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Return of the Clonsayee

Page 30

by Elaine Bassett

  He barked, “What in the world are you doing here? You could have been killed! They will shoot first and ask questions later! I’m taking you home this instant.”

  She looked around him. “Sir. May I please with all due respect, request a moment of your and Joseph’s time? Please, Sir? It is very important. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t. Please.” Donovan, ignoring his son’s glare, motioned for her to enter. She continued, “Please hear me out. I am sorry we didn’t make quota today. On my way home a pawn told me what happened. If I may be so bold Sir, as to request a chance to make it up to you. I know that I can if you’ll give me a chance. Please, Sir. Please consider my request.”

  Donovan said, “Nxy, you my dear, are not in trouble. If you are hungry, we will see to it that you will eat. Now go back to your home. Joseph will see to it.”

  She persevered, “Sir, I could have made up for their loss and more today. I was working on it.”

  He looked at Joseph. “What was she doing out in the field today?” Joseph tried to explain what had happened.

  She interrupted him, “Sir, I’m sorry. I just want to help. Really, I think I can do this. It won’t be long until I can’t, but right now I think I can make money for you and score big.”

  “At the risk of my grandchild? I don’t think that is a good idea.”

  Joseph said, “You are right Father, it’s not! Now, let’s go Nxy, right now.”

  “Okay, I just wanted to do this for you, so you can see that we are working to try to produce out there.”

  Donovan said, “Now Nxy, you are not to go over to the Hub until after you have the baby. Is that clear?”

  Nxy looked dejected. “Yes, Sir. Forgive me, Sir. I was just trying to get the Witzenelt Collection for Maureen. Sorry, Sir.”

  She turned to leave. Joseph reached out to put his arm around her, when Donovan’s curiosity peaked. “Did you say the Witzenelt Collection, my dear?”

  She started to turn around but Joseph tried to restrain her. “Now Father, you know she can’t do that. We’ve discussed this already. It is too late for her to go into the field at this point.”

  Donovan raised a finger. “Let her speak. I’d like to hear what she has to say.”

  “Really, Father. I think she is just over exhausted. She doesn’t know what she’s saying.

  “Come on Nxy.”

  Donovan said, “No! I said I want to hear what she has to say. Continue Nxy. Why do you think you can pull this off?”

  Nxy knew from an old rumor that Maureen had at one time mentioned, in a confidential audience with her husband, that she had her heart set on the infamous Witzenelt Collection. She hoped someday to possess it. Nxy knew she had Big Daddy’s full attention now. She turned to give her best spiel about how she’d heard from one of the grounds men that the owner of the collection had been targeted in the field. The operative doing the research had been keeping the score on the down low, gathering information to make the heist in an attempt to impress The Boss. She told Donovan that earlier in the day she was just about to wrest the job away from an operative that she knew couldn’t get the job done, when she was unexpectedly brought back to the compound.

  Donovan was starry eyed. He considered her request then looked at Joseph. “She is the best we’ve ever had. If anyone can close the deal, it’s her. I think we should…”

  Joseph growled, “No! She could lose the baby. It’s too great a risk. Come on Nxy.”

  As they were getting ready to walk out, Donovan said, “Yes, do it tomorrow. It will be the last time in the field for you, young lady, until the baby is born. But bring me the collection.”

  Joseph was furious as he rushed her out of the office. He growled, “What if you fail tomorrow? You are not in the condition you were just a few days ago.”

  “I won’t.”

  He turned. “What if you lose our baby? Then what?”

  “I won’t. I promise I can do this. I know I can. If I don’t, these people will starve. There is no way they can produce what is asked of them.”

  Joseph grabbed the back of her arm raising it higher than normal as he hurried her to the family vehicle. He called in their movement to the information tower so they wouldn’t be shot. Then he proceeded to take her home.

  The entire drive was silent. When he walked her into her home, he said, “I will be back later to discuss this matter.” He turned and left her standing in the doorway.

  Nxy didn’t care if he was mad. She figured he’d get over it. She was looking out for her own future. If she pulled this off, she’d be a hero to everyone on the compound; plus she’d make Big Daddy and The Evil Empress happy. It was too great of a score for her to back down.

  She went into her bedroom to get ready for bed. She sat on the edge of her bed and drew her right leg up on top of it. She looked at her ankle and the amulet on it. Nxy thought: I’ve used this so many times in covert operations, by passing through the mystic Passageway. The side effects never faze me. She touched the amulet dangling from the gold chain. It was some kind of mixed creature that had three unrefined bloodstones on it. Two were placed for its eyes and one was an object in the beast’s hand. In the other hand was some kind of scepter. The raw gems had symbols carved into them. This is my secret weapon against harm. Nxy had no idea what the story was behind it. She had pickpocketed it off a man in the Hub when she had crossed over to run away. At the time she was hungry and was hoping to score for money in order to eat. What she received was something priceless. It was a mystery that she had no ambition to solve. She simply didn’t care what the fierce creature might be, as long as it kept her safe.

  She gently rubbed the beads of her necklace. She crooned, “No need to be jealous, dear one. There is room in my heart for all three of you.” She unfastened the necklace’s clasp and laid it straight across her bed. She stood. When she turned her back, it slithered to the floor and disappeared. She finished getting ready for bed.

  When Joseph returned to the building, he went straight to his office and rubbed his throbbing temples. That woman is driving me crazy! He had a dark feeling earlier that she was going to get permission from his father to go after the collection. There wasn’t much he could do about it now, after her bold manipulation. His hands were tied after she mentioned the elusive Witzenelt Collection. He thought: My father would risk it all for that collection. I can see it coming already.

  Joseph heard Donovan ask an operative if he had returned. He wished he’d shut the door. The next thought was: It must be Non in there talking to him. Joseph stood and went to his father’s office.

  “Were you looking for me?” He already knew the answer.

  “Yes. You were supposed to come back immediately. We weren’t finished.”

  “I am.”

  Donovan growled, “Sit down you fool. You have no idea at all what’s at stake here. Do you? Still incompetent. Non and I have been talking, while you’ve been out doing whatever it was you were doing.”

  Joseph interrupted him, “I took Nxy home, remember?”

  Donovan continued, “She stepped up to take on a fantastic deal. Non and I both agree she can get the job done. Non has concurred with everything she said, now is the time. One of our best Scouts has been carefully laying the groundwork. The only reason it hasn’t been tried is because, quite frankly, no one else but Nxy can get the job done. Now that she knows about it, I’m going to allow her to try.”

  Joseph glared at his father. “I told her she couldn’t.”

  Donovan said impassively, “Then you will obediently change your mind. When the time is right, she will go and finish the job. She’s perfectly healthy. I already checked with her doctor. I talked to her while you were out. When Nxy brings home the score that will be all the services required of her until the baby is old enough. Done deal.”

  Joseph raised an eyebrow. “And if she fails?”

  Donovan roared, “Are you saying Nxy can’t do it? Are you talking against her, and the two of us? Don’t challenge me! I�
��m warning you.” For the next few seconds no one dared to move or breathe, with the challenge out on the table.

  When Joseph didn’t respond, Donovan continued, “Let’s forget this. Of course you aren’t. That would be preposterous. Soon enough you will take over, and you will have to deal with the pressures I face on a daily basis. I’m doing this score for you.”

  Joseph silently disagreed but wasn’t about to say it to his father’s face. He decided to get on board. There wasn’t anything he could do at this point in time. He thought: If you can’t beat em’ join in, otherwise bad things happen. “All right. As long as her doctor has approved.”

  Donovan said, “Good man. I knew you’d see the logic of how important this operation is, for all of us. I’m satisfied that you can be reasonable.

  “I told you, I checked with the doctor. She approved Nxy for the job. The doctor does not believe the stress that will be put on the baby will harm it or Nxy. Now tonight you shall go to her. You will change your mind in her presence, so that she doesn’t have a care in the world when she goes to claim the collection tomorrow.

  “Thank goodness, Dolores and the twerp will soon both be sent packing for the lake house, because when Nxy gets back the two of you can spend time together. It will do you some good. You look ragged. Go home tonight and see Dolores off tomorrow morning.

  “Come directly here after that. I will be here, waiting for the start of the extraction. Once you arrive, we can monitor the situation together. Then everyone will be happy. Your mother will be thrilled; and if she’s happy, we are all happy. She has her heart set on this. Everyone here knows that.”

  Joseph thought: What Mother wants, Mother always gets.

  It was as if Donovan could read his thoughts. His face became dark as he said, “Yes, what Mother wants, Mother gets!”

  The two men briefly stared into each other’s eyes. Donovan was making sure his son was on board. Joseph knew his father wouldn’t leave anything to chance.

  Donovan broke the silence first. “Go.” Joseph stood and walked out leaving the door open.

  Chapter 57

  Carson asked Charles if he was ready for lunch. Charles replied in the affirmative. They went in the house through the back door and into the kitchen. They helped Bev fix a lunch of sandwiches, chips, fruit and drinks. After eating the meal, they visited before Carson and Charles headed back to the office to work.

  Charles walked to his desk. He reached over to turn on his desk lamp, when he heard unusual sounds that made him stop. Strange noises were coming from the vault. He turned around to look at Carson.

  Carson unlatched the birdcage for Airabelle and Airasten. The two men silently walked closer to the vault. They stood by the door and listened. Carson went over to his desk and brought back a pad of paper and pen. He began phonetically writing down the words he heard. This happened to be the longest conversation they had heard taking place in months. When the conversation ceased, Carson looked over what he had written then glanced at Charles.

  Carson said, “I believe Dimitrios should hear this evidence. If I’m right about what I think I heard them say… I’ll just send the recording crystal to Dimitrios, and let him decide.”

  “I thought you didn’t understand what the voices were saying.”

  “Charles sometimes things are better left unexplained until the time is right.”

  Charles thought he understood what Carson meant, so he let it go.

  Airabelle perched on the back of Charles’ chair. She said, “He’s right you know. When you get older, you’ll have a better understanding. He’s not trying to keep anything from you. It’s for your own good.”

  Charles didn’t say anything. He sat and thought about what she had just said.

  Chapter 58

  This was registration day. Charles needed to enroll in classes for the coming school year. Carson and Bev decided to meet Molly and Charles at the high school. While the family was waiting in the advisor’s anteroom, Molly and Charles looked over his class options. He already had a list of courses that Dimitrios had given him, but Charles wanted his mom to feel as if she had input too. They sat together and searched through the course catalogue. Molly thought his choices were ambitious, but she agreed.

  When a student walked out of the office, his advisor came to the door and called Charles’ name. He stood. She motioned for him to come into her office. The lady sat at her desk and asked him to sit in the chair across from her. She requested to see the schedule he had written out. Charles handed the list to her. She smiled as she looked over the paperwork.

  “I’d expect nothing less… It’s going to be a challenging year for you. I’m glad to see you aren’t trying to work the system. You are playing by the rules. Good for you.”

  She turned and looked in his folder. She had his test scores in her hand. “My oh my, Mr. Brookfield. I see an Ivy League scholarship potentiality here. It’s a possibility that you just might stay ahead of Caroline Saunder’s for valedictorian at this time. You are just a little bit ahead of her. It’s going to be a competitive year.”

  Charles took a deep breath. He already knew they were close. It was going to be a battle to the end.

  His advisor stared at him. Then she said, “I think you should apply for as many scholarships as possible. I’ll point you in the right direction.” Charles smiled.

  She took out a slip of paper for Charles to sign. Then she went over the beginning-of-the-year school guidelines formality. He had to sign another slip of paper stating she had reviewed the information with him. He signed it.

  They stood simultaneously and shook hands. The advisor stated, “This year is going to be the best year of your life, Charles. Enjoy!” He thanked her, but somehow he doubted that comment would prove to be true.

  She gave Charles a pat on his shoulder as he walked out of her office. The next student sat eagerly waiting to have her name called. The advisor called the student’s name and they disappeared into the office.

  Charles walked over to where his family was waiting for him.

  Molly asked, “How did it go?”

  “Fine. Same as usual, with the exception she let it slip that Caroline is my competition for valedictorian.”

  Molly smiled. “I’m so proud of you. I know you are going to do your best.”

  Charles could only hope.

  Chapter 59

  Once Joseph climbed into bed that night, he immediately fell into a deep sleep. His presence made Dolores recoil once he was in bed, under the duvet.

  She had been awakened from the sweetest of dreams and was irritated Joseph had even bothered to come home. If she had her way, she’d let him sleep late in the morning and leave without saying goodbye. Dolores thought to herself: I’m tired of him. I don’t even know who he is anymore, and if I’m honest I don’t want to know or care. I just want to be done with this relationship. She cringed as he snored, and thought: That I definitely won’t miss. At one point in the night, Joseph reached for her but she carefully moved his arm from around her. He woke up enough to realize what he’d done. Joseph rolled over on his side only to go right back to sleep again.

  She was startled Joseph was still in the room when she woke. Since Dolores was already awake before her alarm was set to ring, she reached over and turned it off. She very carefully rolled out of bed so she didn’t wake him. She crept over to her packed bags and carried them out of the room. She closed the door gently.

  Dolores went to see if Sterling was awake. She watched from his doorway as he turned to her with a smile. He was about to say something but she put her finger to her lips to silence him. Then she smiled. She went to him and whispered in his ear, “We need to be quiet and let your father sleep in today. We have plenty to do before we leave.”

  Sterling nodded in agreement. Sterling whispered back, “Let’s make a game of it to see who can be the quietest.”

  She whispered back, “You’re on!”

  It wasn’t until right before they left that Jo
seph got up from the bed and took a shower. Dolores was disappointed they didn’t make it out of the house in time. Now they had to wait. She became impatient thinking they had to say goodbye. She took their luggage out to the car. She fixed Sterling breakfast and they talked as he ate.

  When Joseph finished shaving, he came out of the bedroom and walked into the kitchen. Dolores didn’t even want to look at him but she forced herself to glance at his face. She observed that he was noticeably thinner and aged from lack of sleep. However being cleanly shaven helped his earlier haggard appearance that was etched in her mind from last night.

  He walked over to Sterling and asked, “Are you all packed?” Sterling said that they were. Joseph looked for their luggage.

  Dolores said, “I already loaded the cases in the car. It’s time for us to be going.”

  Joseph looked at the clock and agreed. He pulled his wallet out from his trouser back pocket and looked in it. With a sheepish look he said, “Stop by the bank on your way to the airport.”

  Dolores turned away and rolled her eyes. “I already took care of the money.” She hurried Sterling along.

  She sat in the car and checked in the mirror to make sure his seatbelt was buckled. She put the key in the ignition. Joseph closed the car door then gave Sterling a sign of approval. Sterling half-heartedly did the same with a half-smile. She rolled down her window and just to be nice, said: “See you in a couple of days.” Dolores rolled up her window and pulled out of the driveway on her way to freedom.

  As Dolores drove to the airport, she and Sterling played games in the car. They had a conversation about what Sterling could do during their time at the lake. Dolores stopped at the grocery store. As they walked across the parking lot, she asked Sterling what he preferred for snacks. When they entered the store, he began pushing the cart. Dolores and Sterling walked down the aisles placing various items in the cart. They saw people they knew from the community and waved hello. Once mother and son gathered what they wanted for the flight, they went to the register to check out.


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