, considering all the shit you’re dealing with, but I can’t help it. I love you, and I want everything with you. The crazy fights over dirty towels, the game of rock paper scissors over who changes the poopy diaper, everything, and I want it with you.” Her eyes were full of tears, happy ones I hoped.

  “You know my granddaddy always said that if you make your girl happy, she will be inclined to return the favor.” I leaned over, pulling her face into mine. “Lainie Perry, I’ve been without your taste for far too many days. Rest assured, one day I will lower myself down on one knee, and beg you to marry my poor soul. But until that day, I’m going to give you the fairy tale prince of your dreams.”

  Kissing her had always come naturally, like breathing or blinking. Not having her around to kiss when I wanted, told me I hadn’t worked hard enough to show her how much I felt for her. I pulled her impossibly close, wrapping her tightly in my arms. My lips taking command of hers and sliding my fingers into her hair. My hand guiding her head where I wanted her to go. I wanted to take away any doubt she’d ever had, any thought Keena held any importance to me. My tongue parted her lips, tasting the sweetness, which was distinctively Lainie Faith Perry.

  When I learned her middle name, I said a silent prayer of thanks to Granddaddy for telling me to find faith, keep it close, and go as far to find a Faith. I had one, and I was going to fight like hell to keep her.

  I hoisted her up on the hood of my truck, finding my place beside her. “I had lunch today with your Momma.” I looked up to the stars, I knew she would bring this up. “You sent me a text to find me, didn’t you?”

  “Partially, but I meant the words I said.”

  “I got a tattoo today.” She announced joyfully.

  I knew this too, having seen it on her bankcard, as I followed her around the city. “Can I see it?”

  “Later.” She winked and I knew we were headed on the right track. “I had a discussion with your momma. She reminded me of some things I had either forgotten or chose to ignore. First, she said your daddy never faulted her for not giving him the experience of helping her along with a pregnancy. That when she saw the three of you, she knew you needed them as much as they needed you. They didn’t care where you had come from or what you had done, only that you needed love, and they had so much of it to give.”

  Momma had told us many times how much of a treasure she found in each of us and if someone came in, taking every dime they had, she would still be happy because she had us.

  “I’ve always been a believer in happily ever after, and I wanted this to be the one I got to experience.” She motioned back and forth between us. “You know I never knew my dad, never sent him a birthday present, or made him a ham sandwich. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, no matter how mean of a person they were.” She took my face in her tiny hands, the smell of the shrimp still lingering. “If this baby turns out to be your son or daughter, I swear to love it, and help you raise it the best way I know how. Because at the end of the day, he or she will be a mini version of you.”

  Lainie showed me, with her words how pure of heart she was. Accepting a child she didn’t give life to as one she would help raise, spoke volumes to me.

  “I won’t lie to you, Austin. When I saw you today, coming out of the building with Keena, something in me changed. While I’ve always wanted the fairy tale story, right now I feel as if I’m the antagonist in my own tale. With Keena carrying your baby, I feel as if this is my sequel, and I didn’t get to enjoy the original story.”

  If only Lainie could have been with us at the appointment I’d taken Keena to. How she huffed and puffed when her cell phone had no service, making it impossible for her to watch the YouTube version of her favorite show. Or how rude she was when the receptionist asked her politely not to use her phone, since it would interfere with the band strength they used for their ultrasound machine. Or even how she’d refused to say anything if I remained in the room with her, forcing me to wait in the lobby for her to finish.

  “Lainie, you know I have found the second half of any story is the best part.”

  “Really, why?”

  “Because that’s where the happy ending is found. Where the prince makes his beautiful girl’s wishes come true.”

  “I love you, Austin.”

  “I love you, too, princess.” I kissed her forehead, something I knew she loved for me to do.

  “Oh, and just so you know. I didn’t tell your Momma you forgot to open that door for Keena. You and I both know she would have skinned you alive if she knew.”

  While Lainie was correct, no matter the manners of the lady, my job was to open and close doors, walk with my body between the traffic and them, and to always hold their hand when we are together. But I’ll also admit, considering who it was I disrespected, even Granddaddy would let it slide.

  Every girl deserves a guy who looks at her everyday like it’s the first time he saw her.

  ~ Anonymous

  Living with regret had never been something I planned to do. This afternoon I’d come home to an excited Heidi, who had received a promise ring from Preston.

  “Lainie, I know what you’re gonna say and believe me, I don’t want to jump into another marriage anytime soon. But he cares for me and I care for him. He has two years living in New Jersey, and he swears to me he is coming back. He’s going to work for Mr. Morgan, and make me completely happy.”

  After the day I had, I wouldn’t begrudge anyone finding their great white buffalo. “I’m happy if you’re happy.” Simple enough words, which gave her reason to smile.

  After I laid down for a few hours, Claire burst into my apartment, a bag of groceries in her hand. She had a little helper, that tiny speck of a girl by the name of Audrey. As I struggled to wake up, Claire tried every way imaginable to get any information out of her, but she wouldn’t budge. I was more convinced than ever there was something serious going on in Audrey’s life, and it wasn’t good.

  Dean and Priscilla had called Dylan, letting him know they were on their way over to the garage to spend the evening with us. But, they were having a hard time trying to drag Keena out of her room and into the car. Austin said she’d confessed to having an ultrasound, but wouldn’t show him. How sad was it to have a baby growing, and being unable see the images of him or her.

  “It’s always been this way with her, never wanting to leave the television for a single moment.” Austin admitted, as he scooped up a large helping of grits.

  “Come on, bro, she had to have left the boob tube long enough for you to get her pregnant.” Dylan always the crass one, had obviously left his filter in the dishwasher tonight.

  “Ever heard of doggie style, Dylan?”

  I could see the regret on Austin’s face, watching as he cringed from his slip of the tongue. I placed my plate of food down, and crossed the space between us, ignoring the silence his words have created.

  “Lucky for me, I’ve never felt the need for a distraction while having sex with you.” I kissed his parted lips, sending him a mischievous wink. “I’ve always had too much trouble remembering my name, to worry about what’s on television.”

  I loved him enough to accept his past, regardless if that past included a responsibility, which would last a lifetime.

  “Sorry we’re late everyone.” Priscilla slipped in, hugging and kissing each person she passed. “You look well rested.” She soothed as she hugged me tight. “Make sure she stays that way, Austin.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  Dean came in carrying a pan I hoped contained the infamous banana pudding I’ve heard so much about. She had made some for Chase’s welcome home dinner, but with my quick departure, I’d missed out.

  “Keena, get over here, and eat something.” Priscilla sound irritated, and rightfully so. The last time I had contact with Keena, she was all confidence and persuasion. Now she resembled a petulant child who needed a good scolding. Keena shuffled her feet, as if being led to the dungeon, turning her nose up at the smorgasbord of southern goodness that had been laid out.

  “Is there salad or anything cooked without butter?”

  Priscilla rolled her eyes, and Dean stifled a laugh. Austin mumbled something under his breath, before taking his plate over to the couch against the far wall.

  While Keena picked at the plate Priscilla had filled, everyone else dug in, savoring the flavors of the comfort food we all loved.

  “Okay, I’m going to just go ahead and poke the elephant in the room.” Claire stood up, her glass of tea in the air as if giving a toast. “Keena Marshall, I hear you had an ultrasound today, and we want to see if we are having a niece or nephew.”

  Keena’s eyes grew to size of a saucer. “Um, I didn’t bring the picture with me.” She shoved a spoonful of grits in her mouth, her face taking on a disgusted look, as the flavor hit her pallet.

  “Oh, honey, I knew you would forget, so I ran back in the house and got them out of your room.” Dean announced proudly, holding the same file I’d seen earlier in the day.

  Keena stood slowly, placed her heaving plate on the table beside her, and took the envelope from Dean’s outstretched hand. Opening the lip, she pulled out a white sheet of paper, stared at it for several minutes, and then shoved it back in the envelope. “I don’t know how to read it.”

  “Well, you’re in luck as we have a nurse among us.” Dean said with a glint in his eye. “Claire, will you take a look at this please? I’m dying to know what Austin is having.”

  Claire set her empty plate into the trash beside her. Dylan let her go long enough to open the envelope, pull out the paper, and then rake her eyes over the photo, going from top to bottom several times.

  “Keena, you had this done today, with Dr. Olsen, correct?”

  “Um yes, this morning in her office.” Her response was filled with attitude.

  “And, Austin, you took her to Dr. Sabrina Olsen?” Claire’s eyes never left the paper before her.

  “Yes, that was what she introduced herself as.”

  Claire lowered the photograph slowly, a smile creeping across her face. “You know, I’ve always wondered how this would feel. Being the heroine in a tough situation, the one who rides in and saves the day.” Dylan gave her hip a squeeze, as he joined her smile. “I just need a minute to savor in this moment. I want to remember how this feels for a while, being the superhero and all.” She placed the photo flat against her chest, her closed mouth smiling just for herself.

  “You see, while I was out of town, I spent the good part of a day listening to a lecture given by the incredibly intelligent Dr. Sabrina Olsen. She is so passionate about what she does, and more importantly the product she has been a consultant on during the invention process. Now, where she may be excited about helping mothers bring new life into the world, she also stands to make a shit load of money from the research she’d done with this particular machine she swears an undying dedication for.” As Claire speaks, she had this animation to her words, almost like she was making fun of this physician.

  “The one thing I came out of that lecture knowing is the signature she insisted the company include on all the ultrasounds this machine produces. A digital signature which is encrypted in the serial and lot number of the paper, and machine used to document the progression of the babies development.” She slapped her index finger repeatedly on an area at the top of the photograph.

  “Now can anyone explain to me why the woman who invented the fucking machine, would even consider using the machine which is branded with the name of her largest competitor?”

  Dylan snatched the photo from her, looking at the numbers in question.

  “Keena, either you are lying about being pregnant or Austin is lying about taking you to Dr. Olsen. Since I know the lie would never come from a Morgan man, lift your fucking shirt, and show me that bump.”

  Kennas face raged with anger, “Fuck you! I don’t have to show you anything. I had that picture done today, and I don’t have to prove anything. This is Austin’s baby, and that is the end of it!”

  “Oh, honey, that is where you are wrong. Your shitty attitude may have influenced a room full of your New York friends, but here in the south, we have our own way of handling shit. Now, raise your shirt or I’m gonna raise it for you.”

  I didn’t give Keena time to argue, and raced across the room in her direction. I had almost pulled the hem up to her pant level, before she slapped at my ascending hand. But it was just enough to give Priscilla a bird’s eye view of what was beneath.

  “Raise your shirt, Keena.” Priscilla had raised three rambunctious boys, she had perfected the stern mom voice. “I won’t say it again, raise the hem of your blouse.” She enunciated each word slowly.

  Keena reached down with a shaky hand and raised the shirt. As if it was sealing her fate, which in this case, it would. Where a swollen belly should be, a pillow was in its place. The kind women used when they were shopping for maternity clothes.

  Voices began to raise, words were tossed around about legal ramifications, and lying bitch. I’d never seen Priscilla this angry or Dean make a phone call as fast as he did. But the real surprise, the one which silenced the entire room, was Chase walking through the door, just as Audrey turned to clean up Keena’s spilled plate.

  Just like in the movies, the world slowed down into slow motion. Audrey froze with the wet towel in mid air, as Chase devoured her face like a man seeing water for the first time in days.

  Austin pulled me close, playfully nipping the shell of my ear. “All I can say is Harmony who?”

  I held my laugh, wanting this moment to last for them as long as possible. Chase would need a girl like Audrey when the truth came out. I knew she had a secret, one she worked overtime to keep. I just prayed it would be something Chase could handle when she was ready to share.

  “I’m sorry, we haven’t been introduced. I’m Chase Morgan.”

  I’d spent enough time with Chase to know this wasn’t a tone he had used before. He was gentle and reserved as his hand took Audrey’s, an almost electric glow could be seen.

  Audrey stood wide-eyed in surprise, a rare smile finding a place to rest on her delicate face. “I’m Audrey Helms, I work for Mr. Morgan.”

  In the best love stories, the players finally realize they are not the only people in the room. Usually this is discovered on their own, but this time the blaring of a truck horn was responsible.

  Audrey is jolted back to the present. Although Chase keeps hol
d of her hand, and while she doesn’t protest, she also doesn’t pull it away.

  “Who the fuck is this ass clown?” Austin questions, as he looked into the monitor. The security cameras showing a truck in the driveway, flashing its high beams, and repeatedly sounding its horn.

  “I’m sorry, it’s for me. I’ll be right back.” Audrey dropped Chase’s hand, and jogged to the front door. Chase followed her, but stood just inside the door, watching as she handed something to the man behind the wheel.

  We can all see what is happening on the large monitor on the wall. Dylan has called one of his buddies to come and take Keena to jail. Austin isn’t questioned if he wants to press charges, he doesn’t have to say a word.

  “You fucking bitch, I said five hundred!” The shout is heard clear as day inside the shop. One minute Audrey is backing away from the truck, and the next she’s on the ground, with the driver out of the cab and standing over her, his fist pulled back ready to strike her again.

  Chase is out the door before Dylan or Austin can blink. Tackling the driver to the ground and slamming his fist into his face so fast, I can’t count how many times he connected.

  “Austin, you have to stop him,” I pleaded; worried he was going to get hurt if they didn’t do something.

  Austin grabbed me around the waist, holding me tight to him. “No, Ma’am. This is how southern boys become men, or women, as it looks from here.”

  Both Dylan and Austin watch, as Chase beats the living shit out of this guy. Stopping only when the cops pull up to take Keena away. Dylan is the first to speak with the officers, and then they walk around to the guy who is bloody on the ground, shooting him a look of pity, but continuing on.

  “You keep your fucking hands to your goddamn self, you hear me motherfucker!?” Chase shouted, as he pulled the guy to his feet. “You stay away from her, or I’ll fucking end you.”

  The guy stumbled to his truck and jumped in, revving the engine to life. He points his finger at Chase and says something, which is drowned by the rumble of his engine. As he pulled out of the drive, screeching his tires on the pavement, Chase gets in one last shot by tossing a beer bottle clean through his back window, shattering the glass in the process. The words Yankee Stomper, crumbling into the bed of the truck


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