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Return of the Clonsayee

Page 49

by Elaine Bassett

  “This is going to be the best senior year ever!” she said.

  Dimitrios closed his eyes. Natalie was never allowed to attend a public school. She was home schooled and missed out on a lot of the activities she wished she’d been able to experience. He looked at her coffee table and noticed several teen magazines that she had already bought. He smiled and thought: My girl will finally get her chance to experience high school. Dimitrios could see that Natalie was excited about this mission. He reconciled his thoughts and knew that he was finally okay with her assignment.

  Chapter 108

  Charles couldn’t believe his ears when Dimitrios explained the plan to Carson and Bev. They immediately agreed to host the “foreign exchange students” in their home. Bev was thrilled. Charles just sat trying to get his mind around the two friends being enrolled in his high school. How was that going to work? He was glad that he would be giving Caroline a ride to school in the morning. On the way to school he could talk to her before she gave away their cover. He knew she would be excited about both Natalie and Wayland joining them for the school days ahead. Natalie and Caroline had become very close friends over the years.

  Charles recently learned from Caroline herself that she was even closer now to catching him in the valedictorian standing. She had managed to creep up on him with Natalie’s help, even more so the last couple of days because Charles’ tests had not been posted in a few of his classes. He was determined to work even harder now that he would be allowed to stay at his current high school. The last couple of nights he had not slept well because he was worried that Dimitrios and the prime minister would decide to move him to the rival school across town or have him home schooled. Charles tried to listen to the particulars of having Natalie and Wayland come live with them. He was still thinking about all the fun they would have the rest of the school year.


  Wayland sat on the floor looking at the clothes the courier brought him. They fit. That is about all he could say. He couldn’t believe he’d agreed to go back to high school. What was I thinking? He went over the plan for the next day again. Dimitrios was going to meet with them in the morning with all of the particulars worked out. The prime minister had called an emergency meeting with the Sojourners’ Council to discuss the situation. If the council approved the plan, tomorrow was a go. It seemed strange to the Journeyman that foreign exchange students could enter a school once it had already started but he supposed the principal had agreed it was wise. The plan would be explained in greater detail in the morning.

  Wayland glanced at the clock. He decided he should be getting ready for bed; morning would be coming soon enough. That night he tossed and turned as he dreamt that he couldn’t find his schedule and was late to class. Everything that could go wrong on the first day of school did.


  Natalie was awake in her bed. She couldn’t get comfortable. She kept looking over at the alarm clock. The clock cast an interesting blue glow. Tomorrow she was going to be a senior in high school. In some ways it was exciting. In other ways it was a nightmare waiting to happen. She had never been enrolled in a “real” school before. She had heard about it but never had the personal experience. Her stomach growled and she wondered what the cafeteria food would be like. Her thoughts rambled on into the night. Finally at some point in time she drifted off to sleep.


  While Natalie and Wayland slept, the Sojourners’ Council approved the plan. Dimitrios was pleased with the support they gave his daughter and the Journeyman in order to make sure Charles could finish his senior year where he would be comfortable. The rest of the night entailed a lot of preparation on the part of Anthony, Dimitrios and Anjoleah. They reviewed the profiles of each teacher on the school staff, looking for problems that could arise. The team decided to place a number of surveillance drones that looked like the drolah in the high school to observe the daily events and students around the school. They brainstormed different scenarios and how to handle each one. Anjoleah had planned an evacuation course of action for each of the assets should an emergency occur. By the end of the meeting, they had covered the entire gamut from a to z. The group hoped that with all their strategies in place, nothing untoward would occur for this school year.

  Their meetings the next morning went like clockwork. Dimitrios met with Natalie and Wayland. They went over all the guidelines and reviewed their assignment. Afterward they met with Bev, Carson and Charles. They ate breakfast together and discussed the details. Molly called to talk to Charles during breakfast. The night before Bev and Carson had discussed with her their decision to host foreign exchange students. They told Molly the official story about the students needing a home because the host family had backed out and they volunteered to help. Carson and Bev explained that the students had been to their house the previous year when the program they were participating in sent them to meet the first sponsors.

  Charles explained to his mother that the two students would have a great learning experience living on the farm. Molly agreed after talking with him. She thought it would also be a good experience for Charles to learn about the students’ cultures.

  After Charles finished breakfast, he drove to pick up Caroline. On the way to school he informed her that Natalie and Wayland would be attending their school. Caroline was so excited she began peppering him with questions. Charles had to remind her that their friends were considered “foreign exchange” students and she had to be careful not to reveal their identity.

  When they arrived at school, Charles walked Caroline to class. Then he met with Bev and Carson in the principal’s office. Mr. Vidrio was making sure all of the paperwork was completed with Ms. Kranston. Dimitrios, Natalie and Wayland were waiting with them. When Charles saw his friends standing in the office, he couldn’t believe his eyes. They actually looked like students and would fit right in. As a matter of fact, their presence had already spread through the school. The illusion presented was that the new students were from different countries. Because of Wayland’s accent he was to be from Australia. Natalie was from Russia. Charles had heard his peers in the hall earlier, talking about how exciting it was to have students from other countries at their school.

  When they finished with the details in the office, Charles walked Natalie and Wayland to class. He could feel the looks from his peers as they walked down the hall. It was strange that the classroom lectures stopped until they passed the rooms. After he took Natalie to her class, he walked with Wayland to their class. One friend would be enrolled in each of Charles’ classes throughout the day.

  When they walked into the first hour classroom, the teacher stopped lecturing and took the office pass from Charles. The instructor looked the young men over before allowing them to take a seat. Wayland took a seat at the back of the class. Charles sat at the front of the classroom.

  After class they met Natalie and walked the halls. Curious students came over and introduced themselves. Caroline came bouncing up and was very excited to see them. She asked about their first hour class. The friends gave her mixed reviews.

  Charles’ next class was with Natalie. Charles walked Caroline to class. Wayland walked Natalie to her next class. The students they passed stood by their lockers and stared at the exchange students. Wayland and Natalie tried not to notice as the students whispered to each other.

  “Welcome to high school. You didn’t miss much,” Wayland said to Natalie.

  As Wayland was walking to his next class, he heard bits and pieces of conversations. Some of them he wished he hadn’t heard. Mostly the comments came from the girls looking him over. He was thankful when he reached his classroom. The Journeyman looked around to find the only seat available in the classroom. Just as he slid into his seat, the bell rang.

  Mr. Jackson was writing an assignment on the chalkboard as Wayland entered the classroom. When the teacher noticed the students whispering, he stopped writing and looked over his shoulder. Then he slowly turned around
to look at the class. The instructor focused his attention on Wayland. The Journeyman watched as the teacher addressed the students. The instructor walked toward Wayland’s aisle discussing expectations for the upcoming assignment. Wayland looked at the assignment on the board. Mr. Jackson stopped beside Wayland and stared, as if daring the young man to move. The students began fidgeting in their seats. Wayland sat very still, gazing ahead, thinking about the file that Dimitrios had shared with them about the faculty. Pictures and facts flashed in his mind about this instructor. When Mr. Jackson stopped talking, Wayland looked at the man and made a mental note of his demeanor. After noting Wayland wasn’t intimidated, the instructor continued with his lecture. The students constantly glanced at Wayland throughout the class period.

  When the bell rang, Mr. Jackson dismissed the class. He asked Wayland to stay behind. Once all the students were out of earshot, he said, “I don’t care who you are. Your presence here puts the entire school in danger. The faculty resents the fact that Mr. Vidrio allowed both of you to attend classes for this school year. It was a foolish decision. We can’t believe Dimitrios went along with it.”

  Wayland looked at him and said, “My instructions are to serve and protect. If you have a problem with that, you know the chain of command.” He walked out of the classroom leaving the instructor fuming.

  Charles and Natalie stood at Charles’ locker waiting for Wayland. Students walked by staring and whispering. It was as if Wayland and Natalie had their own fan club. Charles grabbed his books for the next class.

  “Where is he?” Natalie asked.

  Charles shrugged and told Natalie to go on to class. He was sure Wayland could take care of himself.

  Natalie rolled her eyes. “Okay, meet you back here after class.” She didn’t get far when several girls caught up to her and began asking questions. The group walked down the hall, out of sight.

  Charles made it to class on time. He looked around for Wayland. No sign of the Journeyman. Charles decided on a seat and sat down. Halfway through class, Wayland came in and handed the instructor a slip of paper. The instructor read it as Wayland stood in front of the class. The instructor thanked him and asked him to take a seat.

  When class was over, Wayland said, “I will meet you and Natalie at the car after school lets out. I have something to take care of.” The two went their separate ways.

  Caroline and Charles walked hand in hand to his car after their last class. Natalie was quiet as the two friends talked. She kept looking around the parking lot for Wayland. When they reached the car, Natalie sat in the back seat. Charles could tell just by looking at his friend in the rear view mirror that she was relieved to see Wayland exit the school building. The Journeyman headed in their direction. All of the sudden a car pulled out of a parking spot obstructing their view.

  Natalie almost climbed over the front seat to get out, when Charles put his arm up and said, “It’s okay. It’s just some girls, probably wanting to give him their phone number.”

  Natalie sat back reluctantly. When the car of laughing girls drove on, Wayland began running to Charles’ car. When he stepped in the car, he kissed Natalie on the cheek.

  Caroline talked most of the way to her house, chattering about the gossip around the school regarding the new foreign exchange students. Every once in a while she would stop to ask a question and wait for a response. After Charles parked in her driveway, he stepped out and walked her to the door. She was still talking. He kissed her goodbye before leaving. When he got in the car, their conversation about the day began. Natalie and Wayland were able to be observant, because as agents they didn’t have to turn in assignments. Charles thought they made some good observations. He was curious about what Mr. Jackson had to say to Wayland after class. The conversation then turned to the faculty. Wayland began to tell them about each teacher, starting with Mr. Jackson.

  Chapter 109

  Donovan and Joseph walked silently to the intelligence room to discover what Non had learned about the auction incident. Donovan was fuming after Joseph related the event that had occurred earlier. He had already screamed at Joseph in his office. He didn’t agree with Joseph’s decision to off the manager, especially with high-price merchandise missing right before an auction. He called Joseph’s action rash and foolish. Joseph was now in a foul mood from being chastised by his father.

  When they walked into the intelligence room, Donovan glanced at the back of the room and didn’t see Non. He turned and growled at Joseph, “I thought you said Non was coming here! I’m beginning to think you don’t know what you are talking about.”

  Donovan stormed to the information capitol. He stopped and talked to the man in charge when he saw Non wasn’t in the room. “Have you seen Non?”

  “Not in a while, Sir. He came in this morning and was checking the screens. Something caught his attention in the auction house files. Non mentioned to me, he was going to look for you, Sir. That’s all I know.”

  Donovan muttered to himself about the insult. “Right. Non instead found him.” Donovan motioned with his thumb to Joseph.

  Joseph rolled his eyes as he followed his father into the intelligence room. Donovan took control of the situation by looking on the screen, searching for Non throughout the compound. When he couldn’t find him on the map, Donovan scowled and thought: Where did he go? The man cannot just disappear.

  He turned to Joseph and said, “He’s gone.”

  Joseph took a couple of steps closer to the screen. He planned to execute a trick Non taught him. “Non doesn’t always want others to know where he is, if he’s handling something sensitive for you. Try this.” Joseph entered a code into the system. The first time Joseph punched in the code, the numbers were transposed. He carefully entered each number again.

  By the time Joseph reentered the code, Non had returned to the auction room. He grabbed a crowbar and went directly to the crates Maureen described. Before Non reached his objective, an inventory manager informed him that Donovan was looking for him. The man then handed Non his technology tablet. Non put his code into the tablet and saw Donovan’s face on the screen. Donovan began talking the instant he saw Non’s image. Non listened carefully, trying to detect Donovan’s mood.

  Donovan said, “We are on our way to the auction house. When I get there, I want to know what is going on around here! Hopefully by this time you have the whole situation under control.” Donovan signed off abruptly.

  Non handed the tablet back to the manager, who then asked if he could assist Non in what he was trying to accomplish. Non motioned for him to follow. The inventory manager began barking orders along the way to the assistants as to what they needed to finish in order to be prepared for the auction that night. The two men had everything almost completely unpacked and set up by the time Donovan and Joseph walked into the room.

  Donovan looked the merchandise over and double-checked the inventory, while the assistants continued to work diligently. He made sure everything was ready to go for the auction. Upon seeing that preparations for the event were back on track, Donovan motioned for Non and Joseph to follow him to his office. As they walked in silence, Non formulated in his head how he was going to present this situation to Donovan in order to prevent a devastating explosion. He knew he would have to be very circumspect in the way this incident was to be handled.

  When they reached Donovan's office, they all went inside. Donovan sat at his desk and stared at Non. "Care to explain what happened?"

  Non carefully started the explanation from the beginning. His version of the incident took longer than any of them had figured it would take.

  When Non finished, Donovan turned to Joseph and said, "Don't you have somewhere you are supposed to be right now?" He pointed to his calendar.

  Joseph had forgotten the scheduled meeting, with everything else happening. He stood and left the room, thankful for this chance to leave his father’s presence and get off the compound. He knew he would have to hurry in order to be back in time for
the auction. He was going to be cutting it close. This meeting was scheduled several weeks ago when Joseph's circumstances and responsibilities were different. Tonight was the big auction and he couldn't be late. He didn't dare.

  Chapter 110

  When Charles, Natalie and Wayland arrived at the farm, they headed straight to the office. Bev and Carson were talking with Anthony, Dimitrios and Mr. Vidrio. The friends walked in quietly, put their backpacks down, sat and listened to what was being discussed. The principal was appreciative that Wayland came to see him after school. He confirmed what Wayland already knew about Mr. Jackson. At this time Mr. Vidrio didn’t want to go into details.

  However, Mr. Vidrio nodded to Anthony and stated that he would prepare a report without delay and transmit it to the prime minister’s office. He knew Charles would be attending Brahmsley University, an Ivy League private school steeped in Sojourner traditions. The population of the university consisted entirely of Sojourners. Mr. Vidrio had already spoken to the Dean of Academic Affairs when Dimitrios voiced his concern for Charles’ safety. She had already assumed that Charles would be attending Brahmsley based on the intense screenings and trainings Anthony had put in place for their faculty. She assured Mr. Vidrio that they were up to the challenge.

  The dean and Mr. Vidrio had reviewed a list of the high school faculty who would be transferring on to Brahmsley. Mr. Jackson requested to be transferred to Brahmsley with Charles, which was puzzling because he was opposed to Wayland and Natalie’s role. Mr. Vidrio was not surprised when the dean denied him a position. The rejection seemed to make Mr. Jackson even more antagonistic. The faculty members that he claimed were “disgruntled” actually were not. The members of the high school staff, who were aware of the facts, had actually pulled together to keep the students and other faculty members in check. It had been a long mission for them and they were excited to see it through to the end. They were extremely proud that their candidate was chosen to be the prime minister’s apprentice.


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