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His Naughty Little Mate

Page 2

by Sue Lyndon

  “Who are you?” Carmen demanded. She tried to move her other leg over the crib, but the woman swatted her diaper-clad bottom and shook her head. Rage and disbelief combined, and Carmen felt her face redden. “I said who are you? And where is Erik?”

  The alien woman scowled at her, shook her head again, and pointed at the mattress. Carmen knew the woman wanted her to get back into bed, but that wasn’t going to happen. Not without a fight. She pretended like she was about to lie down, then once the sternness on the woman’s face disappeared, Carmen jumped over the edge of the crib with the swiftness and skill of a practiced runner leaping over a hurdle.

  Heart pounding in her ears, she headed for the door, and collided with it. She pounded on the solid surface, trying to get the blasted thing to open. There was no handle or any buttons, and before she could attempt to pry it open, strong hands gripped her shoulders and spun her around. The sternness had returned to the alien woman’s face. After another shake of her head, the woman turned Carmen to her side and bent her over slightly, then delivered several sharp swats to her diaper-covered bottom. Continued struggles only earned her some even sharper swats to the backs of her unprotected thighs.

  Carmen cursed and wrenched out of the woman’s strong hold, putting space between them before turning around to stare at the alien. What the hell was going on? Nothing made sense. Perhaps she was still floating in space, delusional from a lack of oxygen. A pinch to her arm didn’t rouse her, and she backed against the wall as the young, attractive alien approached.

  “Please tell me where Erik is.”

  The alien cocked her head and narrowed her startling blue eyes, and with a sinking heart Carmen realized they didn’t share a language. She peered out the nearest window. The purple birds continued to swoop up and down atop the trees. The whiteness of the clouds against the blue sky appeared more vibrant than on Earth. A rectangular aircraft hovered in the distance, and as she walked closer to the window, the clouds parted to reveal twin suns beaming down across the lush landscape.

  She pinched herself again. And again. A frustrated scream built in her throat, but she swallowed it and turned to the alien woman, a woman who appeared to be the same age as Carmen. Well, judging by human standards. Human standards weren’t the norm here though. The blue streaks in the alien woman’s hair contrasted with the lighter blue of her eyes. She had smooth porcelain skin, long legs and long, slender arms with five fingers on each hand, and thin lips that were pursed at the moment.

  Blue obviously wasn’t happy with Carmen. Not that she cared. She only cared about escape. Finding Erik. Perhaps the pieces of this crazy puzzle would fall into place once she spoke with him. Worry shadowed her thoughts as she once again wondered about his location and safety. Was he being held captive in a similar room?

  Another alien entered, a male carrying a tray of brightly colored food. Exotic. Everything about this place was exotic, yet somehow soothing because of the pastels in the room. Exhaustion tugged at Carmen and she glanced back at the bed. No, the crib. That’s what it was, as unnerving as it was to accept. She cupped her bottom, still stinging from the spanking Blue had administered.

  Her stomach rumbled as the male with cropped blond hair placed the tray on a table. He left the room without a word, only nodding at Blue as he slipped through the door, which zipped shut the moment he exited. She frowned, figuring it was automatic and programed not to allow her escape. She’d have to figure out a way to force her way outside.

  Blue gestured at the table, and Carmen’s stomach rumbled again. She hesitantly approached, taking the seat farthest from Blue, but the woman sat next to her anyway. Before Carmen could scoot away, her wrist was grasped as Blue pressed a spoonful of dark green goo into her mouth. It tasted bland at first, but after resting on her tongue for a few seconds, rich flavors exploded. Fruity, yet with a hint of nuts. Like the almonds she used to devour by the bag as she worked on a research proposal late at night. Whether it was due to surprise or hunger, Carmen allowed Blue to feed her several more bites before she slowly reached for the spoon.

  Smack! Cradling her stinging hand, she glared at the alien as fury built in her chest. Her blood boiled. The crib was annoying. The diaper insulting and embarrassing. Spoon feeding crossed the line. Why the hell wouldn’t Blue at least try to talk to her, or communicate in some other way? Humans had theorized about alien life for thousands of years, and while Carmen had never thought intelligent alien life would be discovered during her lifetime, she’d always thought the aliens would at least be smart enough to figure out how to communicate with them if such a meeting occurred.

  Instead, Blue was treating Carmen as if she couldn’t complete the simplest of tasks. Anger simmered as her sense of helplessness increased. She refused to eat another bite, despite the continued rumbling of her stomach. Disapproval shone on Blue’s face, and Carmen glanced down at the dark green, red, and orange goo on the tray, impulsively deciding that her new alien friend could use a bit of color on her stern face.

  With a quick flick of her hand, she sent the plate flying upward with a satisfying splat. But before she could try to make her escape, she found herself on Blue’s lap. Bottom up. Nightie pushed up, and diaper pulled down.

  She kicked her feet, trying to flail off the woman’s lap, but a flurry of spanks stung her bare flesh. She grabbed onto the table and lifted her head, a cry ripping from her throat as the pain built and built. A noise by the door caught her attention, and Carmen froze over the stern woman’s lap, unable to move as she stared up at the new visitor who’d showed up just in time to witness her humiliation.

  Erik stood in front of her, tall and perfectly healthy looking, wearing a pair of dark slacks and a simple white tunic. He folded his arms across his chest and his lips curled with amusement. The same male alien who’d delivered her tray stood at his side, only a few inches taller than the smirking human man.

  “Don’t just stand there, you bastard! Help me!” she yelled at Erik.

  Blue continued to thrash her bare bottom, even swatting the tops of her thighs. Frustratingly, the woman’s strength surpassed hers, and Carmen had no choice but to accept her punishment.

  Erik’s amusement deepened, a smug smile breaking across his face. “Judging by the food covering your nurse’s face, I’d say you richly deserve the spanking you’re getting, Carmen. Looks to me like you’ve been a very naughty little girl.”

  Chapter Two

  Blue tugged Carmen’s diaper back into place and stood her up, giving her a censuring look. Food still covered the alien’s face, and a smidge of guilt nagged at Carmen as she surveyed the mess she’d made on the table. She’d been angry. Was still angry. She stared from Blue to Erik to the male alien, wishing the floor would open up and swallow her whole.

  After another tense moment, Blue and the male alien, Blondie, began cleaning up the splattered food. She backed away from the mess and stiffened when Erik approached, leading her toward the crib.

  “I see you’re up to your old tricks.” He smirked at her, and she resisted the urge to push him into the crib. How the hell could he joke around at a time like this?

  “Where are we?” she hissed, glancing at the aliens and keeping her voice low.

  “In a galaxy far, far away.” He chuckled as he brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

  She jerked away from his hand. “I’m serious, Erik. I just woke up a few minutes ago. Have any of them talked to you?”

  Shaking his head, he placed his hands on her shoulders. His expression gentled and she calmed under his touch. “I’ve been awake for a few hours. None of them have spoken to me. In fact, I haven’t overheard them speaking to each other, yet they seem to be a highly intelligent species, judging by our surroundings. I’ve seen high tech ships in the sky and they used some pretty crazy-looking instruments to give me a medical examination earlier. Anyway, I’m guessing they are telepaths.”

  A shiver rippled down her back, and excitement clenched her pussy as she recalled he
r own medical examination. She was starting to remember more and more of it, particularly the part where they spread her pussy lips wide and inserted some sort of cool device that despite its chilled temperature had only made her hotter. They’d inspected her breasts, tweaking her nipples until her center became wet from the constant tugging and pinching. Her bottom hole had been penetrated by something the size of a finger, and whatever it was had been lubricated, because it had been twisted around in her hole for several long moments as she gasped and panted on the hospital-like bed. Her physical reaction to being violated shamed her, and she hoped Erik didn’t notice her face flushing. Finally, she regained her senses and asked, “If they are telepaths, why can’t we hear them in our heads?”

  He squeezed her shoulders. “I don’t know, but I want you to promise me you’ll calm down. No more temper tantrums. So far they haven’t harmed me. If anything, they seem to be studying me, and I anticipate they’ll try to study you too. I’ve spent the last hour taking what I believe are intelligence tests. At one point they gave me a drawing instrument, and after I drew a picture of you, Spike brought me here.”


  “The male alien. His hair is short, but it sticks straight up.”

  Carmen couldn’t help but smile at the nickname. “I was going to call him Blondie, but Spike sounds better. I’m calling the woman Blue. It’s amazing how similar they are in appearance to humans, don’t you think?” She glanced at the table to find it set to rights, no trace of splattered food. Spike waited next to the closed door, and Blue stood at his side, her head turned to him and their eyes connected as if they were speaking, but their lips weren’t moving.

  “Cute diaper,” Erik said, winking.

  She felt her entire body flush under his rude comment. “How dare you. This isn’t funny. None of this. Blue wouldn’t even let me hold a spoon to feed myself, so—”

  “So you became impatient and tossed a plate in her face?” he interrupted, dropping her shoulders and taking a step back.

  She itched to wipe the smirk off his face. Or toss green, orange, and red goo at him. “Why do you have real clothes, anyway?” she asked.

  “Because I was patient and didn’t resist them when I awoke. I used hand gestures, calmly, to show them I was capable of feeding myself and going to the bathroom by myself. Yes, I will admit it was humiliating at first, but once I proved I could handle the basics, they brought me some clothes and some strange puzzles, and several of the creatures observed me while I worked on them. Think about it, Carmen. If humans captured a pair of aliens, we’d sure as hell study them. They are simply curious about us, and right now we’re at their mercy, so we’d best play along.”

  “Fuck playing along. We need to escape.” She glanced at Blue and Spike, still engaged in a weird telepathic conversation next to the door. “Let’s try right now. I’ll take down Blue and you can force Spike to open the door for us.”

  “No,” he said firmly, gripping her arms. “I swear to God, Carmen, if you don’t behave I will spank you myself. Think about this: Once we complete their tests and prove we are an intelligent species, they will make a better effort to communicate with us. It’s the logical next step. Keep fighting them and you’ll only set us back. They saved us after the accident and brought us to a habitable planet, a planet that’s obviously far away from Earth. Our only way off this planet is with their help. We must play along and earn their trust, and try to impress them with our intelligence.”

  Sighing, she relaxed in his grip. Damn him, he was probably right. About everything. “Okay,” she finally said. “I will try to be patient.”

  He tipped her chin up and stared into her eyes. His masculine scent overwhelmed her, and loneliness panged in her chest at the thought of sleeping alone tonight. Despite her dislike for the close quarters and having to share a bunk on the Dastok 22, she’d grown used to hearing his steady breathing all night. On the nights she had a nightmare, he’d been there to rouse her and rub her back until she calmed. He’d never been arrogant enough to tease her the next day for needing comfort, and she’d always been grateful for his discretion. Butterflies flapped in her stomach, her pulse quickening as she held his gaze. The warmth in his dark eyes made her heart swell with emotion.

  “I-I’m glad you’re here, Erik.” Her face heated with her admission, her entire body flushing as her vulnerability deepened. “And I’m glad you’re all right. I was worried you hadn’t survived.”

  He brushed a thumb over her cheek, and tingles followed in the wake of his gentle touch. Endorphins rushed her head, leaving her lightheaded. Though she fought his dominance every chance she got, it never failed to thrill her. And now his tenderness left her quivering, aching to be alone with him. She broke away from him, needing to clear her thoughts. She glanced around the room. Blue was gone, but Spike stood by the door, obviously waiting for Erik.

  “I meant what I said, Carmen.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know. I’ll be patient and take the stupid tests, or puzzles, or whatever.” She felt the pressing urge to go to bathroom and spotted what appeared to be a toilet in the corner of the room. A translucent wall stood in front of it, and a small doorway made of the same translucent material cracked to reveal the toilet, a sink, and a bathtub, all constructed of a sleek silvery material.

  “I’m not talking about the tests,” he said, leaning forward to wrap an arm around her.

  Surprise froze her in place as he patted her bottom. Her eyes widened and she stared at him once he drew back. Another smirk eased across his face.

  “I was referring to my comment about you in a diaper, Carmen. You look adorable right now. And I bet your bottom is still very red after the sound spanking Blue gave you.” He left the room on that departing comment, looking far too pleased with himself.

  Carmen hoped to be left alone for a while, but Blue returned to the room and grabbed her by the arm. The alien woman nodded toward the bathroom area and began walking Carmen over to the enclosure. Her face heated as she realized Blue’s intention, and she put up a struggle as the woman tried to pull her diaper down. Fighting proved useless, because Blue was much larger and stronger than Carmen, and she soon found herself sitting on the toilet with the diaper resting at her ankles while Blue glared down at her expectantly. The urge to pee became too much and it was all Carmen could do to hold it in.

  “Get out!” she hissed at the alien.

  Blue responded by crossing her arms over her chest and glaring harder.

  This can’t be happening. Unable to wait a second longer, Carmen covered her face and released her stream. Blue patted her shoulder in a gesture that felt like praise, but Carmen still couldn’t find it in her to uncover her face and meet the alien’s eyes. She felt the diaper around her ankles being removed, and Blue helped her stand up in the next moment. A dry warm cloth was pressed between her legs, and Carmen nearly lost her balance due to the surprise of the woman’s touch in such a private place. She held onto the woman to steady herself, feeling her face becoming hotter as her humiliation over being tended to as if she were helpless soared.


  Erik found it difficult to concentrate on the latest puzzle Spike had shoved in front of him. His thoughts kept wandering to Carmen. Naughty Carmen. He smiled as he recalled the bright pink color her face had flushed after he’d said she looked adorable in a diaper, and his cock hardened each time he replayed the spanking he’d witnessed in his head.

  The tall blue-haired alien woman had taken her to task, and he’d stood there, watching and probably drooling, for a few minutes before she’d noticed his presence. Spike had escorted him into the room just as the plate went flying in Blue’s face, allowing him to witness Carmen getting her bottom smacked from start to finish. He’d seen her backside turn from milky white to crimson under Blue’s firm discipline.

  He doubted the aliens intended to harm them, and after his experiences demonstrating that he was capable of everything from walking to feeding himself, Spike had stopp
ed hovering over him. Then the puzzles had appeared, one by one, some of them on a handheld screen that resembled an iPad, and others solid with tiny blocks and strange patterns. One of the tests had been similar to a Rubik’s cube, and surprise had lit in Spike’s large blue eyes after he’d completed it.

  Erik understood the structure of command. He’d joined the military as a young man and had quickly risen in the ranks to become one of the youngest test pilots in the history of the United States Air Force, not simply because of his flight skills, but because he knew how to take orders. He hadn’t liked all of his superior officers, but he’d still obeyed them and respected their position of authority. Here, on the aliens’ home world, he had to be smart and follow their lead. By following their lead, he could advance his standing in their eyes. Carmen could do the same if only she listened.

  With a deep sigh, he wondered if she was still fighting Blue. His cock stirred as he also wondered if she’d earned herself another spanking yet. His hands itched with the desire to feel the warmth of her bare, well-punished bottom, to squeeze her mounds and caress her flesh.

  A night had passed since he’d seen Carmen, and Spike had brought him an early meal, rousing him from a deep sleep after he’d set a tray on the table in his room, a room almost identical to Carmen’s. Judging by how tired he was, he decided a day on the alien planet was shorter than an Earth day. Shorter nights, shorter days. Perhaps in time he’d become accustomed to the different sleep schedule.

  Spike entered, wearing the same white clothing he’d worn yesterday. All the male aliens wore the same outfit, white pants and a white shirt, and their females wore white dresses. He wondered if everyone on this planet dressed in a similar fashion, or if these aliens were simply in a work uniform. That would make sense and explain the black pants they’d given him. He ran a hand through his hair and nodded at Spike as the alien took away his breakfast tray.


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